Wednesday, 03 June 2020 15:45

The group of the primary organization of GRSU BRYU on VK is among the best in Belarus

The group of the primary organization of GRSU BRYU on VK is among the best in Belarus

The winners of the "BRYU-2020 Internet award" have been named.
The award has become a kind of annual marathon with the selection of the most prominent official and online resources of the Youth Union on a competitive basis. This year, the final event of the project was held online on the sites of the Youth Union on the social network "Vkontakte", as well as on the brsm 2.0 channel of the video hosting YouTube. This year the number of applications for the competition has doubled to 150.
According to the results of the contest, the groups of primary organizations of YKSUG BRYU, Lida secondary school No. 15, Grodno State Agrarian University, Moscow (Minsk) and Pervomaisk (Bobruisk) district committees, as well as the Vitebsk Regional Committee of the Youth Union were recognized as the best on Vkontakte.
The best Instagram account for a primary organization with the rights of the District Committee of Belarusian National Technical University, Kobrin District Committee, and Vitebsk Regional Committee of the BRYU.
Valeria Milovanova, the second Secretary of the Gomel city Committee of the BRYU, was awarded the award "For following the trends of social networks". By the way, this time she became the host of the ceremony and the only winner who received the award in real time.
– Today we would like to thank all the guys who are actively developing their accounts on social networks. Professional blogging is hard everyday work. But there is a specific indicator of the success of your work – subscribers. Therefore, we must always be in the trend here – First Secretary of the BRYU Central Committee Dmitry Voronyuk said during the final event. – The main thing is not to be afraid and do something new. Today we are testing new forms of work on the Internet, testing projects and developing the most interesting ones.
Award winners will receive branded statuettes and diplomas. The awards will be delivered to them by mail. The organizers also provided incentive diplomas that mark active groups of the Youth Union in social networks.

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