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Students from the Faculty of Law left behind a number of rivals from Russia during “WTO Model-2016” international contest


International game-contest gathered 20 strongest teams from Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. Among them were represents of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

Our students got to the finals according to the results of distant stage, where YKSUG students were opposed by 66 teams form leading universities of abovementioned states.

– Students of the Faculty of Law resulted 91 out of 100 points in the first stage. That ranked them the 5th and provided participation in finals,– said Natalia Gabets, senior lecturer of the International Law department, team coach as well.

The contest was organized as a competitive demonstration by both teams and particular participants of knowledge of World Trade Organization Law and practical application of the latter for solution of situational cases, concerning either possible or real activities of WTO bodies and/or WTO member states.

In the next part the teams were to represent a “state” opposing the other “state” in disputable situation, or in the interpretation of certain legal norms of WTO. The task for each of teams was to orally state their positions, determine legal acts and paragraphs, which were the basis for the team’s position, as well, as prove the correctness of it and, vice versa, prove the opponent’s wrong. The jury consisting of leading specialists in WTO law evaluated the preciseness of the situation analysis and the value of references to the international legal documents and Dispute resolution body of WTO practice, as well, as arguments’ logics and accuracy of the conclusion.

–  Our team got 8th place as a result of this part. It is a god result, having in mind, that our students were the only members who didn’t study “WTO Law” as a separate discipline, - said Natalia Gabets.

The team of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno resulted better, than teams from Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Saint Petersburg State University and other leading universities. The winner was the team from Higher School of Economics if Saint Petersburg.

More news from the Faculty of Law here.

YKSUG students, staff and lecturers celebrated World Snow Day

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Celebration took place on several faculties of YKSUG, at the campus and in “Pyshki” park

Associates of the sport club arranged a competition at the Faculty of the Physical Education. Students and lecturers together competed in ski race and played mini-football on the snow.

At the Faculty of Engineering and Construction there was a “Snow Fantasy” photo-contest announced.

The contest was dedicated to the season loved by everyone. Snowbound streets, snow glowing in the sun, frozen ponds – the kind of beauty one can see only in winter, - told the contest organizers. – Both students and lecturers participated in the contest. The jury picked winners in 5 nominations: “Most professional”, “In love with…”, “Snowbound Grodno”, “Winter joy”, and “Surprised by snow”.

The Faculty of Arts and Design celebrated the day in their own way. Students and staff made snowmen, threw snowballs and simply cheered because of winter time.

 Celebration of World Snow Day had already become a tradition for YKSUG. Students, lecturers and staff of our alma mater arrange a variety of contests in photos, essays, snow figures and sport events, as well.

World Snow Day, or International Day of Winter Sports, is being celebrated since 2012 after the initiative of International Ski Federation. The holiday is aimed to raise interest in winter sports and involve youth into healthy modus vivendi. The motto of the holiday is “Enjoy, discover, try!”

Andrei Karol, the rector of YKSUG, participated in a meeting with a delegation of Chinese Red Cross, Henan province

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The delegation, headed by Executive Vice-President of the Chinese Red Cross, Henan province Hye Chuanjun, visited Grodno on January 11 and met with representatives of Grodno Oblast Executive Committee and Grodno Oblast organization of Belarusian Red Cross Society. Among the participants – a member of the Presidium of Grodno Oblast organization of Belarusian Red Cross Society Andrei Karol, the rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

During the meeting parties signed Memorandum of cooperation between the regional organization of the Belarusian Red Cross Society and the regional organization of the Red Cross China's Henan province. The head of the international department of the secretariat of the Belarusian Red Cross Society Ekaterina Leleka noticed that, Grodno was chosen as the venue not by chance: the Grodno regional organization of the Belarusian Red Cross society is the most active and developed. The signed Memorandum is an additional opportunity to interact in the humanitarian sphere.

Romania Skomoroshko, the Chairman of the regional organization of the Belarusian Red Cross Society, said: “In particular, we plan the exchange of volunteers and experience on the development of the system of public education and volunteer skills in first aid, volunteer development in the field of health and social care and palliative care to children and adult population.  Other issues related to possible areas of cooperation are agreed.”

According to Executive Vice-President of the regional Chinese Red Cross, Henan province Hye Chuanjun, the meeting was productive, informative and very interesting. The organizations of the Red Cross in Belarus and China are similar in approaches to the work, in events and also in medical and educational fields.


Russian Language Winter School opens for the second time at YKSUG


There will be representatives of three countries this year – Germany, France and Poland. They all have already been to Russian Language Summer School, which worked at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in August 2016.

For two weeks from 15th to 29th January 2017, foreigners will improve knowledge of the Russian language, and will continue the acquaintance with Belarusian culture.

Traditionally, the organizers prepared intensive program for participants of Russian Language Winter School. So, foreigners in the framework of the excursion will visit the capital of Belarus Minsk and The National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the Republic of Belarus, St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, one of the enterprises of Grodno, Museum of Fire Service History in our town, the leisure park " Korobchitskiy olimp" and the agro-tourist complex "Garadzenski maentak", will walk in the forest park "Pyshki" and also will ride on horses.

In addition, participants will take part in workshops on cooking dishes of Belarusian cuisine on the feast of the Epiphany and on traditional folk art, will attend lectures on the culture and history of Belarus and will sing karaoke in Russian.

At the end of Russian Language Winter School, each participant will receive a certificate.

Congratulations with the New Year from Andrei Karol, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

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Dear friends!

From the bottom of my heart I wish You Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

The old year was challenging, dynamic, full of events and our achievements. University kept the name of Ministry Award in the field of quality laureate and status of scientific organization, university employees were given prestigious awards. In 2016 we created new basis for future development: we approved new Mission and Vision, as well, as Strategy of University development for the coming years, and also made first but important steps to carry it out, and there are results.

Due to practical-oriented education system, the University became a co-founder of the first Innovative media cluster in Belarus. The agreement on creation of Regional educational cluster has also been signed. We continued strengthen our cooperation with the representatives of personnel customers, activities of the Stuff Training Coordination Boards have been organized at new level of quality.

For the first time, in 2016, there were defended 4 doctoral papers and 19 ones of PhD’s. The first electronic magazine “University of Educational Innovations” has been issued, which aim was to improve education quality through application of innovative technologies to the study process.

The enrollment campaign was a success, as well. We began training on “Customs affairs” specialty and opened 4 new practical-oriented specialties of the 2nd degree of higher education. The number of the 2nd degree students has increased significantly, now we have more than 5 hundred of them.

During the year, more than once we cheered on the success of our colleagues and students in the scientific and educational spheres, we felt pride for victories of YKSUG students in various creative contests, festivals and sport competitions.

We kept on improving material and technical basis of the University: reading room of the scientific library has been modernized, accommodation conditions at one of the dorms for the students have been also improved.

On the holidays’ eve I would like to express great gratitude and appreciation to the whole University staff. Thanks to our work, professional skills and responsibility we managed to keep and strengthen the high positions our University holds in the educational area of Belarus and abroad.

Dear colleagues, I wish New Year would fill Your lives with bright ideas, new professional goals, I wish it would be stable, successful and creative!

I wish students, who bring the glory to the University with their scientific, creative and sport achievements, luck for the coming exams and self-realization!

On New Year’s eve I wish everyone happiness, love, comfort at home and relations, to be patient and tolerant, to be in good mood, be joyful, live in peace and wealth, and to be a success in new year!


Andrei Karol

Holidays with Education Internationalization Center of YKSUG


Associates of the Education Internationalization Center gathered on 30 December, 2016 at conference-hall of YKSUG to share their holiday spirit. Listeners of the Faculty of Pre-university training, dressed as Father Frost and Snow Maiden, sang songs and wished a Happy New Year to all associates of Education Internationalization Center.

Yury Bialykh, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, congratulated all associates with the coming New Year and wished to go through it as consolidated team.

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Prof. Alexandr Markarov, Deputy Vice-rector for Science Policy and International Cooperation, Head of International Cooperation Department of Yerevan State University visited Faculty of Law within the “Visiting Professor” program.

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Prof. Alexandr Markarov, Political Science Doctor, Deputy Vice-rector for Science Policy and International Cooperation, Head of International Cooperation Department of Yerevan State University conducted lectures for the students from the Faculty of Law of YKSUG within the “Visiting Professor” program.

– During the lectures our guest told about topical issues of legal globalistics, modern international public law, legal sociology, history of state and law of the foreign countries,  – told the students.

During his visit, Alexandr Markarov met with Yury Bialykh, YKSUG Vice-rector for Academic Affairs The parties discussed fields of future collaboration and agreed to develop cooperation within educational and scientific fields. During the meeting with Sviatlana Chaburanava, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, they discussed on future directions of educational and scientific and research fields.

More news of the Faculty of Law



Students from 5 faculties of YKSUG visited Faculty of Physics of the University of Bialystok


Study visit to the polish HEI was organized due to cooperation program between Physico-Technical Faculty of YKSUG and Faculty of Physics of the University of Bialystok.

44 of YKSUG students from Physico-Technical Faculty, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Arts and Design, Faculty of Economics and Management, and Faculty of Philology undertook the trip to the University of Bialystok.

– During the visit we discovered Faculty of Physics of the University of Bialystok infrastructure, and also visited scientific and educational laboratories, told the students. Moreover, we were told about priority directions of scientific researches and study possibilities there, including joint training program between Physico-Technical Faculty of YKSUG and Faculty of Physics of the University of Bialystok.

Click here for more news of the Physico-Technical Faculty.

International students of YKSUG and listeners of the Pre-university training faculty for the first time took part in Inter-university Festival of national cultures at BSU

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This year festival was held at Belarusian State University for the 6th time, and it gathered international students from Belarusian HEI’s. The event was also attended by honorable guests – representatives of the foreign states embassies to the Republic of Belarus.

Among the participants of the festival were also international students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and listeners of the Pre-university training faculty from China.

– Our students performed a beautiful and atmospheric vocal and dancing sho w,– told Elena Zdanovich, lead specialist of the International Students and Academic Mobility office. – The BSU Lyceum gathered young people from different countries. They all performed musical and dancing shows, which reflected unique color of the national cultures of Belarus, Azerbaijan, China, Iran, Turkmenistan, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Palestine, Lebanon and Tajikistan.

Representatives of YKSUG were given a member diploma of Inter-university festival of the national cultures at YKSUG and were also given souvenir gifts from the festival organizers



The first Inter-university festival of national cultures was organized at Belarusian State University in 2008 among the international students from Minsk HEI’s. Now, this event gathers international students from all regions of Belarus.

The Festival is being organized by BSU campus with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus once a two years. As the organizers say, the event is aimed to strengthen international relations, spiritual connection of students and development of their artistic potential.

Belarus is in Erasmus Student Network now: YKSUG is the starting point of the ESN in Belarus

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That fact become known on 11 December, during the meeting of national representatives of International Exchange Erasmus Students Network  at Krakow (Poland). Our country had been represented by YKSUG students – SUNet International Student Initiative Club

Till that time, Belarus had a candidate status for 6 months. Our country got the candidate status after YKSUG students applied for, and made a presentation at national representatives meeting at Warsaw in spring 2016. For Belarus to become an ESN member, active students of YKSUG familiarized network Vice-president Matthew Clemo, who visited ouralma mater in November, with the potential of our University.

It worth mentioning that membership in International Exchange Erasmus Student Network gives a range of advantages. First of all, this membership will raise the attractiveness of Yanka Kupala State University for international students. Belarusian students now have an opportunity to take part in international student conferences and seminars, practice foreign languages, make new personal and professional contacts throughout the world, permanently evolve in different fields. Every member of the network has an ESN-Card, which grants discounts for transport tickets, study literature and extras for exchange students. Moreover, Erasmus Student Network assists in internationalization of the students who never took part in academic mobility.

International Exchange Erasmus Student Network is the biggest non-profit students association in Europe.

ESN mission is to represent interests of international students and exchange students, distribution of opportunities for intercultural understanding and self-development “student helps student”-way.

For now ESN has presence in more than 525 HEI’s from 40 countries: it involves more than 14, 500 active members and so-called supervisors, who take care of international students during their mobilities. ESN unites over 34,000 young people, who daily share their help with international students.



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