Tuesday, 21 June 2016 16:44

International learners of the Faculty of Pre-University Training of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno visited the Maksim Bahdanovich Museum

International learners of the Faculty of Pre-University Training of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno visited the Maksim Bahdanovich Museum

   International learners of the Faculty of Pre-University Training of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno from Iran, Zimbabwe, Congo, Nigeria and Sri Lanka, accompanied by Russian language teachers Lilia Shumskaya and Tatyana Cherkes visited the house-museum of Belarusian poet Maksim Bahdanovich. The excursion was organized in the framework of the events dedicated to the Year of culture.

   The Museum staff acquainted the guests with the peculiarities of the cultural life of Grodno in the late XIX – early XX centuries, as well as with the creative activity of the famous poet. International visitors learned about the life of Maksim Bahdanovich’s family, about studies and hobbies of the young poet, his love for his native land. The Museum guests saw the photographs, manuscripts, letters, documents, and first edition of the book "Vyanok", the only lifetime book of poet’s poems.
   The guide’s story about the other famous people of the Grodno region and Belarus was entertaining and informative: Eliza Orzeszko and Alois Pashkevich and their contribution to the development of a culture, Constantine Kalinowski and his heroic struggle and death for freedom of Belarusians. International visitors saw the edition of the Bible with the portrait of the first Belarusian printer Francisk Skorina. The acquaintance with the original objects of the Belarusian everyday life – furniture, dishes, toys of the late XIX – early XX centuries – was interesting for learners from Asia and Africa.
   At the end of the excursion, the Museum staff offered to make a wish before one of the Museum exhibits – the magic mirror. They say that wishes made in front of the century-old mirror will certainly come true.

Read 14414 times Last modified on Thursday, 07 July 2016 16:18
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