For more than 20 years Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is actively involved in managing international projects within Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, EU Cross-Border Cooperation programmes and others. The University proved itself as an experienced, reliable partner and it is always open for new international partnerships development and cooperation.
Spheres of our interests
Internationalization of HEIs
Integration into Bologna process, recognition of qualifications
International cooperation and development
EU studies
Strategic partnership
Curricula development and harmonization
Lifelong learning
Inclusive education
Youth activities
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Mobility of students and staff
University-enterprise cooperation
Knowledge triangle (links between education, research and business)
Entrepreneurship skills and employability of graduates
E-learning and new technologies in HE
IT and data protection
Research and development, innovation capacities
Knowledge transfer
Sustainable development
Culture and heritage
Programmes we work