A visiting professor from Turkey will give lectures at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

For four days, Candidate of Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Business School, Head of the Distance Learning Center of Istanbul Medipol University Gökhan Silahtaroğlu will give lectures to our students and get acquainted with the potential of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

The working visit was opened by a meeting of Gokhan Silakhtaroglu and First Vice-Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Yury Ramanouski, which was also attended by Maryna Karpitskaya, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Yury Hniazdouski, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Alena Livak, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Scienсe, Aleksandr Vorontsov, Dean of the Faculty of Innovative Mechanic Engineering, Marina Kolotsey, Head of the educational and methodological department, Volha Minava, Head of the Department for International Relations, Volha Piarkova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign languages, interpreter.

The participants of the meeting discussed the work of faculties and structural units and expressed hope for close cooperation.

The visiting professor will give lectures on the following topics «Network Security Problems» (discipline «Fundamentals of network technologies»), «Fundamentals of project management» (discipline «Computer Information Technology»). He will also conduct seminars and laboratory classes.

The visit takes place within the framework of the «Visiting Professor» program, and the Faculty of Economics and Management became the host.


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    Students of Yanka Kupala State University became the prizewinners of the international programming competition

    NERC Finals were held last week. More than 220 teams from universities of Belarus, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan took part in the championship. The competition was held in 4 cities (Saint-Petersburg, Barnaul, Almaty, Yerevan and Minsk) at the same time.

    Yanka Kupala State University was represented by GrSU-1 and GrSU-2 teams, consisting of Vladilen Loktevich, Yury Sarosek, Nikolay Ignatenko and Andrey Hombak, Nikita Korenevsky, Nikolay Zdanchuk respectively.

    Team GrSU-1 was the only team of all regional universities to get 3rd place.

    Each team had one computer and five hours to solve 12 problems. The students had to create, introduce and prove the work of their algorithm and then write a program, using one of the programming languages. In order to win, the program must give only correct answers. Teams who had solved more problems won.

    The team of the Mathematics and Informatics Faculty made it to the final of the International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO 2022)

    Students of the Mathematics and Informatics Faculty Andrey Hombak, Dmitry Kulikov and Alexey Lelevich took part in the first qualifying round of the 5th International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO 2022) and made it to the final of the contest, which is to be held in Moscow.

    The Olympiad is held by Yandex and the Faculty of Computer Sciences in Higher School of Economics (Russia). To make it through the round the students used their knowledge of neural networks to solve a problem connected with 2-D crystals of different configuration.

    Our congratulations to the team! We wish you good luck in the final!

    “Novruz Bayram” festival was held for the fifth time in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

    The holiday, symbolizing spring and new life among the Eastern peoples, was celebrated at the university on March 24-25.

    This year Novruz Bayram united the students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for the fifth time. The indoor football tournament, a fair-exhibition "Rainbow of Art", an amateur concert and an essay contest were held during the holiday.

    The first Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Belarus Azimjon Abdullayev and Consul of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan Hadjiakbar Vakhabov became the honored guests of the festival. They were given a tour of the university and organized a visit to the dormitories of the Yanka Kupala State University, so that representatives of the embassy could get acquainted with the daily life of students and university staff.

    The participants and guests of the holiday were greeted by the Rector of the University Irina Kiturko.

    - We try to make sure you feel at home in our country, even a thousand kilometers from your real one.

    Irina Fedorovna thanked the students for supporting their national traditions and presented a cake to the participants of the festival.

    Azimjon Abdullayev and Hadjiakbar Vakhabov addressed the organizers and guests of the holiday with a congratulatory word. They wished the students of Yanka Kupala State University family well-being, happiness and health.

    As part of the anniversary celebration of Novruz Bayram, interactive platforms were organized where the guests of the event immersed themselves in the culture of other peoples. During the festival people could taste national dishes from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, learn Chinese and Iraqi calligraphy, appreciate the beauty of Oriental national costumes and hear authentic Chinese flute live.

    Sports fans enjoyed the indoor football tournament, which ended with the victory of the team from Turkmenistan.

    The festival ended with a concert, during which foreign students showed the audience their culture through creative performances. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Yuri Eduardovich Belykh addressed the guests and organizers of the holiday with congratulatory words.

    As part of the concert, an award ceremony for the winners of the essay contest was held. The applications for participation in the contest were sent not only by Belarusians, but also representatives of countries such as Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In their essays the students decided to tell about their home countries and traditions connected with Novruz.

    According to the results of the contest, Dinara Dzhumaniyazova was awarded a diploma of the first degree. The second and the third places were taken by Dulki Ruvanka Sirinivansa and Nyazik Nurberdieva respectively.

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      “Novruz Bayram” festival will be held in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

      “Novruz Bayram” is a beautiful celebration of the coming of spring and new life celebrated by eastern peoples every year. This year Novruz will be celebrated for the fifth time in Yanka Kupala State University. The date of the festivity is March 24-25.

      During the festival students can be spectators at or take part in football tournament, essay contest, amateur performance concert and “Rainbow of Art” fair-exhibition.

      The indoor football tournament will be held in 32 Zaharova st. on March 24. Students, undergraduates and postgraduates of Yanka Kupala State University are invited to participate.

      On the second day of the festival “Rainbow of Art” fair-exhibition will be held in 22 Ozheshko st., while in 32 Lenina st. an amateur performance concert as well as awarding of winners of the essay contest will be held. Students and creative teams of the university are invited to participate.

      The essays for the topic “Novruz in my family”/”My motherland”/”Belarus in my life” for the contest should be sent to the e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 18.03.2022.

      For a faculty to participate they should follow the link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1W_KOBFCh2YNXLmbh0r5IDRaqrcqfXJElbRX8hFNYnmU/viewform?edit_requested=true and fill in the application. Every participant should also follow the link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15y_VQ1dCM3y9zeN1nT25bbJ0dkHA2ZmAqJG5AZ8wRnE/viewform?edit_requested=true and register individually.

      Participants must register and fill in the application forms before 04.03.2022. Everyone is welcome to participate and enjoy the eastern culture!

      Works by Yanka Kupala have been read in different languages in Yanka Kupala State University

      The university birthday celebration continues. Yet another event is the “Kupala’s word is heard in the whole world” flash mob.

      The flash mob has combined two events: the university birthday and the 140th anniversary of Yanka Kupala’s birthday. Although the writer’s birthday is in June, the celebrations in the university are planned for the year ahead.

      The literary works of the great classic have been read in such languages as: Belarusian, Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Turkmen, Chinese, German, French, English and Spanish.

      All the participants put their heart into every line written by Yanka Kupala.

      Students of Yanka Kupala State University became prize-winners of the competititon of research papers

      Students of Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism became prize-winners of the IV International Distant Competition of Research Papers «Sustainable Tourism Development».

      The IV International Distant Competition of Research Papers «Sustainable Tourism Development» was held at the Institute of digital economy research of Karaganda Buketov University. 20 teams from Kazakhstan and other CIS countries participated in the competition. The theme of the competition was the development of sustainable urban tourism.

      Team «Grodno_Queens_City» of Tourism and Hospitality major including Anna Lomako, Anastasia Shinkevich and Victoria Bril prepared research work about sustainability of tourism in Grodno and got 3rd place! Svetlana Chuvak was the research adviser of the team.

      Undergraduates of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno have completed an internship at the Kazan Federal University

      Kazan Federal University is one of the leading universities of the Russian Federation. The university has a Department of Zoology and General Biology, which has research laboratories of hydrobiology and molecular systematics, ecology of aquatic organisms and aquaculture, ultrastructural organization of tissues, biodiversity and ecology of vertebrates, as well as the Zoological Museum named after E.A. Eversman.

      Within the framework of the topics of master's theses, undergraduates worked in laboratories, studied the skeletochronological method of studying the age structure of populations and the growth rate of amphibians, which is based on the study of the layered structure of animal bones from sections obtained on a freezing microtome-cryostat MK-25.

      Ekaterina Rabkovskaya and Artem Pesnyak visited the Zoological Museum named after E.A. Eversman, which is one of the oldest repositories of this profile in Russia, and in terms of the richness and historical value of the collections is one of the most significant zoological museums in Russia. About 1.4 thousand exhibits are recognized by experts as particularly valuable. Among them are collections of tropical insects, relict hatteria, a flying dragon from Java island, zebra quagga (Equus quagga), completely exterminated by man and many other species.

      The undergraduates also visited the "City Children's Ecological and Biological Center" in Kazan. The center was founded in 1984, and over the 31 years of its existence, a rich collection of open and closed ground plants has been created.

      The cadets of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are among the winners of the national stage of the International Olympiad in Mathematics

      From December 8 to 10, the national stage of the VII International Olympiad of cadets of higher Education institutions in Mathematics was held at BSU. The students of YKSUG proved themselves with dignity!

      In the team competition, the cadets of the military faculty of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took the second place. In the AA championship, 3rd year cadet Vladislav Rusakov won bronze in persistent struggle.

      The Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus, the military departments of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, the Belarusian State University, the Belarusian State Academy of Aviation, the Belarusian State University of Transport also took part in the Olympiad.

      Congratulations to our cadets with an excellent result!

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