Students and staff of the Yanka Kupala GrodnoState University have become winners and prizewinners of the finals of the Open Championship on orienteering sports of the Grodno region "Magnetic arrow - 2017"
The knockout round of the competition ended on November, 12. More than 120 sportsmen of the region, including students and employees of the bathing university, competed in the ability to quickly navigate the terrain.Representatives of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University traditionally showed decent results and also they were among the winners and prizewinners of the championship.The best teacher among men over 40 years old was Valery Sukhetsky who is the Chair of Sports Disciplines.The second place in the same category was taken by the associate professor of the department Edward Arod, the third place is from the deputy dean of the faculty of physical culture, the senior teacher of the department Vitaly Tarasov.
Among the girls older than 21 years, the third place was occupied by Anna Orochko, a specialist in the production and commercial department of the Publishing Center of the Yanka Kupala State University.
Prize-winning places in competitions were occupied also by students of university. On the second place in the category "Girls to 21 years" was Violetta Chuikova, a student of the Faculty of Physical Culture, on the third place was Olga Makarova ,a student of the Faculty of the History, Communications and Tourism. The third place in the category "Boys over the age of 21" was occupied by Kirill Sakovich , the student of the Faculty of Physics and Technology. Right up there were Angelina Rusakova and Eduard Zhiburtovich , students of the Faculty of the History, Communication and Tourism.
New approaches to orientation and active tourism were discussed by the representatives of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University in cooperation with colleagues from Belarus, Azerbaijan and Poland at the annual international conference
The scientific and practical forum "Sport Orienteering in Belarus: New Approaches in Orientation and Active tourism" was held in Grodno for the third time. This year representatives of Azerbaijan, Belarus and Poland took part in it.
The participants gathered to discuss options for promoting and popularizing of orientation in the three countries and sharing best practices in organizing of active tourism.
On the first day the colleagues met in the framework of the plenary meeting. The focus was on the guy has already waited in his native country for conducting orienteering championships popularization and development of orienteering among the population, the use of modern methods, and the historical and cultural potential of the technology region in the development of active tourism. Teachers of the Faculty of Physical Culture considered aspects of using orienteering in the educational process, and students considered aspects of using non-standard equipment for competitions and orient-show.
Jerzy Antonovich who is inspector of the International Orienteering Federation of Poland shared his experience of inspecting international competitions in orienteering, and Vasif Rustamov who is a student from Azerbaijan told about the development of orientation at home. By the way, according to the guest’s opinion, specialists of this sport are very popular in Azerbaijan.
On the next day of the forum the participants got acquainted with the peculiarities of holding the finals of the Open Championship of the Grodno region on orienteering sports "Magnetic Arrow - 2017". Edward Arod as the coordinator of the conference, the deputy chairman of the Belarusian Federation of Orienteering, the chairman of the Grodno regional federation of orienteering, the associate professor of the Department of Sports Disciplines of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University, said that colleagues were able to learn more about the organization of the start and finish of the competition, the passage of control points by athletes and much more.
The organizers of the conference were the Belorussian Federation of Orientation, the Republican Center for Ecology and Local History, the Republican Center for Physical Education and Sports of Students and Students, the Sports and Tourism Department of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee, the Grodno Regional Federation of Orienteering and the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University.
The delegation of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno takes part in the Republican Trade Union Forum "Student Autumn 2017"
Young people from all over the country have gathered in the capital to discuss issues of professional training and adaptation to the modern labor market.
Grodno region is represented by three universities, including the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The delegation of the university, headed by vice-rector for educational matters Vasyl Senko, includes 20 students, which are activists of public organizations, excellent students, having successful in science, study, sports and creativity.
The forum lasts for three days. Students will take part in the meeting "Growth Vector. Change of the education system in the context of a dynamic labor market: adaptation or priority development ", where they will be able to talk with representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and the Ministry of Education of Belarus. Representatives of universities of Kazakhstan, Russia and Estonia will join the discussion. During the summit, a teleconference will be held.
In addition, round tables, competitive and discussion platforms, training workshop will be held. At the International University "MITSO" a seminar "The first job: expectation and reality of the labor market" will be organized for representatives of the management of higher education institutions and chairmen of primary trade union organizations
On the last day of the "Student Autumn" young people will visit large industrial enterprises and organizations of the capital. The students will visit the laboratory of practical training at the Belarusian State Medical University, the Minsk Refrigerator Plant, the tractor and mechanical plants, the Minsk Branch of the Belarusian Railways, and the Peleng Company.
The republican trade-union forum of students "Student Autumn" is being held for the second time. Last year, more than 700 participants from 38 higher educational institutions of the country gathered here. The organizers of the event are the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus and the Ministry of Education.
The best experts in ecology among students were determined in the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
The Olympiad "Ecology of the Euroregion" Neman" among the students of nonbiological specialties of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was completed at the Department of Ecology of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology. The teams of eight faculties took part in it.
The Olympiad was held in two stages.
The first round allowed to determine the level of theoretical training of participants in the field of environmental safety and rational nature management. The participants were offered 60 open and closed test tasks and five tasks requiring an expanded answer to the asked question.
At the second stage, called "Environmental friendliness of consumer goods," the students have to execute a piece of practical work and justify the results.
The organizers of the Olympiad said: “Students have the option to choose packaging from food products for the analysis of ecological information contained on the label. The students have to describe information, which a consumer can obtain, having examined the packaging of the product and give recommendations, what missing information could be added”.
Winners and prize-winners were determined by the highest number of points scored on the basis of two rounds.
The team of the Faculty of Physics and Technology gained the lead among the teams. The team of the Faculty of Engineering and Construction was the second, the Faculty of Economics and Management was the third.
In addition, winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad in the individual championship were named. The diploma of the 1st degree was awarded to the student of the Faculty of Engineering and Construction Nikolai Zui.
The diploma of II degree was awarded to the student of the Faculty of Physics and Technology Vladislav Ushkevich, and to the student of the Faculty of Economics and Management Elisaveta Vykpish,.
Diplomas of the third degree were presented to the student of the Faculty of Physics and Technology Alexander Yanushkevich and the student of the Faculty of Law Shamil Chakhkiev.
Among the teams of the faculties which did not win, the best were the student of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism Ilya Mazyuk, the student of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology of the non-biological specialty "Production and Organization of Public Catering" Maria Uglik, the student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Antonina Patcika and the student of the Faculty of Philology Verstak Katherine.
The international training workshop on the implementation of the Bologna process in the Belarusian education system was held at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno with the support of the experts of the European Union
The coordinator of the FOSTERC project is a representative of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, and experts of the University of Turku, the Lithuanian University of Educology and the University of Bialystok visited the Yanka Kupala State University to discuss the implementation issues of the Bologna road map in the Republic of Belarus.
The coordinator of the project in Europe Adela Garcia Arasil shared: “As part of the FOSTERC program, we hold training workshops in Belarusian universities, where we talk about the implementation of the Bologna Process. The participants of the program in Belarus are eight universities. We have already met with representatives of the Belarusian State University, the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, the Belarus State Economic University, the Polotsk State University, the Yanka Kupala State University, later the workshops at the Gomel State University named after Francis Skaryna; the Grodno State Agrarian University, the Brest State University named after Pushkin. Different universities participate in the project: both classical and profile ones - agricultural, economic, technical, humanitarian. At the seminars we try to find out what difficulties Belarusian universities face when they join the Bologna process and suggest possible ways of their solution”.
The representatives of the project note that its goal is, first of all, to orient the Belarusian education system to a student. To this effect, it is necessary to turn to modern methods of developing educational programs based on the competence approach, which is aimed at the practical component of the content of the education, the independent work of students and the receipt of necessary professional competences. This approach in education involves creating new teaching methods and testing its effectiveness. This was told to participants – to teachers and to staff of the university by the coordinators of the project during the lecture part of the workshop.
The project coordinator added: “At the lectures we talked about the compulsory subjects and additional courses that the student can choose at will, about the methods of assessing the knowledge and competencies of the students, the quality of the evaluation. The coordinators also shared their experience in drawing up curricula and how to change the teaching load over credits. Many questions were focused on the correlation of classroom activities and individual consultations”.
During the practical part of the training workshop groups of participants developed a pilot version of the curriculum, defined and formed methods for evaluating students. Then they presented their projects and worked out together with the guests the principles for implementation of the Bologna process into the educational process of the Grodno University.
Representatives of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno presented the results of their scientific research in the field of zoology at the international conference in Minsk
Zoologists of environmental institutions and higher educational establishments of Belarus, Russia, Latvia, Ukraine and Poland gathered at the XI International zoological scientifically-practical conference "Topical issues of zoology in Belarus". This year the scientific forum was coincided with the tenth anniversary of the foundation of SSPA "SPCNAS of Belarus on Bioresources."
The participants of the conference highlighted the general questions of zoology, faunistics, zootaxy , ecology and biology. They discussed the issues of conservation of animal biodiversity, modern methods and approaches to animal study and the research perspectives in the field of parasitology and paleozoology.
The associate professor of the Department of Zoology and Human and Animals Physiology Alexander Ryzhaya, the academic department administrator Ekaterina Glyakovskaya, the candidates for a master's degree of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology Katarzyna Kostyuk and Nadezhda Tarasyuk presented the results of their scientific research in the field of zoology in the session «Invertebrate animals». The Vice Dean of the Faculty, the associate professor of the Department of Zoology and Human and Animals Physiology Olga Yanchurevich made a report at the session "Vertebrate animals".
The conference was organized by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the State Scientifically-production Association "Scientifically-practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Bioresources", the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the Belarusian State University.
In honor of the International Day of Goodness, students-volunteers of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University organized a holiday for children with visual impairments
The students of GRSU organized a concert-entertaining program for children of the Grodno special general boarding school for visually impaired children. The action was held within the framework of the project "Give yourself without a trace".
The program with creative numbers was made by Georgiy Anikiy, Irina Chebotarevich, Viktoria Burch, Valery Gutsko, the students-volunteers of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism and Ekaterina Golod, the student of the Faculty of Law.More than 35 volunteers of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, the Pedagogical Faculty, the Faculty of History of Communication and Tourism, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Psychology organized children's playgrounds for children, where they performed tasks with excitement and showed their abilities such as intelligence, agility, musical and dance skills.
Children were at all playgrounds with pleasure, and after that they had only positive emotions and good mood. And the most active children were awarded certificates for active participation.
For the first time the team of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University won the prize in the swimming Republican Universiade - 2017
The Universiade was held in Brest, where representatives from 26 higher educational institutions of the country competed. For the first time in the history of performances at the Universiade the combined team of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University took the second team place.
As Denis Gaidukevich, who is the coach of the bathing team and the teacher of the sports disciplines department, said, the advantage of the Hrodna swimmers from the nearest pursuer was only 3 points. From the 10 sportsmen who took part in the competitions, only 7 sportsmen became winners and prize-winners.The main contribution to the success of the university team was made by students of the Faculty of Physical Culture. So, Natalya Chudina, the second year student, became the best freestyle in the 200 m, and also she took the second place in the 400 m of freestyle, and also she won two second places in relay race - in the 4x100 m and 4x100 m.
The best result was shown by the second year student Vladislav Znatnov at the distance of 400 m freestyle among the boys. Also the guy became the second at a distance of 800 m freestyle and the third at a distance of 200 m of freestyle.
The second year student Nadezhda Mazurkiewicz took third place at 100 m of freestyle, as well as the two second places in swimming relay race - in the 4x100 m of medley relay and 4x100 m of freestyle relay.
Valentina Svirchuk, a third-year student, entered the top three in the 800 m freestyle. In addition, the girl became the second in the relay 4x100 m freestyle swimming. A third-year student Maria Chernilovskaya took the second place in the combined relay race 4x100 m.
Representatives of other faculties of the bathing university performed in a proper manner at the competitions. For example, Natalya Vaskevich, the graduate of the psychology department, rose to the second position of the pedestal in swimming with a butterfly at a distance of 50 m, also she took 3rd place in swimming with a butterfly and two second places in the relay races - in a 4x100m medley relay and 4x100m freestyle relay.
Anton Adameni, the student of the Faculty of History, Communications and Tourism became the best in brass swimming at a distance of 200 m.
A high team place was won by the efforts of 2nd year students Eugene Zanemonsky and Georgy Miloshevsky, the Faculty of Physical Education, as well as Nikita Puzevich, a student of the Faculty of History, Communications and Tourism.Substantial assistance in training the team was provided by Alexander Avdeev, the Honored Coach of the Republic of Belarus and Galina Zhuk, the senior coach of the Grodno Sports School No. 5.
The team of students of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University entered the leader’s triad winners of the handball Republican Student Games – 2017
The final competitions of the handball league of Belarus in the program of the Republican Student Games among the men's teams ended in the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture. Four students' teams competed for the first place, and among them was the team of Grodno State University.
In the semifinal matches, the team of the swimmers yielded to the opponents from the BSEU with a small margin. However, in the struggle for third place, the students of the Yanka Kupala State University defeated the Belarusian State University of Physical culture team with a score of 42:34.
In addition, according to the results of the tournament, the best player in the back line was Oleg Lunya, a student of the Faculty of Physical Culture.
The guys were trained by Natalia Giver, who is the senior teacher of the department of sports games of the faculty of physical culture and Marina Yasene, the instructor of the physical culture of the sports club.
Treated with pancakes and cranberry juice: activists of the "Belarusian Women’s Union " of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University of the Faculty of Economics and Management organized a charity Christmas fair
The fair "From heart to heart" was held together with the volunteer detachments of the faculty.
The event was a continuation of the project "Give a helpful hand", which started last year in the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University, and the republican action "Our Children".
The event "Give a helpful hand" unites all people who are not indifferent and ready to do good. It is symbol is colored hands, on which the names of all participants are written. These hands are part of a large garland of charity cases, - said Marina Karpitskaya, who is the chairman of the Belarusian Union of Women in Yanka Kupala Grodno State University, the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management.
At the fair were presented pastries and sweets prepared by the students of the faculty, as well as coffee textile toys of Larissa Skvortsova, the senior teacher of the International Business and Marketing Department Larissa Skvortsova. The highlight of the fair was pancakes and cranberry juice from Marina Karpitskaya , the dean of the Faculty.
The event was attended by students and teachers who bought sweets and gifts for relatives, and thus helped the Children's Auxiliary school number 1, because it is to help children with special needs, who study in this institution, will receive the proceeds. - We invite everyone to share the warmth of their soul with those who need help and support. Give everyone a festive mood, joy and love, - Marina Evgenievna said.
YKSUG continues to develop a strategic partnership with the Baltic Sea Region University Network
The meeting with the representatives of the network was held in the framework of the meeting of the supervisory committee of the Baltic Sea Region University Network (BSRUN) and the international forum "Universities as a bridge between East and West".
Representatives of the universities of Belarus, Russia, Latvia, Poland, Estonia, Finland, Sweden came to discuss actual questions of cooperation in Riga. Among them were the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of the Grodno University Yuri Bialykh and the Head of the International Projects Unit Alena Apiakun.
The participants considered issues related to the development of international cooperation of universities, the intensification of joint scientific research, strategic partnership, the successful development of internationalization and university campuses.
Yuri Bialykh noted that the meetings also resulted in an agreement on the development of academic mobility with universities and on participation in the development and implementation of joint international projects with partner universities of the BSRUN network in the framework of the Erasmus + program.
Certificates on the completion of the School of Russian language at YKSUG have been presented to representatives of the Chinese province of Gansu
Within two weeks, employees of the Government, the Corporation for the Development of Roads, Aviation and Tourism, the Department of Health and the Commerce Department of Gansu Province studied the Russian language at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
- The project "School of the Russian language" is another step in strengthening the relations of the Grodno oblast with the province of Gansu. I am confident that he will find his continuation within the framework of the agreement signed between the regions, – said the chairman of the Economy Committee of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee Andrey Svirydau. – I am very glad that Grodno University organized the courses perfectly!
Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of YKSUG Yury Bialykh stressed that knowledge and impressions that the listeners received during the past two weeks are very important. Yury Bialykh expressed his hope that the visit to Grodno helped them to understand and understand Belarus better.
Representatives of Gansu Province thanked the administration of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee and YKSUG for the opportunity to improve their knowledge of the Russian language and get acquainted with the Belarusian culture, the city of Grodno and its economic potential.
- I am in Belarus for the second time, in Grodno for the first time, and I am ready to return to this city again and again. I really liked the city's landscapes, high-level excursions to enterprises, – shared his impressions one of the listeners, an employee of the Commerce Department of Gansu Province Zhang Yaohua. – In the future, I would like to have closer contacts with the Grodno oblast.
The work of the School of Russian language for the representatives of Gansu Province was organized for the first time. As the dean of the Faculty of Pre-university Training Yuri Romanovsky said, a special program was developed for the listeners. So, all classes were conducted in the form of business games, which were related to the work of guests, economic and social communication, and the establishment of partnerships.
– The level of Russian language proficiency has definitely become higher. This is evidenced at least by the fact that they all can build more complex sentences and communicate on abstract topics, – said Yury Ramanousky. – We hope that the project will continue next year, especially since we have established good contacts with the employees of the Government of the province.
The Faculty of Philology of YKSUG and University in Pardubice to start student exchange
Issues of mutually beneficial cooperation were discussed during the meeting of the Head of the Department of Romance-Germanic Philology of the YKSUG, Nadeya Ulasiuk, with the representatives of the German Language Department and the Language Center of the University of Pardubice.
In particular, the parties have defined a plan for cooperation in the field of German studies and the implementation of joint projects in the field of teacher education. An important topic of the meeting was the academic mobility of students. It is expected that in the near future an exchange of students will take place: five YKSUG students will go to study at the Czech University, and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will in turn receive students from the University of Pardubice.
Among the promising plans is the holding of lectures and seminars for students and undergraduates of YKSUG by professors and teachers of a Czech university.
Within the framework of the visit, the Head of the Department of Romance-German Philology, Nadeya Ulasiuk, also met with students and teachers of the University of Pardubice who were studying the German language. Nadzeya Ulasiuk spoke about the development of German studies in Belarus, the traditions and customs of our country. She also presented the educational and scientific potential of the YKSUG, talked about the work of the German Language and Culture Center at the YKSUG, the successful project "Summer School of the Russian Language" and invited everyone to participate in it. In addition, she made a presentation on the intercultural and transcultural dimension in a linguistic, cultural and historical context, at an international conference, and gave lectures on linguistics and regional studies.
All the news of the Faculty of Philology can be found here.