Thursday, 05 March 2020 15:22

Associate Professor of journalism Sergey Morozov dedicated a photo exhibition of his works to his favorite University

Associate Professor of journalism Sergey Morozov dedicated a photo exhibition of his works to his favorite University

The opening of the exhibition was held as part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Yanka Kupala State University.

The opening ceremony brought together students and staff of the University. The exhibition entitled "Aerial Grodno" includes 35 unique photographs of the city and the University, taken from a bird's eye view. - Through art creative people can and should awaken love and respect among our youth for their country, for its past, present and future, for the heritage that we have – the first Vice-rector of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University, Oleg Romanov,  said during the opening of the photo exhibition. – It is noteworthy that the author of these works expressed his love for his native city, his small homeland and the University, using modern technical tools that are now in the arsenal of photographers. These photos were taken using a quadrocopter that stayed in the air for more than 110 hours, flying 800 kilometers. With the help of a quadrocopter, Sergey Morozov took several thousand photos. The author captured recognizable locations of Grodno in different seasons, at different times of the day. The most interesting photos were selected for the photo exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Yanka Kupala state University. There are also those that depict the building of the native Kupala University. – I am a happy person, - the author shared, presenting the exhibition. - I am happy because the city where I live inspires me to create, and the University where I work gives me opportunities for self-expression. And the most important thing is that my work is in demand, because I can present my works to the audience, including at this exhibition. Associate Professor of journalism at Yanka Kupala State University, candidate of Historical Sciences Sergey Morozov has repeatedly presented his photo works at personal exhibitions in Belarus, Russia, and Lithuania. He is a nominee and the winner of national and international photo contests, as well as a member of the honored Amateur team of the Republic of Belarus of the people's photo club "Grodno".

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