Wednesday, 08 May 2024 09:23

Tourism and Hospitality

Tourism and Hospitality


of history, communication and tourism


6-05-1013-01 Tourism and Hospitality



Academic degree


Duration of study

Full time – 4 years

Language of study


Main subjects studied 

  • History of travel and tourism
  • Geography of international tourism
  • Economy of tourism and hospitality
  • Management in tourism and hospitality
  • Marketing in tourism
  • Legal regulation of tourism activities
  • Tourism resources of Belarus
  • Organization of the activities of tourist enterprises
  • Touroperating
  • Excursioning studies

Main competencies that the graduate will have

  • organize the work and effective interaction of the structural divisions of the tourist and hotel enterprise
  • identify promising areas of activity of a tourist and hotel enterprise
  • develop innovative technologies for the formation and promotion of tours and packages of tourist services
  • carry out work on the provision of a range of tourist services in accordance with the tour program
  • develop and implement targeted cultural and leisure programs

Area of future professional occupation

  • Tourism activities
  • Hotels and restaurants
  • Recreation and entertainment activities
  • Activities of agricultural and eco-gardens

Entrance tests

  Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

Read 341 times Last modified on Wednesday, 08 May 2024 09:24
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