Monday, 13 April 2020 14:32

Students from German universities and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno presented their projects within the framework of the educational workshop

Students from German universities and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno presented their projects within the framework of the educational workshop



For three days students worked on the concept of an ideal structure for student self-government.


The event was held under the general title “Tandem Partnership Germany-Belarus – Academic Self-Government”. The workshop was organized in the framework of cooperation between the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and higher educational institutions of Germany: Dresden Technical University, Freiberg Mining Academy and Postdam University.

Students of both countries worked in groups to create a concept of an ideal self-government structure. They presented their ideas during the final meeting of the three-day educational workshop. The projects concerned the solution of educational and social problems that students may have, organization of their leisure activities, as well as the implementation of different formats of students’ participation in the life of their university. At the end of the workshop about 30 students from the two countries received certificates of the international project “Tandem Partnership Germany-Belarus – Academic Self-Government”.

The Chancellor of Dresden Technical University Andreas Handschuch attended the final event of the educational workshop. Guests from Germany expressed their hope to meet again next year as a part of the following educational workshop. In return, Yuri Belykh, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, thanked the representatives of Dresden Technical University for their initiative, and the representatives of our University for the excellent organization of the event. “The fact that the meeting has brought a lot of positive emotions can be seen in the general mood of students, who over the past three days have acquired not only a lot of new knowledge, but also many good friends”, – said Yuri Belykh.


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