"The Great Patriotic War in the fate of employees of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno": Evgeny Dalidovich
Evgeny Nikolaevich Dalidovich was born on May 20, 1931 in the village of Kornichee, Gressky district, Minsk region.
From May 1943 to June 1945, Yevgeny Dalidovich was a partisan liaison-scout at N. A. Schors unit of the 3rd Minsk partisan brigade named after S. M. Budenny. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, medals "For Impeccable Service" of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd degrees.
From 1988 to 2003, Yevgeny Nikolayevich Dalidovich worked as a lecturer in the Department of Criminal Law, Process and Criminalistics, was the head of the educational laboratory of technical and forensic tools, deputy dean for academic affairs at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
From the memories:
“My childhood was partisan. Throughout the war, together with my family, we were in the zone of action of the partisan movement in the Pukhovichi, Gres, Slutsky, Starodorozhsky and Kopyl regions. My father knew blacksmithing. In early 1942, the partisans were given the task of organizing an weapon manufactory. Tackling such a difficult matter was entrusted to Nikolai Dalidovich, my father. The location of the workshop was chosen on the outskirts of the village Blaschitniki-1 of the Seletsky village council, now the Pukhovichi district. At the edge of the forest, under the old branchy linden, in the cellar, they had to deploy work. Secretly from the occupation authorities, under cover of night, my father and elder brother Georgy took out blacksmith tools on horse-drawn carts from the Pukhovichi and Pokryshevskaya MTS.
Soon the first weapon arrived, which required a thorough repair, since it was most often taken out of water bodies. They worked day and night.
After that I learned how to make mines and other explosive devices for rail warfare, which were also made in a disguised weapons workshop. Also I helped my father to horseshue.
I remember how in the late summer of 1943 my father worked especially hard, literally falling from his feet from fatigue. The task was to chain more than a hundred homemade saddles for partisans. A hot hearth was installed in the workshop, where it was continuously required to supply charcoal made from solid wood chocks in a specially excavated funnel. The responsibility to keep the hearth hot, as well as lugs was laid on me. As I found out later, saddles were fettered for the 12th Stalin Cavalry Brigade, commanded by Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Tikhomirov.
From May 1943 until the expulsion of the German invaders from our land, I was a liaison at N. A. Schors unit of the 3rd Minsk partisan brigade named after S. M. Budenny. I delivered food and water to the partisan units in combat operations, and carried out other orders from the command. I took the partisans who were wounded and suffering from typhus to a hospital in the village of Zarechye, ferrying them on a ferry across the Ptich River.
... In July 1944, a father from a partisan detachment was called up to the front, where he died in battle in Poland. This was the worst news that I had to go through in my entire life. ”
From the book "The Great Patriotic War in the Fates of the Employees of Yanka Kupala StateUniversity", author-compiler - Andrey Getsevich.
Employees and students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will share their family stories about the Great Patriotic War
Video of the memoirs of Employees and students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno about relatives - participants of the war will be posted on the university website on the eve of Victory Day.
The university action, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, takes place under the name "Kupalists Remember." The project is implemented by the Center of Student Initiatives in conjunction with the Museum of the History of Development of the Yanka Kupala State University.
Employees and students of University, who took part in the action, told in front of video camera about unforgettable events in life of their relatives, whose fate was somehow connected with war. They courageously fought the enemy at the forefront, conducted underground activities, performed feats, helping those who remained at the territory occupied by Nazi invaders. Each story is unique, and memories are passed down from generation to generation. Kupalists remember the exploits of their heroes!
A video with the stories of students and employees of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno about their relatives - participants in the Great Patriotic War - is another attempt to perpetuate the memory of the heroes of that difficult time. The action “Kupalists Remember” is held with the aim of preserving in each family a personal memory of the war, of the valor of people, understanding the heroic experience of their ancestors and restoring the continuity of generations.
The voting to determine the winners among the competitive works of students of educational institutions of Grodno and the Grodno region of the open FORUM of environmental ideas - “Grodno: together on the way of sustainable development” based on the MULTICENTER of comprehensive support for an environmentally friendly lifestyle of local communities ”as part of the environmental initiative "URA Grodno!"
The aim of the Forum is to attract the public to the development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of the environment, popularization of the environmental initiative "URA Grodno!" in the local community.
The objectives of the Forum:
1. Development of partnerships and the establishment of long-term cooperation between Grodno residents within the framework of the environmental initiative “URA Grodno!”;
2. Creation of educational and creative interaction of Grodno residents on the development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of the environment;
3. Identification, presentation and synthesis of the best public environmental practices in Grodno and the Grodno region;
4. Holding an exhibition-competition of methodological developments in the field of environmental education and an environmentally friendly lifestyle, as well as creative works of students of educational institutions of the city of Grodno and the Grodno region.
The forum was held in 3 stages. The third (full-time) stage took place on April 20-22, 2020 on the basis of he Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/URA Grodno!
The project “Public Involvement in Environmental Monitoring and Improving Environmental Management at the Local Level”, funded by the European Union, implemented by UNDP in Belarus in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Belarus.
Ecological initiative “URA Grodno!”
Ecological initiative “URA Grodno!” was discussed at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno within the framework of the activity, a presentation of the UNDP project “Civic engagement in environmental monitoring and improving environmental management at the local level” took place on the 21 of June 2019. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the UN Development Program in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources. In addition, the meeting participants learnt about the initiative "Inclusive environmental management by inclusion of Grodno residents in the development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of the environment and monitoring environmental risks in an educational multi-center of integrated support for the environmentally friendly lifestyle of local communities "URA Grodno!".
The representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno organized the presentation of the Biology and Ecology Faculty and presented the laboratory of the faculty.
The meeting ended with a virtual tour of the secondary school No. 12 of Grodno and acquaintance with the project activities.
The organizers noted that participants learnt about the implementation of the Eco-Monitoring project, funded by the European Union and implemented by the UN Development Program in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources. And also learnt about the initiative “Hurray Grodno!” and discussed all questions.
The initiative is aimed at inclusive environmental management by motivating the inclusion of residents of the city of Grodno in the development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of the environment and monitoring environmental risks, in the context of an educational multicenter to comprehensively support an ecologically friendly lifestyle of local communities “URA Grodno!” (Sustainable development - activity of Grodno).
The meeting was held with the participation of the Head of the project “Public Involvement in Environmental Monitoring and Improving Environmental Management at the Local Level”, funded by the European Union and implemented by the UN Development Program in Belarus in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus. The implementers of the initiative were presented. Among them were Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (applicant), secondary school No. 12 of Grodno (partner 1) and kinder garden No. 45 of Grodno (partner 2).
Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno joined the republican action “Belarus remembers”
On May 4, university management and staff laid flowers at the monument to the cadets of the border guards who held the defense of Grodno in 1941.
Here, in the summer of 1941, in the tract of Pyshki, the summer camp of the Brest District School of the younger commanding officers of the border troops of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs was located. On June 22-23, 1941, cadets fought with the Nazi invaders on the Neman River and near the village of Grandichi.
University rector Irina Kiturko, as well as employees and students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, honored the dead soldiers and laid flowers at the memorial to commemorate the heroism of the soldiers.
The Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno discussed in on-line mode issues of economics and management of the 21st century
More than 120 people from 12 higher educational institutions of Belarus, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan became participants in the student scientific conference “Economics and Management of the 21st Century”.
Traditionally, representatives of the Humanitarian College of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, the secondary school No. 35 of Grodno, the gymnasium No. 2 of Soligorsk, the Dubna secondary school, the gymnasium No. 1 of Mosty and the secondary school No.2 of Mosty were involved in the scientific dialogue at the Faculty of Economics and Management.
Within the framework of the forum, which was held in the format of a convention session on the WebEx platform, a round table discussion was held on “Cooperation without borders: economic and informational aspects”. Five sections worked at the conference. These are “International business and marketing”, “Finance and accounting”, “Economics and enterprise management”, “Mathematical and informational support of economic systems” and “The first step in science (for students from institutions of general secondary and secondary special education)”
The organizers note that, thanks to modern technology, a discussion of the reports took place during the round table. This allowed students to successfully test the results of their research in the international scientific community.
The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Marina Karpitskaya, made a welcoming speech. The moderators of the round table were Olga Tsekhan, Head of the Department of Mathematical and Information Support of Economic Systems, and Natalya Grin, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical and Information Support of Economic Systems.
In addition, an online quest "The Great Secret" was organized as part of the distance scientific meeting. It was organized by 2nd year students of the specialty "Information Systems and Technologies", headed by Violetta Kveten, chairman of the Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Economics and Management. According to the results of participation, the winners were awarded souvenirs from the Faculty of Economics and Management. They were a student of the 9th grade of gymnasium No. 1 of Mosty, Anna Dekevich, a 3rd year student of the specialty "Finance and Credit" of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Yanka Kupala State University, Anastasia Goryachko, and a student of the 11th grade of the State Educational Institution "Educational-pedagogical complex nursery-school-secondary school agro-town Lutskovlyany " Victoria Mekeko.
All conference participants received certificates and diplomas as part of the work in sections.
The aim of the scientific conference was to stimulate research and popularize its results, promote scientific communication of representatives of various disciplines, as well as involve potential applicants in a scientific dialogue.
The co-organizers of the conference were the partners of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in the field of scientific cooperation - L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan), Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Ukraine), Russian Transport University (Russia), Technical and Humanitarian Academy in Bielsko-Biala (Poland).
Students and creative teams of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are among the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the competition "ART-vacacii - 2020"
Concert programs in video format were presented to the jury by more than 500 students from different universities of Grodno.
Students from Yanka Kupala State University revealed their creative abilities in four groups: “Instrumental genre”, “Theater genre”, “Choreographic”, “Vocal-choral”. Winners and prize winners were named in collective and individual nominations.
So, the “folk” orchestra of Russian folk instruments became the laureate of the first degree in the instrumental genre, performing “Fantasy on the Theme of Michael Blanter’s Songs” under the direction of Anna Zaitseva.
The winner in the category “Choreographic genre” was the consolidated choreographic number “Building a hostel together” with the participation of the «Stu-dance» contemporary choreography team, artistic director Diana Dukhanina, and the Break modern dance choreography collective, artistic director Yuri Kizer.
Two productions of Kupalovsky University were recognized as the best in the nomination “Vocal-choral genre”. This is “A Song about the University” performed by the UniSONG team, supervised by Elena Stelmakh, and the synthesis number “Young Belarus”, which was performed by the UniSONG, «Break», «Stu-dance» teams, as well as cheerleader groups of the Faculty of Philology and Faculty of Economics and Management.
The Old Slavonic rite "Initiation in the youth", which was presented to the jury by the members of the Slavic combat club "Aridan", was recognized as the best in the category "Folklore Theater".
An excerpt from the “Roads of Victory” program, which was demonstrated by the participants in the conversation genre studio “Conference”, was the first in the theater genre.
The best lead singer of the pop music was named a student of the law faculty Gleb Kodentsov, who performed the number “Belaruskie prygazhunі”. The «Uni-ART» fashion theater entered the stage with Gleb, whose participants demonstrated to the jury the design collection “Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Grodno region ...”. In addition, in the individual nomination “Vocal genre”, student of the philological faculty Olga Vanchuk with the number “Ballad” and students of the faculty of art and design Yana Kucherova and Polina Samoilovich with the number “Wait for me” became laureates of the second degree.
It is worth noting that students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno have traditionally reached the heights results in the republican project: Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has won the Grand Prix “ART-Vacancy” three times in 2012, in 2016 and in 2018.
A student from Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno won first place at the V International Olympiad in Logistics
The Olympiad was held in a remote format on the basis of the Volgograd branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
In total, 109 people took part in the Olympiad, who needed to answer 30 test questions.
According to the results of the Olympiad, the first place won a 4-year student of the Faculty of Innovative Engineering Technologies, specialty "Transport logistics (automobile transport)" Daria Bogushevich.
In the team struggle, students of the Department of Logistics and Management Methods of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Daria Bogushevich and Eleanora Zanevskaya shared the third place with representatives of the Belarusian National Technical University and the Sevastopol branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
The First Project Coordination Meeting and International CRIMHUM Conference in Lviv
The First CRIMHUM Coordination Meeting was organised back to back with the First International CRIMHUM Conference on February 20-21, 2020 in the glorious city of Lviv. Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko was the host university.
The project coordinators from the University of Graz (Grantholder / Austria), the Faculty of Law of the University of Rijeka (Croatia), Vilnius University (Lithuania), Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus), Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus), Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (Ukraine), Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine), National University “Odesa Law Academy” (Ukraine) attended the meeting.
The participants discussed the following issues:
Implementation of the program in Belarus and Ukraine: milestones, difficulties and their overcoming (Dr. Aleh Maroz and Vasyl Lutsyk)
The procedure of the Project registration in Ukraine (Dr. Vasyl Lutsyk)
Information on Project reporting (Dr. Aleh Maroz)
Purchase of Equipment: problems and solutions (discussion)
Current issues of financial management (Prof. Thomas Kruessmann and Dr. Vadzim Samaryn)
Repeat: refund of staff costs, travel cost, equipment, printing and publishing, other costs and the necessity of co-financing by each partner (discussion)
Progress planning of the next period (discussion)
Content of textbooks and progress in their writing (discussion)
Development of ‘to-do’ for each partner (discussion)
The aim of the conference was to pay attention to the Erasmus+ CRIMHUM project and its interim results, as well as to discuss issues of modern legal education in the field of criminal justice.
The first day of the conference was opened with a welcoming speech by the Dean of the Law Faculty of the Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko Prof. Volodymyr Burdin. He noted the importance of the CRIMHUM project for Ukrainian legal education. A welcoming speech was also made by Professor Dr. Vasyl Nor, Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics.
Each report made a heated discussion. Of particular note, the report of the Prof. Viacheslav Navrotski "How to teach criminal law, but not legislation?". It raised the problem of the need to learn the law, rather than constantly changing legislation, so that students can understand the very essence of the rule of law. Prof. Vasyl Nor described the reforms in the institute of settlement in criminal proceedings in Ukraine. Dr. Igor Martinović and Iva Parenta raised the problem of upholding human rights while using firearms: European standards and challenges to young professionals in Central and Eastern Europe. Dr. Olga Petrova explained the need for training in the interrogation of minors in criminal proceedings. Dr. Olena Kharytonova devoted her report to gender equality issues in the legal profession. Prof. Tuliakov revealed sustainable development goals, human rights and criminal jurisprudence. Dr. Vadzim Samaryn revealed the issues of human rights violations during the use of the Interpol mechanism and told what a modern law student in this field needs to know. Dr. Larisa Brinch informed participants about the ECHR practice on the verification of the means of proof in criminal proceedings (Khmelnytsky university of management and law)
The first day of the Conference was followed by a Round-table discussion «Current issues of reforming criminal justice in EU, Ukraine and Belarus» with the participation of Ukrainian stakeholders, which was consisting of two sessions. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Olena Kharytonova.
As a result of the conference, it was noted that it is necessary to overcome the difficulty of teaching students relevant judicial practice (especially the practice of the ECHR) in the light of changing legal positions.
The meeting of experts of the international project ENI-LLB-1-207 “Reduction of Negative impact of Alien Invasive Plant Species on Ecosystems and Human Wellbeing in Cross-border Region of LATVIA LITHUANIA BELARUS”
6 February 2020 the meeting of experts started in Vilnus (Lithuania). The representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Deputy Нead of the Chief Accountant Tatsiana Jurevich and Associate Professor, Doctor of Biological Science Aleh Sozinav participated in the discussions and presented the results of project activities. The meeting was attended by the Lithuanian side - the Natural Heritage Fund, the Administration of the Varna Municipality, Dzukiy National Park, the Belarusian side - Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, the Department of Agriculture and Food of the Grodno District Executive Committee and the Republican Landscape Reserve "Lakes". The meeting discusses the results of a project on mapping invasive plant species on a transboundary territory and strategic control of them.
Invasive Plant Data Web Map Provided by the Local Population
Map of the distribution of invasive plant species in the Belarusian-Lithuanian borderland
Methodological approaches to the inventory of invasive plant species
Atlas of invasive plant species to be mapped according to project ENI-LLB-1-207
Alien aggressive plant species LT-BY borderlands: studies for the benefit of nature and people (VIDEO)