Students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno participated in the Days of Youth of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Azerbaijan

   The Days of Youth of the Republic of Belarus were held in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the first time from 7 till 10 of July, 2016. The participants of the event were students from Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno: Jana Miliuk, Nikolai Makareev and Andrei Doktorov.


Students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno visit Beijing in the framework of educational familiarization tour.

   The educational familiarization tour for 100 students from Belarus to Beijing has started on the 20th of July, 2016. It will last for two weeks. The participants from YKSUG are the students who involved in study of Chinese culture and language – student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Evgeniy Demidovich and student of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism Olga Gracheva.


Representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno visited Vilnius University

   Head of the Department of General and Slavonic Linguistics of the Faculty of Philology Ludmila Rychkova and senior lecturer of the same department Alesia Stankevich visited the Institute of the Lithuanian language and Vilnius University on the 14th of July, 2016.


   Students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will participate in the Days of youth in the Republic of Azerbaijan

   The Days of Youth will be held in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the first time from 7 till 10 of July, 2016.


YKSUG honored the 2016 alumni

   For the first time, the solemn event took place at the University Flag Square. To the event were invited the best YKSUG alumni, university administration, deans of the faculties, honorable guests, parents and friends of YKSUG students.


Representatives from YKSUG took part in the Republican ball for the graduates of Belarusian higher education institutions

   Six YKSUG graduates and the Rector of the University Andrey Dmitrievich Korol became participants of the Republican ball for the graduates of Belarusian higher education institutions. Due to the Year of Culture, the celebration was held in extraordinary for this event historical style.

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The Rector of YKSUG Andrey Korol and Faculty of Pedagogy student Yana Milyuk took part in 5th All-Belarusian National Assembly

The Rector of YKSUG Andrey Korol and Faculty of Pedagogy student Yana Milyuk as a part of Grodno region delegation took part in 5th All-Belarusian National Assembly on June, 22-23


International learners of the Faculty of Pre-University Training of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno visited the Maksim Bahdanovich Museum

   International learners of the Faculty of Pre-University Training of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno from Iran, Zimbabwe, Congo, Nigeria and Sri Lanka, accompanied by Russian language teachers Lilia Shumskaya and Tatyana Cherkes visited the house-museum of Belarusian poet Maksim Bahdanovich. The excursion was organized in the framework of the events dedicated to the Year of culture.

The training seminar «Technique of mobile technologies using in the educational process of the University» was held in YKSUG

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