Programs and Projects

For more than 20 years Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is actively involved in managing international projects within Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, EU Cross-Border Cooperation programmes and others. The University proved itself as an experienced, reliable partner and it is always open for new international partnerships development and cooperation.

Spheres of our interests

Internationalization of HEIs

Integration into Bologna process, recognition of qualifications

International cooperation and development

EU studies

Strategic partnership

Curricula development and harmonization

Lifelong learning

Inclusive education

Youth activities

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Mobility of students and staff

University-enterprise cooperation

Knowledge triangle (links between education, research and business)

Entrepreneurship skills and employability of graduates

E-learning and new technologies in HE

IT and data protection

Research and development, innovation capacities

Knowledge transfer

Sustainable development



Culture and heritage

Programmes we work

erasmus logo

 pl by ua logo   latvia lithusania belasrus logo   

   horizon2020 logo CEI logo

 COST logo SIU logo

swedish institute logo interreg logo


International Projects Department

Office 317a, Ozheshko street 22,

230023, Grodno, Belarus


Tel.: +375152-731954

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