Tuesday, 18 October 2016 16:49

The women volleyball team of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno wins student youth Spartakiada "To the Olympic tops"

The women volleyball team of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno wins student youth Spartakiada "To the Olympic tops"

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Vitebsk hosted the participants of Spartakiada "To the Olympic tops", which this year was held under the auspices of the Union State from 3 to 8 October, 2016.

Among the athletes were more than 200 students from different regions of Belarus and Russia. Our country was represented by teams from eight universities, including Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. For five days students have been competing in volleyball, table tennis and 3x3 basketball.

Officials of the Union State, in particular, Margarita Levchenko, the Chief of the Department of Social Policy and Information Support at the Permanent Committee of the Union State, attended Spartakiada’s opening ceremony that was held at Vitebsk CSK on October, 3.

Vasiliy Kasach, the Deputy head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus, welcomed the athletes on behalf of Alexander Shamko, the Minister of Sport and Tourism.

“An event of such a high level contributes to the strengthening of friendly relations between the youth of Belarus and Russia, the further development of physical culture and sports movement and promote a healthy lifestyle”, – noted Vasiliy Kasach.

Afterwards, the first matches between students of Russian and Belarusian universities were held.

According to the results of Spartakiada the women volleyball team of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno under the guidance of a coach Stanislav Lisowski, the Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sport (the Faculty of Physical Culture), took the 1st place.

The men volleyball team of Yanka Kupala State University was fourth in the competition. Our students in the competitions in playing table tennis and basketball 3x3 took the sixth place.


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