Belarusian-Uzbek Tourism Forum: Kupalovets takes part in a unique event in the world of tourism

Belarus-Uzbek tourism forum take place for the first time in Minsk on September 12 and 13. This significant event opens up new prospects for the development of tourism relations between Belarus and Uzbekistan, stimulating cultural exchange and strengthening friendly ties between the two countries.

Andrei Getsevich, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Belarus, Archaeology and Special Historical Disciplines, actively participates in the forum as an expert. His professional view and experience in the field of tourism is a valuable contribution to the discussion on the development of the tourism industry and cultural tourism between the countries.

At the plenary session, the participants presented reports on the state and prospects of cooperation in tourism between Belarus and Uzbekistan, on cooperation between the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture and the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage “Silk Road” in training personnel for tourism, on the development of medical and health tourism.

Also in the center of attention is the strengthening of cooperation in the field of tourism between the regions of the two countries, creation and promotion of tourist products.

The forum included thematic sections “State and Prospects of the Bilateral Cooperation in Tourism at the State and Regional Levels”, “Exchange of Experience and Prospects of Cooperation in Personnel Training for the Tourism Industry”, “State and Prospects of the Belarusian-Uzbek Partnership between the Entities of the Tourism Industry”.

It should be noted that the forum is the fifth joint event of the business circles of Belarus and Uzbekistan this year. In February, the II Forum of Regions of Belarus and Uzbekistan was held, while in April the Uzbek delegation took part in the international spring fair of tourist services “Rest”. In May, a familiarization tour to Belarus was organized for tour operators from Uzbekistan, and in August, the II Uzbek-Belarusian Women's Business Forum was held to discuss the development of economic contacts between the countries.

Students of YKSUG take part in the international youth festival of theatre art “Bridges of Friendship”

The People's Student Theatre of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno “Vernisazh” arrived in Pskov for the international youth festival of theatrical art “Bridges of Friendship”. Here student collectives will plunge into creativity and immerse the audience and jury in the incredible world of theatre art.

 In the coming days Kupalovtsy will shine at the youth festival of theatrical art “Bridges of Friendship”. In the program of participants - new productions, stage master classes, etudes-antreprise. The final show of performances will take place this Sunday.

The event has become a place for bringing together young people from Russia and Belarus, as well as experts and mentors, promoting the exchange of not only the best theatrical practices, but also initiatives in the field of international and diplomatic relations.

The idea of the festival arose from the understanding that theatre is an art that can unite the creative youth of the Union State. “Bridges of Friendship” is a platform for student theatres of Russia and Belarus.

The festival “Bridges of Friendship” is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. The festival is organized by Pskov State University.

Working visit of a partner from Tajikistan: cooperation in education, science and innovation

At the end of August, the dean of the joint Faculty of the Tajik National University with the Higher Education Institution of the Republic of Belarus, Odinazoda Safargul Atabek, visited the Faculty of Biology and Ecology of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

Cooperation with foreign partners from the Tajik National University continues to develop successfully, which is reflected in effective joint research and exchange of experience between teachers of educational institutions.

Safargul Atabek, in collaboration with scientific adviser Oleg Sozinov, Head of the Department of Systems Biology, worked on the materials of her dissertation research in the field of predictive models of resource characteristics and spatial distribution of medicinal plants in Tajikistan against the background of global climate change.

During the visit, a meeting was also held with Olga Yanchurevich, Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology. The conversation was devoted to scientific cooperation and the preparation of joint educational programs, including the areas of "Biochemistry", "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno continues to develop close ties with Chinese institutions

On August 29, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno hosted a reception for citizens of the People's Republic of China. During the meeting, prospects for cooperation between YKSUG and Chinese institutions were discussed.

Among the guests were the director and founder of the private institution of higher education «International Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship» Han Wenyuan, as well as a delegation from the Research Institute of National Art and Cultural Film Industry of Xiamen, LLC, including Director Wang Pengfei and Deputy Director Li Weifeng.

According to the participants of the event, the meeting opens up new horizons for the exchange of knowledge, experience and culture between the countries.

As part of the reception of the Chinese delegation, a tour of the university was organized, allowing them to get acquainted with the educational and scientific capabilities of the institution of higher education, as well as plunge into the atmosphere of its unique culture and traditions.

Such meetings contribute to strengthening international ties and cooperation in the field of education, science and culture, opening up new horizons for interaction and partnership between different countries and cultures.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno visited the official delegation of Luohe City, Henan province, People's Republic of China

The visit of the Chinese delegation to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took place as part of a visit by representatives of the Chinese business community to Grodno on August 15 and ended with the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Department of Education of Luohe City and the YKSUG.

The parties signed a cooperation agreement with the aim of long-term development of mutually beneficial relations in the field of education, science and technology.

According to Liavontsi Paulau, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno pursues an active international policy, including with institutions of the People's Republic of China.

– To present day, international agreements have been concluded with 28 universities and colleges of the People's Republic of China. There are about 140 Chinese citizens studying at the University, of which 80 people are studying Master's degree programmes and 60 people are studying under Bachelor's degree programmes. The greatest demand among Chinese citizens are specialities of pedagogical, economic orientation, specialities of physical training. The signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the Education Department of Luohe City and our university will contribute to more effective interaction with educational institutions of Luohe City, – said Liavontsi Paulau.

The agreement provides for cooperation with educational institutions of the People's Republic of China in the following areas: exchange of staff for lectures, internships, joint scientific research and educational projects, joint organisation and conduct of scientific, educational and cultural events, provision of necessary practical and theoretical assistance on the issues under study, as well as exchange of students for their training, organisation of joint training of students, training of researchers of higher qualification, training of researchers of higher qualification, training of students in the field of physical education.

The anniversary School of the Russian language is being held at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Participants from Romania, Italy, China, Serbia and Poland study Russian and get acquainted with the culture of Belarus and Grodno. Someone arrived at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for the first time, and there are those who have already come to our hospitable land for the fourth time.

The summer school of the Russian language at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is 10 years old this year. It is held for the first time on the basis of the Faculty of Philology. This is a unique opportunity not only to deepen your knowledge of the language, but also to get acquainted with modern Belarus and its rich traditions. Russian Russian Language School head, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Philology Inna Samoilova said that the opening of the school is always a big event.

From July 22 to August 9, our foreign guests will study with us. They will have exciting classes in the Russian language, linguistic and cultural studies, history and culture of Belarus. The program also includes excursions around Grodno, workshops on making Belarusian souvenirs and cooking dishes of national cuisine. This will allow the participants of the summer school to plunge into the atmosphere of hospitality of our country, to get to know Belarusians better.

From year to year, the participants leave only positive feedback about the school.  Christian Ecker from Serbia has been attending the Russian language summer school for 4 years and learns something new every time.

– I've always wanted to learn Russian. And 4 years ago, I found the Yanka Kupala University Summer School of the Russian Language on the Internet. During this time, its teachers and participants managed to become my family. I really like Belarus, it is a wonderful country, and Grodno is a wonderful city. In the future, I would like to learn at least a little Belarusian," Christian shared.

The summer school opens its doors for both beginners to learn Russian and for those who seek to improve their language skills. In addition, the participants will have a fascinating acquaintance with the Belarusian cinema. The initiator and organizer of the project is the Department of Russian Philology of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

Ilya Miladinovich is in Summer School for the first time. He notes that he will be happy to come next year:

– I came from Germany, my mother is from Russia, but I never learned to speak Russian at home. And my father suggested that I study at a summer school. We chose Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, and I didn't regret coming at all. I will advise my friends and tell them that we are in good hands here.

Over the 10 years of its existence, the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Summer School of Russian has graduated 181 students from 30 countries of the world. This year, representatives from Serbia and Romania came to study for the first time.

The Summer School of the Russian Language has in the near future city tours with visits to all the iconic historical sites and architectural monuments of the city. And upon completion of the training, all participants will receive certificates confirming their acquired knowledge of the basics of the Russian language.

Kupala residents are among the participants of the Forum of finalists of the competition of young international students of the CNGS

On July 22-25, Moscow hosted the Forum of Finalists of the Gromyko 2024 CIS Young International Students Competition. This year, more than 560 people from 10 CIS countries took part in the competition. More than 50 participants representing leading universities, academic institutions, public authorities, public and business structures from Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan reached the final.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was presented by Vladislav Kurlyanchik, a 4th-year student of the specialty "Customs", and Daniil Elagin, a 3rd-year student of the specialty "Jurisprudence".

"Economic sanctions and tools to counteract them in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus" and "The United Nations: history, significance and prospects" – competitive works by kupalovtsev.

The working sections of the event were traditionally held at two main venues: the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences and MGIMO University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

During the event, the participants worked on analytical reports and presented the main theses and practical recommendations to colleagues and experts of the Association of Foreign Policy Researchers.

Vladislav Kurlyanchik, a 4th year student of the specialty "Customs", shared that participation in the event gave him the opportunity to meet experienced specialists from various fields, allowed him to present his ideas and exchange them with the experts of the competition. This important event not only expanded his professional horizons, but also pushed him to new ideas and projects in the field of international relations and diplomacy. Participation in the forum was a valuable experience for Vladislav Kurlyanchik and an incentive for further development in his chosen field.

The Competition was organized by the A.A. Gromyko Association for Foreign Policy Studies, MGIMO University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus and the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the support of the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Standing Committee of the Union State. The project is funded by a grant from the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS.

Interactive classes for international students were held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

The Faculty of Pedagogy of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno hosted interactive classes organised within the framework of the scientific project “Psychodiagnostic study of personality on the basis of innovative socio-psychological technologies”. These classes were held with the participation of foreign students from the People's Republic of China and Iraq.

The project participants, together with the Teacher, Head of the Chair of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Snezhana Semernik, discussed a number of important topics related to psychology and interpersonal relations. One of the topics of the classes was “What do I know about myself?” Students reflected on their own personality, awareness of their qualities, interests, motives and values.

Another topic raised in the class is “What do I know about others?”. Here, the students examined the issues of empathy, understanding and respect for other people. They explored various aspects of interpersonal relationships, including cultural differences, social stereotypes, and interactions with people from different cultures.

The third topic, “How do I interact with the people around me?” allowed students and researchers to discuss their communication, leadership and collaboration skills. The classes included various interactive exercises, role-playing games and group discussions aimed at developing these skills and awareness in interaction with other people.

Interactive classes with foreign students provided participants with a valuable opportunity to expand their knowledge about themselves, other people and ways of interacting. Thanks to this project, students gained new insights and perspectives in the field of socio-psychological research, as well as strengthened their intercultural skills and understanding.

Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the meeting with the delegation of the Chuvash Republic, which took place in Grodno Regional Executive Committee

Today the guests met with Yelena Pasyuta, Chairman of the Grodno Regional Council of Deputies. The parties discussed the growth of trade turnover between the partner regions, as well as outlined the vectors of cooperation in the humanitarian and healthcare sectors. Iryna Kiturka, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, also participated in the meeting.

The delegation also took part in a solemn meeting dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Grodno from the Nazi invaders. The program of the visit includes a visit to the main sights and enterprises of our city.

The delegation of the Chuvash Republic has been on a visit to Belarus for several days already. They have met with the President and the Belarusian diaspora of the Chuvash people. The guests also visited major enterprises of the capital and identified the key areas of cooperation.

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