Saturday, 02 September 2023 03:29

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno invites Kupala residents to participate in the contest "Together against Corruption!"

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno invites Kupala residents to participate in the contest "Together against Corruption!"

Kupala residents take part in the International Youth Competition of social anti-corruption advertising "Together against Corruption!" and go on a trip to Moscow.

The purpose of the youth competition of social anti–corruption advertising "Together against Corruption!" is to attract young people to participate in the prevention of corruption, to develop and use social anti-corruption advertising to prevent corruption manifestations; to form the practice of interaction of society with bodies engaged in anti-corruption activities.

The competition promotes anti-corruption education of the population, the formation of an intolerant attitude towards corruption in society. The organizer of the competition is the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

Contestants aged 14 to 35 are invited to prepare thematic social advertising in the nomination "Best Poster" and "Best video".

To participate in the competition of social anti-corruption advertising "Together against Corruption!", you must register on the official website of the competition by filling out the registration form and confirm your consent to the rules of the competition, as well as consent to the processing of personal data. The contest entries are electronically uploaded via the personal account on the official website of the contest . Applications are accepted until October 1.

File formats in the nomination "Best Poster": JPG, resolution in accordance with the A3 format (297 x 420 mm) with the correct aspect ratio and a resolution of 300 dpi. The physical size of a single file is no more than 15 MB.

File formats in the nomination "Best video": mpeg 4, resolution no more than 1920 x 1080p, physical file size no more than 300 MB. Duration: no more than 120 seconds. Sound: 16 bit, stereo.

The contest entries must necessarily contain an explanatory text (for posters) or mounted subtitles (for video clips) in Russian with the author's name of the contest entry, indicating the surname, first name, age of the author (the name of the creative team), the state.

A solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas, valuable gifts and memorable prizes is planned to be held in Moscow, timed to coincide with the International Anti-Corruption Day, which is celebrated on December 9.

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