Monday, 20 September 2021 16:59

Nuremberg gingerbread, German sausages, Swedish sweets, Polish waffles, pancakes with cottage cheese and honey: an international evening brought together the students of the Summer School of the Russian Language

Nuremberg gingerbread, German sausages, Swedish sweets, Polish waffles, pancakes with cottage cheese and honey: an international evening brought together the students of the Summer School of the Russian Language

The international evening, where each participant of the Summer School was able to present himself, the country and knowledge of the Russian language, was held at the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University on August, 10 in an online and offline format.
Germany, Italy, China, Poland, Sweden – the countries that were represented at the thematic event by the students of the Summer School.
- The summer school of the Russian language is essentially international. And respect for national peculiarities and traditions is one of the principles of successful intercultural communication, – said Inna Samoilova, head of the Department of Language Training of Belarusian and Foreign Citizens. – This event is aimed at popularizing youth creativity, activating educational activities for the study of the Russian language.
According to Irina Kraskovskaya, senior lecturer of the Department of Language Training of Belarusian and Foreign Citizens, students have been preparing for the international evening for a week. The lottery helped to determine the country for the presentation:
– It is very interesting when the participants of the Summer School talk not about their country, but about each other's homeland. This contributes to cultural exchange and the creation of a friendly atmosphere in an international team.    т
In addition to the presentation of countries, the students of the school brought their own national dishes. German sausages, gingerbread cakes from Nuremberg, sweets from Sweden, various types of Polish waffles, pancakes with cottage cheese and honey, Belarusian marshmallows, kvass and kefir were able to try everything. During the evening, the participants of the Summer School made a real gastronomic journey.
Today, on August 11, students will learn about Belarusian national dishes during a language cafe, and tomorrow, on August 12 – during a master class on their preparation.
Foreign guests will study Russian at Yanka Kupala Grodno State University until August 13.

Read 8897 times Last modified on Thursday, 30 September 2021 14:47
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