Employees and students of Yanka Kupala State University provide assistance to Grodno doctors
One hundred protective screens for physicians, purchased at the expense of the trade union committees of workers and students of Yanka Kupala State University, were sent to medical institutions of the regional center.
The employees of the Emergency Hospital of Grodno, as well as the Grodno Regional Children's Clinical Hospital and the City Clinical Hospital No. 2 of Grodno, have already received protective screens from University. The City Clinical Hospital No. 3 of Grodno is ready to accept assistance from trade union activists of the university. The need in providing with the additional means of protecting from other medical institutions of the regional center is being studied.
“Now we are actively communicating with the representatives of the Grodno Healthcare Trade Union, who help us collect reliable information about which medical institutions lack remedies for physicians,” said Igor Kerget, chairman of the trade union committee of Yanka Kupala State University.
Together with the protective screens, trade union activists - employees and students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno - will give dispensers for hand sanitization to medical institutions in the city of Grodno. As noted in the university trade union committee, Kupalists will continue to provide all possible assistance to physicians in this busy period.
Students from Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are invited to participate in creative online contests in the social network Instagram
The organizers are waiting for talented students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno to participate in contests of author’s song, choreography and standup comedy.
Creative online competitions are designed to support young, talented and ambitious university students. To take part in them, before May 1, you need to post your author’s creative number on video, post it on your profile in the social network Instagram, mark the account of creative center of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno @creation_grsu and set the hashtag of one of the contests.
So, in the framework of the vocal competition with the hashtag #пой_в_уни_song, musical compositions of various genres and styles are nominated for participation: ballad, rock music, pop song, bard song and others.
In the dance competition #танцуй_вместе_с_гргу, the organizers will appreciate the choreographic compositions of the participants in the style of modern dance: hip-hop, street jazz, jazz-funk, house, contemporary, dancehall, afro dance, popping, vogue, choreography, break dance. ⠀
For the stand up comedy contest #открытый_микрофон_гргу, participants are expected to present a humorous stand-up monologue video.
Read more about the conditions for participation in competitions here.
Creative online contests are organized by the Department of Cultural and Leisure Activities of the Department of Educational Work with Youth of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
The international distance education marathon “Kupalovskyу Projects 2020” invites you to take part in testing network projects
Testing of the projects created as part of the marathon and will take place from April 27 to May 17.
International distance training “Spring session. April ”aims to conduct a public-professional examination of network projects created by the participants of the marathon, increase the ICT competence of teachers and master modern interdisciplinary technologies, including distance learning technologies. Registration of participants is available here from April 20 to 26. The results of the training will be announced on June 1.
The list of network projects created as part of the marathon includes the project “Oh, recursion!”, the author is Nina Makarova, associate professor of the Department of Modern Programming Technologies at Yanka Kupala State Universityof Grodno, and Alexey Tuchinsky's «Michelin Stars project», senior lecturer at the Department of Romance Languages, BSU Department of International Relations.
Teachers, methodologists, librarians, teachers of additional education, students of educational institutions of the CIS countries are invited to participate. All those who will become participants in the testing of network projects will receive an electronic certificate from the organizing committee.
The International Distance Learning Marathon “Kupalovskye Projects 2020” started at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno on January 9 and will end on June 20, 2020. The marathon is aimed at teaching teachers the technology of creating educational network projects and is based on the rich experience in developing professional competencies of teachers obtained in the framework of the Kupalovsky Projects educational marathons in 2016-2019 and the distance course from Intel «Project Activity in the Information and Educational Environment in 21st century».
A competition for grants for the implementation of research and innovation projects has been announced at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Grants will be allocated from the Innovation Development Fund, which was formed at the university last December.
The competition is open and takes place at the university for the first time. In the future, it is planned to be held annually. Participants can be both individual researchers and research teams from among the university’s full-time employees, including separate structural units, students, undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral students, as well as research associations of university students from among student research laboratories and student design bureaus. The materials and information provided for the competition of projects must be original, should not contain information that explicitly or indirectly violates any obligations of confidentiality of authors, intellectual property rights.
According to Yury Romanousky, Vice-Rector for Research, financial support from the funds of the Innovation Development Fund of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno can be provided on a competitive basis to employees and students of the university who are working on the implementation of innovative projects planned for inclusion in the State Program for Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus, implementation of export-oriented innovative projects, as well as projects aimed at creating and organizing the activities of small innovational enterprises engaged in the commercialization of the results of the university research activities. Applicants, students, undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral students of the university can apply for grants if their scientific and innovative activities are aimed at carrying out research, development and experimental-technological work, ensuring the creation and production of new products, advanced technologies and new to our Republic and the global economy of services, as well as acceleration and implementation of innovative projects and developments that ensure the implementation of research results work in the production process of enterprises and organizations of the country.
The competition for grants will be held in 3 stages. The first stage starts from March 23 and will last till April 24. During this period participants must submit an application for the competition, a business project and its feasibility study, as well as the estimated financial costs of the project. Only one application is accepted from each participant. Participants in the competition may submit additional documents to the project, including reference materials related to the implementation of research, development and experimental and technological work, as well as work on the development and production of new types of goods and services. The subjects of the projects submitted to the competition must comply with the List of priority areas of scientific and technical activity.
From April 30 to May 18, an examination of the provided materials will be carried out. During the examination, the work will be evaluated according to criteria such as innovation, technological structure of the technologies being introduced and their origin, the planned volume of production of high-tech products, commercial and export development potential, the payback period of the project, the reality of the timing of the stages and work as a whole, and the reasonableness of the estimated costs. When selecting projects for financing from the funds of the University Innovation Development Fund, priority will be given to projects based on technologies of V and VI technological structures, as well as those that end with the release and sale of innovative products. The selection of projects and the summing up of the competition will be held from May 19 till May 29, 2020.
The competition for grants for research and innovation projects is aimed at creating conditions to support the commercialization of scientific results, stimulating research and innovation activities of the university employees and students, selecting promising research and innovation projects to further assist in their implementation and promotion, the formation of project activity skills among the participants of the competition, the creation of conditions for unlocking potential and whether the growth of participants in the competition and ensuring the implementation of the development priorities of the university.
Grants will be allocated from the funds of the Innovation Development Fund of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, which was formed at the end of the last year with the aim of financially supporting the innovative development of the university.
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is the second among universities of the Republic of Belarus according to the ARES international rating
In the updated ARES-2020 rating, Grodno State University of Yanka Kupala strengthened its position, rising from the fifth to the second place.
The ARES (Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard) rating is calculated by the European Chamber of Science and Industry. Data is processed automatically, completely eliminating the involvement of the human factor.
The goal of the ARES Higher Education Institutions Rating is to assess the ability of universities to provide students with the necessary knowledge, to participate in research and development, as well as the opportunity to actively communicate with future employers. The European Higher Education Standards are accepted as evaluation criteria, which were approved by the BFUG Bologna Coordination Group and approved by the EC Conference of Ministers of Higher Education. Important parameters of the rating are the international activities of the university and the role of the university in the social, economic and cultural development of the region.
The ARES rating assigns 4 categories of assessments for the level of teaching quality, scientific activity and the demand for graduates by employers: category A (High quality performance), category B (Good quality performance), category C (Sufficient quality performance), category D (Conditional failure).
According to the ARES-2020 International Rating of Higher Education Institutions, 29 higher education institutions of the Republic of Belarus were included in the rating. The Mogilev State University of Food and the Belarusian State Academy of Music participated in the ranking for the first time.
Grodno State University of Yanka Kupala has been participating in this rating since 2014 and is among the best universities in the Republic of Belarus. According to the results of ARES-2020, published in April 2020, Grodno State University of Yanka Kupala ranks second among Belarusian higher education institutions and is the first included in category A (High quality performance), which classifies it as a university with high quality teaching, research and the demand for graduates by employers.
The leaders among Belarusian institutions of higher education (holders of category A) are Belarusian State University, Grodno State University of Yanka Kupala, Belarusian State Medical University. Gomel State University of Francis Skorina is on the fourth place, Belarusian State University of Economics – on the fifth.
Read more about the positions of higher education institutions of the Republic of Belarus in the ARES-2020 rating (http://eurochambres.org/ares/ares-2020-belorus.php?clear_cache=Y).
More detailed information on the position of Grodno State University of Yanka Kupala in world rankings is available here (https://www.grsu.by/glavnaya/univer/universitet-v-mirovykh-rejtingakh.html).
Students and employees of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are invited to read poems about the Great Patriotic War
The action "Dedicated to the Great Victory!" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War was announced at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
To participate, you must choose a poem about the Great Patriotic War of any author or poems of your own composition and record a video reading of this poem. The clip can be shot on the camera of a mobile phone. Collective participation in the action is allowed.
You can send a video before April 24 by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Videos will be posted on the university’s website from April 27.
YKSUG students are invited to participate in the competition for the best art postcard dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory
The creative works of students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are accepted till April 20.
The competition for the best art postcard dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory will be held in two stages. During the first stage - till April 20 - the best cards will be chosen in the primary trade union organizations of educational institutions. So, YKSUG students can send their creative works to the email address of the trade union committee of students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The results of the competition will be announced within the framework of the regional stage - the second stage will be held from April 21 till April 24.
The competition is held in order to preserve the memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War. To participate in it, everyone is preparing an art postcard, as well as developing an envelope for it. The creative work and the envelope are performed in the digital drawing technique and are given to the competition in electronic and printed versions.
When evaluating the creative work of the jury of the competition, its artistry and aesthetics, harmony of the composition and color scheme, uniqueness and originality of the design, quality and aesthetic appearance will be taken into account. Also, the submitted work will be evaluated for compliance with the goals and objectives of the competition and the presence of all components (postcards and an envelope for it) will be take into account.
The competition is held by the Youth Council of the Grodno Regional Organization of the Belarusian Professional Union of Education and Science and is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. According to the results of the competition, the winners of stage II will receive diplomas and cash rewards from the organizers.
Volunteers of YKSUG will help veterans and university staff
At the initiative of the Volunteer Center, a call center was created in YKSUG.
Volunteer students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are ready to assist in the purchase and delivery of food and medicine to university veterans. Representatives of the older generation of university employees can also apply to the Volunteer Center.
Currently, active work is underway to collect information about veterans, senior employees and senior citizens of the university who may need help. The organizers note that today the support of the older generation has become one of the main tasks of the Volunteer Center.
Call center work hours for accepting applications - from 8:30 till 12:30 and from 13:00 till 17:00 on weekdays by calling 74 43 87.
The II Republican youth festival-contest "MEDIASPHERE-2020" will be held in digital format
The winners of the competition, organized by Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, will be announced online May 12.
The jury of the Festival completed its work - more than 340 entries were reviewed and evaluated in 5 categories: “Print Media”, “Electronic Media (TV, Radio) “,”Photoproject “; “Internet project”; “Communication project”.
Among the participants who submitted applications in the "Juniors" category are representatives of schools, children's development centers, gymnasiums, colleges from Grodno and the Grodno region, as well as from Minsk, Vitebsk, Brest, Mogilev, Dzerzhinsk, Salihorsk, Molodechno, Bobruisk, Zhodino, Polotsk , Vileyka, Borisov, Osipovichi, Pinsk. Students from 12 Belarusian universities from Minsk, Grodno, Gomel, Brest, Baranovichi, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Pinsk presented their works in the category "Profi".
The best works, awarded with diplomas of I, II, III degree, as well as awarded with diplomas in special nominations, will be posted on May 7 on the page of the II Republican youth festival-contest “Media Sphere-2020” - the Organizing Committee will inform each participant via e-mail.
From May 7 to 11, contestants will be able to take part in the online voting for the audience’s prize in the account of the Student Media Center “GRSU MEDIA | STUDENT MEDIA CENTER "on the social network.
The names of the winners will be announced on May 12, 2020. Information on the decision of the jury will appear on the official page of the Festival.
Student learning at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will be fully organized using information and communication technologies from April 20 to May 8
Our university introduces additional measures to organize safe conditions for the educational process in the current epidemiological situation.
Moreover, all measures have been taken to ensure the quality of the educational process. Training will take place in accordance with approved curricula. Teachers and students will interact remotely through the University’s educational portal, as well as various educational platforms, while actively using managed independent work.
It is worth noting that Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has a unique experience in implementing information technologies in the educational process: activities in this area have been successfully carried out for many years, and have now been transformed into the implementation of the Digital University + project aimed at training specialists for the IT country.
Digital services developed by university employees allow not only to organize training and counseling for students outside the classroom, but also to monitor their presence in the classroom, the active participation in the work on the Educational Portal, and also regularly evaluate student learning outcomes.
For teachers wishing to improve competencies in the field of conducting training sessions using ICT, online training seminars will continue.
All this will save the health of students and teachers, reduce direct contacts between them, minimize movement in public transport and being in public places.
Addressing the students, teachers and employees of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, the rector of the university, Irina Kiturko, calls for showing social responsibility, observing all the necessary recommendations of doctors, not leaving the city, taking care of the health and health of those who are nearby.
About caring, humanity and helping those who save lives today: kupalovtsy became part of the Republican campaign "marathon of support"
In the action, aimed at helping medical personnel of healthcare institutions, took part members of the primary organization of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno “Belorussian Union of Women”.
As part of their participation in the “Support Marathon”, kupalovtsy supported the doctors of the Grodno healthcare institutions, who are now actively involved in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.
So, the members of the primary organization transferred to the charity account membership fees for two months. Also, together with the head office of PO “BUW” of the Leninsky district and the primary organization of the “BUW” of the Grodno State Medical University, hygiene and personal protective equipment were transferred to the medical staff of the Municipal Psychological Center “Psychiatry-Narcology”.
By the way, for a significant contribution to the women's movement in 2019, the primary organization “Belorussian Union of Women” of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was awarded the gratitude of the head office of the Grodno city organization “Grodnenchanka”.
Addendum to the order of the rector of the University
Dear teachers, employees and students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno!
We ask you to pay more attention to your health and the health of others and take into account the following recommendations:
* follow all recommended personal hygiene rules (wash your hands with soap and/or hand sanitizer (preferably alcohol-based), keep your distance when communicating, minimize contact if possible, and avoid mass events)
An effective way to clean your hands in a timely manner in any situation is to use an antiseptic hand sanitizer in an individual package or disinfecting wipes. Clean hands guarantee that people will not spread viri, infecting themselves when they touch their mouths and noses, and others - through surfaces. Wash your hands as often as possible, especially after using public transport, after any visit to the street and public places, before and after eating. Wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds, not forgetting the areas between your fingers, around your nails, cuticles, and a thumb.
• keep surfaces clean
Organize regular wet cleaning of rooms using household detergents and/or disinfectants, with an emphasis on the treatment of all surfaces. When cleaning rooms, it is necessary to carefully treat door handles, handrails, tables, chairs, other furniture, sanitary equipment, computer keyboards and mice, other gadgets, telephones, control panels, panels of office equipment for general use and other items that people touch.
Pay attention to the processing of mobile communication devices. Clean your phone by wiping it with a microfiber cloth dampened with soap and water, especially the part that contacts with your face. There are also recommendations for treating the surface of the phone with alcohol-containing disinfectants, taking precautions against damage to the phone. Remove and clean the gadget’s case separately, and it is better to refuse to use the case. Clean the phone after each visit to public places, transport, and after the end of the working day.
* Ventilate the premises and humidify the air by any available means regularly and as often as possible
• use medical face masks
The main function of the mask is a barrier delay of moisture drops that are formed when coughing and sneezing, and in which micro-organisms (viruses, bacteria, etc.) can be suspended. The right use of masks can limit the spread of micro-organisms to a certain extent. The use of masks is effective only in combination with other methods of prevention (contact minimization, hand hygiene, disinfection of objects).
The mask MUST be used: |
The mask CAN be used: |
By an ill person that has symptoms of a respiratory infection (cough, sneezing, runny nose, etc.) |
By healthy people when being in public places where there is a possibility of a contact with an ill person that has respiratory symptoms |
By a medical worker when providing medical care to a patient |
By a worker (a person) when taking care after an ill person with respiratory infections |
The algorithm for using a single-use mask.
1. Treat your hands with alcohol or wash them with soap.
2. Holding it by the drawstring or the elastic band, closely bring it to the face with the white side inward and fix the ties (rubber bands) in a position where the lower part of the face (mouth and nose) is completely covered.
3. Give the desired shape to the flexible strip (nose clip), ensuring a tight fit of the mask to the face.
4. Remove the product by holding it by the ties (elastic band) at the back, without touching the front of the mask.
5. Place the removed mask in the bag, seal it tightly and throw it in a waste container (trash bin).
6. Wash your hands with soap or treat them with alcohol.
7. If you need to put on a new mask, follow steps 1-3.
The algorithm for using a reusable mask.
1. Treat your hands with alcohol or wash them with soap.
2. Holding the mask by the ties or elastic bands, bring it close to the face and fix it with the ties (elastic bands) in a position where the lower part of the face (both the mouth and nose) is completely covered.
3. Make sure that the mask fits closely to your face.
4. Remove the mask by holding it by the ties (elastic band) at the back, without touching the front of the mask.
5. Place the removed mask in the bag, seal it tightly and store it until washing.
6. At home, the mask must be washed using soap (detergent), separately from other things. After washing, the mask can be treated with steam using a steam iron or steam generator. Then iron it with a hot iron (without steam) to remove moisture. The mask must be completely dry!
7. Wash your hands with soap or treat them with alcohol-containing products.
8. If you need to wear a clear mask, follow steps 1-3.
General rules for single-use and reusable masks.
Rule 1. Use the mask for no more than two hours.
Rule 2. Immediately replace the mask if it gets wet (humidified), even if less than two hours have passed since use.
Rule 3. Do not touch the attached mask with your hands.
Rule 4. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or treat them with an alcohol-containing product after touching the mask you are using or used.
* if possible, avoid moving around the country and stay at your current place of residence (hostel, private or rented housing).
This is one of the preventive measures used around the world to limit contact with elderly relatives and people at risk.
The Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Belarus recommends taking preventive measures, even if cases of COVID-19 infection are not registered in a locality, since these measures are effective for preventing infection and the spread of any respiratory viri active during the current period of the year.
IT IS IMPORTANT! If you have an increase in temperature, symptoms of SARS, you need to contact the clinic at your place of residence or call an emergency service (number 103) and follow their instructions.
If your body temperature rises above 37.0 degrees, we recommend that you stay at home and call the doctor of the polyclinic at your place of residence (registration).
Contact phone numbers for calling a doctor at home:
- polyclinic №1: 68-20-72 (08:00-14:00), 61-06-24 (14:00-17:00);
-polyclinic №2: (GCGP) 39-80-14 (07:30-17:00);
-polyclinic №3: 39-15-00 (07:30-17:00);
- polyclinic №4: 55-90-48 (07:00-17:00);
- polyclinic №5: 75-09-30, 75-08-00 (08:00-17:00);
- polyclinic №6: 32-16-01(07:30-17:00);
- polyclinic №7: 31-64-27 (07:00-17:00).
Inform your direct supervisor about your health status and the measures you have taken.
Specialists of the regional infectious diseases hospital are ready to answer your questions about medical care by calling 43-52-09 (around the clock).
The hotline of the Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health is +375 (29) 156-85-65, calls are accepted on working days from 8:30 to 13:00 and from 13:30 to 18:00.
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Representatives are invited to take part in the online presentation of the CIS International Youth Competition named after A.A. Gromyko
Online presentation, organized for students, young teachers and researchers of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, will be held on April 16 at 15:30.
The winners and finalists of the Competition 2018-2019 will tell the participants of the online event about the opportunities and prospects for future finalists, as well as about the experience gained through participation in the Forum of finalists in Moscow and the Presidential Forum of Regions of Russia and Belarus in St. Petersburg. Those present will also be able to learn about the projects in which the finalists participate and ask the organizers any questions they are interested in.
The contest is timed to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the creation of the UN. The works of the CIS International Youth Competition named after A.A. Gromyko winners will be published in the leading scientific journals included in the list of VAK and Scopus and awarded valuable prizes.
In order to become a participant of the online conference, you need to follow the link https://zoom.us/j/236734492. If the application is not installed on your mobile phone or computer, you must download it https://zoom.us/signup. After that you can join the conference. The official website of the contest: konkurs-gromyko.org.