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Fostering Competencies Development in Belarusian Higher Education / FOSTERC

Project Duration: 36 месяцев

Project Number: 574087-EPP-1-2016-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP

Project status: finished.

Project Members & Partners

  • Politechnical University of Valencia (Spain) – Lead beneficiary and Project coordinator
  • Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (Lithuania)
  • University of Bialystok (Poland)
  • University of Turku (Finland)
  • Belarusian State University (Belarus)
  • Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus)
  • Belarussian State Pedagogical University (Belarus)
  • Francisk Skorina Gomel State University (Belarus)
  • Grodno State Agrarian University (Belarus)
  • Polotsk State University (Belarus)
  • Brest State University (Belarus)
  • Belarus State Economic University (Belarus)
  • Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus (Belarus)
  • National Institute for Higher Education (NIHE – Belarus)
  • University Solutions, USSL (Spain)



The main aim of FOSTERC is to strengthen the use of innovative principles and

approaches to teaching and learning in the Belarusian Higher Education Institutions for

the improvement of graduates’ learning outcomes.



  • To provide indicators for conceptualize Belarusian HE learning outcomes in terms of competencies development 
  • To upgrade and improve innovative teaching methods and the development of pedagogical creativity 
  • To strengthen student assessment and education management information systems for the improvement of the quality of Belarusian HEIs and matching the social and economic demands 
  • To equip Belarusian participating HEIs with the necessary information tool to facilitate the implementation of internal and external quality assurance assessments 
  • To modernize the systems and practices of data collection and analysis in the Belarusian HE system through the development of an integrated ‘Management Information System’ improving HEIs’ management in teaching and learning activities. All these objectives will positively change the situation set out previously and will improve the overall quality of Belarusian universities.



  • Mapping teaching modes and learning outcomes in Belarusian HEIs
  • Conducting surveys to: graduates, teachers and employers
  • Organisation of training workshops: involving teaching and support staff, technicians, university administrators, managers.
  • Organisation of training visits of Belarusian partners to EU universities
  • Definition of a full model of education on the description of learning outcomes
  • Establishing a student-centred teaching model based on competencies development and its implementation as a pilot activity
  • Building a constructive process of recognition & validation of competencies & innovative teaching



It will foster competencies development for matching the social and economic demands and improve the overall quality of HE. Implementing these reforms, it will support the modernisation of governance, management and functioning of Belarusian HEIs, and the upgrade and improvement of teaching and learning methodologies. It will provide trainings, methodological tools and indicators for conceptualization of learning outcomes, and integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities. It will also provide the necessary information and tools to facilitate the implementation of internal and external quality assurance assessments, supporting, at the end, the modernisation of Belarusian participating universities and hopefully the modernisation of the rest of Belarusian HEIs. Specifically, FOSTERC project will support the modernisation of governance, management and functioning of Belarusian HEIs

FOSTERC website



The final conference of the international project Erasmus + "Promoting the development of competencies in Belarusian higher education" FOSTERC

International summer school as the basis of intercultural cooperation and education

Funded by the “Eurasia” Program of the Norwegian Center for International Cooperation in Education

Project Duration: 2018 - 2021

Project Number: CPEA-LT-2017/10087

Status: active

Project Members & Partners

University of Oslo (Norway) – Project coordinator

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus)


The aim of this three-year project is to strengthen the internationalization and development of certified summer courses at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (YKSUG) through partnership with the International Summer School (ISS) at the University of Oslo (UiO). The project will include staff mobility for sharing institutional experience from Norway in the management of a summer school, as well as academic collaboration for content and syllabus development, and piloting courses in specific fields such as intercultural competence, foreign languages and development issues. The project will share experiences on aspects such as teaching methods, study techniques, academic reading and writing, structure of exam formats and other areas of capacity building relevant to the intensive format of summer school courses. Student mobility from Belarus to Norway in order to attend relevant summer school courses which have a potential for being developed at YKSUG will also be an integrated part of the project.


To establish sustainable cooperation between YKSUG and NO-UiO/ISS through development of international summer school. To develop multi-disciplinary summer school courses for potential stakeholders at YKSUG, improve the capacity for teaching and learning in an intercultural environment, and increase student mobility through institutional partnership between YKSUG and ISS.


1) Institutional development of YKSUG through the establishment of an internationally attractive summer school and increased opportunities for student mobility.

2) Institutional development of ISS through partaking in academic development and creative processes in partnership with YKSUG, as well as by strengthening and diversifying their student body with participants from Belarus.

3) A concept for international summer school at YKSUG, with course modules including intercultural competences and communication, foreign languages and development studies.

4) Mobility of YKSUG students to ISS.

Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education



“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

Preservation of the ethnocultural heritage and the development of tourism in the historical region of traditional beekeeping

Project Duration: 2020-08-01 – 2022-07-31 (24 months)

Total eligible costs of the Project: 450 099,25 EUR (1 176 244,37 BYN).

EU funding (Grant amount requested): 405 089,32 EUR (1 058 619,92 BYN)

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno funding: 60 076,66 EUR (156 800,08 BYN)

Project Number: ENI-LLB-2-359

Status: active

Project Members & Partners

  • Public organization “Nature Heritage Fund” (Lithuania, lead beneficiary);
  • Administration of Dzukiya National Park and Chepkelai Nature Reserve (Lithuania);
  • Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus);
  • Belarusian Public Association “Ecological Initiative” (Belarus);
  • State environmental institution "Republican landscape reserve "Ozery" (Belarus).


To preserve and revive the ancient tradition of forest beekeeping and its use for tourism development in the border region of Dzukiya and Grodno.


  • increasing the attractiveness of cross-border cultural heritage;
  • restoration of existing and creation of new tourist facilities related to the tradition of forest beekeeping;
  • organization of educational activities on the topic of forest beekeeping;
  • carrying out information events aimed at promoting the tradition of forest beekeeping.


Forest beekeeping is an ancient historically formed occupation on the territory of the Lithuanian-Belarusian border region. It once played an important role in local social and economic life. However, with the development of economically more effective beekeeping methods, it was slowly forgotten. Currently, it is known and cultivated by only a few enthusiasts in Dzukia and Belarus. Thus, project partners intend to revive the ancient traditions of beekeeping, make them famous and attractive to visitors, create a cross-border tourist route-guide where beekeeping traditions will be presented. During the implementation of the project, old bee boards in the border region will be repaired, demonstrating the lively traditions of forest beekeeping, as well as the importance of beekeeping for the local economy as a whole. Another group of events will focus on information, promotion and training of this ancient occupation and demonstrate how it can support local development. In addition, the project intends to initiate local festivals related to the historical traditions of beekeeping. It is expected that the festivals will become regular and will be the hallmark of the region. It is assumed that due to its information activities, the project will significantly increase the number of visitors to the Dzukiya National Park and the Landscape Reserve “Ozery” and the border region in a whole, that will have a positive impact on local socio-economic development.

The 2014-2020 European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme

“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

Innovative Project Solutions Tournament "Business LAB"


Project Duration: 21 months

Project Number: ENI-LLB-1-169

Status: active

Project Members & Partners

  • Public Institution “Northtown Technology Park” (Lithuania);
  • Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius);
  • Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus);
  • Youth Entrepreneurship Support and Development Center (Belarus);
  • Republican Innovative Unitary Enterprise “Science and Technology Park of Polotsk State University” (Belarus).


The project aims to make a substantial contribution to youth unemployment problem sowing in Vilnius, Grodno, Minsk and Vitebsk regions by creating an alternative method of youth entrepreneurial and self—employability capacities development through closer cooperation between education and R&D institutions and exchange of good practices. The project aims to solve youth unemployment problem in Vilnius. Grodno, Minsk and Vitebsk regions as well as the problems of poor youth entrepreneurship education and different entrepreneurship support opportunities in region, lack of institutional cooperation and inspiring success stories in publicity.


- Promotion of an innovative method of developing youth competencies.

- Development of competencies and entrepreneurial skills of youth.

- Development of practical skills of youth that meet the requirements of the labor market in Vilnius, Grodno, Minsk and Vitebsk regions.

- Development of cooperation between educational and research institutions in the scientific field.


The main activities of this project are ”Business LAB" methodology, including Training and consulting program, preparation and journal release, Pilot innovative Project Solutions Tournament "Business LAB", Final Innovative Project Solutions Tournament "Business LAB" and Scientific Conference, accompanied by high quality management and coordination system.

By implementing these activities, partners expect to achieve the following results: one method developed and methodology drawn, resulting promotion of innovative youth competence; 660 youngsters, which qualification and entrepreneurial skills as well as practical skills, corresponding to the needs of labour market in Vilnius, Grodno, Minsk and Vitebsk regions, developed; cooperation between 5 partners in educational and R&D areas achieved by creating a jointly developed product.


The 2014-2020 European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme



Addendum to the order of the rector of the University



Dear teachers, employees and students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno!

We ask you to pay more attention to your health and the health of others and take into account the following recommendations:

* follow all recommended personal hygiene rules (wash your hands with soap and/or hand sanitizer (preferably alcohol-based), keep your distance when communicating, minimize contact if possible, and avoid mass events)
An effective way to clean your hands in a timely manner in any situation is to use an antiseptic hand sanitizer in an individual package or disinfecting wipes. Clean hands guarantee that people will not spread viri, infecting themselves when they touch their mouths and noses, and others - through surfaces. Wash your hands as often as possible, especially after using public transport, after any visit to the street and public places, before and after eating. Wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds, not forgetting the areas between your fingers, around your nails, cuticles, and a thumb.

• keep surfaces clean

Organize regular wet cleaning of rooms using household detergents and/or disinfectants, with an emphasis on the treatment of all surfaces. When cleaning rooms, it is necessary to carefully treat door handles, handrails, tables, chairs, other furniture, sanitary equipment, computer keyboards and mice, other gadgets, telephones, control panels, panels of office equipment for general use and other items that people touch.

Pay attention to the processing of mobile communication devices. Clean your phone by wiping it with a microfiber cloth dampened with soap and water, especially the part that contacts with your face. There are also recommendations for treating the surface of the phone with alcohol-containing disinfectants, taking precautions against damage to the phone. Remove and clean the gadget’s case separately, and it is better to refuse to use the case. Clean the phone after each visit to public places, transport, and after the end of the working day.

* Ventilate the premises and humidify the air by any available means regularly and as often as possible

• use medical face masks

The main function of the mask is a barrier delay of moisture drops that are formed when coughing and sneezing, and in which micro-organisms (viruses, bacteria, etc.) can be suspended. The right use of masks can limit the spread of micro-organisms to a certain extent. The use of masks is effective only in combination with other methods of prevention (contact minimization, hand hygiene, disinfection of objects).

The mask MUST be used:

The mask CAN be used:

By an ill person that has symptoms of a respiratory infection (cough, sneezing, runny nose, etc.)

By healthy people when being in public places where there is a possibility of a contact with an ill person that has respiratory symptoms

By a medical worker when providing medical care to a patient

By a worker (a person) when taking care after an ill person with respiratory infections


The algorithm for using a single-use mask.

1. Treat your hands with alcohol or wash them with soap.

2. Holding it by the drawstring or the elastic band, closely bring it to the face with the white side inward and fix the ties (rubber bands) in a position where the lower part of the face (mouth and nose) is completely covered.

3. Give the desired shape to the flexible strip (nose clip), ensuring a tight fit of the mask to the face.

4. Remove the product by holding it by the ties (elastic band) at the back, without touching the front of the mask.

5. Place the removed mask in the bag, seal it tightly and throw it in a waste container (trash bin).

6. Wash your hands with soap or treat them with alcohol.

7. If you need to put on a new mask, follow steps 1-3.


The algorithm for using a reusable mask.

1. Treat your hands with alcohol or wash them with soap.

2. Holding the mask by the ties or elastic bands, bring it close to the face and fix it with the ties (elastic bands) in a position where the lower part of the face (both the mouth and nose) is completely covered.

3. Make sure that the mask fits closely to your face.

4. Remove the mask by holding it by the ties (elastic band) at the back, without touching the front of the mask.

5. Place the removed mask in the bag, seal it tightly and store it until washing.

6. At home, the mask must be washed using soap (detergent), separately from other things. After washing, the mask can be treated with steam using a steam iron or steam generator. Then iron it with a hot iron (without steam) to remove moisture. The mask must be completely dry!

7. Wash your hands with soap or treat them with alcohol-containing products.

8. If you need to wear a clear mask, follow steps 1-3.


General rules for single-use and reusable masks.

Rule 1. Use the mask for no more than two hours.

Rule 2. Immediately replace the mask if it gets wet (humidified), even if less than two hours have passed since use.

Rule 3. Do not touch the attached mask with your hands.

Rule 4. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or treat them with an alcohol-containing product after touching the mask you are using or used.

* if possible, avoid moving around the country and stay at your current place of residence (hostel, private or rented housing).

This is one of the preventive measures used around the world to limit contact with elderly relatives and people at risk.


The Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Belarus recommends taking preventive measures, even if cases of COVID-19 infection are not registered in a locality, since these measures are effective for preventing infection and the spread of any respiratory viri active during the current period of the year.


IT IS IMPORTANT! If you have an increase in temperature, symptoms of SARS, you need to contact the clinic at your place of residence or call an emergency service (number 103) and follow their instructions.

If your body temperature rises above 37.0 degrees, we recommend that you stay at home and call the doctor of the polyclinic at your place of residence (registration).

Contact phone numbers for calling a doctor at home:

- polyclinic №1: 68-20-72 (08:00-14:00), 61-06-24 (14:00-17:00);

-polyclinic №2: (GCGP) 39-80-14 (07:30-17:00);

-polyclinic №3: 39-15-00 (07:30-17:00);

- polyclinic №4: 55-90-48 (07:00-17:00);

- polyclinic №5: 75-09-30, 75-08-00 (08:00-17:00);

- polyclinic №6: 32-16-01(07:30-17:00);

- polyclinic №7: 31-64-27 (07:00-17:00).

Inform your direct supervisor about your health status and the measures you have taken.

Specialists of the regional infectious diseases hospital are ready to answer your questions about medical care by calling 43-52-09 (around the clock).


The hotline of the Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health is +375 (29) 156-85-65, calls are accepted on working days from 8:30 to 13:00 and from 13:30 to 18:00.





Reduction of Negative Impact of Alien Invasive Plant Species on Ecosystems and Human Wellbeing in Cross-border Region of Lithuania-Belarus (Alien Invasive Plants)

Project Duration: 17.10.2018 – 17.07.2020

Project Number: ENI-LLB-1-207

Project status: finished.

Project Members & Partners

  • Public Institution Nature Heritage Fund (Lithuania) – Lead beneficiary and Project coordinator
  • Administration of the Municipality of the region of Varena (Lithuania)
  • Administration of Dzūkija National Park and Čepkeliai Strict Nature Reserve (Lithuania)
  • Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus)
  • Directorate of Agriculture and Food of the Grodno District Executive Committee (Belarus)
  • State Environmental Institution "Republican Landscape Reserve "Ozery" (Belarus)

Overall objective of the project is to improve skills of regional and local authorities as well as other public bodies acting in fields of nature and environment management and capacities to deal with natural and man-made disasters such as a spread of invasive species. To solve this actual BY-LT cross-border problem project aims to promote legal and administrative cooperation between authorities and institutions of the bordering countries in the field of management of spread of alien invasive plant species (hereinafter – AIPS), to improve technical capacities and methods for eradication of AIPS, develop and implement training initiatives, strengthen capacities and increase involvement of local communities in public decision-making and implement processes in the field of preservation, control, management and eradication of AIPS.

Specific objectives of the project will be achieved through share of experience involving local communities and increasing capacity of local and regional authorities and institutions. Planned results of the project will ensure positive changes and sustainable development for these target groups via information and public awareness. Local communities will get familiar with background knowledge as well as specialists will gain skills in prevention, control, management and eradication of alien invasive plant species. Implementation of joint activities will


  • analysis of alien invasive plant species situation in the target areas, its diversity, distribution and risk assessment;
  • preparation of the strategy how to prevent further spread of invasive species and cross-contamination in transboundary and adjacent areas, control and eradicate them where it is possible and economically reasonable;
  • digital interactive map of distribution of alien invasive plant species prepared;
  • unique GIS database will be created. It will further serve as a tool for policy-makers, stakeholders and conservationists for planning and implementation of local eradication action plans of alien invasive plants.
  • selection and demonstration of environmentally friendly, economically reasonable and the most effective methods and tools of invasive alien plant species control and eradication.

Online form for new founded alien invasive plant species:

Online Map of alien invasive plant species found by locals

Online interactive map of alien invasive plant species dissemination

User guide for AIPS interactive map

Atlas of invasive plant species

Alien aggressive plant species LT-BY borderlands: studies for the benefit of nature and people (video)

Invasive plant species growing on the territory of the Varna region and Dzukiya National Park (Lithuania) (video)

The 2014-2020 European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme


Representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the final conference on the project of cross-border cooperation in the field of ecology

“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

Modernisation of master programmes for future judges, prosecutors, investigators with respect to European standard on human rights” (CRIMHUM)

Project Duration: 36 months

Project Number: 598471-EPP-1-2018-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Status: active

Project Members & Partners

  • The University of Graz (Austria)
  • University of Potsdam (Germany)
  • Aix-Marseille University (France)
  • Vilnius University (Lithuania)
  • Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine)
  • National University "Odesa Law Academy" (Ukraine)
  • Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Ukraine)
  • Belarusian State University (Belarus)
  • Yanka Kupala State Uiversity of Grodno (Belarus)
  • Public Organization “Belarusian Republican Union of Lawyers” (Belarus)
  • Law Faculty of University of Rijeka (Croatia)



  • substantial improvement of the traditional syllabi for the main courses of the so-called “criminal law block” on the first level in Belarus, using the best practices of EU universities and taking note of the reform developments in Ukraine;
  • structural and conceptual modernisation of the curricula for specialised Master’s degree programmes for future judge, prosecutor, investigator by  combining teaching skills training with European scientific methods and introducing of newest teaching aids and the introduction of significantly  improved master programmes for future judges, prosecutors and investigators at 5 Universities in partner countries by September 2020;
  • improving the professional and didactical qualifications of teachers in partner countries;
  • strengthen the resource base of the modernised master programmes.



After restoration of independence legislators of both countries amended criminal and criminal procedural legislation in the direction of its humanisation. But teaching of disciplines of “criminal law cycle” still tends to old traditions. At the same time training of students-to-be-judges/prosecutors/investigators is an essential element of an efficient system of justice, as it helps to ensure the competency of the judiciary. CRIMHUM, taking into account the synergy with the TRADIR project, will aim to modernise the training in the most conservative legal environment to meet the needs of employers and society, addressing the regional priority–Law, by developing and establishing specialised master programmes in criminal justice based on a Guiding Concept. The project is totally in line with the Concept of the development of legal education in the Republic of Belarus for 2018-2025 as well as labour market demands and last developments in the modernisation of higher legal education in Ukraine. The emphasis is on teaching how to conduct investigations, public prosecution and judging (including understanding of a rights-based approach), respecting fundamental principles in particular. Furthermore, to educate students about modern trends in criminal law and procedure in EU countries and how national law and procedure are affected by foreign, supranational and international law. The project will also lay the foundation for interdisciplinary teaching. Totally new for these countries courses reflecting contemporary criminal threats (e.g., crimes in IT, cross-border crime) will be introduced and course books in national languages will be developed. The traditional law school education will be connected with a practical learning approach (also through installing at the law faculties “work places” with special software to help students to draw up procedural documents). Belarusian and Ukrainian teachers will obtain an advanced training to teach criminal justice courses in English


CRIMHUM website

Facebook - 

“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

Project Duration: 36 months

Project Number: 598549-EPP-1-2018-1-LV-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Status: active

Project Members & Partners



MODEST project aims at modernization of doctoral education in Science in Partner Countries. Wider project objective is “To enhance cooperation capacities of Higher educational institutions of Partner Countries in the field of Doctoral Studies within European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area (ERA)”


  1. 1.Improve quality and employability of doctoral graduates of PC HEI’s by modernizing doctoral education towards interdisiplinarity, internationalisation, enhancing mobility, using new teaching methodologies in line with Salzburg Principles, BFGU recommendations.
  2. 2.Facilitate successful adherence with Bologna reforms and its instruments by organization of special training sessions for academic and administrative staff of HEI’s in PCs.
  3. 3.Improve up-skills of research and educational staff by retraining them on new teaching methods and create modern learning and research environment based on student centred approach, competence-based program development.
  4. 4.Improve structure and internal capacities of services of doctoral education and research by setting up Doctoral Training Centers in PC HEI’s; ensure their sustainability and cooperation with EU partners by establishing a professional network using modern ICT tools.

To meet these objectives, the project will make use of the analysis of best EU practices and of the needs of PC to develop training materials and organize intensive retraining of HEI’s staff. Structure and content of DTCs will be worked out, including set of regulatory documents, instructions for DTC creation, programs and materials for DTCs and interdisciplinary Summer schools for doctoral students. To ensure sustainability, a web-platform and Virtual Network environment will be developed using participatory approaches and ICT methodologies. Synergy with other European initiatives will be sought via participation of consortium members in EU networks and organizations (Coimbra Group, EURASHE, etc).


Work Package 1 Preparation

1.1 Analytic report on EU regulations, best EU practices in doctoral students training, organisation of their research and work placement

1.2 Analytic survey on situation in RU, BY, AR and their needs in reforms on modernization of training and research of doctoral  students, implementation of new teaching methodologies and cooperation with nonacademic and industrial partners

1.3 Draft structure and content of re-training courses for teaching/research/administrative staff, scientific supervisors, training managers, library/IT staff, policy/decision makers

Work Package 2 Development: Framework Development

2.1 Training materials and normative documentations in paper/e-form for university's academic, administrative staff, policy/decision makers

2.2 Report on evaluation and adjustment of training courses

2.3 Draft educational content (curriculum and courses), structure and management of DTCs

Work Package 3 Development: Knowledge Transfer

3.1 Set up of regulatory documents and instructions for operating of DTCs, number student's enrolled

3.2 Set up of documentations (programs, syllabus, teacher's instructions, quality guideline, etc), equipment for DTCs operation

3.3 Set up of programs, educational-methodical materials for international interdisciplinary Summer schools for doctoral students of AR, RU, BY on Science and transferable skills

Work Package 4 Development: Virtual Network Environment

4.1 Web-platform of Virtual Network developed

4.2 Structure and educational content of Virtual Network created

Work Package 5 Quality Plan

5.1 Quality Assurance & Evaluation Plan - handbook for participants

5.2 Recording of quality assessment of activities

5.3 Recording of quality assessment of outcomes

5.4 Quality Evaluation Reports

Work Package 6 Dissemination & Exploitation

6.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Action Plan

6.2 Documentation of dissemination activities

Work Package 7 Management

7.1 Project website

7.2 Project documents on Project Management System

7.3 Minutes of project meetings

7.4 Internal and External Reports


MODEST website 

“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

Project Duration: 16.12.2019 – 16.12.2022

Project Number: 598816-EPP-1-2018-1-SE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Status: active

Project Members & Partners

  • Linnaeus University, LNU (Sweden) – Lead Beneficiary and Project Coordinator
  • Genoa University, UNIGE (Italy)
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg, PHHD (Germany)
  • Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University, NHBVU (Turkey)
  • Polotsk State University, PSU (Belarus)
  • Belarusian State University, BSU (Belarus)
  • Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, BSAA (Belarus)
  • Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (GSTU) (Belarus)
  • Brest State Technical University, BrSTU (Belarus)
  • Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, YKSUG (Belarus)

Associated Partners

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus



To enhance the quality of higher education (HE) outputs with high-level student performance & employability by enhancing internal Quality Assurance for teaching/learning & improving professional performance of teaching staff at BY Universities to optimise the response of HE to increased demands of society & economy.


1. To develop & apply internal QA system for teaching/learning & teaching staff performance with standards & procedures in line with ESG-2015.

2. To establish Centres for Academic Development & Teacher Training at each BY partner to manage the internal system of QA for teaching/learning & teaching staff performance & university teaching staff training.

3. To develop an in-service training programme for university teachers who need pedagogical training.

4. To apply innovative methods of education for the increase in the level of students’ performance at studies & future employment. 

5. To run the In-service University Teacher Training Programme in the pilot mode.

6. To analyse the pilot running of the Programme for follow-up activities.

7. To introduce new regulations on teaching staff employment at the 6 BY partner universities.



The main results and products of the project are established Centres for Academic Development & Teacher Training, developed internal quality control system, innovative methods of education, full-time university teacher education program and teacher employment regulations. These results will be the tools that provide impact on target groups and stakeholders. Important aspect of the project is the development of pedagogical cooperation and pedagogical networks for employees in the EU, Turkey and Belarus. The project will impact the universities management system where students will be a target group regarding quality control of teaching/learning process as well as teacher performance indicators. Innovative teaching methods will expand this impact. Public stakeholders such as other Belarusian universities and the labor market will ultimately benefit from the wider impact of the project results as improved graduate skills will contribute to a better employment and work performance.



Enhancement of Lifelong Learning in Belarus

Project Duration: 30.05.2018 – 30.05.2020

Project Number: 586278-EPP-1-2017-1-LV-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project status: finished.

Project Members & Partners

Associated partners:


Development and enhancement of lifelong learning in Belarus with effective use of distance learning and Bologna instruments for the development of the regional labour market.


  • to develop a Lifelong Learning inter-University cooperation in the regions in Belarus, based on integrating the 6 leading regional Universities in the field of distance learning into an Inter-University Network for Lifelong Learning (ILN);
  • to train the Institutes for Continuous Education's managerial & teaching staff for the Inter-University Network for LLL according to the principles of the Bologna process using the best practices at the European partner Universities;
  • to choose specific themes for the 5 new on-line or blended LLL study courses in English, IT, Entrepreneurship &Financial Literacy, & Law literacy through meetings with the public, enterprises & local authorities to best suit the needs & demands of the regional communities;
  • to design, develop, & pilot the 5 new on-line (or blended) Moodle-based LLL study courses to the general public;
  • to evaluate the piloted courses & make upgrades;
  • to control quality of the project;
  • to secure awareness of the regional communities of the project, increase its visibility, & disseminate the results of the project;
  • to successfully manage the project & its results in the life-time of the project & after the EU funding is over.


  • improved the ability of research and teaching personnel to develop curricula using innovative ways of teaching;
  • improvement of the management system at the Institutes of Advanced Training of 6 partner Universities;
  • wider use of the developed curriculum to change the content of training;
  • higher level of teachers’ proficiency with web-platforms;
  • increase in the number of participants of representatives of business, schools, government and the labor market;
  • improved Continuing Education Courses at the Institutes of Advanced Training at 6 Universities of Belarus;
  • expanding the base of available teaching methods that can be applied to other advanced training courses in 6 regional Universities of Belarus;
  • increase in student enrollment in 5 advanced training courses at 6 Belarusian partner Universities;
  • improved quality of education at participating Belarusian Universities.


BELL website

Booklet Study cources -



Institute for Professional Skills Upgrading and Retraining at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has launched the second stream of free online courses

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