
specialties (269)

Special and inclusive education


of pedagogics


7-07-0114-01 Special and inclusive education


Special teacher

Academic degree



1. Speech therapy

2. Oligophrenopedagogics

Duration of study

Full-time – 5 years

Part-time – 6 years

Language of study


Main subjects studied

1. Fundamentals of pedagogy of inclusive and special education

2. Pedagogy

3. General and social psychology

4. Age and educational psychology

5. Biological foundations of psychophysical development

6. Fundamentals of human genetics

7. Neurophysiology and sensory systems

8. Clinical foundations of pathology of psychophysical development

9. Information technologies in inclusive and special education

10. Organization of interaction and communication in the educational process

11. Alternative and additional communication

12. Special psychology

13. Differential diagnosis of developmental disorders

14. Fundamentals of correctional and developmental work

15. The basics of inclusive and special didactics in preschool education

16. The basics of inclusive and special didactics in school education

17. Prevention and overcoming of stereotypes in behavior

18. Methodology of applied behavior analysis

19. The method of sensory integration in correctional and developmental work

20. Correctional and educational technologies in preschool education

21. Correctional and educational technologies in school education

22. Neuropsychological diagnostics and correction of development

23. Health-saving technologies in education

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Apply knowledge and skills in the field of biomedical, psychological and linguistic foundations of pedagogical activity in the educational process

Design the learning process, set educational goals, select the content of educational material, methods and technologies based on the knowledge system in the field of theory and methodology of pedagogical activity

Design the process of education, select methods, forms, technologies that correspond to educational goals and objectives, taking into account the orientation of the personality of students and the priorities of educational work

Carry out effective interaction with participants of the educational process on the basis of the norms of pedagogical ethics

Select the content, forms, methods and means of teaching and upbringing, to apply them in the educational process, taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of students

Select the content, forms, methods and means of education and upbringing for the inclusion of students with special individual educational needs in the educational process and interaction with peers

Interact with participants of the educational process taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of students, to use socio-psychological knowledge in the management of collective work in professional activities

Carry out an in-depth psychological and pedagogical examination, determine the special educational needs of students and recommend special conditions for their education and upbringing

Area of future professional occupation

- pre-school education institutions,

- secondary education institutions,

- special education institutions;

- correctional and developmental training and rehabilitation centers,

- healthcare institutions (polyclinics, hospitals, neuropsychiatric dispensaries, sanatoriums, sign language therapy rooms).


Special education teacher (teacher-defectologist)

Entrance tests

Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

Preschool education


of pedagogics


6-05-0112-01 Preschool education



Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 4years

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Pedagogy, Psychology; Preschool pedagogy, Pedagogical foundations of education and training of preschool children, Child psychology, Theory and methodology of musical education of preschool children, Theory and methodology of development of visual creativity of preschool children, Theoretical foundations of speech development of preschool children, Methods of speech development of preschool children, Theoretical foundations of familiarization of preschool children with nature, Methods of familiarization preschool children with nature, Inclusive educational practice in preschool education, Organization of work with gifted children, Theoretical foundations of mathematical development of preschool children, Methods of mathematical development of preschool children

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Apply knowledge in the field of theory and methods of educational activity to solve professional problems.

To identify psychological facts, interpret psychological phenomena in a real socio-cultural environment and apply them for personal self-development.

Apply knowledge in the field of preschool education to set teaching and educational goals, taking into account the educational environment and age and individual characteristics of pupils of early and preschool age.

To design and implement the processes of education and training of preschool children in various types of children's activities, to select and adapt the content of didactic material, methods and forms in accordance with their capabilities.

Evaluate mental development and socialization of pupils of early and preschool age (based on their behavior and activities), create conditions for enrichment and harmonization of these processes.

Carry out psychological and pedagogical support of pupils of early age in the implementation of the educational process in the institution of preschool education.

Area of future professional occupation

preschool education

preschool educator, head of preschool education institution, teacher of additional education.

Entrance tests

Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

Primary education


of pedagogics


6-05-0112-02 Primary education



Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 4years

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Personal and professional development of a specialist

Business Communication Workshop

Pedagogical ethics and etiquette

Technologies of developing education

Formation of a bilingual educational environment

Technologies of educational practices

Technologies of the classroom teacher's work

Fundamentals of practical work of a teacher

Fundamentals of management activities at school

General and special technologies in education

Pedagogical diagnostics

Design of teaching materials

Designing training sessions in the information and educational environment

Preparing children for school

Educational activity of a modern teacher

Working with students with different educational opportunities

Working with students of the "risk group"

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Solve standard tasks of professional activity based on the use of information and communication technologies

Possess a modern culture of thinking, a humanistic worldview, an analytical and innovative-critical style of cognitive, socio-practical and communicative activities

Have the ability to develop and implement methods and technologies of self-organization and self-education, design the trajectories of their professional growth and personal development, consciously carry out

pedagogical work with children in a family environment in different types of activities

Be guided by regulatory legal acts in the field of education, develop educational and program documentation, work with various types of educational institution documents

Design the learning process, set educational goals, select the content of educational material, methods and technologies based on the knowledge system in the field of theory and methodology of pedagogical activity

Design the process of education, select methods, forms, technologies that correspond to educational goals and objectives, taking into account the orientation of the personality of students and the priorities of educational work

Carry out the processes of teaching and upbringing on a reflexive basis, to use a system of means of monitoring and evaluating educational achievements and the process of educating students

Area of future professional occupation

Educational institutions



Entrance tests

Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

                                                 Romance and Germanic Philology



Philological Faculty


6-05-0232-04 Romance and Germanic Philology 


Philologist-interpreter. Teacher

Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 4 years

Language of study


Main subjects studied 

Main foreign language

Second foreign language

Foreign literature

Regional geography

Introduction to Translation Studies

Theory and practice of translation

Sociocultural foundations of speech communication

The language of mass media

Translation activities and computer support

Basics of interpretation and translation

Translation for special purposes

Methods of teaching foreign languages

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Be able to confidently and correctly use a foreign language for professional, scientific, personal and other purposes;

Master the methods and techniques of translation activity; grammatical basics of translation; the main ways to achieve the adequacy of the translated text; the basics of various types of translation;

To know the main provisions and concepts in the field of theory, history and methods of teaching a foreign language.

Area of future professional occupation

Publishing activities;

Program creation activities. Radio and television broadcasting;

Activities of news agencies and other types of information services;

Research and development;

Translation work;

Secondary education;

Higher and post-secondary education;

Additional education;

Activities of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities.

Entrance tests

Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

Modern foreign language




6-05-0231-01 Modern foreign language (English, German; English, French; English, Polish)



Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 4 years

Language of study


Main subjects studied 

Practice of oral and written speech

Practical phonetics

Practical grammar

Second foreign language

Regional geography

Methods of teaching foreign languages

Translation Basics

Sociocultural foundations of speech communication

The language of mass media

Basics of interpretation

Basics of translation

Business Foreign language

Main competencies that the graduate will have

To carry out foreign language oral and written

communication in accordance with the norm and usage of the language system of a foreign language;

Have basic knowledge in the field of linguistics to

solve theoretical and practical problems in the field of linguistics and linguodidactics;

Master the basics of research activities, search, analyze and synthesize information.

Area of future professional occupation

Publishing activities;

Computer programming, consulting and other related services;

Research and development in the field of social sciences and humanities;

Other professional, scientific and technical activities;

Interpretation and translation activities;


Entrance tests

Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

                                    Belarussian Philology



Philological Faculty


6-05-0232-01 Belarussian Philology


Philologist. Teacher

Academic degree



Philological support of mass media and advertising

Duration of study

Full-time – 4 years

Language of study


Main subjects studied




Word formation

History of Belarusian literature

Fundamentals of literary and artistic activity

Language and style of mass communication and advertising

Editing and proofreading of media and advertising texts

Main competencies that the graduate will have

To know and understand the organization of the modern Belarusian language at all its levels and the rules of functioning of the units of the Belarusian language in speech;

To know the literary process and navigate in it, to characterize the different stages of the development of Belarusian literature, its main directions, trends and artistic methods;

To analyze the sources of information, to identify

the most significant facts, to use

the categorical and conceptual apparatus of philological sciences in professional activity;

Master the basics of research activities,

search, analyze and synthesize information.

Area of future professional occupation

Publishing activities;

Program creation activities. Radio and television broadcasting;

Activities of news agencies and other types

of information services;

Research and development;

Secondary education;

Higher and post-secondary education;

Additional education;

Activities of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities.

Entrance tests

Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

                                   Russian Philology



Philological Faculty


6-05-0232-02 Russian Philology


Philologist. Teacher

Academic degree



Literary and editorial activities

Duration of study

Full-time – 4 years

Language of study


Main subjects studied




Word formation

History of Russian Literature

Fundamentals of literary and artistic activity

Stylistics and culture of speech

Speechwriting and public relations

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Russian Russian to understand the organization of the system of the modern Russian language at all its levels and the rules of functioning of the units of the Russian language in speech;
 To characterize the different stages of the development of Russian literature, its main directions, trends and artistic methods;
 To analyze the sources of information, to identify the most significant facts, to use the categorical and conceptual apparatus of philological sciences in professional activity;
 Master the basics of research activities, search, analyze and synthesize information.

Area of future professional occupation

Publishing activities;

Program creation activities. Radio and television broadcasting;

Activities of news agencies and other types

of information services;

Research and development;

Secondary education;

Higher and post-secondary education;

Additional education;

Activities of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities.

Entrance tests

Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

Tourism and Hospitality


of history, communication and tourism


6-05-1013-01 Tourism and Hospitality



Academic degree


Duration of study

Full time – 4 years

Language of study


Main subjects studied 

  • History of travel and tourism
  • Geography of international tourism
  • Economy of tourism and hospitality
  • Management in tourism and hospitality
  • Marketing in tourism
  • Legal regulation of tourism activities
  • Tourism resources of Belarus
  • Organization of the activities of tourist enterprises
  • Touroperating
  • Excursioning studies

Main competencies that the graduate will have

  • organize the work and effective interaction of the structural divisions of the tourist and hotel enterprise
  • identify promising areas of activity of a tourist and hotel enterprise
  • develop innovative technologies for the formation and promotion of tours and packages of tourist services
  • carry out work on the provision of a range of tourist services in accordance with the tour program
  • develop and implement targeted cultural and leisure programs

Area of future professional occupation

  • Tourism activities
  • Hotels and restaurants
  • Recreation and entertainment activities
  • Activities of agricultural and eco-gardens

Entrance tests

  Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

Linguistic Support of Intercultural Communication


Истории, коммуникации и туризма


6-05-0231-03 Linguistic Support of Intercultural Communication (Chinese, English)

6-05-0231-03 Linguistic Support of Intercultural Communication (English, German; English, Italian; English, Spanish)


Specialist in Intercultural Communication. Translator/Interpreter (Advisor)

Academic degree


Duration of study

Full time – 4,5 years

Language of study



Main subjects studied 

  • Theory and practice of intercultural communication
  • Practice of oral and written speech
  • Practical phonetics
  • Communicative grammar
  • Translation theory
  • Fundamentals of translation 
  • Typology of native and foreign languages
  • Semantics
  • Syntactics
  • Pragmatics
  • Intercultural communication practice
  • Written translation
  • Interpretation
  • Theory and practice of text transcoding 
  • Simultaneous translation
  • Abstract translation
  • Translation of scientific and technical literature practice
  • Translation of film and video materials
  • Translation of a literary text
  • Business negotiations
  • Stylistics
  • Lexicology
  • Country studies
  • Practical translation course (2nd foreign language)
  • Culture of verbal communication practice (2nd foreign language)

Main competencies that the graduate will have

  • Possess the culture of oral and written speech in the implementation of communication in state languages in professional activities;
  • Apply knowledge about verbal and non-verbal means of communication when choosing a communicative code in accordance with the parameters of the situation;
  • Carry out interlanguage and intercultural interaction taking into account cultural values, norms and stereotypes of speech behavior;
  • Apply knowledge about the properties of a linguistic sign when interpreting the semantic structure of linguistic units of different types;
  • Carry out discursive activity in compliance with the laws of compatibility of linguistic units of different levels;
  • Analyze and use basic pragmatic categories in the communication process;
  • Carry out foreign language communication in accordance with the norm and taking into account the usual features of the phonetic system of a foreign language;
  • Carry out foreign language communication in accordance with the norm and taking into account the usual features of the grammatical system of a foreign language;
  • Carry out foreign-language oral and written communication in accordance with the norm and usage of the language system;
  • Apply knowledge about the basic actions and conditions of translation activities to solve professional tasks;
  • Carry out translation activities for solving professional tasks;
  • Carry out intercultural communication on the basis of semiotic analysis of cultural units and phenomena;
  • Apply effective strategies and tactics of oral and written communication in a foreign language to solve professional tasks;
  • Carry out effective interaction in a multicultural professional community

Area of future professional occupation

• Information service activities;

• Public relations activities;

• Consulting on commercial activities and other management consulting;

• Research and development in the field of social sciences and humanities;

• Advertising activities and market research;

• Translation and interpretation activities;

• Tourism activities;

• Excursion service;

• Other activities related to tourism;

• Organization of conferences and professional exhibitions;

• Public administration;

• International activities;

• Education.

A specialist may carry out other types of professional activities, provided that the level of his education and acquired competencies meet the requirements for the qualification of an employee.

Entrance tests

Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

Information and Communication


of history, communication and tourism


6-05-0321-02 Information and Communication


Specialist in Information and Communication

Academic degree


Duration of study

Full time – 4years

Language of study



Main subjects studied 

Fundamentals of information and communication activities

History of communication

Fundamentals of Journalism

The language of mass communication

Multimedia communication technologies

Technologies for creating media texts

Theory of public relations

Advertising theory

Marketing and management of communication activities

Information management in the web environment

Modern press service

Business communication

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Сollect, process, analyze and disseminate information in the field of corporate communication, advertising and public relations using modern digital technologies;

Monitor, develop, implement and optimize channels, tools and means of communication in organizations;

Plan, develop and implement strategies, campaigns and events to promote, position and reposition the image of goods, services, ideas, organizations, media;

Apply technologies and tools of retrospective analysis of advertising development, determine the economic and social effectiveness of advertising events, conduct marketing research of the advertising market

Area of future professional occupation

Telecommunications activities

Information service activities

Public relations activities

Advertising activities and market research

Organization of conferences and professional exhibitions

Creative activities and entertainment

Research and development

Entrance tests

  Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

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