A meeting with representatives of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
In February of this year, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno signed an agreement on international cooperation with Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov. Today, on April 8, an online meeting was held, during which the parties discussed the areas of cooperation in more detail.
Liavontii Paulau, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, drew the attention of foreign colleagues to the educational process organized at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Within the framework of this block, there was a discussion of promising areas of interuniversity cooperation, including in the field of design and implementation of the joint educational program "Management".
The scientific potential of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was presented by the Vice-rector for Scientific Work Natallia Bashun. She outlined specific areas in this area that are interesting for cooperation. These are the implementation of joint scientific projects and events, training of highly qualified scientific personnel, as well as internships for faculty and undergraduates.
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno hosted guests from the Republic of Uzbekistan
On April 3, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno hosted a reception of the delegation of the Urgench Innovation University (Republic of Uzbekistan). The representatives of UrIU were Rector Ishmuratov Madamin Zhumabaevich and head of the Department of Science, Innovation and Teacher Training Khusainov Jahongir Bahodirovich.
At the beginning of 2024, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno signed an agreement with UrIU on cooperation in the educational and scientific fields. The signing of the agreement took place as part of the participation of Iryna Kiturka, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, as part of the delegation of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Iryna Fedaravna introduced the guests to the history of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, its achievements and advantages.
– The path to a high-quality educational process is long and consistent. And certificates of international accreditation confirm the high level of education received at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, – Iryna Kiturka noted.
The meeting discussed prospects for cooperation, including in the field of joint scientific events. The guests also expressed interest in preparing students in the specialties "Economics", "Psychology", "History", "Primary Education" and "Tourism and Hospitality" in various forms.
– Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is promising in terms of preserving traditions and using innovations, – said the rector of Urgench Innovation University.
Both sides expressed interest in further fruitful cooperation in order to enrich the educational process of both educational institutions.
The meeting continued by introducing the guests to the potential of the Scientific and Technological Park of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, as well as the faculties of Psychology and Economics and Management.
Graphic design at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno: young talents on the international stage
From March 18 to 23, the Khabarovsk Territory hosted the International Championship as part of the regional stage of the professional skills competition "Professionals – 2024". The championship was attended not only by masters from various regions of Russia, but also by representatives of other countries. Among the participants were representatives of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
This year, more than 500 students and schoolchildren took part in the competition. Boys and girls competed in 71 competencies. These include both working professions and highly demanded – innovative ones.
For the fourth time, representatives of the Republic of Belarus took part in two competitive competencies.
In the competence of Graphic Design, our country was represented by Elena Prokopchik-Belyavskaya, an expert lecturer at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno College of Humanities, and Daria Perelaiko, a student of the Faculty of Art and Design at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, a graduate of the College of Humanities.
The team from Belarus are honored guests of the Khabarovsk Territory competitions and participated outside the competition. The girls were solemnly awarded diplomas of the participants.
Participation in such events contributes to the professional development of specialists, the exchange of experience and knowledge, as well as the strengthening of international relations. Representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno not only performed well at the championship, but also contributed to the development of modern graphic design. Thanks to such events, YKSUG residents can not only show their talents, but also learn about the latest trends in the industry.
A meeting with partners from China was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
The meeting was attended by representatives of Kaili University and the Yaotian Scientific and Educational Center. Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno had previously concluded cooperation agreements with both institutions.
The signing of an international cooperation agreement with Kylie University took place during an online meeting last November. The parties were interested in working together and, as Rector Iryna Kiturka noted at the time, Kylie University and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are very similar and will definitely work together. The parties discussed the vectors of cooperation and found new points of contact. The agreement was signed in order to enhance cooperation, it will contribute to scientific, educational and expert cooperation between partner universities.
Cooperation with the Yaotian Scientific and Educational Center at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has been going on for a long time. The center unites two cultures – Belarusian and Chinese. Its main goal is to promote cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China, to promote educational opportunities of universities of the two countries.
The main topic of today's meeting was the creation of the International Engineering Institute of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Kaili University in China in the fields of Mathematics, Software Engineering and Electronic Economics. At the moment, a package of documents has been prepared for submission to the Ministry of Education of China. The parties are extremely interested in creating this structure, as this will enrich the educational process of both educational institutions.
Taking the opportunity, the partners discussed other issues. In particular, the Chinese side was interested in the scientific potential of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, the exchange of scientific experience and internships of teachers. Our Chinese colleagues are convinced that joint activities will allow us to make new discoveries that will work for the benefit of the economic development of the two countries – Belarus and China.
Innovative interaction: Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology exchanged experiences
On March 15, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno hosted an online meeting with representatives of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.
The meeting was attended by YKSUG residents – Vice-rector for Scientific Work Natalia Bashun, head of the Center for Internationalization of Education Elena Belokoz, head of the educational and methodological department Marina Kolotsi, head of the information and analytical center Evgeny Olizarovich, head of the Quality management Department Sergey Shcherbinin.
The meeting was initiated by partners from the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, who shared their intention to undergo international program accreditation in a number of technical specialties and asked Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno to share their experience. It is worth mentioning the numerous and interested staff from the TCI: Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Mro Safarov, Vice-rector for Science and Innovation Khairilla Pulatov, Vice-rector for International Affairs Zebo Babakhanova, head of the Quality Control Department Tolib Turaev, head of the UMO Ulubek Kodirov, head of the International Relations Department Khurshijon Butaev, heads of departments of the TCI.
During the meeting, Natalia Bashun, Vice-Rector for Research at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, stressed the importance of purposeful, systematic activities of the university in all areas in preparation for international accreditation, and also noted the need for well-coordinated teamwork, which is ensured by a high level of corporate culture.
Marina Kolotsei, Head of the Educational and Methodological Department, presented the experience of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno: from choosing an accreditation agency, submitting an application, preparing and organizing the visit of an expert commission to the actual process of passing international accreditation.
It should be noted that even during the visit in the summer of 2023 to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, the partners from TCHTI expressed their interest in passing international accreditation. To date, the possibilities of continuing cooperation in this direction are being considered.
Reception of the delegation of the Chinese Henan Trade and Industrial Association at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
An important event took place on March 15 at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno – the reception of the delegation of the Chinese Henan Trade and Industrial Association. This visit testified to the interest in developing cooperation and partnership between educational and business institutions of the two countries.
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was presented by Leonty Pavlov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Elena Belokoz, Head of the Center for Internationalization of Education, Olga Minova, Head of the International Cooperation Department, Wang Tao, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Translation and Intercultural Communication.
The Chinese side was represented by Wang Qingfeng, Head of the Chinese Henan Association of Commerce and Industry, and Alexandra Kononovich, Assistant to the head of the Chinese Henan Association of Commerce and Industry.
Representatives of the university and the business association held talks on the prospects of cooperation in the field of education, science and business, emphasizing the importance of mutually beneficial partnership and exchange of experience.
The delegation had the opportunity to inspect the building, learn about the university's educational programs and scientific research. This event reflected the willingness to strengthen partnerships, develop scientific and educational projects, and create new prospects and opportunities for students and teachers from both countries.
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno hosted an online meeting with representatives of Wuhan University of Technology and Busines
On March 15, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno hosted an online meeting with representatives of Wuhan University of Technology and Business from China. This event was a significant step in the development of interuniversity cooperation and exchange of experience between the two educational institutions.
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was presented by Leonty Pavlov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Elena Belokoz, Head of the Center for Internationalization of Education, Olga Minova, Head of the International Cooperation Department, Wang Tao, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Translation and Intercultural Communication.
The participants of the meeting, representatives of both universities, showed great interest in cooperation and knowledge exchange. During the event, topical issues in the field of technology and business were discussed, as well as potential areas for joint scientific and educational projects were identified.
Representatives of Wuhan University shared their knowledge and experience, which caused an exchange of ideas among the participants. The management of both universities expressed their readiness for further cooperation and mutual support.
The meeting discussed promising areas of cooperation – the exchange of students for educational and research purposes, the organization and participation in seminars, short-term academic training programs and more.
The online format of the event helped to overcome geographical barriers and unite participants from different countries in a single educational space. This made it possible not only to enrich the educational process, but also to strengthen ties between the universities of the two countries.
YKSUG resident became a judge of the first international multisport tournament "Games of the Future"
The first international multisport tournament "Games of the Future" was held in Kazan from February 21 to March 3. The competition program combined 21 innovative disciplines in the concept of digital, combining classical and digital sports. More than 2000 participants came to Kazan, who formed 294 teams. Yuri Stepin became the referee of the tournament.
The Games of the Future tournament in Kazan was an incredible event where the judges played a key role in ensuring honesty and fairness at every stage of the competition. Yuri Stepin, senior lecturer at the Department of Mathematical and Information Support of Economic Systems at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, showed high professionalism and responsibility while working as a judge at this tournament. His strict but fair approach to evaluating the performances of the participants helped to maintain the atmosphere of the competition at the highest level. Yuri Stepin's participation in the "Games of the Future" was an invaluable contribution to the development of sports culture and digital technologies.
It should be noted that the games were held at 11 competition venues in Kazan, Innopolis and the federal territory of Sirius. The main space of the tournament, where the opening and closing ceremonies were held, as well as many competitions, was the Kazan Expo Exhibition Center. The total number of spectators at the tournament venues exceeded 300 thousand people.
The winners and prize-winners of the first Games of the Future were 236 athletes from Russia, China, India, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Spain, South Korea, the Philippines, Uruguay, Ecuador, Argentina and Colombia.
The interest in the "Games of the Future" turned out to be comparable to the main events in the world of sports. The content distribution system includes more than 280 broadcast channels, including major international and national media holdings. More than 800 hours of live broadcasts have been organized during the competition.
An online meeting with representatives of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has been cooperating with the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology for several years. Today's meeting has set new vectors of interaction.
The parties mainly discussed the exchange of experience in the field of additional professional education, as well as joint scientific activities aimed at creating high-tech products. The participants of the meeting expressed the opinion that this meeting is an event that, of course, mutually meets the interests of the parties.
Andrey But, Director of the Yanka Kupala State University College of Technology, presented the college's experience and potential. In turn, representatives of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology spoke about the experience of secondary specialized educational institutions in the structure of the Institute. They also discussed participation in scientific and educational events, the development of academic mobility of employees for internships, advanced training and lectures, the included training of students in the specialty, the design and implementation of joint educational programs in bachelor's and master's degrees, training of highly qualified scientific personnel.
An important part of the discussion was the further organization of joint work at the level of secondary special education on training, retraining and advanced training of employees of chemical industry enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
A journey into the world of youth and talent: Kupalovtsy at the World Youth Festival
On March 1, the largest international event of the year, the World Youth Festival, started in Sochi. The delegation of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno became a part of a bright event.
The festival is a source of cultural exchange, creativity and inspiration. YKSUG residents entered into this vibrant atmosphere of cultural enrichment and exchange of experience.
– As a participant, I can't help but share my impressions. It will be a truly unforgettable journey into the world of culture, creativity and inspiration. To see so many talented people from all over the world, to exchange ideas and experiences, to saturate your mind with new knowledge is something magical, – said Artem Bulgakov, a 2nd year student of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
– For me, the festival is not only an opportunity to demonstrate our scientific achievements, but also to see how different cultures intertwine, creating an amazing mosaic of talent and creativity. Being a part of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno delegation is not only honorable, but also inspiring," said Anna Karpinchik, a 4th–year student of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
20,000 participants from more than 150 countries will gather at the Olympic Park, located on the federal territory of Sirius. Young people represent different continents, nationalities, religions and cultures. But all of them will unite in order to think about how they can show their best side in order to live, study and work with dignity in a multipolar world.
The Belarusian delegation is one of the largest at the World Youth Festival – almost 650 people. And all of them are active, creative and purposeful young people who are ready to colorfully present the experience of the youth of Belarus.
By the way, the main principle was taken into account when forming the delegation: Belarusian youth should be represented by young people who are leaders in their field, have achieved heights in the professional field and have established themselves as individuals who can lead others.
During the seven days of the festival, there will be rich educational, cultural, scientific and sports events. Festival guests will be able to take part in exciting master classes, discussions, panel sessions and trainings, see performances by the best creative teams, and in the evenings have a great time at concerts and talk shows together with famous artists and other participants of the WYF-2024.
Strengthening partnership relations of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno with the Republic of Zimbabwe
As part of the visit of the Belarusian delegation of the country's leading universities, the first meeting of the Joint Permanent Commission on Cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Zimbabwe was held in Harare from February 19 to 22. The commission was attended by a delegation of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, which included Anton Glazev, head of the research department of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
On February 19, Anton Glazev, as part of the delegation of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, took part in the work of the Zimbabwean-Belarusian business Forum "Building a strong partnership: Using a shared vision of a sustainable future." During the events of the forum, negotiations were held and direct contacts were established with the leading institutions of higher education of the Republic of Zimbabwe – Lupane State University, the University of Zimbabwe, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Bindura Scientific and Pedagogical University and Midland State University.
Agreements have been reached with representatives of these universities on working out proposals for the development of joint work in the field of development and implementation of joint educational programs (at the level of various bachelor's and master's degrees), projects, various events (summer/winter schools, internships, academic mobility events, conferences for students and teachers), conducting joint scientific research and creating joint publications in order to form a scientific foundation for the subsequent preparation of applications for joint research works for participation in various international competitions.
As part of the participation in the work of the expert group, a draft section on the social cluster was prepared and agreed with the Zimbabwean side for inclusion in the final Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Permanent Commission on Cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Zimbabwe.
For representatives of the delegation of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, a visit to the infrastructure facilities of the University of Zimbabwe (Innovation Hub, Science Park – the Zimbabwean National Geospatial and Space Agency) was organized, during which representatives of the Belarusian delegation were able to familiarize themselves with the organization of educational and scientific activities at this university.
On February 22, the final Protocol of the meeting of the Joint Permanent Commission on Cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Zimbabwe was reviewed and approved.
During the visit to the Republic of Zimbabwe, a cooperation agreement was also signed between Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Bindura Scientific and Pedagogical University.
As part of the organization of career guidance events and promotion of the University's educational services in foreign markets, on February 21 and 22, a presentation of the educational, scientific and innovative potential of YKSUG was held for students of a number of institutions of secondary and secondary special education in Harare in order to form a pool of potential university applicants from among the citizens of the Republic of Zimbabwe.
Agreements have been reached on joint work with the executive directors of recruitment agencies (Satco Academic and Ruoth Education Services) to implement the admission of foreign citizens who have completed secondary education in the Republic of Zimbabwe to study at the university in the medium term.
On February 23, at a meeting with the leadership and representatives of the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovative Science and Technology Development of the Republic of Zimbabwe, negotiations were held and priority areas were developed for further development of bilateral cooperation in the field of education and science between universities and Ministries of Education of the two countries.
A solemn ceremony of sending off the Belarusian delegation to the World Youth Festival 2024 took place in Minsk
YKSUG residents took part in the solemn ceremony of sending off the Belarusian delegation to the World Youth Festival 2024, which took place early this morning at the train station in Minsk! Very soon, the guys will take part in a large-scale event, but in the meantime, the road to Sochi awaits them. We wish our participants good luck and an easy road!
Belarusian participants will take an active part in all the events of the festival with master classes, performances, and performances. The motto of the Belarusian delegation is "Belarus. Young people. The future."
– Our team will participate in the marathon "Knowledge. The first ones", the business game "Media professionals. Publish it. Communicate. Promote", the street art festival (this is a new form), the exhibition "The Most beautiful Country" and in all other locations that will be offered by the organizers. I am sure that the opportunities that have been created in our country for the disclosure and realization of youth potential will help the children to adequately represent Belarus at the festival venues," informed Deputy Minister of Education Alexander Kadlubai, who took part in the solemn ceremony.
In total, 20,000 young leaders from all over the world will gather at the festival. Our delegation consists of representatives of key youth organizations: the BRUY, the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization, the councils of young scientists of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education, a volunteer organization, our youth parliaments, the Council of Working Youth, a total of 630 people.
New prospects for cooperation are outlined: Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Syktyvkar Forest Institute strengthen international cooperation
Oleg Sozinov, Head of the Botany Department of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, delivered an open lecture within the framework of bilateral cooperation with the Syktyvkar Forest Institute. This is the first stage of joint work on the exchange of best practices, interesting knowledge and research results between universities.
Elena Raush, Deputy Director of the SLI for Economic Affairs, addressed the participants and listeners of the master class with a welcoming speech. She stressed that Syktyvkar Institute has always been interested in international experience and studied new technologies.
– Today we are starting a series of lectures by teachers of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Syktyvkar Forestry Institute. By the end of the academic year, about six more lectures will be held, three of which our teachers will read for Belarusian students and children from the Forestry Institute. We give our students and staff the opportunity to broaden their horizons, to learn what is happening in other regions of the world and how. As life shows, the most important discoveries and interesting research occur at the junction of different disciplines, interdisciplinary. The students and teachers will get acquainted with the experience of our colleagues from the Republic of Belarus. They will learn more about the biodiversity of the National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha," said Elena Raush.
Oleg Sozinov spoke about the practical application of the geobotanical map to identify key habitats (important for the conservation of biodiversity), as well as to develop a scientifically based approach to the functional zoning of specially protected natural areas. The lecturer presented the report "Identification of key territories important for the conservation of biological diversity, using the example of the National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha".
The lecture aroused the keen interest of the audience. Associate professors of the Department of Botany Anastasia Sakovich and Ekaterina Glyakovskaya will also provide the results of their research from the Faculty of Biology of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
Teachers of the Syktyvkar Forest Institute, in turn, will give lectures on forest topics for students of the SLI and the Faculty of Biology and Ecology of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.