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Students and employees of Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno are invited to take part in the international environmental competition "Environmental problems of our time".
Purpose of the competition:
Promote awareness of each participant of the competition of the need to take care of nature, its protection, and the importance of environmental events.
Objectives of the competition:
Upbringing of a careful attitude to everything around you;
Involvement in possible participation or realization of environmental measures;
Strengthen the relationship between children, parents and teachers by creating creative works.
Categories of works of the contest:
You can send original works to the competition. Works have to be sent to the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Works are submitted in the following categories:
• presentation;
• drawing;
• scenario.
Subject of works
Contest participants can submit works that are dedicated to environmental issues and nature protection. The scope of work is almost limitless:
• nature protection in the country, in the world and in my locality;
• my participation in environmental events;
• environmental problems and solutions;
• protected areas and nature reserves;
• The red book, etc.
The competition takes place from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020
Summing up of the competition: 08.10.2020
Format of the competition: in absentia
Works are evaluated weekly.
More information about the contest is available on the website of the international innovation CENTER "PERSPEKTIVA PLUS».

Students and staff of Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno are invited to participate in the international creative competition "Family traditions"

International innovation center ”PERSPEKTIVA PLUS” invites everyone to take part in the international creative competition "Family traditions".
Purpose of the competition is contribute to strengthen family traditions
Competition topics:
• "My family is my wealth»;
• "Our family tradition",
• "Family holiday»;
• "Family vacation»;
• "Active family vacation»;
• "Our friendly family»;
• «History of my family»;
• «Family portrait»
Works can be performed in any technique.
Criteria for the evaluation of each work is its idea, reflection of the topic and its disclosure, workmanship, creativity of design, expression of individual abilities.
Acceptance of works of the 1st stage: from September 01 to September 30, 2020;
Evaluation of works of the 1st stage: from October 1 to October 7, 2020;
Announcement of the contest results: from October 8, 2020.
Works are evaluated on a weekly basis. Works are accepted for the competition in electronic form marked "for the competition "Family traditions"" at e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
More information about the competition is available on the website of the international innovation center "PERSPEKTIVA PLUS»

V international (Belarus-Russia) scientific and practical conference of young scientists, postgraduates and undergraduates "Evidence and proof in civil cases: the experience of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation" takes place at Yanka Kupala state University online.
The scientific forum is organized by the Department of civil law and procedure of the Law faculty of Yanka Kupala State University and the Federal state educational institution of higher education "State law Academy". The conference takes place on September 23 in the main building of the University at adress Ozheshko 22, room 218a. The workshop starts at 13.30.

XVIII international scientific conference "Interaction of literatures in the world literary process. Problems of theoretical and historical poetics" takes place at Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno

The conference takes place in absentia from September 21 to 23 on the basis of the academic building at address Ozheshko 22, room 217. The conference is organized by the department of Russian philology of Philological faculty of Yanka Kupala state University.

Students and undergraduates of Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno are invited to apply for academic mobility programs

The competition for applications was announced as part of the Erasmus+ program.
This year you can study abroad with the academic mobility program. Yanka Kupala state University offers 2 mobility courses at Technical University of Valencia (Spain) and 4 mobility courses at University of Pardubice (Czech Republic).
Bachelor-students, except for first-and final-year students, 1st-year students of master degree, post-graduate students of the 1st and 2nd years of study can apply for the program. One of the requirements is the average score above 7 points, no academic or financial arrears, and no disciplinary penalties. Knowledge of a foreign language according to the requirements of the inviting university is also required.
A signed application and a set of documents must be submitted to the department of international projects and academic mobility and sent to the e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., as well as be submitted to the coordinator of international activities of the faculty until September 16, 2020.
Information about the competition can be found at the following link ( ) or you can personally contact to the department of international projects and academic mobility at the address: 22 Ozheshko str., room 104A, tel. 72-10-57.

14 students of Yanka Kupala state university of Grodno were transferred from the fee-paid to the free-of-charge type of education

A meeting of the commission of transferring students to study at the expense of the Republican budget took place at Yanka Kupala state university of Grodno.

The transfer was made according to the availability of free budget places at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno at the end of the previous academic year. The competition for filling vacant budget places was attended by 20 students who study well, who have achieved high results in research and public works.

As a result of the meeting of the commission, 14 students were transferred from the fee-paid to the free-of-charge type of education. This number is by the way 6 people more than in the last academic year. These are students of the faculty of arts and design, faculty of history, communication and tourism, faculty of economics and management, faculty of innovative mechanic engineering, law and philological faculties.

We also remind that this year 167 students of Yanka Kupala state university of Grodno who study on a paid basis and have high results in educational, research and social work, received discounts on fees at the rate of 20 to 60% of the whole tuition fee.

Over the past five years at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, 518 students have received these types of social support from the state at Yanka Kupala state University. 475 of these students got discounts on tuition and 43 students were transferred to the free-of-charge type of education.

The introductory class for first-year students of degree program «Customs» was held by their future colleagues

The class was held at the administrative building of the Grodno regional customs.

The head of the Grodno regional customs, Andrey Kovalchuk, addressed to the first-year students of the law faculty of Yanka Kupala state university of Grodno. He noted that such unique kind of "step into the profession", acquaintance with customs, customs officials who teach special disciplines at the university, is an important stage in the educational process during preparing future customs specialists.

Students were introduced to customs symbols, the history of customs, its structure and multifunctionality of tasks performed to protect the country's economic interests and ensure the safety of citizens. The first-year students also learned about how dog handlers work at the border. So, labrador Shera under the guidance of its mentor demonstrated the ability of drug searches. Students were also interested in the operational work of customs officers to detect prohibited goods and identify violators.

Employees of the Grodno regional customs take an active part in organizing the educational process for students of degree program "Customs". Professional practitioners conduct classes, as well as excursions to checkpoints, and support students during their internship at the border. Such close cooperation between Yanka Kupala state university of Grodno and the Grodno regional customs facilitates the preparation of qualified specialists in the field of customs.

The electronic publication «Educational portal for teachers and students» was created at Yanka Kupala state university of Grodno

The virtual guide provides all the information about the unified educational platform of the university, as well as step-by-step instructions on how to use it for training and communication. According to the head of the educational and methodological department of Yanka Kupala state university of Grodno, Marina Kolotsey, educational portal was created in 2011 and it is a network platform, a single information resource that contains organizational and all educational materials for each academic discipline that ensure the educational process at the university. In addition, the educational portal of Yanka Kupala state university of Grodno is not just a repository of information, but an effective interactive platform for communication between teachers and students, as well as students among themselves. An electronic publication "Educational portal: to the teacher and student" was created in order to show the numerous opportunities and tools of the educational platform to teachers and students.

The first part of the publication includes recommendations for teachers on how to use the main tools of the portal, in particular, the modules "Lecture", "Task", Forum", "Seminar", "Wiki", "Test", as well as instructions on how to organize distance learning in the format of webinars and video conferences using WebEx, Zoom and Microsoft Teams services. The second part of the electronic manual contains tips and recommendations for students about using educational materials of the educational portal, instructions for participants of remote classes in real time, and information about their personal account. By the way, the electronic publication "Educational portal: for teachers and students" has already been published on the Educational portal, and it is planned to be published in the personal account of each first-year student in the near future.

Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno announced a competition for grants for research and innovation projects

Grants will be allocated from the innovative development foundation, which was formed at the university in December last year.

The competition is open and will take place at the university for the second time. Participants of the competition can be both individual researchers and research teams from among full-time employees of the university, including separate structural divisions, students, undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students, as well as scientific associations of the university students from among student research laboratories and student design bureaus. Materials and information submitted to the project competition must be original and not contain information that explicitly or indirectly violates any obligations of confidentiality of authors or intellectual property rights.

Financial support from the innovative development foundation of Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno can be provided on a competitive basis to employees and students of the university who are working on the realization of innovative projects planned for inclusion in the State program of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus, the realization of export-oriented innovative projects, as well as projects aimed at creating and organizing the activities of small innovative enterprises engaged in commercialization of the results of scientific activities of the university. Employees, students, undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students of the university can apply for grants, whose scientific and innovative activities are aimed at research, design and development works that ensure the creation and production of new products, improved technologies and services new to our Republic and the world economy, as well as the acceleration and realization of innovative projects and developments, ensuring the realization of research results in the production process of enterprises and organizations in the country.

The competition for grants will take place in 3 stages. The first stage starts on September 21 and continues until October 30. During this period, participants must submit an application for the competition, the business project and its feasibility study, as well as the estimated financial costs of the project. Only one application is accepted from each participant. Participants of the competition can provide additional documents to the project, including reference materials related to the implementation of research, development and development work, as well as work on the development and production of new types of goods and services. The subject of projects submitted for the competition must correspond to the list of priority areas of scientific and technical activities and the list of priority areas of scientific research of the Republic of Belarus.

From 2 to 30 November, the examination of the submitted materials will be carried out. During the examination the papers will be evaluated on criteria such as innovation, technological way of introduced technologies and their origins, the planned volume of production of high technology products, commercial and export potential development, the payback period of the project, the reality of the timing of the stages and work in whole, the validity of estimated costs. When selecting projects for funding from the university's innovation development foundation, priority will be given to projects based on technologies of the V and VI technological structures, as well as those that end with the release and sale of innovative products. The selection of projects and summing up of the competition results will take place from December 1 to December 20, 2020.

The competition for grants for research and innovation projects is aimed at creating conditions for supporting the commercialization of scientific results, stimulating research and innovation activities of employees and students of the university, selecting promising research and innovation projects for further assistance in their implementation and promotion, and developing project skills among the participants of the competition, creating conditions for the potential and personal growth of the contest participants and ensuring the realization of the University's development priorities.

The summer sports festival took place at Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno

Sport holiday brought together staff and students of Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno. Irina Kiturko, rector of Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno, welcomed participants, fans and representatives of jury and opened the summer sports festival. – Today we are gathered here in the fresh air to improve our health. And the good weather confirms that, despite the autumn on the calendar, the summer sports Festival takes place on a wonderful warm day, – told Irina Kiturko all participants. - I wish all athletes good luck, and fans do not spare their applause, actively supporting the participants of the competition! Each person could take part in the summer sports festival. Employees and students of Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno competed in such disciplines as long jumpsl, forward bends, jogging, chin-ups and abs-exercises. A pleasant bonus for sports and active residents of Yanka Kupala state University of Grodno – participants and fans of the festival – was a tea party, which complemented the sport event.

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