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NanoWatPet petrolium and water tracers on the base of fluorescent nanoparticle

NanoWatPet tracers with incorporeated fluorescent Nanoparticle and surface modification for marking Petrolium and Water reservoirs from different ports in order to monitor possible well irrigation processes or unauthorized selection of other dynamic flows. The advantage of the NanoWatpet tracer offered by us in comparison with the existing on the market (Geosplit, (RUSNANO) and Avantreidhim, St. Petersburg (RF)) is the higher stability to high pressure, temperatures and photobleaching .

Developers: Natalia Strekal and Inna Motevich


Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Ozheshko str., 22, Grodno, Belarus, 230023

+375336864600, +375297894925

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Plasmon films of noble metals

Plasmon films on silver and gold buffer substrates to detect extremely sensitive to the remaining quantities of molecular compounds and their importance in biomedical diagnosis, forensic examination and scientific research for the interaction of medical compounds with protein targets using the plasmon method on resonance for spectroscopy, strengthening the surface in fluorescence and enhancing the surface of spectroscopy Raman.

Developer: Valiantsin Askirka


Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Ozheshko str., 22, Grodno, Belarus, 230023

+375336864600, +375297894925

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Library Network Support Services: modernizing libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through library staff development and reforming libraries (LNSS)

Program website:

Project website:

Project status: finished.

Project partners: 

Academy of Public Administration of the Republic of Armenia - project coordinator;

Limerick Institute of Technology, Limerick, Ireland;

University of Crete, Rethymnon, Greece;

Pyramid Group, Ulm, Federal Republic of Germany;

University of Transylvania, Brasov, Romania;

• Goris State University, Armenia;

Yerevan State University of Languages and Social Sciences named after V.Ya. Brusov, Yerevan, Armenia;

Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova;

• Balti State University, Balti, Moldova;

Consortium of Digital Libraries of Armenia;

Consortium of Libraries of Moldova;

Belarusian State University;

Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus;

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno;

Brest State Technical University;

National Library of Belarus (associate partner).


Overall budget: 57464.0 EUR

YKSUG budget: 7600.0 EUR

Duration: 36 months


The wider objective of the project was to: 


• Reinforce & modernize libraries & improve the level of competencies and skills of library staff in HEI’s in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus by developing innovative libraries as a support to education and lifelong learning;

• Develop a library staff development strategy focused on improving standards &  quality of library performance in Armenia, Moldova & Belarus so as to improve the quality of library services & higher education generally, enhancing their relevance for the labour market and society;

• Enhance the management, governance, innovation capacities & accessibility of libraries in Armenia, Moldova & Belarus through strategic planning and policy development;

• Establish & maintain an Eastern Partnership Library Network Support Services (LNSS) Network for the future dissemination, sustainability & exploitation of project results both nationally &  in the Eastern Partnership Region for the sharing of knowledge, experience, training and expertise in the Region.


The specific objectives of the project are:

• Implement English for Specific Purposes (Libraries & library terminology) training for all target groups;

• Undertake in depth training needs detection and assessment with competency mapping;

• Implement an innovative Train the Trainers programme as part of an LNSS Curriculum  incorporating a suite of quality, relevant & modern library staff development modules addressing the most urgent training needs of 21st century librarians and library staff in the Information Age;    

• Develop and implement Information Literacy & Research Skills training programmes in libraries to help learners  identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and ethically use information in their daily lives for lifelong learning and the Knowledge Economy;

• Carry out Library Training Seminars & Workshops involving all Stakeholders  for exchange of experience to improve the competencies & skills of Librarians;

• Develop a Consortium Strategic Plan for the effective future development of libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus -for each partner organisation in the project;

• To implement the Consortium Strategic Plan during the lifetime of the project to ensure sustainability of project results;

• Conduct a needs analysis regarding Electronic Library Services & develop and implement a Digital and Electronic Strategy for the enhancement of Electronic Library services;

• Explore the development & introduction of innovative  library services – particularly online services;

• Develop initiatives to ensure access to & democratization of libraries for people with disabilities;

•To create a printed handbook of HR materials with the results of the training & the Library standardized processes;

• Develop a Framework for a Library Collection Development Policy to meet the needs of academic staff and students in each Institute/University in the project.

The Project results are:

  • Purchased modern machinery and equipment for the library;
  • Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in organizing and conducting the National Days of Informing on the Activities of Libraries (Minsk-2017, Brest - 2018).
  • Director of the Scientific Library of YKSUG N. Grinko - project coordinator, Head of international project activities department E. Knor and Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the Project Development Sector I. Antonova took part in the kick-off meeting on the LNSS project, which was held on March 7-10, 2016 in Brasov (Romania). The meeting specified the most important tasks and activities of the project. In addition, the partners got acquainted with the requirements for the preparation of supporting documents and reports on the implementation of LNSS, the peculiarities of the financial management of the project, the experience of the initiation and implementation of projects in partner universities of the consortium.
  • On May 12-13, 2016, a seminar and training "English for special purposes" for employees of the university’s Scientific Library was held on the basis of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The seminar and training was conducted by European partners - Angela Repanovici, professor at the University of Transylvania in Brasov (Romania) and Manolis Kukorakis, director of the library of the University of Crete (Greece).
  • From August 21 to September 3, 2016, the Head of the department of library information technologies Pogorelaya O., the librarian of the department of library information technologies Kuradovnts M. took part in a series of trainings for library workers, which took place at the Limerick Institute of Technology (Ireland). The purpose of the trainings was to study the experience of information services user, to get acquainted with the modern areas of computerization of university libraries. November 21-23, 2016 2 employees of the Limerick Institute of Technology took part in a pilot training on module No. 6 “Electronic Library” as part of the LNSS project. The training was attended by employees of the Scientific Library of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, as well as employees of the libraries of universities in Grodno (25 participants).
  • March 1-3, 2017 оn the basis of the Technical University of Dresden (Germany), a working meeting of project partners was held, which was attended by the director of the Scientific Library, project coordinator N. Grinko and the Head of the international project activity department, project manager E. Knor. During the meeting, partners from Belarus, Armenia, Moldova, Ireland, Romania, Germany and Greece analyzed the results of the first year of the LNSS project, provided financial statements, discussed the training modules developed by universities and the results of pilot trainings to improve the skills of library staff. Particular attention was paid to the National Library Day, which was scheduled for May 19 in Minsk at the Belarusian State University.
  • From December 5, 2017 to January 30, 2018, classes on module 4 “Information Literacy and Research Skills” were held on the basis of the Scientific Library of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The module was developed by the library staff as part of the LNSS project and included 8 lessons on the following topics: “The use of metric systems” (what are metric systems; the difference between scientometrics and bibliometrics; what is webometrics and altmetrics; the main indicators in scientometrics / bibliometrics); “Electronic catalogs and search strategy” (types of catalogs, access to information, search and retrieval of information, principles of operation of electronic catalogs of large libraries of the world); “Electronic database of libraries” (using databases (databases) of electronic libraries for research; principles of building and generating databases; indexing in databases; open access databases, history of its formation and development, popular open access database platforms) “Copyright for libraries” (what is copyright, specificity of copyright in the Republic of Belarus, plagiarism and anti-plagiarism); “Creation and use of questionnaires in the study” (quantitative and qualitative research methods, what is a survey, questionnaire, questionnaire; types of questions, as well as typical errors in the preparation of questionnaires; online services with which you can create questionnaires). Representatives of the Pyramid Group Valery Racheyev and Margaret Chauffer from Germany, who came to Belarus to monitor classes on modules that were held by Belarusian partner universities of the project, made a working visit to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. At the end of classes, participants were awarded certificates.

Applied Computing in Engineering and Science (ACES)

Program website :

Project website:

Project status: finished.

Project partners:

Тechnische Universität Wien (Austria)

Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia)

Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

Association for Engineering Education of Russia (Russia)

Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus)

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus)

Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Germany)

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)

Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic)

Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon, Portugal)

Overall budget: 84 990.00 EUR

YKSUG budget:  10 600.00 EUR

Duration: 36 months

Status of the project: realized

Specefic objectives of the Project:

  • To develop a modern master program in Applied Computing for Engineering and Science, which will respect the principles of the Bologna process, and to implement it at 3 Belarusian and 2 Russian universities;
  • To develop and update courses and teaching materials for the master program;
  • To improve teachers’ qualifications and skills;
  • To implement modern teaching methods in the developed study courses;
  • To install modern equipment and software for teaching, practical training and development, and to equip libraries with expert literature;
  • To disseminate the know-how and developed materials to other universities.

The project outcomes:

  • A modern master's program “Applied Computer Data Analysis” was developed and opened.

The master's program is included in the classifier of the Republic of Belarus (1-31 81 12 “Applied computer data analysis”).

  • Curricula of the master's program for full-time education (1 and 2 years), part-time education (1,5 and 2 years), full-time education (2 years) in English language of instruction have been developed and approved.
  • Updated training courses and training materials for the master's program. Implemented modern teaching methods in the developed courses. English-language versions of educational materials have been developed, which are translated into Russian for subsequent publication; prepared electronic educational and methodological complexes for mathematical modeling, scientific calculations, numerical analysis and optimization, statistical modeling, statistical calculations; internal and external review of the training materials was carried out (reviews were received from Gomel State University and the Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia); - training materials were posted electronically on the project website / ace
  • As a part of the accreditation procedure in 2016, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus conducted a continuous survey of graduate students, the results of the evaluation of the master's program by the graduate students themselves are positive and are presented in the report of the accreditation commission).
  • Modern equipment and software were purchased and installed (84 ”multi-board - 1 pc., 2 computer classes - 16 computers each, laptops - 3 pcs., computers for statistical analysis and mathematical modeling - 3 pcs., Wolfram Mathematica symbolic mathematics package) for teaching, practical training and development for a total of 48,270.97 euro
  • The university library is equipped with scientific and educational literature (educational and scientific literature in the amount of 122 items (167 copies) in the amount of 2923.27 euros was purchased).
  • A series of intra-university seminars was held on the use of modern teaching and learning methods (the workshops were attended by Professor V.M. Volkov (Russia), Professor Pedro Lima (Portugal), Professor Tomas Furst, Professor Karel Hron (Czech Republic), Professor Peter Filzmoosers (Austria).
  • A package of information documents on the master's program has been developed, available on sites in sections for “applicants” and in print, the information package is distributed among applicants and employers. 4 issues of the project newsletter were published -

             According to the results of the project, 5 scientific articles were prepared and published:

1. Khatskevich, G.A. Formation of the workshop of the educational program "Applied computer data analysis in science and engineering" in the Republic of Belarus within the framework of a joint TEMPUS project with universities of the European Union / Kharin A.Yu. Mandrik P.A. Khatskevich G.A. Lyalikova V.I. // European Union and Republic of Belarus: prospects for cooperation = The European Union and Republic of Belarus: Getting Closer for Better Future: Sat materials of the International Conference .- Minsk: Publishing Center of BSU, 2014 .- P.300-301

2.Khatskevich, G. A. Formation of a block of statistical computation methods for a practice-oriented magistracy "Applied Computing in Science and Technology" within the framework of the TEMPUS project / G. А. Khatskevich, V.I. Lyalikova, O.B. Tsekhan, N.V. Markovskaya // Problems and prospects of innovative development of university education and science: materials of the Intern. scientific conf. (Grodno, February 26-27, 2015) / Education institution "Grodno State University named after Y. Kupala", Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus; ch. ed. HELL. King; Edited by: G.A. Gachko, Yu.E. Belykh, V.G. Barsukov, et al., A.D. King S.V. Agievets.- Grodno: State University named after Y. Kupala, 2015 .- S. 354-356

3. Khatskevich, G.A. Formation of a block of statistical calculations for a practice-oriented magistracy "Applied Computing in Science and Technology" in the framework of the TEMPUS project // G.A. Khatskevich, V.I. Lyalikova, N.V. Markovskaya, O.B. Tsekhan Problems of forecasting and state regulation of socio-economic development: Materials of the XVI Intern. scientific conf. (Minsk, Oct. 23, 2015). In 3 vols. T.3 / Editorial: A.V. Worms [and others]. - Minsk; Research Institute of Economics, Moscow; Belarus, 2015 .-- 254.P. 241-242

4. Khatskevich, G.A. Educational and methodological support of the master's educational program in the framework of the project * TEMPUS * // G.A. Khatskevich, O.B. Cekhan, V.I. Lyalikova, N.V. Markovskaya / Mathematical modeling and new educational technologies in mathematics: coll. Art .. / Brest. state University named after A.S. Pushkin; editorial EM. Axen [et al.]. - Brest: BrSU, 2015 .-- 120 s. S.85-88

5. Khatskevich, G. A. Master's educational program “Applied computer data analysis” as a result of international cooperation and the prospect of integration into the global educational space / G.A. Khatskevich, O.B. Cekhan, V.I. Lyalikova, N.V. Markovskaya // Actual problems of business education: materials of the XVI Intern. scientific and practical Conf., April 20–21 2017, Minsk / Bel. state University, Institute of Business and Technology Management; [editorial: V.V. Apanasovich (chap. ed.) and others] // sb. scientific Art. - Minsk: National Library of Belarus, 2017 .-- S. 206-208.

Publications on the results of the project can be found on the ACES project website

“Training on alternative dispute resolution as an approach for ensuring of human rights” (TRADIR).

Project number:  543990-TEMPUS-1- 2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR 

Duration: 1st December 2013 – 30th November 2016

Project status: finished.


Universitaet Potsdam (Germany) – Project coordinator

Link Campus University (Italy)

Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Marie Skłodowska-Curie University (Poland)

Boleslawa Markowskiego High School of Commerce in Kielce (Poland)

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine)

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine)

Khmelnitsky University of Management and Law (Ukraine)

Belarusian State University (Belarus)

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus)

Belarusian Republican Union of Lawyers (Belarus)

Specific objectives of the project:

1. The development of syllabus for course on alternative dispute resolution; modernization of syllabuses for relevant existing courses in PC universities;

2. Structural and conceptual development of a new curriculum for Master's degree (oriented on practice) in economic law and ADR, in combination with a modern, focused on the European level of scientific supervision methods of teaching of master-students and teachers who have received training, supporting by educational and research materials, including components in foreign language, electronic media and e-learning, the implementation procedures for starting of Master in universities of BY (2) and UA (3). One of the important aims of the TRADIR Project will be to explore the possibilities to issue "double" or "joint" Master's degree.

3. Improvement of professional and pedagogical qualification of PC teachers and modernize teaching infrastructure.


  • A new master's program in the specialty 1-24 81 05 "Legal Support of Alternative Conflict and Dispute Resolution" has been opened and is successfully functioning.
  • Training materials for all disciplines of the established master degree programme with the stamp of the Ministry of Education were prepared and published
  • 2 computer classes were equipped (16 and 11 computers, multifunctional devices and other equipment), equipment for a lecture hall (total 25 810 euros)
  • New scientific and educational literature, periodicals to ensure the educational process purchased (4 535,71 евро)
  • 6 lecturers of the Faculty of Law have completed internships at European partner universities
  • Potsdam University hospitably hosted the First (Kick-Off) conference of the TRADIR-project from 9 to 13 March 2014. The conference covered a wide range of issues, including presentation of the coordinator and partners, discussion of the content and the financial part of the project, its methodology and principles; project managers and logo were adopted, working groups were built, as well as the planned activities for 2014 were discussed.
  • From 9 to 13 November 2014 the Law Faculty of YKSUG hosted the First Progress-Seminar. The seminar was attended by representatives of the partners involved: University of Potsdam, Federal Republic of Germany (coordinator); Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus; Link Campus University, Rome, the Italian Republic; Vilnius University, Lithuania; Boleslawa Markowskiego High School of Commerce in Kielce, Poland; Lviv National University, Ukraine; Khmelnytsky University of Management and Law, Ukraine; Kharkiv Ntional University, Ukraine; Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarus. Professors from partner universities of the EU countries gave lectures to the participants of the seminar on alternative dispute resolution in foreign countries from 10 to 12 November 2014. After each presentation there were discussions on the presented topics. Both sides exchanged views and shared experiences on alternative dispute resolution in civil procedure, criminal procedure, labor law and environmental law.  During seminar the work on curricula and training programs for new master programms in the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine in the field of alternative dispute resolution was discussed taking into account the experience of the EU countries. 
  • From 14 to 28 April 2015
  • April 23-25, 2015, Lviv National University hosted an Evaluation, which was attended by representatives of the partner universities of Ukraine and Belarus, among which, in particular, Khmelnitsky University of Management and Law, Lviv National University named after I. Franko, Kharkiv National University named after V. Karazin, Belarusian State University, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. During the seminar was held online conference with Professor Peter Kamminga, an expert from the Netherlands in the field of alternative dispute resolution; were discussed course books, teaching materials developed within the Project, curricula and programs. 
  • May 3-6, 2015: the Third Coordination Meeting was hosted at the Link Campus University (Italy). As part of the Meeting participants were informed about the project in their universities, opening procedure of new Master's program. Financial issues and developed plan for the next six months were discussed.
  • The representatives of the Belarusian State University, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, National University of Kharkiv, Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko, Khmelnytsky University of Management and Law visited the University of Potsdam (Germany) during 10-29 May 2015. The participants listened to the lectures on "Challenges of the German Arbitration", "The main provisions of the German Criminal Law", "Corporate Law", "Protection of human rights by the UN Committee on Human Rights", which were conducted by professors of the University of Potsdam during the event. Additionally, during the workshops in the format of working groups teachers were provided with information about the system of legal education in Germany, especially the organization of practices for students, as well as demonstrated and discussed examples of examination tasks for higher education graduates. Separate training was devoted to discussion of the theoretical and practical foundations of mediation in Germany, playing models of this procedure by using a professional mediator. During the visit, the participants also visited the University Library, Centre for Human Rights, as well as the Upper House of the German Parliament - the Bundesrat, located in Berlin.
  • Students and teachers from the Belarusian State University, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Kharkiv National University, Khmelnytsky University of Management and Law, Lviv National University took part in the I International Summer School "Training on alternative dispute resolution as an approach for ensuring of human rights" during 23-27 June 2015. The Summer School took place at the Belarusian state University (Minsk, Belarus). During the event participants listened to the lectures on "Environmental Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution", "European companies: key features," "Conciliation form of the termination of criminal proceedings by the German criminal procedural law", "Mediation in environmental conflicts", "Resolution of labour disputes in Lithuania", which were conducted by professors of universities from Germany, Lithuania and Belarus.
  • The representatives of Partner-Universities visited the Khmelnitsky University of Management and Law during 30 September - 4 October 2015. The delegates participated in the second workshop to assess the quality of performance of the Tempus-project. During the seminar, a discussion and a presentation of published in the framework of the project course books and teaching materials for training of masters on a specialty "Economic Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution" were held. There were held lectures of the German, Lithuanian and Polish experts on the problems of legal regulation and improvement of methods alternative dispute resolution in the legal system of Belarus, Ukraine and the European Union and developing methods of teaching of relevant disciplines. In addition, the monitoring mission of the National Tempus / ERASMUS + Office in Ukraine attended the seminar. The PWT also took part in the fourth coordination meeting. The event promoted the exchange of experiences, deepen and strengthen the long-term mutually beneficial partnership between educational institutions.
  • From 15 to 20 November 2015 at the University of Potsdam (Germany) there were held training sessions for librarians. Librarians got to know the arrangement and equipment of funds of information and communication media center of the Potsdam University (IKMZ), with the processes of gathering of library collections, print and electronic media. The participants of the training also got acquainted with the basic principles of service of students, library equipment in a German higher education institution, as well as the process of serving readers majoring in philology and law, the peculiarities of logistics of the foundation and lending of rare editions. The staff of the host institution shared the strategies for Open Access implementation in Potsdam University Library on a fee-paying basis. Implementation of such educational activities for librarians is an effective form of international professional communication and exchange of experience.
  • Final International Conference «Actual problems of legal education in the context of training on alternative dispute resolution as an approach for ensuring of human rights» was held in Minsk on 29 NovemberDecember. The purpose of the Conference was to bring together researchers, teachers and practitioners interested in the advanced methods of legal education as well as master and doctoral students. The Final Conference also provided information about the results of the TRADIR-Project. More than 70 leading academics, teachers and legal practitioners in the fields of training on alternative methods of resolution of legal disputes from Belarus, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine took part in the conference.
  • The Second Summer School for teachers and students took place in the V. N. Karazin University (Kharkiv), bringing together participants from Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Poland. Second Summer School was held from 15 to 19 June 2016. During the event a lecture on "Harmonisation of European civil procedural law" was held . The program of the school included a variety of lectures, visit to the Commercial Court of Kharkiv region and Kharkiv Commercial Court of Appeal.
  • Thanks to the successful and positive experience of cooperation in the framework of TRADIR project, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was invited to join a new project, which was approved by the European Commission in August 2018: “Modernization of Master Programs for Future Judges, Prosecutors, Investigators to Consider European Human Rights Standards” (CRIMHUM).

TRADIR bulletin

Project website

The joint project of the University of Wisconsin in Parkside and the  Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno “United University” will start in the fall of 2020

The project plans to recruit students for joint educational programs in English in physics, psychology and mathematics.

The project "United University" includes the training of foreign citizens at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and at the University of Wisconsin in Parkside according to the 2 + 2 scheme. After studying at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for two years, students will be able to complete their studies at the University of Wisconsin in Parkside or continue at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

The project will be implemented within the framework of the memorandum of understanding between the two universities, which was signed in July 2019.

The project partner is the AIC Campus of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

Improvement of master-level education in the field of physical sciences in Belarusian universities (Physics)

Project number:  561525-EPP-1-2015-1-LV-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Duration: 15th October 2015 – 14th October 2018

Project status: finished.


1.Riga Technical University, Latvia - Project Coordinator

2.KU Leuven University, Belgium

3.University of Cyprus, Cyprus

4.Belarusian State Technological University, Belarus

5.Belarusian State University, Belarus

6.Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Belarus

7.Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarus

8.Ministry of Education, Republic of Belarus, Belarus

9.Belarusian Physical Society, Belarus

10.Republican Nanoindustry Association, Belarus

Associated partners:

1.LOTIS TII Joint Venture Limited Liability Company, Belarus

2.Research Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University, Belarus

Project aim:

Project «Physics» aimed to reform applied physics disciplines nanotechnology, nanomaterials and photonics training programs to promote the emergence of innovation and economic growth in Belarus; to modernize academic programs in the topic of  energy efficiency; to contribute to education process in such aspects of this topics energy saving like enhancement of energy efficiency, use of renewable sources.

Project results:

• Master degree program “Modern Methods and Equipment for Physical Measurements” was created and successfully implemented

• Books on Applied Physics, Photonics, Functional Nanomaterials and Applied informatics were designed and printed

• Academic disciplines "Nanophotonics", "Physico-chemical methods of analysis", "Optical methods of investigations" for undergraduates were developed

• Infrared Fourier spectrometer Nicolet iS10 (Thermo Scientific), worth 42 thousand dollars was bought and now is used at the laboratory of molecular spectroscopy and optics, Faculty of Physics and Technology.

• January 24, 2017 YKSUG representatives took part in a meeting on the implementation of the project, which was held at the Belarusian State Technological University. Main aim of the meeting was development of training materials for master degree programmes "Photonics" and "Functional Nanomaterials", as well as the curricula and programs in these specialties; discussion of upcoming internships of students and teachers of the Faculty of Physics and Technology at European universities.

• In February 2017 lecturers and students of the Faculty of Physics and Technology visited the Campus of the Technological Faculty of the Leuven Catholic University in Ostend (Belgium). The aim of the visit was to participate in scientific and technical training. The training program was organized at the Faculty of Engineering Technologies, and was held in the form of lectures and demonstrations on solar energy, wind energy, fuel cells, optics, laser and optical fiber, material properties and electromagnetic compatibility. In the result participants were proposed to conduct laboratory work on optical fiber, the synthesis of biodiesel, the study of the properties of materials, as well as the measurement of wind speed and its effect on dunes.

• April 20-21, 2017, lecturers of the Department of General Physics visited the Technological Faculty of the Leuven Catholic University in Ostend (Belgium) and participated in the seminar aimed to discuss the current results of the project. The seminar also included a training on the active use of the virtual learning environment using Blackboard and Moodle systems.

• From 06/09/2017 to 06/13/2017 at the Campus of the Technological Faculty of the Leuven Catholic University (Belgium) was held training to improve the English knowledge of lecturers teaching physics. The purpose of the training was to improve the teaching of physical disciplines for foreign students.

• From February 5 to 16, 2018, the training for students of the Faculty of Physics and Technology was held at the University of Cyprus (Nicosia). The students listened to lectures on calculating and modeling energy systems, including electricity generation and electricity distribution, received from renewable energy sources (wind generators, solar panels). The modeling was held using Matlab + Simulink and Powerworld software. During the classes, students visited laboratories for testing wind turbines and photovoltaic systems.

• On April 12-13, 2018, the meeting of project partners on the accreditation of new curricula in the specialty “Modern Methods and Equipment for Physical Measurements” was held at Belarusian State University. The testing of the developed courses on nanophotonics, optical methods, physico-chemical methods of research and analysis was discussed, as well as issues of equipment acquisition, publications of electronic manuals and future project activities.

• From June 26 to 29, 2018, the 9th workshop dedicated to testing of new special courses for undergraduates in the new specialty “Modern Methods and Measuring Instruments” was held at the Center for Research and Innovation of the University of Cyprus.

• September 12, 2018, representatives of YKSUG took part in the final conference of the project, which was held at the Belarusian State Technological University. Within the framework of the conference, the results of a 2-year work on the project were summed up. Students and undergraduates shared their impressions about their trainings at European partner universities.

Projects website

Facebook page

The final conference of the international project Erasmus + "Promoting the development of competencies in Belarusian higher education" FOSTERC

On December 6, 2019,  Minsk hosted the final international conference on the draft ERASMUS + program “Promoting the Development of Competencies in Belarusian Higher Education” (FOSTERC).

The international conference was organized by the Republican Institute of Higher Education in conjunction with the Research Institute INGENIO of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarusian State University, Belarusian State Economic University.

The conference summarized the process of introducing learning outcomes into the curriculum documentation of educational programs of higher education in the Republic of Belarus.

Employees of higher education institutions in charge of educational and methodological work were invited to participate in the international conference.


Modernisation of Master Curriculum in ICT for Enhancing Student Employability / MaCICT activities

The team of YKSUG students is taking part  in the distributed course project “Software Development in Large Teams” organized by the IT University in Copenhagen as part of the ERASMUS + MaCICT project.

Students are taking an active part in creating working software in accordance with the requirements of an industrial customer in a team of Danish and Belarusian students. They learn to apply the Scrum method, one of the flexible methods, in practice, performing the main Scrum actions: personal work in small groups and in close cooperation with the customer, sprint planning meetings, sprint reviews, sprint retrospectives and daily Scrum meetings.

During the course, students put into practice all the software development skills that they have learnt, learn new technologies, analyze the problems associated with software development, and learn to solve them.
More news on the projects here

Registration continues for the 17th Grodno Invest Weekend and Expert Day

Initiative students, as well as anyone who wants to realize a creative business idea, can send an application for participation until May 16.

Invest Weekend and Expert Day is a non-profit event, a business forum in which businessmen, start-ups, students, experts, and investors are starting and taking place at the same time. This year the event in Grodno will be held online in two stages.

Until mid-May, applications will continue to be accepted, among which the best will be determined later. When filling out an application, the event organizers recommend a detailed description of the solution to the problem identified in the business project, an assessment of the competitive environment, a target audience for the project, a way to monetize a business idea, indicate estimated costs and profits, determine potential market size and describe the competencies of a business team.

The authors of the projects selected at the first stage before May 24 will be able to finalize the presentations. The second stage of the event - an open vote - will be held from May 25 to May 31. Summing up the competition is scheduled for June 3, 2020. In determining the winners will be taken into account as judges and the results of an open vote.

Invest Weekend and Expert Day is a unique opportunity to present your projects to professionals, get useful recommendations and quality feedback. All details about the event can be found at You can also apply for additional information by calling 62 16 30 or +375 44 5926221.

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