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Lecturers from YKSUG performed final evaluation of the preparatory courses listeners in Colombo (Sri Lanka)

Yury Ramanousky, the Dean of the Faculty of Pre-university-Training, and Iryna Karliukova, Chair of the Modern Technologies for Pre-university Education Department, performed final evaluation of the preparatory courses listeners of the American International Campus in Colombo (Sri Lanka).

The agreement on training of listeners Дof YKSUG preparatory courses in Democratic Social Republic of Sri Lanka in American International Campus (AIC) have been concluded in January, 2017. Within this agreement 10 listeners of the preparatory courses finished their study.

Yury Ramanousky and Iryna Karliukova took exams in Physics and Mathematics for the listeners of the preparatory courses in AIC in Colombo on 12th and 13th September. As a result of the examinations, successful listeners have obtained certificates of completion of preparatory courses of YKSUG. Two listeners are going to continue their study in YKSUG in “Tourism and hospitality” specialty this year.

During the visit parties also discussed joint training of students of the 1st degree of higher education, and perspective training of Sri Lanka citizens in YKSUG post-graduate programmes.

It is planned, that listeners of preparatory courses in Sri Lanka in 2017-2018 will have interim evaluation in YKSUG online and have regular exams in summer with the representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Shandong University of Railways

Study programme “2+2” between Shandong University of Railways (Jinan, PRC) and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is to be realized for the first time in 2017-2018 academic year.

Two citizens of the People’s Republic of China have already been admitted to the Yanka Kupala Stet University of Grodno. На обучение в купаловский университет приняты две гражданки Китайской Народной Республики. Tao Zhan had been studying in Shandong University of Railways for two years, and then came to Grodno within “2+2” programme. She was admitted to the 3rd year of the Faculty of Philology, specialty “Russian Philology (business communication)”; in two years she graduates YKSUG. As a result of her study, she’ll obtain the diplomas of both universities. The realization of “2+2” programme became possible after the agreement on universities’ study plans.

Within the agreement between the two universities, Yan Hayrong had been enrolled to the Preparatory Department for the Foreign Citizens. She will stay for training at YKSUG and study Russian language during the year. This agreement also includes academic exchange of lecturers, staff members, students and cooperation in the field of science.


The meeting with the representatives of "RISEBA" University Of Business, Arts and Technology took place on the Faculty of Economics and Management

The conversation with guests from Riga (Latvia) were dedicated to the development and widening international academic cooperation.

Besides the faculty authorities, representatives of “Tekhnolab”, Center for Technology Transfer and Sector of International Project Activities of YKSUG participated in the meeting.

The representatives of YKSUG with their Latvian colleagues discussed the opportunities and perspectives of cooperation in form of joint participation in international projects, revitalization of academic mobility of students and staff between both institutions.

Agreement on cooperation with «RISEBA» has been signed in August, 2017. As it is today, both parties have agreed on the programme, according to which students and teachers of the Faculty of Economics and Management get opportunities to implement trainings abroad and participate in international conferences and projects.

Experience of the Latvian colleagues of YKSUG is of great interest for YKSUG.

More news of the Faculty of Economics and Management here.

Students and lecturers of YKSUG organized the flashmob “Congratulating libraries of Grodno”

International students and the lecturers of the Russian as a foreign language department, participants of the “Commonwealth” programme, visited libraries of Grodno within the Library Day on September, 15th.

First of all, warm words of congratulations from flashmob participants were addressed to the staff of the scientific library of the Yanka Kupala State University. In response, library director Nikolai Grinko thanked for congratulations and, addressing foreign students, stressed that the doors of the book treasury are always open for them, and the employees are ready to provide the necessary assistance.

Then the participants of flashmob congratulated the employees of the department of publications in foreign languages and the youth department of the Grodno Regional Scientific Library named after E.F. Karsky. The next point of the route of congratulations was the department of art of the Grodno Oblast Scientific Library named after EF. Karsky. Flashmob in the Grodno Regional Scientific Library named after E.F. Karsky on the street. Zamkova, 20. The deputy director of the library, Marina Ignatovich, thanked the students and teachers of the university.

As a token of gratitude to the flashmob participants, "Congratulations to the libraries of Grodno", a mini-excursion with a demonstration of competitive self-made books was organized, which will be presented at the exhibition during the book festival.

The head of the project "Commonwealth" the senior teacher of the department of Russian as a foreign language Galina Maz'ko noted that such an action was held for the first time, but it can become traditional.

Polish-Belarusian Academy of Law ended at YKSUG

1st Polish-Belarusian Academy of Law took place from 11th till 16th September in University of Bialystok and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

Papers on constitutional, administrative, civil and criminal law were presented to students in Polish and Belarusian languages, which allowed not only discovering legal system of both countries, but also enjoying language practice.

«The idea of the Academy was given by the life itself, - said Jaroslaw Matwejuk, University of Bialystok Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Cooperation with Eastern Europe Universities. – Belarus and Poland cooperate within business and tourism, that’s why law students must know basics of their countries’ legislation».

Yaroslaw Matweyuk also mentioned that a lot of students in University of Bialystok would like to participate in such an event, and those who had participated were very glad to discover Belarusian law.

It is planned that the Academy starts again in a year. The first venue will be YKSUG, then  the activities continues in University of Bialystok.

Charity fair “Hospitable Belarus” took place at the Faculty of Law

17 teams of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years cooked national meals, decorated exhibits and rehearsed creative performances.

The funds collected during the fair are to be transferred to the Vasilishki Orphanage’s foster-children, which has been a partner of the Faculty of Law since 2012.

The jury, headed by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Sviatlana Chaburanava, also included the guests of the faculty – Jaroslaw Matwejuk, University of Bialustok Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Cooperation with Eastern Europe Universities, and Piotr Bialas, senior employee of the International Department of University of Bialystok. YKSUG was represented in jury by Vialeta Kurouskaya, leading specialist of the Cultural and Leisure Activities, Volha Piashkun, Chair of the Trade Union Bureau of the Faculty of Law, Pavel Sialiavin, Chair of the student self-government of the Faculty of Law, and Natalya Filon, secretary of BSYU section.

The jury assessed participants by 4 criteria: table making, meals, costumes and announcers’ contest.

The winners were students of the group 173 of the 2nd year of the specialty “Jurisprudence”. Second place was for the group 171 of the 1st year of the specialty “Customs Affairs”, and the last winning place was for the group 64 of the 2nd year of the specialty “Jurisprudence”.

Students and lecturers of YKSUG participated in oblast eventReciting classics together

On 7th September, within the “Fellowship” project implementation, international students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno together with the lecturers of the Department of the Russian as a foreign language participated in oblast event “Reciting classics together”.

The event took place in J.F. Karsky Grodno Oblast Scientific Library. Students and lecturers of YKSUG recited poems of Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas in Belarusian, French, Arabic, Turkmen and English.

Favorite verses of classical literary heritage were also recited by honorary guests: Deputy Head of Lenin District Administration of Grodno Aliaksandr Koush, Head of the Logistics and Sales Department of “Molochny Mir” JSC Piotr Pagranousky, Deputy Head of Grodno Oblast Trade Union Organization of JSC Savings Bank Belarusbank Chaslava Muliarchyk.

Projects involving YKSUG have been approved for financing within Erasmus+ programe

Three projects involving Belarusian HEI’s, including two involving YKSUG, within “Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 2017” Erasmus+ programe were approved for financing as a result of International projects contest 2017

Project «Change in classroom: promoting innovative teaching & learning to enhance student learning experience in eastern partnership countries (PRINTel)» is coordinated by the Yerevan State University (Armenia)/ It is to be performed by the Belarusian and Georgian HEI’s: Belarusian State University, Yanka Kupala State Universty of Grodno and Brest State Technical University. The project is aimed at development of students training process in partner countries, implementation of new technologies in study and teaching, and spreading of frontier experience. Participants 

are to propose options of modernization of higher education system in Armenia, Georgia and Belarus in compliance with the programe of Bologna process, develop cooperation in the field of education between  the European Union and partner countries through the virtual mobility of lecturers and students, and through development of educational means and resources.

Rezekne Academy of Technologies (Latvia) will coordinate the project «Enhancement of lifelong learning in Belarus (BELL)». Among the partners are six HEI’s of Belarus: Brest State Technical University, Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Polotsk State University, Sukhoi Gomel State Technical University, Masherov Vitebsk State University and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Project members are to develop and spread practical implementation of Lifelong Learning concept in the Republic of Belarus on the basis of remote education technologies.

YKSUG hosted a meeting between Temporary Chargé d'affaires of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Belarus and students of the Faculty of history, communication and tourism and Faculty of Philology
15092017 Oostveen

Temporary Chargé d'affaires of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Belarus Paul van Oostveen told YKSUG students about his motherland and answered questions.

The meeting was attended by the students of the specialties “Modern foreign languages” and “Linguistic support of intercultural communications”. Mister Paul van Oostveen told about the history of Netherlands, specifications of geography, contemporary economic situation etc. Besides, Temporary Chargé d'affaires noted Eastern Partnership project, which includes Belarus.

Afterwards, Temporary Chargé d'affaires of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Belarus answered students’ questions. Students asked questions about the difference between residents of different provinces in the Netherlands, what Dutch people know about Belarus and about Dutch sense of humor. Temporary Chargé d'affaires marked, that there were possibilities to join Erasmus+ programe for Netherlands and Belarus.

Staff members of YKSUG participated in International Scientific and Practical Conference “Results and perspectives of development of entomology in Eastern Europe”
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2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Results and perspectives of development of entomology in Eastern Europe” took place on September 6th-8th at The Scientific and Practical Center for Bioresources.

About 80 entomologists from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, among them Aliaksandra Ryzhaya, assoc. prof. of YKSUG Zoology and physiology of humans and animals department, and Katsiaryna Gliakouskaya, laborant of Zoology and physiology of humans and animals department.

Aliaksandra Ryzhaya, organizational committee member, presented her paper “Ground beetles (Сoleoptera, Сarabidae) of peat briquetting plant vicinity (Lida region, Grodno oblast)”, and Katsiaryna Gliakouskaya presented her paper “Linden damaging phytophagous complex (Tilia L.) in green spaces of Grodno Poniemnie”.

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