Monday, 01 January 2018 18:32

Students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno have fulfilled the New Year wishes of the pupils of the Vasilishkivsky care home

Students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno have fulfilled the New Year wishes of the pupils of the Vasilishkivsky care home

Within the framework of the republican charity event "Our Children", a New Year's party at the boarding school was visited by the leadership and students of GRSU.

Congratulating everyone on the upcoming holidays, Rector Irina Kyturko noted that the representatives of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno traditionally come to the Vasilishki boarding school for disabled children with special physical and psychological development on the eve of the New Year and Christmas to congratulate the children. Irina Kyturko wished the pupils and the administration of the institution of happiness, goodness and fulfillment of desires in 2018. As a New Year gift from the Grodno State University, the rector bought a certificate to strengthen the material and technical base of the institution, as well as a number of other pleasant prizes.

The representatives of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Biology and Ecology presented themselves as real fairy magicians. The students of Grodno State University red all the letters (there were more than a hundred), which were addressed by the children of the institution to Santa, and also they prepared the coveted gifts for the children. In addition, students and teachers of the faculties of pre-university training, mathematics and computer science, history, communication and tourism, the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Education received sweet prizes for the charity Christmas and New Year gatherings.

The administration of the care home for handicapped children with special psychophysical development thanked the representatives of Grodno University for their cooperation, sensitivity and ability to empathize, the ability and desire to support those who need help.

Andrei Lobovich, the first Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, Alina Voroniuk, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee - Head of the Pension and Benefit Administration, as well as representatives of local authorities, public organizations and NGOs came to congratulate the students on the New Year. Givinging the presents, the adults together with the children danced in a round sang New Year's songs and exchanged wishes of good and luck in the new 2018 year.


Read 17870 times Last modified on Tuesday, 23 January 2018 16:34
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