Monday, 13 April 2020 14:49

Yanka Kupala State University congratulated women on the holiday of March 8

Yanka Kupala State University congratulated women on the holiday of March 8

At the festive occasion dedicated to the International Women's Day, the warmest words and wishes were addressed to teachers, employees and students of Kupala University.
On the eve of the spring holiday, teachers and labor veterans, active representatives of public associations and leaders of academic activities, winners and participants of sports competitions and creative projects were invited to the concert.
Irina Kiturko, Rector of Grodno State University of Yanka Kupala, welcomed everyone who gathered at Kupala University on the eve of the spring women's holiday:
– I sincerely wish to congratulate you on this wonderful upcoming holiday. Today I want to compliment you. Thank you for your beauty and concern, for the beautiful, feminine way you treat your work and colleagues, students. It is such happiness that we can see the world through a woman's eyes, feel, be mothers and grandmothers! I sincerely congratulate you and wish you good health and all the best!
Irina Kiturko also presented letters of gratitude from the Grodno Regional Council of Deputies to Lyudmila Tiploshevich, a leading HR specialist in the HR Department of the Center for HR and legal work. Anna Shunevich, HR inspector in the HR Department of the Center for HR and legal work and Elena Kulesh, the Deputy Manager of the Center for public relations, Chief of intracorporate communications, was noted with Certificate of the University for conscientious effective work, high achievements in professional activity and in connection with the 80th anniversary of the University.
On this day, loud applause was heard for the women's volleyball team “Kommunalnik GRSU”, which once again became the first in international volleyball competitions for the Rector's Cup.
Igor Kerget, the Chairman of the University's Trade Union Committee, congratulated the women's half of Grodno State University of Yanka Kupala:
– Throughout our lives, we are surrounded by women: mothers, grandmothers, teachers, girls, wives. Even in difficult moments, when you need to make the right decision, a woman uses her feelings. I wish that in your life there was more spring, there were those who are always guided by feelings around you, at work and at home, then it will be warmer, easier and more beautiful for all of us. Happy holidays!
Musical gifts for the participants of the event were heard from students of Kupala University, and at the end of the concert, each woman received flowers and a sweet surprise.

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