Friday, 10 April 2020 14:05

Rector Irina Kiturko meets student activists of university faculties at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Rector Irina Kiturko meets student activists of university faculties at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Representatives of the Faculty of Arts and Design, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, and the Faculty of Philology were invited to the first meeting.

The meeting was held in the format of an open dialogue. Setting the tone for the upcoming conversation, Irina Kiturko noted that she is ready to support any initiative of students.
“You are a driving force in your faculties, you are the ones that other students follow. Therefore, I expect more activity from you, I expect that in the future we will increasingly hold such meetings on the initiative of students, rather than leadership,” – addressed the audience Irina Kiturko.
One of the most discussed issues was the construction of a new dormitory. In particular, the students were interested in whether there had been developed any criteria by which the Kupala students would be settled in the new dormitory as a matter of priority. Irina Fedorovna replied that she was ready to consider the proposals on this subject by the students themselves. By the way, the survey has already been conducted, and its results will be known in the near future.
Continuing the topic of building a new dormitory, the rector of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Irina Kiturko, noted that the construction of the building is proceeding at a faster-than-expected pace, and she is ready to support the student initiative to participate in properly organized subbotnik works at the construction site. In turn, students proposed to organize the work of a student construction team in the summer and thus contribute to the speedy commissioning of the long-awaited facility.
During the open dialogue, issues related to the functioning of other dormitories of Kupala University were also raised. Many of them concerned student hostel No. 3. As a result, the rector decided to sort out the raised problems on the spot and made an appointment with the students living there the very next day.
Among the topical issues voiced during a frank conversation with the rector, there was also the question of a possible increase in tuition fees. Irina Kiturko confirmed that payment will increase from April 1, the size of the cost increase is currently being discussed.
During the open dialogue, medical care for students, catering, and support for student startups were discussed. Also the topic of the 75th anniversary of the great Victory was touched and events which can be held in a new format to mark the milestone date were discussed.
At the end of the conversation, the rector of the Yanka Kupala State University Irina Kiturko thanked the students for their activity, as well as for the frank conversation. Irina Feodorovna once again reminded that, clearly following the Mission of the University, its management strives to identify, reveal and realize the potential of each student. And if there is a mutual interest in this, then such meetings of students with the University management should be held more often, including at the initiative of the students themselves.


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