Kupalovtsy got "Golden Letter"!

The award was presented as part of a solemn ceremony honoring the winners of the print media competition

The newspaper "Grodzenski universitet" became the winner of the XVI National Competition "Golden Letter" in the category "Best materials of scientific, popular science topics".
The award ceremony was held at the Press House in Minsk on December 18. The First Deputy Minister of Information of the Republic of Belarus Pavel Legkiy presented the "Golden Letter" to the representatives of Kupala University.
The fact that the monthly newspaper of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University won the main award of the competition in the category "Best materials of scientific, popular science topics" among district, city, corporate and multi-circulation print media became known in May. For the newspaper "Grodzenski universitet" is the second "Golden Letter". For the first time, Kupalovtsy won the main journalistic award in the same category in 2017.
The national competition "Golden Letter" is held annually on the initiative of the Ministry of information of the Republic of Belarus. This year, about 400 applications from periodicals, news agencies, and personalities were submitted for the contest. The organizers noted the high level of professional skills in all categories.

Congratulations! The students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Soslan Daurov and Radik Kuliev successfully performed at the international competitions

In total, the Belarusian Greco-Roman wrestlers have 4 World Cup medals. Belarusian, Kirill Maskevich, has won a gold medal in the personal World Cup in Greco-Roman wrestling.

Maxim Kazharsky, as well as the 5th-year students of the Faculty of Physical Culture of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Soslan Daurov and Radik Kuliev have won bronze medals. Soslan Daurov in the weight category of 63 kg has defeated an athlete from Algeria, and Radik Kuliev in the weight category of 82 kg has won the bronze medal of a wrestler from Moldova.
Our congratulations on winning medals!

One hundred undergraduates from China started their studies at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

The training is carried out within the framework of the Agreement of cooperation between Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and the Fund for support of training and development of talented students of the People's Republic of China.
The launch of the educational program was announced during the official meeting of representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and the Fund for support of training and development of talented students of the People's Republic of China. The meeting was held via video conference. In the near future, the first classes for undergraduates from China will be held online, due to the difficult epidemic situation.
"Despite the fact that we are separated by thousands of kilometers, I still want to say you: "Welcome to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno!" said Rector Iryna Kiturka in her welcoming speech. "One hundred people today joined the ranks of Kupala students. These are undergraduates from the People's Republic of China, who will be trained in the fields of "Educational management", "Economics" and "Finance."
Iryna Kiturka noted that more than 900 foreign students from 28 countries, including 112 Chinese citizens, are currently studying at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The launch of the new educational program has increased the number of Chinese citizens studying at Kupala University by almost a half.
During the online meeting, Tian Di, a representative of the Fund for support of training and development of talented students of the People's Republic of China, congratulated the undergraduates on passing the entrance exams and wished them an interesting and fruitful study. Tian Di recalled that the main goal of the Fund, which he represents, – is to develop talents at the international level.
"Let me express my gratitude to the administration and teachers of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for their help and efforts in the implementation of the project "Development of talents," said Tian Di, representative of the Fund for support of training and development of talented students of the People's Republic of China. "Belarus is one of the main partners of China, in the sphere of education as well. And today we are starting a new stage of cooperation between our countries."
Iryna Kiturka, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, also drew attention to the active development of partnership with China. She noted that at the moment there are 7 agreements between Kupala University and higher education institutions of China, thanks to which not only academic mobility programs are successfully implemented, but also joint training programs, including educational programs, which participants receive dual diplomas.
"The attractiveness of Belarusian education is growing. This is also noticeable in the number of foreign students who come to study here," Iryna Kiturka said. "As for Kupala University, we were the first in the Republic of Belarus among higher education institutions to adopt an internationalization strategy. We have been working hard to develop the competitive advantages of our University. A few years ago, we launched the "English-Speaking University" program. We are constantly working to improve the level of foreign language proficiency of our teachers. Now at the University the second level training on 16 specialties is conducted in English."
Undergraduates from China will also study in English. It is planned, that this month will start classes for Chinese citizens in three more specialties of Master's degrees – "Psychology", "Law" and "Literary Studies".
Undergraduates from China were told about the prospects of studying at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno during the online meeting. In particular, the Head of the Education Internationalization Centre Alena Belakoz demonstrated in the form of presentation why Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno can become a University for each of the students to realize their capabilities. In his turn, one of the Master's students Cao Xu expressed a wish to start classes in the traditional, face-to-face format as soon as possible, or, in any case, to come to Grodno at least for the solemn ceremony of awarding the Master's diploma.
By the way, the projects of the Fund for support of training and development of talented students of the People's Republic of China are supported at the level of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno signed the Agreement of cooperation with the Fund in February 2020. The document is a legal basis for conducting joint scientific research, students, undergraduates and postgraduates students exchange for their education, exchange of scientific materials, publications and information on relevant specialties, and also exchange of scientists and teachers for lectures and consultations.

Congratulations! Master's degrees in Technical Sciences were awarded to 8 graduates of the Master's program from Iraq

The graduation ceremony was held at Yanka Kupala State University on November 30.
Foreign students studied at Kupala University in the specialty “Computing machines and systems” – Master's training was conducted at the Department of modern programming technologies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.
Diplomas were awarded based on the results of defending of Master's theses – all 8 undergraduates presented the results of their work in English. The works, by the way, were performed at a high scientific and engineering level: the State Examination Commission evaluated the work of undergraduates with marks of 9 and 10 points.
Much of the credit for preparing Master's theses belongs to teachers: scientific management of foreign students was carried out by the head of the Department of modern programming technologies Lada Rudikova, assistant professors Evgeniy Olizarowich, Svyatoslav Statkevich, Anna Deicewa and Associate Professor of system programming and computer security Ekaterina Kosareva.
At the graduation ceremony, graduates of the Master's degree program Al Kuti Hasan Mohammed Abed, Arkawazi Soran Ibrahim Saya Khan, Seger Zainab Saadoon Naser, Hasan Karrar Shareef Hasan Al-Aayedi Safaa Shati Hammood, Alyodah Abdulghaffar Abdulhasan Yousif, Alsreiwe Sari Zaidan Hamza, Ghazzay Dheyaa Jabbar Ghazzay expressed their gratitude to their scientific supervisors and teachers for their help and support both in their studies and when dealing with personal issues, they noted that they will always remember with gratitude the time spent at Kupala University.

The official presentation of the diploma of awarding the degree of candidate of Sciences to a Chinese citizen was held at Yanka Kupala State University

The national diploma of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and the diploma of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) were awarded to Zhang Binbin, a graduate of our University from the People's Republic of China.

Zhang Binbin studied at the postgraduate course of Kupala University in the specialty "Differential equations, dynamical systems and optimal control" under the supervision of Ivan Martynov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of mathematical analysis, differential equations and algebra. His PhD thesis on "Rational solutions of differential equations and higher-order systems" was defended during his postgraduate studies at the Council for the defense of dissertations at Yanka Kupala State University.
During his three-year study at our University, Zhang Binbin became the author of 18 scientific papers, 10 of which are presented in peer-reviewed publications included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission for publishing the results of dissertation research. Zhang Binbin was awarded a Diploma of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University for his achievements in scientific and educational work.
Training was provided at the expense of the national budget on the basis of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the People's Republic of China on cooperation in the field of education.


Representatives of Yanka Kupala State University discussed with colleagues current methods of teaching German in the framework of an International webinar

The webinar, organized by the Goethe Institute in Minsk, was held online on November 24.
Teachers of the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology, as well as Head of the Department Nadezhda Vlasyuk took part in the International educational and methodological webinar "Exercises, tasks, interactivity in German as a foreign language". Under the guidance of Diana Shinkarenko, a research assistant at the Goethe Institute, teachers of Kupala University were able to discuss issues related to foreign language teaching methods in German with their colleagues from Brest State AS Pushkin University. During the webinar, approaches to effective lesson planning, methodological and didactic principles of teaching a foreign language, types of exercises, differences between exercises and tasks, and other relevant aspects related to teaching methods were considered.
As a result, teachers of Yanka Kupala State University were able to share their methods and learn new technologies. In particular, they evaluated the effectiveness of interactive applications in teaching students German and noted the importance of using modern information technologies in teaching to improve the quality of the educational process.

Kupala University became the coordinator of a new project within the framework of the Poland – Belarus – Ukraine cross-border cooperation program

The project is aimed at preserving and promoting the historical and literary heritage of Elisa Ozheshko and Ludwig Zamenhof and developing cross-border tourism.

Yanka Kupala State University is implementing a new international project together with the University of Bialystok. The first meeting of the entire project working group was held online. The video conference was attended by project Manager, associate Professor of tourism and cultural heritage of Yanka Kupala State University Vitaly Kornelyuk, Head of the Department of foreign languages Svetlana Gonchar, associate Professor of Russian as a foreign language Elena Nelepko, Deputy chief accountant Svetlana Feduta, as well as representatives of Bialystok University-Professor Anna Yanitskaya and Dr. Grazhina Davidovich.
A number of events are planned within the framework of the project "Preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of Eliza Ozheshko and Ludwig Zamenhof in Grodno and Bialystok". Among them – the design of information boards and installing them in key points of the route development and publication of a tourist brochure "People, uniting cultures", presentation routes in Grodno and Bialystok, publishing scientific papers and developing the web site project. It is expected that one of the results of the project will be the creation of a new tourist route "Ways of life and creativity of Ozheshko", which will connect all the historical and culturally important places associated with the life and work of the writer on the territory of Grodno and the region. The route will be accompanied by a specially designed tour available in Belarusian, Polish and English.

Yanka Kupala State University broadens cooperation with representatives of the scientific community of Kazakhstan

As part of the "Visiting Professor" program, Doctor of Science Asel Rakhimbekova and Professor Lyazzat Sembieva visited Kupala University.
Both guests from Kazakhstan visited the Faculty of Economics and Management of Yanka Kupala State University. Asel Rakhimbekova is the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade. During the visit to Kupala University, she gave lectures for students of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Yanka Kupala State University on the subjects "Organization (enterprise) Economics" and "Labour Organization and Quality Management". Professor of the Department of "State audit" Lyazzat Sembieva, representative of Gumilyiov Eurasian National University, in turn, gave lectures for students and undergraduates of the specialty "World Economy", and also conducted a practical lesson on the discipline "World Trade Organization and Trade Policy".
The program of the visit also included meetings of the guests with the staff and management of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Yanka Kupala State University, during which they discussed issues of enhancing cooperation in educational, scientific and project activities between Grodno scientists and representatives of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, as well as issues of academic mobility of students, undergraduates and teachers.

PHOTO-FACT: Winners of the XXV University – wide competition "Alma mater-love from the first year" were awarded

The award ceremony at Kupala University was held on November 26 at the Council for Ideological and Educational work.

The final of the anniversary competition "Alma mater-love from the first year" was held online for the first time. The names of the winners and prize-winners in different categories were announced live on the international student day. We remind that the main award this year is given to the team of freshmen of the Faculty of Innovative Mechanic Engineering of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

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