Wednesday, 08 February 2023 03:32

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has successfully passed international accreditation!

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has successfully passed international accreditation!

By the decision of the Accreditation Council of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating IAAR dated January 27, 2023, Yanka Kupala State University received international institutional accreditation for a period of 5 years and international program accreditation for 16 educational programs!

In December 2022, External expert Commissions of the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency IAAR assessed the quality of the university's educational activities for compliance with international standards and criteria. The agency's experts conducted interviews with the management, teachers and students, employers and graduates, studied the structure of the university and the organization of the educational process. Staff of the university successfully coped and received a positive conclusion on the compliance of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno with the requirements of international quality standards. Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has passed the international institutional accreditation for 5 years.

International program accreditation was obtained by Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for 7 years in the following bachelor's degree programs: "Practical Psychology" ("Socio-pedagogical and psychological education"), "Biology (in areas)" ("Biology"), "Physics (in areas)" ("Physics"), "Jurisprudence", and also according to the master's degree program "Biochemistry".

International program accreditation was obtained by Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for 5 years in the bachelor's degree programs "Fine Arts and Computer Graphics" ("Art Education"), "Economics and Management at the Enterprise" ("Economics and Management"), "Information Technology Software" ("Software Engineering"), "Transport Logistics(Software directions)" ("Transport logistics"), as well as in the educational programs of the master's degree "Musical Art", "Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing" (by fields and levels of education)("Primary education"), "Economics", "Applied Physics", "Construction of buildings and Structures" ("Construction"), "Transport", "Jurisprudence".

Within the framework of international accreditation, the team conducted a thorough analysis of the university's activities and prepared a self-report in accordance with international standards for the quality of education. The qualification level of the teaching staff, the introduction of international educational practices and the well-coordinated work of the team, the success of graduates and strong business partnerships of the university have become the foundation of success.

Obtaining a certificate of international accreditation confirms the guarantees of high quality of education and services, their compliance with international requirements, increases the academic attractiveness of the university and the level of confidence on the part of the main stakeholders in the effectiveness and efficiency of the educational programs implemented.

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