Friday, 15 September 2023 15:59

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno signed an agreement with Chongqing Polytechnic University

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno signed an agreement with Chongqing Polytechnic University

The signing of the international cooperation agreement took place within the framework of the working visit of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Leonti Pavlov to the People's Republic of China.

The document implies long-term cooperation between the parties in the field of educational and scientific activities, as well as in the use of best practices, the introduction of scientific developments in the educational process and the establishment of academic, scientific and cultural ties, the development of scientific potential and ensuring high-quality professional training of specialists.

Within the framework of the agreement, it is planned to exchange scientific experience and scientific information on the issues of research and educational work of the parties, exchange of experience in organizing the educational process. The plans include joint scientific research, implementation of programs and projects.

The parties are also interested in scientific internships, advanced training of the teaching staff in areas of mutual interest, exchange of students, undergraduates, postgraduates.

The parties agreed to create working groups for conducting scientific research, joint scientific events, to involve scientific, practical, research organizations and other enterprises and institutions, as well as individual scientists, specialists and practitioners to implement common scientific programs and projects.

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