The administration and volunteers of the union "Nadezhda" of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno handed gifts to students of the Special Needs School No. 1
As part of pre-New Year's actions, the Faculty of Economics and Management did not miss the chance to arrange a small and sincere holiday for the children.
On December 4, Marina Karpitskaya, Chairman of the Primary Organization OO "BSG"of the Yanka Kupala State University, Alexander Kulikov, Vice-Dean On the Ideological and Educational Work of the faculty, Larisa Skvortsova, senior lecturer of the Department on International Business and Marketing, and students of the Faculty of Economics and Management, who are participants of the volunteers union "Nadezhda", made a visit to Grodno Special Needs School No. 1. Students handed to children stationery, toys, books, sports equipment, purchased with funds derived from charity fairs within the framework of the action"Hold a hand". It is reminder, that there everyone was able to realize their hand-made items and give warmth of their hands to children waiting for magic.
In the school, under the direction of Larisa Skvortsova, the students of the faculty organized a workshop and together with the children they made New Year cards.
The students said: "It's very nice to realize that we made them a little happier. In the eyes of the children there was so much happiness and joy that this could not allow anyone to stay indifferent on the eve of Christmas."
Graduate students of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno became the diploma winners of the international contest "Mass Media Perspective 2017"
The final of the contest was held at the St. Petersburg State University. This year's competitive program "Virtual behavior vs. real consequences" was devoted to problems of Internet security and intelligent behavior in social networks.
Graduate students of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno passed the elimination round and defended the project "#Instarules - this is for you!", focused on engaging teenagers in awareness with the rules of secure account management in the social network Instagram. Within the framework of the project, which was prepared under the guidance of Irina Gerasimchik, an assistant professor of the Department of Journalism, "#Instarules_foto", an interactive educational challenge, was developed. This challenge is part of "MediaDom", the faculty complex interdisciplinary project. Following the results of the competition, the team of the students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno received a diploma of the finalist.
Apart from competitive part, useful workshops in the digital sphere were held for participants. The experts were Boris Grigoriev, Executive General Manager of the GenerationBrand & Communication agency, Olga Laktyushina, Communications Adviser of the IT company Sum & Substance and Viktor Naumov, Manager of the law firm Dentos, Head of Russian practice in the field of intellectual property, IT and telecommunications.
"Mass Media Prespective" is an annual international competition of student communication projects focused on searching of young professionals in the field of PR, journalism and advertising, who have the greatest professional and creative potential.
Yaroslav Ksenzhek, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Grodno, met with students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
The meeting was held at the Center of Polish Language, Literature and Culture with organizational and creative support of the civil and patriotic project of Grodno University "Live History". Together with Yaroslav Ksenzhek, his wife, Elzhbieta Ksenzhek, visited the university.
A cultural and historical, literary retrospective of Grodno region was taken as a basis of the event.
Olga Pankova, head of the civil and patriotic project" Living History ", assistant professor of the Department of Russian philology said: “Songs and a fair imaginative word traditionally existed in our beautiful Grodno region. Where in the rapid Neman discharges its waters, where the Shchara, Ros, Ditva, Kotra, Chernaya Gancha are scattered like blue ribbons and the mysterious Svityaz shines, people enamored of poetry and literature were born and are born there. The cultural heritage of Belarus, the past and the present, the landscape closed to the heart, the images of the native people, dreams and hopes are the basis of their creativity. Poetry is the voice of the earth, the strength and wisdom of generations and memory”.
Yaroslav Ksenzhek, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Grodno, continued the conversation about the book. He donated the encyclopedic and reference literature, required for students of various specialties of the university, to the Center of Polish Language, Literature and Culture.
The head of the Polish diplomatic corps in Grodno said: “I am very grateful to the students for the creative part of this meeting and the historical excursion. I am convinced once again that Grodno region is full of talents and that is an interesting place where history borders on modernity. There are many monuments of architecture and unique sights in Grodno that we unlikely will be able to see in other regions of Belarus. And Grodno residents should protect and keep this heritage”.
The meeting ended with a review of the feature film "Tomorrow we will go to the cinema" directed by Michal Kvetinsky, which tells about three graduates who begin adulthood, feel hopeful and how the sudden initiate World War II will forever destroy all their plans and dreams. Yaroslav Ksenzhek noted that this film raises a number of topical issues and it is an outstanding film of modern filmmakers of Poland.
It is expected that such film viewing sessions will become regular at the philological faculty. In January, it is planned to hold the next meeting, during which students will get acquainted with the Polish cinematograph and discuss films with Consul.
Within the framework of the visit, Yaroslav Ksenzhek also met with Yuri Belykh and Gennady Gachko, Vice-Rectors for Academic Matters, and considered prospective variants of cooperation between higher educational institutions of Poland and the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
The winners of the first Interuniversity Olympiad on Political Science "Individual in the World of Politics" were announced in the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
The Olympiad was held among the first and second- year students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Grodno State Agrarian University, Grodno State Medical University and Grodno branch of the BIP-Institute of Law.
The competition took place in three stages. At the first stage participants were offered to answer 60 questions of test tasks on various modules of the course "Political Science. Basic concepts of the ideology of Belarus". At the second stage the contestants wrote essays.
The organizers of the Olympiad said: "The main field of scientific opposition developed within the framework of the task performance, that is writing essays on such topics as politics, power and civil society, public administration, democracy, the current political process, civil position".
The final stage of the competition was a blitz speech. The students presented for the jury the rationale for choosing the topic of the heuristic task and argued the conclusions drawn in the essay. The jury evaluated the quality of self-presentation, imagery, colorfulness, brevity and persuasiveness of the presentation of the material. The observation of the time parameter was also taken into account.
The winners of the Olympiad were Olga Mikhaylova, the second- year student of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, and Elizaveta Shishkina, the first- year student of Grodno branch of the BIP-Institute of Law.
Karina Savitskaya, the first year student of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, and Olga Kisel, the first -year student of Grodno State Medical University took a second place.
The third place was shared by Alexander Mazurov, the first-year student of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Yanka Kupala State University, and Anna Zayko, the first-year student of Grodno State Agrarian University.
The Olympiad is focused on identifying and supporting of clever and talented students in the field of liberal education. Holding this intellectual competition, the organizers have been intended for developing students' creative abilities for scientific work, deepening their creative knowledge, practical skills and interest in social and political processes, striving for political self-education, developing the skills of management decision-making and giving a chance to take the initiative and independence.
The Republican Universiade 2017 Futsal, the students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is the Best
In the framework of the Universiade was held Open Cup of futsal for the prizes of the Belarusian Association of student sport. For the first place in the competition fought for the students of all higher educational institutions of the country.
The team of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno were in group "A". Opponents of our students in group stage were players from 15 universities, of which students of Kupala University won in group matches.
In the semifinal, the students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno met with representatives of the Gomel state University by Francisk Skarina. The match ended in a draw.
– The game score was 4:4, – said the coach of the team, senior lecturer in sports games Vasiliy Savich. However, in the penalty shootout our players snatched victory from opponents.
In the final, our students had played with the team of Belarusian state pedagogical university named after Maxim Tank.
The match was good: playing in a dead heat, almost to the last minute the score was 4:4. But a few seconds before the end of the game, the students snatched the victory from opponents and scored the decisive and winning goal. The game ended in our favor with a score of 5:4! – added Vasiliy Aleksandrovich.
Note that in the team of the Grodno University included students of the faculty of physical culture Kirill Karpenko, Artem Kuzmitskiy, Evgeni Leshko, Edward Pugach, Paul Teslyukevich, faculty of mathematics and informatics Alexander Kremko, Tom Lazarchik, Sergey Pleshkov, faculty of engineering and construction Dmitry Knysh and Eugene Laptukhov, the law faculty Mikhail Kirillov, Nikita Tchaikovsky, a student of the faculty of history, communication and tourism Vadim Kuzma and student of the physico technical faculty Maxim Shishlov.
Assistance in the preparation of our students had a senior lecturer in the department of physical education and sport Alexei Obelevski and senior lecturer in sports games Arkady Obelevski.
Professor of Bialystok University Joanna karpinskaya met with representatives of the faculty of biology and ecology the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and discussed perspective directions.
Currently, between the two universities, an agreement on cooperation. In the framework of the signed document parties plan to develop partnerships for the Erasmus+ programme: to prepare a joint project proposal, to undertake joint research in the field of environmental chemistry, to publish the results of their research in rating publications.In addition, representatives of the Department of ecology and Professor of the Polish University agreed on joint organization of international scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of ecology", which is annually held at the faculty of biology and ecology Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno.
During the visit Professor Joanna Karpinskaya lectured for students of the specialty "Bioecology" and MA of the specialty "Ecology" in the course "Chemical ecology". Also the guest told about the history and modern structure of the University in Bialystok and the main directions of scientific works of sruff of faculty of biology and chemistry. Note that the research of Professor Joanna Karpinskaya associated with the development of new microextraction methods for isolation of organic compounds from the environment, which is important for students and teachers of the faculty of biology and ecology.
Pedagogical Skills Week will be held at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
The program of the Pedagogical Skills Week, which will be held from 5 to 7 December, provides for a master class, an open lecture-dialogue, a distant heuristic occupation and a roundtable discussion.
Teachers of the Grodno State University as participants of the course "Methodology of learning through discovery: how to teach everyone in different ways, but equally" of Andrei Korol, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, will share their experience in using innovative educational technologies in the educational process.
On Tuesday, 5 December, a master class "Social Network as an Educational Resource (using the example of the Instagram social network)" for students and teachers of the University will be held". Beginning will be at 12.00 at the address: Ozheshko, 22 street, aud. 209. Lecturers of this master classes are Ekaterina Pchelnik and Elena Lapish, the teachers of Technological College, Educational Institution “The Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno”.
On Wednesday, 6 December, Svetlana Leskevich, an associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, will hold an open lecture-dialogue "Belarussian language: fields of application" for the 1st year students of the specialty "Belarusian Philology" of the Faculty of Philology. The beginning will be at 11.40 in the educational media complex, aud. 218a.
On Thursday, 7 December, a remote heuristic lesson "The lesson of tax literacy" will be held for students of the 1st year of specialties "Jurisprudence" and "International Law" of the law faculty and also for pupils of 11 "A" tax class at the secondary school No. 13 in Grodno. In the lesson will be attended by Lydia Semashko, the head of the inspection of the Ministry of Taxes and Levies for the Grodno region, Svetlana Cheburanova, the dean of the law faculty, and Marina Kolotsey, the head of the teaching and methodical department, assistant professor of the theory and history of state and law. Beginning will be at 15.00 (educational media complex, aud. 218a).
Also there will be an open lecture "Once again about taxes: for everyone" for students, undergraduates, graduate students of the Faculty of Economics and Management. The participants will be Lidia Semashko, the head of the inspection of the Ministry of Taxes and Levies for the Grodno region, a member of the Coordination Council of the Economics and Management Department, and Marina Karpitskaya, the dean of the Economics and Management Department. Beginning will be at 11.40 am at the address: Gospodarcha 23 st., aud. 101.
The Week of Pedagogical Excellence will end with summing up the results and awarding the winners of the creative works "A cloud of poetric values" (beginning will be at 11.30, aud. 209) and the roundtable discussion of participants of the course "Methodology of learning through discovery: how to teach everyone in different ways, but equally" of Andrei Korol and students of pedagogical specialties on the topic "Professional skills of a modern teacher: the path to success" (beginning will be at 11.45, aud. 209).
We invite you to take part in the events of the Pedagogical Skills Week!
Trainings on development of critical thinking and research activity of the teacher at universities of Kazakhstan were conducted by representatives of the pedagogical faculty of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
Elena Belokoz and Natalia Mikhailova, associate Professors of the Department of Pedagogics and Social Work, were invited as foreign experts to conduct trainings in the framework of the project "Training by domestic and foreign specialists in pedagogical specialties on the basis of the best international standards in management and training". The project is implemented by the Higher School of Education of Nazarbayev University on the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The trainings were held at the Karaganda State University of the name of academician E.A. Buketov and Atyrau State University of the name of H. Dosmukhamedov and they were devoted to the development of critical thinking and research activities of the teacher. Students, undergraduates, and teaching staff of higher educational institutions took part in them.
- The training in Atyrau State University of the name of H. Dosmukhamedov was visited by professor Abzal Taltenov, the rector of the university, doctor of chemical sciences, Nurlan Nogayev, the governor of Atyrau region, professor Mukhtar Kul-Mukhammed ,the first deputy chairman of the Nur Otar party, the doctor of law, and the delegation of the administrative apparatus of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was in Atyrau with a working trip - said Natalia Mikhailova, assistant of the dean of the Faculty of Education. - The management highly appreciated the content of the training session, and Mukhtar Kul-Mukhammed recommended to consider the possibilities of using this project for training officials, political scientists and ideologists of Kazakhstan, using the opportunities of Belarus and, in particular, the coaches of the Grodno University.
In addition to the trainings, the associate professors of the Chair of Pedagogics and Social Work conducted a series of meetings, during which they discussed the prospects for further cooperation of the Grodno State University with higher education institutions in Kazakhstan.
All news of the Faculty of Education can be found here.
In the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno students-athletes were honored.
The solemn meeting of the administration of YKSUG, the faculty of physical culture and representatives of the sports club was held on November, 23. The event was invited students and graduates who create sporting glory at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
Among them are winners and prize-winners of world and Europe championships, European games, republican competitions, masters of sports, including international class. This fighters are Radik Kuliev, Alexander Grabovik, Sergei Malyavsky, Ilya Lavrinovich, Andrei Mikhailovsky, Maxim Pashkov, as well as athletes are Maxim Andraloyt and Irina Zhuk.
– I am very much pleased to welcome today the famous university athletes who, thanks for their sporting achievements, celebrate not only their native alma mater, but also they strengthen the state's image in the international arena, - Irina Kiritko, the first pro-rector, , greeted the participants of the event. – Believe in yourself and remember that your victories are the victories of the whole country!
Irina Fedorovna congratulated the guys who participated in the match with the representatives of the US national Greco-Roman wrestling team, she thanked them for exciting fights and victory over rivals. The first pro-rector sent a special words of thanks to Vyacheslav Maksimo, the coach of the YKSUG students, honored coach of the USSR and the BSSR, professor, head of the department of physical education and sports, as the support and preparation wouldn’t be possible without him.
"The work of the coach and his sportsmen is a multifaceted work," said Vyacheslav Alexandrovich. - The coach supports his sportsmen not only in the sports arena, the coach supports them constantly and the coach is both a psychologist, a doctor, and a second father for sportsmen. We inherited the traditions of the Soviet sports school, which we are going to be continued in the future, so that our athletes could conquer new heights.
At the meeting, students asked their questions to the university administration and told about plans for the near future and coming competitions. On behalf of all the sportsmen of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Irina Zhuk thanked the university administration and teachers for their support during the competitions and studies.
At the end of the meeting, Irina Kuturko presented the students with grateful letters from the university and presents.
The Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno disseminates the experience of organizing and conducting of orienteering competitions
For the first time the faculty of physical culture of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno conducted "Sports Orientation and Methods of Training" courses.
The first graduates recently received certificates and also in the near future they plan to take part as organizers in orienteering competitions, both in our country and abroad.
Certified experts in the field of orientation were students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Grodno State Agrarian University, teachers of Grodno schools and teachers of additional education from Minsk and Volkovysk. Many of the participants are members of the Grodno orienteering club "Cronan".
As Edward Arod who is one of the organizers of the courses, the chairman of the Grodno regional federation of orienteering, the deputy chairman of the Belorussian federation of orienteering, the assistant professor of sports disciplines, said Vasif Vagif Ogly Rustamov , the student from Azerbaijan, who is educated at the faculty of physical culture of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, already is due at home. The Azerbaijan Orienteering Federation is interested in the specialist who will hold competitions on this kind of sport at a high level. Colleagues from Azerbaijan are confident in the highly professional preparation of the student and also they plan to adopt the Belarusian experience in sports orienteering.
Within the framework of the courses the participants studied the features of the organization of the competitions and the tourist camp and they noted the factors that influence on the result of orientation. At the same time, special emphasis was placed on ensuring the safety of athletes. In addition, the classes were devoted to general and special physical training of the organizers of competitions and tactical, topographical and technical preparation for orienteering.
Igor Martynenko, Head of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Law Faculty of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, took part in a seminar on the protection of the archaeological heritage of Belarus
Specialists in the protection of historical and cultural heritage, representatives of the land management service, the departments of architecture and construction and housing and communal services, the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus met to discuss issues of improving the protection of archaeological sites and artifacts in the E.F. Karsky regional library.
- Today, we have done a lot to protect the monuments of archeology, - said Elena Klimovich, First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs of the Regional Executive Committee. - In all districts of Grodno region, inventory of the monuments has been carried out, also in many regions some projects have been developed for the protection of monuments of archeology. Such projects as Ivie, Mosty, Ostrovets, Oshmyany districts today are on the approval of the Ministry of Culture.
During the seminar Igor Martynenko, the head of the law and process department of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, introduced the basics of responsibility for violations of legislation in the field of protection of historical and cultural heritage and also he demonstrated some examples of vandalism, destruction of monuments, illegal excavation of archaeological excavations.
It should be noted that complex and systematic studies of the legal protection of historical and cultural heritage are conducted at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, one of the results of which is the introduction of the special course "Legal Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage" in the educational process and the publication of the same textbook in 2017.
The seminar was organized by the management of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the Grodno local government.
Students-athletes of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno named the best in mini-football and volleyball competitions at the sport and athletic metting of student youth of the Union State
In the Brest hero-city, competitions were attended by more than 200 students from 20 universities of Belarus and Russia.
Many of the participants are candidate masters of sports. Among them are students-athletes of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, who repeatedly won and became winners of regional, national and international competitions.
As part of the Spartakiad, the students of YKSUG showed a high level of sports training: young men and women performed well in two sports, taking first place. The men's national team of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno named the best among the teams in mini-football. The guys beat all the teams in their subgroup and won with the score 7: 6 with the BSUFK representatives in the final meeting. Arkady Obilevsky, the senior lecturer of the sports games department, was training this team.
The women's team won in volleyball.
- Our volleyball players easily beated other players from the Fyodor Dostoyevsky Omsk State University, completing the game with a score of 2: 0. With the same result the match with the Southern Federal University ended in favor of our team. In the game with representatives of the Baranovichi State University, we also won with a score of 2: 1.- said Stanislav Lisovsky, the coach of the women's volleyball team at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, the senior teacher of the Department of Physical Education and Sports. - In the finals we met with athletes of the Belgorod State National Research University and won in two games over rivals.
The teams of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno returned home with Cups and diplomas of the winners.
University of Granada is interested in increasing contacts with the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
It was noticed by Enrique Federico Kero Hervilia, the dean of the faculty of translation, the editor-in-chief of the magazine «Slavic World», the director of the Russian Center of the Russkiy Mir Foundation at the University of Granada, during the meeting with the administration of the Grodno University and the deans of the faculties.
The successful cooperation of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Granada University (Spain) began in 2012 as part of the study placement and participation of representatives of the Grodno State University in scientific events, which were held under the auspices of the Spanish University. In 2015 a cooperation agreement between the two higher educational institutions was concluded, ant it opened up new opportunities for realizing the potential of universities, their students, teachers and employees.
The parties plan to develop partnerships within the framework of the Erasmus + program. At the meeting with Tamara Pivovarchik, dean of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism, the preparation of the project application for joint master's programs, the issues of research in the field of automated translation and intercultural communication were discussed.
Dean of the Spanish University was interested in short-term and long-term courses of Russian as a foreign language. As Yuri Romanovsky , the dean of the faculty of pre-university training, said the most successful project in this field is the Summer and Winter School of the Russian language. Students from the University of Granada have already taken part in these projects.
Inna Lisovskaya, the dean of the Faculty of Philology, continuing the topic of studying the Russian language, offered cooperation in the field of training specialists in Russian and Slavic philology. Perspectives in the interaction of a colleague are seen in the training of foreigners under the program "Russian as a foreign language" at the I and II levels of higher education.
Another important area of cooperation is the exchange of publications in scientific journals of the University of Granada and the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University. Thus, professors, teachers and staff of two higher educational institutions will continue to publish the results of their scientific research in rating editions.
Traditionally the academic mobility of students and teachers is important for both sides. Enrique Federico Caro Herviglia noted that the Spanish university is particularly interested in expanding the academic exchange of undergraduates and doctoral students of various specialties, as well as the university is interested in the participation of leading teachers of the University of Granada in the program "Visiting Professor".
At the end of the meeting, colleagues stressed that they are ready for further interaction not only in the humanitarian sphere, but also in the natural sciences.
- The University of Granada is interested in expanding contacts with Belarus. Grodno State University is the most active and valuable partner for our university. In the framework of the Erasmus + program we allocate the largest number of places among the Belarusian universities for the Yanka Kupala State University, - Enrique Federico Kero Herviglia summed up.
It should be noted that Enrique Federico Kero Hervilia, the dean of the faculty of translation, the professor of the department of Greek and Slavic philology, the editor-in-chief of the magazine «Slavic World», the director of the Russian Center of the Russkiy Mir Foundation at the University of Granada, is in Grodno State University as part of the "Visiting Professor" program. In the next few days he will give lectures on the disciplines "History of Russian Literature", "Professional Etiquette of an Interpreter" and conduct practical exercises "Practical Course of Translation of the Second Foreign Language of Spain", "Workshop on the Culture of Speech Communication". Also he will teach Spanish as the second foreign language for students of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism and the Faculty of Philology.