Saturday, 29 April 2017 15:50

For the first time an international scientific and educational school for programming is held at the Yanka Kupala State University.

For the first time an international scientific and educational school for programming is held at the Yanka Kupala State University.

The educational project "International scientific and educational school of programming" Language R for solving statistical problems and visualization "was broke in April 17 at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Its participants were 53 representatives of higher educational institutions and scientific organizations from Austria, Bulgaria, Belarus, Vietnam, Senegal and Ukraine. Among them are professor, staff, postgraduates and students.

Our university regularly hold such schools. Their range is quite wide: starting with the development of participants in IT competencies and ending with the study of the Russian language. Thanks to such projects our university was visited by guests from Japan, Canada, China, India and European countries, - said the first vice-rector Irina Kirturko and then she wished the participants a useful stay, to find new contacts that would promote business relations and career development.

During the Opening the school, the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management Marina Karpitskaya stressed that the organization of such an educational project is the result of international cooperation of the faculty with leading European universities and an element of integration into the world educational space.

- The development of society and innovative economy in the world led to the formation of its modern stage - the knowledge economy based on IT technologies, - in such way marina Evgenievna emphasized the relevance of the school- The process of developing the knowledge economy changes working conditions and requires a new level of competencies. The transformational processes associated with the knowledge economy compel governments of different countries to pay great attention to both systemic education and the infrastructure that provides personnel development and education during the whole life.

The organization of such an educational project as the International Scientific and Educational School "Language R for solving statistical problems and visualization" became the second stage of the implementation of the TEMPUS international technical assistance program "Applied Computer Data Processing in Engineering and Science" at the Yanka Kupala State University. This program involves the development of training materials on the conduct of statistical calculations and the enhancement of the professional competencies of future specialists. At the first stage of the implementation of TEMPUS a practical-oriented master's program in the specialty "Applied Computer Data Analysis" was opened at the Department of Mathematical and Informational Support of Economic Systems of the Yanka Kupala State University.

The idea of holding a school was offered by representatives of the Faculty of Economics and Management at a meeting of participants of the international technical assistance program. Their initiative was supported by Professor Peter Filzmozer from the Vienna Technical University (Austria). The guest told that studying the programming language R is very important: it is currently gaining popularity and it is widely used in such world corporations as Google and Microsoft.

The scientific and educational school at the Yanka Kupala State University is supported by the international scientific project "Computer data analysis and modeling for complex stochastic systems", which coordinated by the Vienna Technical University. Financial support is provided by the International Statistical Institute (Netherlands) and the International Association of Computational Statistics.

-                    Participation in the school of teachers contributes to their upgraiding, and for postgraduates and students it will serve as a source of modern useful knowledge and skills in applied computer data analysis, - said Marina Karpitskaya.

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