
specialties (269)

Educational management


of pedagogics


7-06-0114-02 Educational management

Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 1year

Main subjects studied

Methodology of scientific and pedagogical research

Pedagogical experiment in modern socio-cultural conditions

Modern management concepts

Innovations in higher education

Managing the educational process in a digital environment

Organizational culture of educational management

Educational Marketing

Management of innovative projects in an educational institution

Communicative models and technologies of influence

Network management technologies

Technologies of personal and professional self-development of a manager

Psychology of management in education

Fundamentals of management decision-making

Philosophy and methodology of science

Fundamentals of information technology

Foreign language

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Possess the methodology of scientific knowledge, be able to analyze and evaluate the content and level of philosophical and methodological problems. Be able to carry out pedagogical activities in educational institutions.

Be proficient in a foreign language for communication in an interdisciplinary and scientific environment, in various forms of international cooperation, research and innovation activities

Have the skills to use modern information technologies to solve research and innovation tasks

Be able to analyze the professional and educational needs of teachers, design methodological systems of teaching and upbringing, taking into account the available opportunities of the educational and social environment

Area of future professional occupation

Educational institutions

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 
  • Interview in academic disciplines

Preschool education


of pedagogics


7-06-0112-01 «Preschool education»

Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 1year

Main subjects studied

Methodology of scientific and pedagogical research, Information resources and technologies in research work, Modern technologies of teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines, Modern trends in the development of educational practices, Education in the context of modern socio-economic processes, Strategic management in preschool education, Ethics of professional and managerial activities in preschool education

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Apply the methods of scientific cognition in research activities, generate and implement innovative ideas.

Provide communication, demonstrate leadership skills, be capable of team building and developing strategic goals and objectives.

Apply psychological and pedagogical methods and information and communication technologies in education and management.

Develop educational planning documentation, check and evaluate the quality of the educational process.

To design, implement, monitor and evaluate educational activities in a preschool institution by introducing innovative technologies.

Area of future professional occupation

preschool education, secondary specialized education, higher education; research and development

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 
  • Interview in academic disciplines

Scientific and pedagogical activity


of pedagogics


7-06-0111-01 «Scientific and pedagogical activity»   

Academic degree


Duration of study

Part time – 1,5 year

Main subjects studied

Methodology of scientific and pedagogical research;

design of educational programs;

pedagogy and psychology of higher education;

innovative approaches and technologies in the educational process;

personal and professional development of a teacher-researcher;

quality management of scientific and pedagogical activity;

productive technologies of scientific and pedagogical communication.

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Be able to apply the methods of scientific cognition (analysis, comparison, systematization, abstraction, modeling, data validation, decision-making, etc.) in independent research activities, generate and implement innovative ideas.

Possess the methodology of scientific cognition, be able to analyze and evaluate the content and level of philosophical and methodological problems in solving problems of research and innovation.

Have the skills to use modern information technologies to solve research and innovation tasks.

Be able to analyze the relevance and innovativeness of scientific research and development in the field of vocational education, use knowledge about trends in the development of vocational education to solve urgent problems of scientific and pedagogical activity.

Be able to apply the basic scientific concepts and research approaches to substantiate the proposed theoretical 6 provisions and methodological solutions in the field of methodology of scientific and pedagogical research.

Be able to use information and communication technologies to organize scientific and pedagogical activities, support the innovative educational process, design modern electronic educational resources and create high-quality educational content for them.

Area of future professional occupation

Higher education; specialized secondary education; vocational education; scientific research and development.

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 
  • ·         Interview in academic disciplines

Industrial automatization


of mathematics and informatics


7-06-0713-04 Industrial automatization

Academic degree



Analysis and management in digital economy systems

Duration of study

Full-time – 2years

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Management methods in complex systems;

Knowledge management technologies and intelligent information systems;

Smart technologies for business process automation;

Methods of extracting knowledge from experimental data;

CASE-tools for software product development;

Project management in the field of automation;

Neural network technologies;

Fundamentals of Data Science;

Methods and algorithms for distributed processing of unstructured data;

Modern threats and information security technologies;

Technologies and tools for controlling information flows.

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Analyze and apply methods of transformation of production and business, taking into account the trends of society's transition to the digital economy;

Ensure the use of technologies for predicting the development of situations, preliminary analysis and assessment of the state of digital economy systems;

To carry out mathematical modeling of the processes of processing and analyzing data of various kinds using modern tools and methods, machine learning technologies and artificial neural networks;

To ensure the safety of the functioning of computer information systems and industrial computer networks using modern information security technologies;

To ensure the safe management of the work of enterprises and organizations of the digital economy and the protection of the results of their production and research activities.

Area of future professional occupation

Our graduates work at enterprises and organizations of a modern profile, service and product IT companies focused on achievements in the field of high technologies and various forms of the digital economy, as well as engaged in the development, maintenance and operation of software, including those related to the protection of digital information and communication technologies.

Graduates can work:

  1. as software engineers, system engineers, information security engineers, system and network administrators, security administrators, software maintenance specialists;
  2. conduct research and development in the field of management, natural and technical sciences;
  3. in the field of technical and professional higher, secondary and post-secondary education;
  4. as well as to carry out other types of professional activities, provided that the level of his education and acquired competencies meet the requirements for the qualification of the employee.

Entrance tests

•          Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 

•          Additional interview in academic disciplines

Computer engineering


of mathematics and informatics                   


7-06-0611-05 Computer engineering

Academic degree



Programmable complexes, systems and services

Duration of study

Full-time – 2 years

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Virtualization technologies of computing systems, Parallel and reconfigurable computing systems, System Engineering, Experiment planning, Development and profiling of Internet services, Decision support systems, Database design and Maintenance, Big Data analysis, Data Mining Methods, Supercomputers and quantum Systems and Technologies, Technologies and Security of the Internet of Things.

Main competencies that the graduate will have


has the skills of conducting scientific research and experiments, the skills of applying system engineering methods in the design of complex computing systems;

develops software systems and Internet services for various subject areas using modern programming platforms and technologies;

solves the problems of parallelization of calculations on multiprocessor systems;

owns big data analysis tools and data mining methods;

uses automation tools to develop models of databases and data warehouses, modeling business processes;

has the basics of project management in the field of OT and flexible project management methodologies;

able to carry out professional written and oral communication, including in a foreign language.

Area of future professional occupation

Development, operation and maintenance of software for computing systems, networks, databases and knowledge. Computer systems management and computer technology services.

Graduates can work in service and product IT companies, IT departments of enterprises, financial, consulting, transport organizations, enterprises producing computing and electronic equipment, scientific institutions and educational institutions in the following positions: software engineer, system administrator, network administrator, development team leader, software architect, database architect data manager, project manager, product manager, - data analyst, head of IT department (in non-core organizations), teacher of special disciplines, researcher.

Entrance tests

•              Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 

•              Additional interview in academic disciplines

Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


of economics and management


7-06-0533-05 Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Academic degree



Computer Data Analysis

Duration of study

 Full-time – 2 years

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Mathematical modeling and optimization of complex systems;

Multidimensional statistical analysis;

Mathematical and computer forecasting;

Basics of Python Programming;

Introduction to Machine Learning in Python;

Numerical methods of computer modeling and analysis;

Data mining technologies;

Fundamentals of computer data analysis using the R language;

Methods and means of data visualization;

Discrete optimization;

Mathematical methods of control in conditions of incomplete information;

Analysis and forecasting of time series in economics and finance in the Mathematica package.

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Specialists who have completed training in profiling are ready to:

• apply effective mathematical methods and computer technologies, as well as specialized software to solve scientific and practical problems;

• develop and apply effective methods, algorithms and software tools for computer data analysis;

• create and research models of complex systems and processes of various nature;

• develop intelligent decision support systems;

• solve problems of computer modeling and optimization of systems and processes of various nature, management of data mining processes, simulation modeling, statistical modeling and forecasting.

Area of future professional occupation

  • Computer programming, consulting and other related services;
  • ·         Information service activities;
  • ·         Research and development;
  • ·         Higher education.

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 
  • Additional interview in academic disciplines



of economics and management


7-06-0311-01 Economics

Academic degree



Economics and innovative business development

Duration of study

In Russian

Full-time – 1 year   Part-time – 1,5 year

На английском языке

Full-time – 2 years  

Language of study


Main subjects studied

  • Marketing analysis
  • Business performance assessment
  • Modern strategic analysis
  • Innovative development of the organization

Main competencies that the graduate will have

  • Implement innovative development of business processes;
  • Use the basic methods and tools of marketing analysis in a digital environment;
  • Be able to form, process and analyze databases to solve practical business problems;

Area of future professional occupation

  • Innovative;
  • Research and development;
  • Financial and economic;
  • Organizational and managerial;
  • Design and analytical;

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 
  • Additional interview in academic disciplines



of economics and management


7-06-0311-01 Economics

Academic degree



Economics and Management at Enterprises

Duration of study

In Russian

Full-time – 1 year   Part-time – 1,5 year

На английском языке

Full-time – 2 years  

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Microeconomic analysis and politics.

Macroeconomic analysis and politics.

Forecasting the national economy

Methods of economic analysis

Modern problems of innovative economy

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Apply the methods of scientific cognition in research activities, generate and implement innovative ideas.

Solve research and innovation tasks based on the use of information and communication technologies.

To carry out communications in a foreign language in an academic, scientific and professional environment for the implementation of research and innovation activities.

Provide communication, demonstrate leadership skills, be capable of team building and developing strategic goals and objectives.

Develop innovative receptivity and the ability to innovate.

Be able to predict the conditions for the implementation of professional activities and solve professional tasks in conditions of uncertainty.

Apply psychological and pedagogical methods and information and communication technologies in education and management.


Area of future professional occupation

The objects of professional activity of a specialist are the production and economic activities of enterprises of various branches of the national economy, the efficiency of the functioning of structural units


Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 
  • Additional interview in academic disciplines

Finance, Taxation and Credits


of economics and management


7-06-0411-02 Finance, Taxation and Credits

Academic degree


Duration of study

In Russian

Full-time – 1 year   Part-time – 1,5 year

На английском языке

Full-time – 2years

Language of study


Main subjects studied

International Financial Reporting Standards (advanced level);

Financial Management (advanced level);

International finance;

Modeling and optimization of business processes in financial and banking activities;

Banking supervision and audit;

Integrated information systems and technologies in the economy;

Tax risks: assessment and management;

International audit;

Financial consulting;

Organization of the credit process;

Risk management in international business

Main competencies that the graduate will have

To analyze the behavior of economic entities in the conditions of various types of market structures, to investigate and develop the market strategy of the organization, to assess the consequences of the state microeconomic policy.

To analyze the features of macroeconomic policy under various initial conditions of the functioning of the economy, to develop measures of macroeconomic policy.

To know the basic concepts of finance and credit development, to understand the principles of interaction between various sectors of the financial market, its institutions and the economy, to analyze the development of financial institutions and markets.

Know the essence of cloud technologies, distributed registry technologies, blockchain technology features, work with remote Internet services, with local network resources and a distributed database.

To know the essence of innovative changes and technologies of pedagogical innovations, to be able to develop passports and projects of pedagogical innovations, to know how to implement them, to evaluate the effectiveness of innovative activities.

Area of future professional occupation

Higher education;

Research and development;

Financial services, except insurance and additional pension provision;

Insurance, reinsurance and additional pension provision, except for compulsory social insurance;

Supporting activities in the field of financial services and insurance;

Accounting and auditing activities; tax consulting;

Management consulting;

Public administration of a general nature, management in the socio-economic sphere.

World Economy


of economics and management


7-06-0311-02  «World Economy»

Academic degree



Management of foreign economic activity

Duration of study

 Full-time – 2 years

Language of study


Main subjects studied

  • Global economy
  • International management
  • International marketing
  • Economics and management of foreign economic activity
  • International economic relations
  • International law

Main competencies that the graduate will have

  • Explore the foreign market and make decisions about the work strategy;
  • Conduct commercial negotiations with foreign partners;
  • Develop foreign trade contracts and organize their execution;

Area of future professional occupation

  • Enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity;
  • Banking and financial institutions
  • Joint ventures and foreign enterprises
  • Multinational corporations

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 
  • Additional interview in academic disciplines
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