Monday, 23 December 2019 00:37

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno invites you to participate in the creative lounge "Belarus is the Crossroads of National Cultures"

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno invites you to participate in the creative lounge "Belarus is the Crossroads of National Cultures"

The event will be held for the third time on November 29 at Yanka Kupala State University.

Students and graduates of educational institutions and organizations of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries will be the participants of the event. The program of the creative lounge "Belarus is the crossroads of national cultures" includes an interactive round table "Calendar of National Holidays", the participants of which will discuss the traditions of national holidays, their history, national dishes, clothes and traditional games. During the intellectual game “Brain Ring” participants will open the theme “Belarus is the wonderful world!”. University teams will answer questions on geography, culture, traditions, famous personalities of Belarus and other nationalities. The concert “Polyphony of National Cultures” will end the day. The program will include creative performances by foreign and Belarusian students studying at Belarusian universities. In addition, an essay contest “Love for the Motherland is in Each of Us” and the contest “Emblem of a Creative Lounge” will be held remotely. To be a participant in the activities of the creative lounge “Belarus is the Crossroads of National Cultures” you must register before November 7, 2019 via the link. The participants of the round table must attach the presentation materials (theses) and presentation to the application, the participants of the concert - video of creative numbers. Participants of remote competitions need to download the contest entries in the registration form at the above link. The organizing Committee reserves the right to pre-select the materials received. Voting in the social network Vkontakte will be open from 11 to 20 November 2019. The winner will be determined on the basis of the voting results. According to organizers, the event aim is to promote intercultural exchange of students, education of tolerant personality in polycultural environment of a university, increase the interest of foreigners to the Republic of Belarus, its history and culture. Contact information of organizing Committee: Education Internationalization Center of Yanka Kupala State University, Grodno, Ozheshko str., 22, office 216. Burlakina Elena Sergeevna, specialist of international projects and academic mobility Department; tel.: 8 (0152) 681244; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Sultanov Rovshen, Chairman of the Council of foreign students, tel.: +375 25 9300919.

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