Friday, 29 July 2022 12:35

Yanka Kupala State State University hosted the International Summer School of Economic Scientists "SCIENNOMIS – 2022"

Yanka Kupala State State University hosted the International Summer School of Economic Scientists "SCIENNOMIS – 2022"

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The school worked on the basis of the Faculty of Economics and Management last week. The students have mastered an intensive course in econometric analysis, modeling and forecasting. Students and teachers from the Irkutsk State University, the Russian University of Transport, as well as from the Kyrgyz National University joined the classes.

Classes at the school were held in a mixed online and offline format. Teachers of the Department of Mathematical and Information Support of Economic Systems conducted lectures for students, trainings and master classes on such topics of econometric analysis as modeling and forecasting of economic data using Microsoft Excel, as well as using other software packages.

During the summer school, special attention was paid to methods of econometric and statistical analysis of data on the socio-economic development of regions, including methods of spatial econometrics for analyzing the state of regional labor markets, methods of ranking and classification of regions of the Republic of Belarus by indicators of small and medium-sized enterprises.

At a meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Marina Karpitskaya, the school participants discussed current problems of modeling socio-economic phenomena in the context of digitalization, as well as areas for further cooperation.

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Read 7161 times Last modified on Wednesday, 03 August 2022 12:37
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