Monday, 03 May 2021 02:09

Physical Education and Sport


Physical Education and Sport





1-08 80 04 «Physical Education and Sport»
Profilisation Pedagogical activity in health-improving and adaptive physical culture
Language of study  English
Mode of study  Full-time
Term of study  1 year
Entrance exams for foreign citizens 


(with an indication of the main disciplines studied)

Names of master’s degree students’ activities, cycles of  disciplines, disciplines Number of credits



  • • Scientific and pedagogical practice
  • • Coursework preparation and defense
  • • Research seminar activities
  • 1. State component
  • 1.1 Psychological and pedagogical module
  • 1.1.1 Pedagogy and psychology of higher education
  • 1.1.2 Socio-communicative technologies in professional activities
  • 1.2 Information technologies and mathematical statistics in physical education and sport

Goal: To form students ' knowledge in the field of sports measurements and processing of their results.


- to introduce the metrological foundations of the modern theory of integrated control in physical education and sports;

- to teach students the basic methods of statistical processing of measurement results;

- to bring the content of the course closer to the future professional activity.

To study the discipline "Information technologies and mathematical statistics in physical education and sport", you need knowledge in the following disciplines: "Anatomy", "Physiology", "Biochemistry", "Biomechanics", "Sports metrology", "Psychology", "Theory and methodology of physical education".
  • 1.3 Module 'Research work'
  • 1.3.1 Research seminar
  • 1.3.2 Coursework
  • 2. Higher educational institution component
  • 2.1 Profilization disciplines
  • 2.1.1 Module 'General theory and practical aspects of physical culture and sports'
  • Modern problems of physical culture and sports

Goal: to form the professional competencies necessary for a physical culture specialist.


- to form deep knowledge in the field of physical culture and physical education for solving pedagogical, educational, health-improving and scientific-methodological problems, taking into account the age and individual-typological differences of students, specific socio-pedagogical situations, environmental factors;

- to form the skills of educational work in the field of physical education, organization of forms of the health and physical improvement of students, integrated use of methods of medical and pedagogical control of physical development and physical preparation of persons of different ages, analysis of the effectiveness of the process of physical education;

- to develop the ability to analyze, generalize and disseminate advanced pedagogical experience, systematically improve their professional qualifications, apply rational methods of searching, selecting and using information, navigate in special literature, conduct research and methodological work.

In the process of developing the professional culture of future teachers, the discipline "Theory and methods of physical culture" provides them with special pedagogical training for independent competent pedagogical activity. It is designed to form professional and pedagogical competence, to ensure the professional development of the future specialist.
  • Contemporary control technologies in the practice of physical culture and sports
Goal: to master the theory and practice of monitoring the effectiveness of physical education, sports training, health and adaptive physical culture.
- to deepen the knowledge and skills acquired at the first stage of higher education, providing theoretical and methodological training of graduates to solve various problems of physical culture and sports;
- improve the skills of research activities in terms of assessing changes in the state of students under the influence of physical activity;
- to develop a professional mindset for the control and analysis of physical data for the correction of physical activity planning of the people engaged in physical exercises;
- to develop the skills to make reasoned judgments on the analysis and development of management decisions in the processing of the obtained results in order to organize the control and management of the educational and training process.
The discipline provides theoretical and practical training of master’s students for professional activities in the field of physical education and health-improving physical culture. It has a close logical relationship with the academic subjects " Theory and methods of physical culture ", "Sports metrology". The study of the discipline allows master’s students to get acquainted with the structure, content and organizational and methodological features of the implementation of control in the practice of scientific and methodological activities carried out in physical culture and sports.
  • 2.2 Elective disciplines
  • Anti-doping policy in modern sports Psychology of a healthy lifestyle

Goal: to provide knowledge to specialists working in the field of "Pedagogical activity in health-improving and adaptive physical culture", as well as specialists working with athletes of different training levels, about the fight against doping, as well as to form knowledge for putting it into practice, for better training of athletes.


- to systematize ideas and knowledge about modern anti-doping policy;

- to provide the most complete information about all aspects of doping control;

- to form an idea of the importance of knowledge of anti-doping rules and responsibility for their violation;

- to provide knowledge about the features of biochemical reactions in the body caused by the use of doping;

- to deepen and expand the theoretical, biological and methodological training of athletes;

- to determine the range of anti-doping issues that are most relevant in modern conditions, and to outline possible ways to solve them.
  • 2.3. Medical and biological module
  • Medical and biological aspects of physical education and sport

Goal: to promote the effective use of means and methods of physical education and sports to promote health, improve physical development, improve performance and achieve high sports results.


- to master the theory and methods of medical and pedagogical control, the use of means of recovery and improvement of working capacity;

- to master the skills of preventing traumas and injuries during physical training, providing first aid when they occur;

- to develop practical skills of using means of recovery and stimulation of working capacity in the organization and holding of training classes for sports games.

The material of the discipline is based on the knowledge previously obtained by students in such courses as" Theory and methods of physical education", "Basics of sports training"," Hygiene"," Sport medicine", "Exercise physiology", "Therapeutic exercises and massage".
  • 2.4. Elective disciplines
  • Physiological fundamentals of muscular work Anthropology

Goal: to acquire knowledge about changes in the physiological functions of the body in the course of physical activities and sports, about the influence of physical activity on the functional capabilities and health status of children, teenagers, adults and the elderly.


- formation of students ' scientific understanding about the physiological mechanisms and patterns of changes in body functions under the influence of physical activities and sports;

- study of physiological states that arise in the course of performing physical exercises of various types, intensity and duration;

- study of the physiological mechanisms of the development of physical qualities and the formation of physical skills;

- study of the data of modern scientific research on the patterns of formation of long-term adaptation to muscle activity, taking into account the age and gender characteristics of a person, on the influence of various environmental factors on physical performance;

- mastering the methods of assessing physical performance in the process of doing physical exercises and sports; studying the physiological indicators of the body that characterize the training status at rest, when performing limited and maximum physical activity;

- cultivating the skills and abilities to exercise control and self-control of the functional state of those engaged in physical education and sports.

A special feature of the discipline is the emphasis on the competency-based education approach, the strengthening of the role and portion of independent work of the student, the use of modern innovative pedagogical technologies.  To study the discipline " Physiological fundamentals of muscular work", you need knowledge of physiology, anatomy and biochemistry.

  • 2.5. Module 'Theoretical and methodological aspects of health-improving and adaptive physical education'
  • Kinesiology as the basis of health-improving and adaptive physical education

Goal: to form a body of knowledge, skills and special competencies necessary for independent activity in the field of sports and physical education activities.


- study of the theory of health-improving physical education;

- introduction to the main methods of health-improving physical education;

- mastering the technology of sports and physical education activities.

The academic discipline is a specialized subject of study that provides theoretical and practical training of students for professional activities in the field of physical education, tourism and recreational activities.

  • Integrated medical and pedagogical control in health-improving and adaptive physical education

Goal: to master the basics of medical and pedagogical control, prevention of injuries and methods of their rehabilitation


- mastering the theory and methodology of medical and pedagogical control, the use of means of recovery and improvement of working capacity;

- mastering the skills and competences of preventing traumas and injuries during physical training, providing first aid when they occur;

- formation of practical skills and competences for the use of means of recovery and stimulation of working capacity in the organization and running of sports classes.

  • 2.6. Elective disciplines
  • Contemporary technologies of health-improving physical education

Goals and objectives of the discipline: to study the health-improving technologies of physical education, the mechanisms and specifics of their impact on the human body, with the special aspects of their use for the preventive care and treatment of various diseases, to master the main elements of these health-improving technologies, as well as to understand the technology and specifics of their implementation, taking into account the different degree of capabilities of students.

The content of the discipline is coordinated with the courses “Theory and methodology of physical education“, ”Therapeutic physical culture”, “Sports psychology”.

  • Integrate and inclusive adaptive physical education
  • 2.7. Elective module 1
  • Contemporary types of health-improving physical education

Goals and objectives:

- to form an idea of the essence and purpose of modern types of health-improving physical education in the system of health-improving physical education activities and adaptive physical education;

- to study the basics of the theory and practice of applying modern types and areas of health-improving and recreational physical education: cyclic and acyclic types of health-improving physical exercises; sports and recreation systems and original programs of health-improvement; non-traditional means of health-improvement and health-improving methods of breathing exercises.

The academic discipline is a special subject of study that provides theoretical and practical training of master’s students for professional activities in the field of physical education, tourism and recreational activities.

  • Private methods of adaptive physical education for people of different ages
  • 2.8. Elective module 2
  • Technology of health-oriented classes programming

Goals and objectives of the academic discipline:

- to form an idea of the technology of health-oriented physical education classes programming in the system of health-improving and adaptive physical education;

- to study the algorithms of pedagogical activity that ensure the organization and running of health-oriented classes, taking into account the capabilities of various groups of students.

The academic discipline is a special subject of study that provides theoretical and practical training of master’s students for professional activities in the field of health-improving physical education, tourism and recreational activities. For the successful study of this discipline, it’s necessary for master’s students to have the knowledge, skills and competencies obtained by them in the study of the following disciplines: "Kinesiology as the basis of health-improving and adaptive physical education", "Integrated medical and pedagogical control in health-improving and adaptive physical education".

The discipline has a close logical correlation with the discipline "Contemporary technologies of health-improving physical education". The study of the discipline allows master’s students to master traditional and innovative means, forms and methods of health-improving physical education activities with different categories and age groups of the population / students, which is necessary for successful internship.

  • Features of disabled people' sport training

The main competencies that

the graduate will acquire

  • • Universal competence 1. To be able to apply the methods of scientific knowledge (analysis, comparison, systematization, abstraction, modeling, data validation, decision-making, etc.) in independent research activities, generate and implement innovative ideas.
    • Universal competence 2. To be able to carry out pedagogical activities in educational institutions, to master and implement effective educational information and communication technologies, pedagogical innovations.
    • Universal competence 3. To have the ability to critically analyze and evaluate modern scientific achievements, generate new knowledge in solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary fields.
    • Universal competence 5. To master the methodology of scientific knowledge, be able to analyze and evaluate the content and level of philosophical and methodological problems in solving problems of research and innovation.
    • Universal competence 6. To be proficient in a foreign language for communication in an interdisciplinary and scientific environment, in various forms of international cooperation, research and innovation activities.
    • Universal competence 7. To have the skills to use modern information technologies to solve research and innovation problems.
    • Specialized competence 1. To be able to independently identify and analyze significant scientific and practical problems in the professional field of physical education and sports.
    • Specialized competence 2. To be able to carry out all types of professional activities to promote a healthy lifestyle of various groups of the population, to form a physically educated person.
    • Specialized competence 3. To be able to use theoretical knowledge about the laws and mechanisms of human development, their anatomical and physiological, biomechanical and psychosomatic features of life activities under the conditions of sports and health-improving physical education activities to solve practical research problems.
    • Specialized competence 4. To master the techniques of medical and health practices of the peoples of the world and the ability to use them for health and correctional purposes.
    • Specialized competence 5. To have the ability to independently plan, organize and control the process of health-improving and adaptive physical education classes, taking into account a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the students.
    • Specialized competence 6. To be able to independently develop comprehensive health and correctional programs for various groups of the population.
    • Specialized competence 7. To be able to program personal and group classes with modern types of health-improving physical education, taking into account the gender, age, level of physical fitness of the students.
    • Specialized competence 8. To be able to manage the process of physical education of persons engaged in adaptive physical education, taking into account age and health status.
    • Specialized competence 9. To master technologies for organizing the process of adaptive physical education and sports training of persons with disabilities.
    • In-depth professional competence 1. To have knowledge and skills of managing small teams in professional activities in the field of physical education and sports, monitoring processes, identifying possible risks, and be able to make independent management decisions.
    • In-depth professional competence 2. To plan, organize, control and adjust the educational process, research, organizational and managerial, sports, health-improving physical education activities, to choose and effectively use educational technologies, methods and means of communication.
    • In-depth professional competence 3. To master the skills of working with the main software products of information technologies, methods of mathematical modeling and optimization for solving research problems in the field of physical education and sports.
    • In-depth professional competence 4. To be able to search, analyze and systematize scientific information in the field of physical education and sports, set research goals and objectives and choose the best ways to achieve them in practice.
    • In-depth professional competence 5. To have the ability of a variable approach to solving modern scientific problems and practical problems in the field of physical education and sports, taking into account theoretical and methodological, general scientific, pedagogical and concrete scientific provisions and principles.

Options to continue education

(postgraduate specialties)

 13.00.04 Theory and methods of physical training, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical education.
Graduate certificate MASTER’S DEGREE DIPLOMA


Read 22131 times Last modified on Tuesday, 04 January 2022 13:48
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