Institute for Professional Skills Upgrading and Retraining at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has launched the second stream of free online courses
The trainees began to study English, information security, legal, business and financial literacy, as well as energy and resource saving in everyday life.
The courses are the part of the international project "Enchancement of lifelong learning in Belarus". As part of the project, the Institute for Professional Skills Upgrading and Retraining at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno became one of six regional advanced training institutes, on the basis of which there were created the conditions to increase the level of knowledge of citizens in various aspects of social life and economy.
The head of the project "Enchancement of lifelong learning in Belarus" in Grodno, the Director of the Institute for Professional Skills Upgrading and Retraining at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Elena Kontseal said that active interaction of Belarusian and European universities in creating a wide range of educational courses for the population of various regions in our country began in 2018 year. Thanks to this, it became possible to expand the availability of additional education for residents of different parts of Belarus.
- We can already talk about the first results of the project, - said Elena Kontseal. - More than 100 applications were submitted for participation in the first stream of free distance learning courses, which were launched on the basis of our institute in November 2019. For several months, there was online training in 5 different areas. All developed courses are aimed at gaining practical skills and competencies that are in demand in everyday life. For example, the course of English will teach you how to maintain a conversation on everyday topics, go on a trip on your own, and the course on energy and resource saving in everyday life will teach you how to reduce the cost of utility bills. The experience of European universities in Great Britain, Spain, Latvia, Sweden was used in the development of the courses.
The recruitment for the courses of the second stream took place in record time. There were a lot of people who wanted to be among the listeners, which underlines the interest of the residents of the Grodno region in additional education and their willingness to study using modern information and communication technologies.
270 people of different ages - from 17 to 57 years old - were enrolled in free online courses of the second stream. Most of the students have higher education and live both in Grodno and in Krasnoselsk, Gozha, Novogrudok, Korelichi and other districts of the Grodno region. Three foreign citizens who live in Italy and Ukraine are also enrolled. Among the course participants there are 11 temporarily unemployed, 3 pensioners, 21 students and 14 young mothers on maternity leave. The rest work in different spheres of the Grodno region.
On September 28, an organizational meeting of the project participants took place, during which the listeners were able to get answers to their questions and get to know the teachers. Further, for 4 months, students will form additional competencies in the direction they have chosen. Based on the results of the training, a certificate of an international project is issued.
An on-line meeting of the partners of the international technical assistance project devoted to the revival of the traditions of beekeeping was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
The participants of the project, which started in August this year, have joined efforts to preserve the traditions of beekeeping in the Belarusian-Lithuanian region.
The international technical assistance project "Preservation of Ethnocultural Heritage and Tourism Development in the Historic Region Famous for Hollow Tree Beekeeping" is implemented within the framework of the Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Cross-Border Cooperation Program for 2014-2020 and is funded by the European Union. The main goal is to preserve and revive the ancient tradition of hollow tree beekeeping and use it for the development of tourism in Dzukia cross-border region and Grodno region.
The kick-off meeting of the project partners was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in on-line mode. The event was attended by the representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, including the project manager, the Head of the Department of Zoology and Human and Animal Physiology Olga Yanchurevich, as well as other Belarusian partners – the representatives of the Belarusian Public Association “Ecological Initiative” and State environmental institution “Republican Landscape Reserve “Ozery”. There were discussed the activities planned for the near future with the Lithuanian partners of the project, represented by the Natural Heritage Fund, the Administration of the Dzukija National Park and the Chepkeliai Nature Reserve.
Thus, the project participants intend to create a cross-border tourist route-guide, which will present the beekeeping traditions typical for the Belarusian-Lithuanian region. In addition, within the framework of the project, old bees will be repaired and new ones will be created in the cross-border region, which will confirm the importance of beekeeping for the local economy. There are also activities planned to teach this ancient craft to those who are interested in preserving the traditions of hollow tree beekeeping. It is planned to organize thematic festivals, which, as the project participants expect, will become the hallmark of the cross-border region.
All planned activities of the international technical assistance project "Preservation of Ethnocultural Heritage and Tourism Development in the Historic Region Famous for Hollow Tree Beekeeping " will be implemented until July 31, 2022. It is expected that the project will contribute to an increase in the number of visitors to the Dzukia National Park, State environmental institution “Republican Landscape Reserve “Ozery” and the cross-border region as a whole, which will have a positive impact on its socio-economic development.
Competition for rector's grants announced at Yanka Kupala state University
Documents for participation in the competition for grants from rector for research work in the preparation of doctoral and PhD theses are accepted from 2 to 30 November.
The competition for grants from rector is held in order to provide financial support for research of university employees in the preparation and defense of dissertations. Grant of the rector stands at the expense of extrabudgetary foundation of the university or its separate structural divisions is allocated for up to 1 year for the completion and defense of PhD thesis; for up to 2 years for completion and defense of the doctoral dissertation.
Grant eligible employees of the university who study or studied at post-graduate degree or independently prepared the thesis on competition of a scientific degree of candidate in sciences and have at least 3 articles on the topic of dissertation in journals from the list of scientific editions of Belarus for publication of dissertation research or in equivalent foreign scientific periodicals. At least 15 articles on the topic of a doctoral dissertation in these publications must be submitted by university employees applying for a rector's grant who are studying or have been trained in doctoral studies or have independently prepared a dissertation for the degree of doctor of science.
The competition for grants from the rector for the preparation of dissertations will be held at Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno in the period from December 1 to December 31, 2020. The winner will be determined by the competition commission, which will first conduct an examination of the competition documents. The commission will assess the relevance of the topic of research, significance of expected results and ways of their implementation and practical approbation of results of dissertation research, the number and level of scientific publications on the dissertation topic, the reality of the timing of the stages, as well as the validity of estimated costs.
Representatives of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the final conference of the project of cross-border cooperation in the field of ecology
During the event, were summed up the results of the project and also was proposed the strategy for further cooperation on combating the spread of dangerous plant species in the Belarusian-Lithuanian border region.
Project partners ENI-LLB-1-207 "Reducing the negative impact of alien invasive plant species on ecosystems and human well-being in a transboundary region of Lithuania-Belarus" are the administration of the municipality of Varena region, the administration of Dzūkija national Park and Cepkeliai nature reserve also Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, the Department of Agriculture and Food of Grodno regional Executive Committee, State Environmental Institution Republican Landscape Reserve "Ozery". The final conference with the representatives of two countries was held in online format.
The event was attended by deputy chief of the main Department of Biological and Landscape Diversity of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus Nikolay Svidinsky, vice-chairman of the Grodno regional Executive Committee Valery Balashov. On behalf of the Lithuanian partners, director of the public organization "Natural Heritage Foundation" Gedeminas Raschyus gave a welcoming speech.
In his speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology of the Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno Alexander Karevsky expressed confidence that the results achieved as a result of the project will be a good incentive for further cooperation.
– We managed to start forming an ecological mentality among the local population of the border territories in order to ensure that they promptly notify us and environmental organizations of the discovery of new types of alien plant hotbeds. To prevent further penetration of these plant species into wider territories, timely localization of these hotbeds is very important, - Alexander Karevsky noted.
Within the framework of the ENI-LLB-1-207 project "Reducing the negative impact of alien invasive plant species on ecosystems and human well-being in a transboundary region of Lithuania-Belarus", were resolved issues of joint organization of work on the control and destruction of invasive plant species in the border area, and options for joint work with authorities, land users and the local community were proposed. In addition, field excursions were conducted to the places where such invasive plant species grow as American maple, ironbill, echinocystis lobe, canadian goldenrod, giant goldenrod and others. Project participants have acquired methods of species identification and skills in work with an online questionnaire for recording invasive plants.
During the final conference, it was noted that the cross-border cooperation project was successfully implemented and it is necessary to continue to work in this direction.
"Curator of the year" was named at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
The results of the university-wide competition "Curator of the year 2020" were summed up at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno on October 29.
The competition "Curator of the year» is held annually at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in order to increase the effectiveness and improve the activities of curators of student groups in the whole system of educational work. During this year's competition, participants demonstrated new approaches to the work of curators of study groups, presented their experience of work with students.
Vice-rector for educational work Vasily Senko expressed his congratulation to the curators: he noted that the university employs are real professionals, people who are interested in their work as well as in work with the younger generation of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, people who are not afraid to present their experience and results of work with their groups.
The winner of the competition "Curator of the year 2020" was Elena Kovaleva, lector of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of childhood at the Faculty of Education, curator of the 3rd year.
Victoria Stanchits, lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics at the Faculty of Law and curator of the 3rd year, won the nomination "For the spiritual and moral education of students". The nomination "For the revitalization of foreign students" won curator of the 3rd course, Galina Mazko, lecturer of Russian as a foreign language at the Faulty of Philology and the nomination "For labor education of students" won curator of two groups of the 3rd year Tatiana Frolova, lecturer of the Department of Music Art at the Faculty of Arts and Design.
By the decision of the competition Commission, the winners were awarded with diplomas and cash prizes.
An employee of the University and a PhD graduate of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno were awarded the academic title of Candidate of Science
The meeting of the Presidium of the higher attestation commission of the Republic of Belarus was held on October 28.
The academic degree of candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences was awarded to Pavel Potseyko, the lecturer of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. His scientific supervisor – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor Yevgeny Rovba. Also, the degree of candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences was awarded to Zhang Binbin, a graduate of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and a citizen of the People's Republic of China. His scientific supervisor – doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Ivan Martynov.
The defense of theses took place during the period of postgraduate study on 19.06.2020 in the council for the presentation of theses by 02.14.02 at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
Online meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Belarus Nazarguly Shagulyyev was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Participants of the event discussed the importance of the neutrality policy in ensuring international peace, security and sustainable development.
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Yury Bialykh noted in his welcoming speech the importance of the present topic, and also expressed hopes for the meeting to contribute to the further development of fruitful relations between Yanka Kupala University and the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Belarus.
“Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has been regularly visited by representatives of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Belarus since 2013, and since May, 2015 these visits have reached a new level. During this period of time Yanka Kupala University has hosted the delegation headed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Belarus four times,” Yury Bialykh said.
Nazarguly Shagulyyev confirmed his interest in developing cooperation and said that this year is very important for Turkmenistan.
“Turkmenistan is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its permanent neutrality status this year. Neutrality and non-interference in the affairs of other countries are effective means in the development of international cooperation,” said Nazarguly Shagulyyev.
He also told the participants of the video conference that Turkmenistan is currently at the stage of implementing economic reforms, which will allow the country to become integrated into the world economic system.
During this event Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was also complimented for its contribution to the development of Turkmenistan's human resources potential. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Yury Bialykh drew attention to the fact that 490 citizens of Turkmenistan are currently studying at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, which is more than a half of the total number of the foreign citizens who are receiving higher education at our university. Yury Bialykh stated that students from Turkmenistan successfully study, and also show good results in sports and creativity.
Participants of the conference were able to view the creative achievements of the foreign students of Yanka Kupala University during the event. The students gave performances of traditional music and read poems in the Turkmen language. The meeting ended with watching of the thematic video, made and given by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Belarus.
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno started training specialists for the legal sphere of the Republic of Uzbekistan
(the video in Russian is attached)
The first classes in the framework of the joint educational program with Tashkent State University of Law started on October 14 remotely.
The joint educational program based on two universities provides training of students from Uzbekistan in the specialty "International law". In the first two years students study at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, then they master the third year program at home,
at Tashkent State University of Law, and return to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno to finish their studies at the first degree of higher education. Thirty four freshmen started their studies this year.
“The development of joint educational programs is a strategic direction in the international activities of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. In 2016 we implemented the first joint educational program with the partner from China – Chongqing University of Technology, specializing in «Information Technology Software». At the moment, we have 14 joint educational programs with various partners, including universities in France, the USA, Kazakhstan, and Sri Lanka. And today we have started a new joint educational program with Tashkent State University of Law. This is the first joint educational program with the higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan,” said Iryna Kiturka, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
As Iryna Kiturka said during an online meeting with the first year students from Uzbekistan and the administration of Tashkent State University of Law, the specialty "International law" is much in demand among applicants. Every year a large number of them apply right to this specialty.
“I am glad to welcome new Kupala students to our University and hope that soon you will be able to come to Grodno to study directly,” Iryna Kiturka addressed the students from Uzbekistan.
In his turn, the rector of Tashkent State University of Law Rahim Khakimov noted that the implementation of the joint educational program with Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will contribute to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries – Belarus and Uzbekistan. He drew attention to the fact that there were many applicants who wanted to participate in the joint educational program. Of the total number of applications submitted (335) thirty four people were enrolled in the first year.
Iryna Kiturka told students from Uzbekistan about the opportunities that Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno provides today and wished them successful studies. Dean of the Faculty of Law Sviatlana Chaburanava recalled the graduates, among them – state-level authorities, successful professionals who represent their Alma mater with dignity. She encouraged first year students to set high goals and achieve them.
It is worth mentioning that students from Uzbekistan are already studying
at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Ruslana Tolstosheeva, a second year student of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism, who came to study in Grodno last year, shared her impressions.
“It is fascinating to study here. I am glad that I chose Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. There are plenty of opportunities for students here, and it is possible to realize your talents not only in academic field, but also in sports and creativity,” Ruslana Tolstosheeva said.
After the official online launch of the joint educational program the first lecture was held for students from Uzbekistan who entered the specialty "International law". In the near future, due to the epidemiological situation, classes will be held remotely using Information and Communications Technologies.
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has named the finalists of the competition "Student of the year 2020"
The best student of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will be named on October 21.
7 students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will take part in the final stage of the competition: a 2nd year student of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism Alexandra Slutskaya, a 2nd year student of the Fachulty of Philology Andrey Dunko, a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy Valeria Litvinenkova, a 2nd year student of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism Arseniy Sidorkevich, a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy Tatiana Shcherbach, a 2nd year student of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism Dmitry Filipkov, and a 3rd year student of the Faculty of psychology Yulia Klesheva.
All finalists successfully completed the pre-selection tasks. They presented a comedy video about themselves to the jury, and also developed their own project "Youth initiative", dedicated to the solution of a specific social problem.
During the final tests, students will talk to the jury and the audience about their hobbies and achievements in the competition "Business card", demonstrate the skills of speech technique and standards of speaking, originality of presentation, creativity and ability to contact the audience in the oratory competition, also unleash their creative potential in the competition "Belarus – our common home". The name of the best student of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will be announced on October 21, also the best support group of the University will be selected as part of the final competition. The winner will represent Alma mater at the regional stage of the Republican competition "Student of the year-2020".
Iryna Kiturka, rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, discussed the proposals for the development of the University's Strategy with students
Representatives of eight Faculties told the rector about their vision for the development of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
The proposal to participate in the developing of the University's strategy for 2021-2025 was proposed by Iryna Kiturka during a series of autumn meetings with students at the Faculties. During two previous weeks, students developed and discussed constructive proposals in their teams.
– I am convinced that a good result can be achieved when we join our forces. Therefore, for the first time we decided to involve in this process not only the teaching staff, but also students. You have different ways of thinking and, perhaps, a bit different views of what the University of the future should be, – Iryna Kiturka noted at the beginning of the meeting.
The proposals voiced by students concerned improving the quality of the educational process and increasing students ' awareness of the main events in the life of the University. As it turned out, students are still concerned about the strengthening of the training component in education, as well as the activation of contacts with foreign scientists. Iryna Kiturka noted that the organization of meetings with visiting professors will be reviewed taking into account the epidemiological situation. Meetings will be resumed in the near future, but now they can be organized only in online format.
Students expressed interest in including additional subjects beyond their curriculum. This would help to determine the choice of an academic course of the second higher education. Questions about the involvement of students in scientific activities, about providing University classrooms and laboratories with modern equipment were also discussed during the meeting. In addition, the participants of the meeting proposed new approaches to the organization of student self-government, talked about how to facilitate the adaptation of freshmen to their new student life.
– We have already made a big step forward, –the rector said and thanked students for their suggestions. – All your ideas are important; they deserve attention and further discussion. I want you to know that we hear you and support you in everything. The future of the University depends on all of us, on our common interest in achieving the best results.
Iryna Kiturka reminded that she expects to see all the proposals voiced by students in written form by October 25 so that the University management and teaching staff can continue with the developing of University's Strategy for the next five years. In the near future, the rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will meet students from six other Faculties.