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1-25 80 01 «Economics»
Profilization  Economics and Management at Enterprises
Language of study  English
Mode of study  Full-time
Term of study  1 year
Entrance exams for foreign citizens 


(with an indication of the main disciplines studied)

Names of master’s degree students’ activities, cycles of  disciplines, disciplines Number of credits



  • • Microeconomic analysis and policy
The study of the discipline allows you to master modern means of microeconomic analysis for conducting scientific research in the field of economics and acquire skills for solving practical problems using microeconomic analysis tools.
  • • Macroeconomic analysis and policy
The study of the discipline allows you to deepen the understanding of undergraduates about the most important mechanisms of the functioning of the economy and master the tools for analyzing the consequences of macroeconomic regulation in the conditions of various types of economy.
  • • Forecasting national economy
The study of the discipline allows students to form theoretical knowledge and practical skills for solving specific problems in the field of forecasting the economic and social development of the country.
  • • Innovative development of the organization (enterprise)
The study of the discipline allows you to acquire professional knowledge and competencies that ensure the evolution of the intellectual potential of the individual, the formation of professional innovative thinking, which allows you to justify the innovative strategy of the development of the organization (enterprise), taking into account the latest economic trends.
  • • Data mining technologies
The study of the discipline allows you to form ideas and acquire the skills to identify and solve practical problems that arise in the course of professional activity.
  • • Econometrics (advanced level)
The study of the course is aimed at the formation of a system of knowledge, practical skills and abilities among undergraduates, covering the construction of econometric models, the methodology for conducting econometric analysis, which consists in diagnosing models; the methodology for developing forecasts based on econometric models.
  • • Integrated information systems and technologies in the economy
The study of the discipline allows you to acquire theoretical knowledge about modern technologies for organizing, storing and processing data in databases and practical skills in creating databases and working with them.
  • • Human resources management and corporate culture
The study of the discipline allows you to acquire theoretical knowledge about modern technologies for organizing, storing and processing data in databases and practical skills for creating databases and working with them.
  • • Modern problems of the innovation economy
The purpose of the discipline is to acquire professional knowledge and competencies that ensure the evolution of the intellectual potential of the individual, the formation of professional innovative thinking, and the acquisition of decision-making skills in an innovative economy.
  • • Analysis of Internet data
The purpose of the discipline is to form an understanding of the types of problems that arise in the field of intellectual analysis of Internet data and methods of solving them, which will help students to identify, formalize and successfully solve practical problems of data analysis that arise in the course of their professional activities.
  • • Institutional research in economics
The study of the discipline allows you to deepen the understanding of the tools, methods and categories of institutional economics and orient the students ' thinking to understand the mechanisms of development and functioning of the economy as a system in interaction with social, political, cultural and other basic elements of the external environment.

The main competencies that

the graduate will acquire

  • • apply the methods of scientific knowledge in independent research activities, generate and implement innovative ideas;
    • resolve problem situations based on an innovative approach;
    • use fundamental economic knowledge in professional activities;
    • analyze the behavior of economic entities in the conditions of various types of market structures;
    • research and develop the market strategy of the organization, assess the consequences of the state microeconomic policy;
    • be able to develop and implement innovative projects, form and develop the competitive advantages of the organization;
    • perform data analysis for solving economic, managerial, and research tasks.

Options to continue education

(postgraduate specialties)

•08.00.05 "Economy and management of the national economy»
Graduate certificate MASTER’S DEGREE DIPLOMA



World Economics





1-25 80 02 World Economics
Language of study  English
Mode of study  Full-time
Term of study  1 year
Entrance exams for foreign citizens 


(with an indication of the main disciplines studied)

Names of master’s degree students’ activities, cycles of  disciplines, disciplines Number of credits



  • • World economy and foreign economic policy
The purpose of the course is to expand the theoretical knowledge of features and trends in the development of the world economy and foreign economic policy, deepening knowledge, skills and abilities in development of comprehensive international cooperation.
  • • International competition
The goal of the course "International Competition" for Masters' students is to gain neccessary knowledge and skills in the field of effective international  business competencies in the field of theory and practice of competition in international business, theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for national companies confronting global competition; learning to apply strategic and tactical instruments of forming competitive advantages in international business.
  • • World economy and international economic relations
The purpose of teaching the course “World Economy and International Economic Relations” is to provide students of the second stage of higher education with deep theoretical knowledge about the laws of functioning, development trends and directions of restructuring  the world economy in the context of globalization, the role of world economic relations and relations.
  • • International entrepreneurship
The purpose of teaching the discipline is to create a master student  specialties 1-25 80 02 "World economy" professional ideas about the integral process of business activity of subjects management from the formation of an entrepreneurial idea, to methods and forms of its implementation in the international environment.
  • • International marketing research
The purpose of teaching the course "International Marketing Research" is to form a modern marketing outlook among students, to obtain in the field of theory and practice of marketing research, methods and organization of their implementation, to prepare for work in real-life conditions.
  • • International investment activity
The purpose of studying the discipline is to form undergraduates the required amount of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills in foreign national and international investments that allow you to effectively perform functional duties of performers and / or managers (coordinators) of foreign national and international investment business projects within the framework of investment activities of economic entities.

The main competencies that

the graduate will acquire

  • • Be able to apply methods of scientific knowledge (analysis, comparison, systematization, abstraction, modeling, data validation, decision making, etc.) in independent research activities, generate and implement innovative ideas.
    • Independently study new methods of economic design, research, production organization.
    • To take the initiative, including in risk situations, to solve problem situations on the basis of an innovative approach.
    • Use fundamental economic knowledge in professional activities.
    • The master must have the following in-depth professional competencies
    • To be able to identify the main patterns and trends of the global economy, apply forecasting methods, use computer software to build models for forecasting the development of the global economy.
    • To be able to develop and implement innovative and venture projects, to form and develop competitive advantages of the organization on the basis of innovative solutions, to develop new market segments of innovative products and services.
    • Own theory, navigate modern scientific schools of the world economy, evaluate processes and identify trends in its development, be able to apply methods and tools of foreign economic policy, analyze the results of implementation and develop recommendations for its improvement

Options to continue education

(postgraduate specialties)

• World Economy
• Economics and Management of National Economy
Graduate certificate MASTER’S DEGREE DIPLOMA



Literature Studies





1-21 80 10 Literature Studies
Language of study  English
Mode of study  Full-time
Term of study  1 year
Entrance exams for foreign citizens 


(with an indication of the main disciplines studied)

Names of master’s degree students’ activities, cycles of  disciplines, disciplines Number of credits



  • • Literary research methodology
The purpose of the course is to familiarize master’s students with the history of the development and the main historically established schools, their methodological principles and provisions, to give students an idea of the basic principles and systems of literary criticism. As a result, masters must acquire a solid knowledge of the structure, methods and achievements of one of the main philological specialties, which will prepare them for the choice of methodology in their own literary studies. Masters should get an idea of the history and content of the basic concepts used in literary studies, freely navigate the concepts and use them in the work on qualifying works of different levels.
  • • Actual problems of modern literary criticism 
The main goal of this discipline is to study the basic theories, concepts and key problems associated with the literary process, to deepen and generalize the knowledge gained by students in the study of the history of Russian, foreign literature, world art culture; contribute to the further development and improvement of literary competencies of students
  • • Poetics of literary text
The purpose of the discipline is to give the master’s students basic information about literary science, to introduce them into the world of theoretical knowledge about the essence and features of the creation of a literary work, about the laws of development of literature, the formation of its main genres and genres, methods and styles. Masters should get an idea of the history and content of the basic concepts used in literary studies, freely navigate the concepts and use them in the work on qualifying works of different levels. The main objectives of the discipline “Poetics of Literary Text” are to give the masters an idea of the poetics of a literary work, the peculiarities of its functioning, to learn to navigate in the categories of the artistic process and consciously approach the specifics of fiction.
  • • Textological analysis of a literary work
The purpose of the course is to master the techniques of textual analysis of texts intended for printing; acquaintance of master’s students with the history of Russian and domestic textual criticism, the main theoretical and textological concepts and categories in the context of a scientific discussion about the subject and goals of textual criticism as a discipline, which has a scientific and applied character. Tasks: to acquaint with the sources of the text of the works, the forms of their preservation; master the general techniques and methods of text processing; to study the essence of textual concepts; develop the skills of independent text analysis of the work; develop the skills of creating a concept for the publication; develop practical skills in preparing text for printing.
  • • World art of word in the Belarusian literary reception of the XX - XXI centuries
The program offers the study of the literary process on a broad theoretical basis: the historical movement and the problems of periodization of literature, the conditions for its emergence, reception and transformation, the typology of genres, styles and stable images, the peculiarities of poetics and creative evolution of the leading masters of the word, literary ties.
  • • Literary hero in the author’s text and metatextual space
The purpose of the discipline: comprehension of the world literary process in the broad context of culture, the formation of an idea of its integrity and continuity, of the relationship of philosophical, ethical and aesthetic ideas. The objectives of the discipline are reduced to the study of the concept of a literary hero in the author’s text and metatextual space.
  • • History and theory of poetry
The main goal of the course is to receive systematic poetry training for master’s philology students; deepening, expanding and concretizing the initial knowledge about the verse. Future literary scholars need to navigate freely in poetry culture. The main objectives of the course: formation of systemic ideas about concepts and terminology poetry, mastering the principles of constructing poetic works, their pictorial and expressive specifics; mastery specific verse-study apparatus for analyzing poetic works.
  • • Poetics of Drama
The purpose of the discipline is to familiarize students with the key concepts and categories of drama studies, with the main methods and techniques for analyzing a dramatic work, as well as developing students’ skills for a holistic analysis of dramatic texts in connection with their generic and genre specifics; analysis of the poetics of the genre of the novel and its development in the literature of antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the New Age, literature of the 18th–20th centuries.
  • • Networking in the context of mythological, folklore and literary tradition
Purpose: to comprehend the process of formation and evolution of networking in all the diversity of its genre forms, varieties and modifications, to determine the dominant features of the most significant genres and forms in the Internet content array in the context of literary, folklore and mythological traditions. Objectives: 1) to study the genre composition and artistic specificity of genres of networking, including in a comparative aspect with traditional fiction and folklore; 2) outline the features of the typology and poetics of networking in the context of literary, folklore and mythological traditions; 3) to show the world tradition of works of network literature and its influence on the Belarusian network literature; 4) to acquaint students with the social and legal aspects of networking.
  • • Literature in modern media space and advertising
The aim of the course “Literature in the modern media space and advertising” is the study of the modern literary process in the paradigm of media culture. In the process of mastering the discipline, special attention is paid to the study of the main categories of the theory of literature, the formation of ideas about the relationship of literary and media texts and their mutual influence, as well as about modern literary forms and genres. Consideration of the literary text is carried out in the range of intermediate links (cinema, media, advertising) both from the point of view of theory (interaction of arts, their interchange and mutual enrichment), and from the point of view of a comparative analysis of the material (adaptation of a literary work in the process of transposition into the language of another art).
  • • Literary translation and intercultural communication
The goal of the discipline is the formation of a person who has translation competence and is able to adequately and successfully communicate with representatives of the target linguistic culture. Objectives of the course: development of the ability to correctly interpret specific manifestations of communicative behavior in different cultures; the formation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities both in the aspect of the actual translation activity, and in related aspects; mastering the main types of translation techniques and methods of achieving equivalence in translation from the point of view of intercultural communication; solving problems in a situation of intercultural misunderstanding.
  • • Literature in the context of culture
The tasks of the discipline are reduced to developing an idea of the place of world literature and art in the system of world culture; studying the patterns of development of literature and its most significant phenomena; analysis of the main genres and their development in the literature of antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the New Age, literature of the 18th–20th centuries; mastering the originality of each stage of the formation of both the art of words, the art of form and color, sound and plastic. The objectives of the course include acquisition with scientific and critical material on the issues of world literature, mastering scientific terminology and the basics of literary analysis of works of art.
  • • Literature and Music. Literature and painting.
The goal is to identify associative connections between musical and literary images as artistic ones and to clarify the role of music for expressing and decoding the idea of a work; to define the phenomenon of the writer’s musical and poetic idiostyle. Objectives: 1) to identify the features of the concept of “music” in literary works (texts); to analyze the connection between the concepts “music” and “emotions”, “feelings” (lyrics and epic); 2) to analyze the musical and poetic discourse in syncretic works (songs, romances, rock operas, etc.) 3) to present the musical and poetic discourse in Russian and Belarusian poetry of the 19th–20th centuries.
  • • Course work
The main task of the course work is the formation of the ability of independent scientific research to study a given topic, including the development of the skills to find the necessary information from various sources, the application of various scientific research methods in practice, the improvement of the skills of formulating the subject, goals, objectives and conclusions of scientific research.

The main competencies that

the graduate will acquire

  • In the process of training, a master’s student gets an idea of fiction as a cultural phenomenon, studies the laws of the development of literature based on the latest achievements in the field of literary theory (method, direction, genre, style, tradition, innovation, etc.); expands the study of modern domestic and foreign concepts of theoretical literary criticism; interaction and mutual influence of literatures; masters the methodology and practice of research activities in the field of literary criticism

Options to continue education

(postgraduate specialties)

10.01.08 Theory of Literature. Textology 
Graduate certificate MASTER’S DEGREE DIPLOMA


Software toolkit for automation solutions of some computer forensic problems

The development of the structure and content of the advanced training program for teachers of Belarusian higher education institutions is continuing within the project ‘University Teaching and Learning Enhancement’

In January-February 2021 a series of online meetings of the module developers of the advanced training program was held.

It is planned that the professional development program will include 6 modules:

1. Psychology of interactive learning (leader - BrSTU)

2. Culture of quality (leader - BSU)

3. Innovative teaching methods (leader - GrSU)

4. Development of training programs to increase employment opportunities (leader - GSTU)

5. Team building and mutual learning (leader - PSU)

6. Leadership and social responsibility (leader - BSAA)

The implementation of the program is scheduled for the first semester of the 2021-2022 academic year. Upon successful completion of training, students will acquire the skills of effective organization of teaching, as well as assessment of students' knowledge; will be able to participate in the internal quality assurance of education, apply innovative teaching methods and develop new curricula in their subjects in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.

Innovative Project Solutions Tournament ‘Business LAB’ outputs:

1.The methodology for business idea generation, selection and evaluation through training and consulting has been developed.

The methodology serves as the guidelines for the intermediaries to increase the efficiencies of the business idea generation by providing the succinct description of the methods for a structured approach to entrepreneurial education, including the programme for the business idea competition, referred here as the IPS tournament. It aims to provide the better and a clear and structured understanding of the overall process of entrepreneurial opportunity discovery, outlining the essential aspects that each aspiring entrepreneur should be aware of, starting from the idea generation till launching the start-up, resulting in a unique economic activity in the region to be pursued by the entrepreneur through a physical or legal business entity.

Read the methodology.

2. The training and consultancy programme has been developed.

Тhe programme includes the tools for a quick assessment of a business idea to be used by the founders, the funders and the intermediaries alike during the brainstorming or any other type of business idea generation sessions and provide the practical examples that help to learn how to apply specific methods and tools with maximum benefit.

Read the programme.

A festive concert for men and lovely ladies was held at Yanka Kupala State University

The event was dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus and the International Women's Day on March 8.
The Rector Iryna Kiturka addressed the staff of the Kupala University with words of congratulations. She wished everyone a spring mood, smiles, good health, happiness and harmony in life, as well as new strength for the implementation of all plans
The concert programme was opened with musical performances Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno’s students. After that, the Honored Collective of the Republic of Belarus "Grodno Chapel" under the leadership of the Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Bormotov gave the audience unforgettable emotions and his creativity from the stage.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Tashkent Chemical - Technological Institute has signed a cooperation agreement

The agreement on cooperation between Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Tashkent Chemical - Technological Institute was signed during the visit of the Belarusian delegation to Uzbekistan.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is represented by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Yury Bialykh as part of the Belarusian government delegation. The agreement was signed on March 4 as part of a meeting with the leadership of Tashkent Chemical - Technological Institute. The document provides for cooperation in educational and scientific activities, the establishment of academic, scientific and cultural ties, the development of scientific potential and ensuring high-quality professional training of specialists. The parties plan to hold joint meetings, conferences, consultations, seminars, meetings to develop common ideas and solutions on issues of mutual interest.
Among the main areas of joint activity – exchange of experience on research and educational work, conducting joint research and scientific internships to improve the skills of the teaching staff, exchange of students, undergraduates, postgraduates, training of highly qualified scientific personnel, exchange of scientists and teachers for lectures and consultations, preparation of joint scientific and methodological publications, mutual review of research and educational and methodological works, as well as conducting joint sports and cultural events.
During the visit of the Belarusian delegation to the Republic of Uzbekistan, another agreement on international cooperation is expected to be signed on March 5 – between Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and the Kamoliddin Behzod National Institute of Arts and Design.

The winners and awardees of the Republican Universiade-2020 were awarded at the Yanka Kupala State University The team of Kupala University won the final competition among the opponents in the first group.

The solemn ceremony of awarding the winners was held at Yanka Kupala State University with the participation of athletes and honorary guests. The Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Igor Karpenko, welcoming the winners and awardees of the Republican Universiade, noted the symbolism of this year, which is declared the Year of National Unity in Belarus. He stressed that the future sports competitions and the participation of Belarusian athletes in them will definitely demonstrate the unity of generations:
- Higher education institutions in Belarus successfully help to train talents for professional sports. Thanks to this, our athletes continue to win medals of the highest standard at competitions of different levels. The Belarusian School Sports Association was also established last year. I am sure that this will ensure continuity from school sports to student sports, and then to high-performance sports.
The event was also attended by an Assistant to the President and the Inspector for the Grodno region Yuri Karaev, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on Education, Science, Culture and Social Development Viktor Liskovich, Chairman of the Belarusian Association of Student Sports Alexander Bogdanovich, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the public association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" Dmitry Voronyuk. They awarded the winners and awardees of the Republican Universiade-2020 in 4 groups.
According to the results of the team championship among higher education institutions of the first group, the first place was taken by the team of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Representatives of Kupala University won the first place in Greco-Roman wrestling, and also won the competition among women in 3x3 basketball. The second place according to the results of the final games – for women's teams in such sports as handball and basketball, and the third place according to the results of competitions among women – for volleyball and football players of our university. The overall final score of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in the results table of the Republican Universiade-2020 is 989.55.
The Republican Universiade for Students of higher education institutions was held on the initiative of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus and the Republican Cent for Physical Education and Sports of Students.

Rector of Yanka Kupala State University Iryna Kiturka was awarded the Gratitude of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus

An Assistant to the President of the Republic of Belarus and the Inspector for the Grodno region Yuri Karaev presented the Rector of Yanka Kupala State University Iryna Kiturka with the Gratitude of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
Iryna Kiturka was awarded for her long-term work, contribution to the development of science and innovation at Yanka Kupala State University, and active social activities.

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