The applicant's user account is the first step towards admission to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
For more than one year, the Admissions Committee at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has been working not only offline, but also online.
Within the framework of the Online Admissions Committee, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno invites each applicant to create an applicant's user account, which contains all the information about the process of submitting documents, participation in the call, the results of passing the admission tests, the time and place of various coordination meetings.
Employees and students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the XXX International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk"
Employees and students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno became participants in the Days of Youth, demonstrated their professional skills and talent in a dance competition.
#BelarusYouthUnity. Participants of the Republican Youth Train visited Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Grodno region and Kupala University became the starting point of a large route with the participation of the best Belarusian youth.
On July 15, in the youth capital of Belarus - the city of Grodno - a large-scale project "Republican youth train #BelarusYouthUnity" was launched. The visit to Grodno region began with a visit to the Grodno Zoological Park, where the youth landscaped the alley laid by the participants of the Republican youth train #BelarusMoladzNatkhnenne in 2020 and planted new trees.
131 people were enrolled in the master's program of Kupala University on a paid basis in 2021
Currently, 131 people are enrolled in the master's program of Kupala University on a paid basis, of which 57 are for full-time education, and 74 are for part-time.
A total of 287 people were enrolled in the number of students of the II stage of higher education, full-time and part-time forms of education at Yanka Kupala State University in 2021.
The project "Development of a mobile educational portal" will be implemented at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
The work on the project is carried out by a group of students from Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
The project "Development of a mobile educational portal" won the competition for the provision of grants for the implementation of research and innovation projects in 2021. The author of the project is a student team under the scientific guidance of Andrei Urbanovich, senior lecturer of the Department of System Programming and Computer Security. The project will also involve a resident of the Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, private unitary enterprise "Romanets Enterprises", created by a student of the University. The result of the project will be the creation of a mobile personal account. The project is financed from the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Fund for Innovative Development.
Rector of Kupala University Irina Kiturko takes part in the Forum of the Association of Russian and Belarusian Universities
The third Forum of the Association of Russian and Belarusian Universities was held on June 28 online.
The event was attended by heads and representatives of Russian and Belarusian universities, who discussed key issues of educational and scientific cooperation between Russian and Belarusian universities, challenges of the present time, vectors of further development of scientific and educational ties between the two countries.
The Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov and the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Igor Karpenko addressed the Forum participants with a welcoming speech.
During the plenary session, reports were made by the moderators of the forum - Academician, President of the Russian Union of Rectors Viktor Sadovnichy and Professor, Chairman of the Republican Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Belarus Vadim Bogush.
The work of the Forum participants continued in the framework of three breakout sessions: "Universities and Society", "University Science and High Technologies: from Idea to Commercialization" and "Experience of Distance Learning and Digitalization of Universities."
In the first section, the rector of the Yanka Kupala State University Irina Kiturko made a presentation on "The upbringing of a patriot and a citizen is the most important task of a higher education institution". In her speech, she noted that one of the main tasks of the state youth policy is to educate a patriotic citizen capable of creating and creating in the name of his Fatherland.
In her report, Irina Fedorovna spoke about Kupala University and its potential for young people in various fields of activity, and also emphasized that the upbringing of a patriot and a citizen is not a separate isolated process. This is an ongoing process that permeates all components of student life: study, scientific work, extracurricular activities. In addition, the rector said that within the framework of the organization and development of civil-patriotic education of youth, the university creates conditions for the self-realization of each student in the field of research and innovation. At the end of her speech, Irina Fedorovna noted that in the information space, the corporate community, the external environment, Kupala University is traditionally positioned as a university of opportunities for everyone, where, following the University's Mission, the necessary conditions are created for realizing the potential of youth as a professional, citizen, patriot.
The results of the Forum of Rectors will be presented in the future at the Forum of Regions of Russia and Belarus.
Recall that the first Forum of rectors of universities of Russia and Belarus was held on July 16, 2019 on the basis of the St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design as part of the VI Forum of the Regions of Russia and Belarus.
Congratulations of the rector Irina Kiturko on the Day of Youth and Students
Youth! A time of hope and fulfillment of desires, a time of opportunities and creativity, a time of acquaintances, love, dawns, dates and romance, endless activity.
Let the lines of the classic of Belarusian literature Yanka Kupala be a kind of motto of self-confidence and faith in tomorrow for every Kupala University member:
Dear youth, glorious youth
Of our boundless country!
Mountains and the sea can you overcome,
Melt the icicles with your heart.
Dear, glorious youth of Kupala University, Grodno region, Belarus! The main thing - believe in yourself. You will definitely succeed. And let your youth, as a certain period of life, over time is sure to become a state of soul!
Sincerely yours,
Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Irina Kiturko
Students and staff of the Kupala University took part in the action "We create good together"
The charity event took place on June 24 as part of the Youth Week.
Representatives of Kupala University visited the pupils of the Grodno regional rehabilitation center for disabled and sick children of a neuropsychiatric profile. Volunteers from the “We are Together” squad, guys from the fellowship of foreign students, as well as the head of the Volunteer Center of Yanka Kupala State University Valentina Esina and the head of the volunteer squad of the philological faculty Olga Budenis took part in the charity event.
Students and staff of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno handed over to the representatives of the specialized institution a certificate from the leadership of the university and the student trade union committee for the purchase of the necessary equipment for the rehabilitation of sick children. Also, the students organized an outdoor entertainment program for the pupils of the Center.
The scientific and methodological seminar "How to teach Russian" was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
The event, aimed at developing the main vectors in teaching Russian language to foreign citizens, took place on June 22 and was held in the form of a round table with reports and subsequent discussion.
The online seminar brought together more than 30 participants, 9 of them are scientists and experts from the Institute of Russian Studies and Oriental Studies of the University of Gdansk (Poland), Georgetown University (United States of America), as well as the universities of Grodno. The focus is on the establishment of international relations, the development of the main directions of educational, scientific, methodological and research work for the training of foreign specialists at universities of the country and abroad, the development of a joint program of cooperation with universities and departments of Russian as a foreign language, as well as the popularization of education of Kupala university.
The seminar discussed a wide range of substantive and organizational issues of teaching Russian to foreign citizens. Within the framework of the problem field of the scientific seminar, strategies for the development of teaching Russian, the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language in Belarus and abroad, as well as traditions and innovations in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language were considered. Particular attention was paid to the aspect of socio-cultural adaptation in learning, as well as online learning.
Summing up the results of the seminar, the speakers noted that such a format of work is necessary for the successful development of a methodological school for teaching Russian as a foreign language.
The event was organized by the Department of Language Training of Belarusian and Foreign Citizens of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
Potential applicants from abroad were told about the advantages of studying at Kupala University
A career guidance meeting with citizens of the Democratic Republic of the Congo was held at the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism at Yanka Kupala State University.
Foreign applicants who plan to receive higher education in Grodno with a degree in Tourism and Hospitality were able to ask questions about their future profession to the teachers of the Department of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of Kupala University. In addition, they had the opportunity to communicate with foreign students who study at the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism, as well as with this year's alumni. The students shared their impressions of how the training proceeds, how the interaction between teachers and students is established, what opportunities open up for students at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The applicants were also interested in the prospects of participation in international student exchange programs.
For potential applicants, they conducted an excursion around the academic building of the Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism and told how much attention is paid to security issues at the university. The organizers of the career guidance event emphasized that at Yanka Kupala State University, great attention is paid to supporting gifted and talented youth, while every student can realize their potential in studies, creativity and sports. With regard to advice on admission, the staff of the Department of Tourism and Cultural Heritage noted that they are ready to provide applicants with all the necessary information at any time.
The Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was visited by a delegation of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova, Yakutsk, Russian Federation
At the official meeting, which took place on June 11, representatives of two universities - Yanka Kupala State University and the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov - discussed topical areas of cooperation, including in the field of physical culture and sports.
The meeting was attended by the vice-rector for educational activities of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova Alexey Golikov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports for Research Nikita Nikiforov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports for Academic Affairs Afanasy Sergin.
Kupala University was represented by Vice-Rector for Educational Work Vasily Senko, Head of the Education Internationalization Center Elena Belokoz, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture Vitaly Khramov and Head of the Department of Sports Disciplines Andrey Navoichik.
During the meeting, the main attention was paid to the development of cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports. Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education Vitaly Khramov expressed interest in joint activities with the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov in the field of academic interaction, research and project work. In particular, he noted several points of contact associated with the search for effective ways of physical education and sports training of students.
On the educational activities of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov was told by Vice-Rector Alexey Golikov. In his speech, he noted the main purpose of the visit related to the discussion of the cooperation program, within the framework of which it is planned to invite scientists from Kupala University to participate in the work of the new dissertation council in the field of physical culture and sports.
In addition, Nikita Nikiforov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports for Research and Development, emphasized the possibility of joint participation in grants, research, joint development of online courses, and the development of online education.
At the end of the meeting, the directions for the development of joint activities of the two universities were announced, in particular, in the design of joint educational programs with the issuance of two diplomas; conducting joint research projects in various areas; exchange of employees for internships; mutual participation in specialized summer and winter schools; as well as in the field of joint project activities.
For reference: the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov is a diversified federal university in Yakutsk, the largest higher educational institution in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Chukotka Autonomous region. The University has a developed infrastructure of the scientific and educational complex, modern equipment for the development of fundamental and applied research. The university has about 20,000 students. The number of teaching staff (PPP) at the parent university and branches is 1200 people.
Student of the Faculty of Pre-University Training of Kupala University is the Winner of the I International Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language
Guilherme Santos Marquez da Silva represented Kupala University at the International Olympiad in Minsk.
175 foreign students from 34 countries took part in the I International Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language: students of preparatory departments, students, undergraduates, postgraduates studying Russian as a foreign language. These are representatives of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Brazil, Vietnam, Germany, Georgia, Congo, Egypt, India, Jordan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Cameroon, Cyprus, China, Cote d'Ivoire, Lebanon, Maldives, Mongolia, Pakistan, Palestine, Poland, Korea, Moldova, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Ecuador. Until this year, the intellectual competition was held at the republican level among foreigners only from Belarusian higher educational institutions. The translation of the Olympiad into the online format made it possible to expand the geography of the participants and give the Olympiad an international status.
The participants had to go through two qualifying stages and the final. All competition tasks were united by the theme "Russian language - the way to mutual understanding and harmony". At the first stage, the contestants prepared a monologue-presentation on the themes “I and the Russian language” and “I and Belarus”. The second round included an online test on vocabulary, grammar of the Russian language and creative work. In the final competition, the students presented to the jury an oral spontaneous presentation on the proposed topic.
The winner of the I International Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language was the representative of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno - student of the pre-university training faculty Guilherme Santos Marquez da Silva. The head of the department of language training of Belarusian and foreign citizens of the faculty of pre-university training Inna Samoilova prepared the contestant for the Olympiad.
In Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno were signed agreements on international cooperation with two universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Rector of Urgench State University Bakhrom Abdullaev and Rector of Karakalpak State University Akhmet Reymov paid an official visit to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
A delegation from the Republic of Uzbekistan, consisting of representatives of two institutions of higher education, arrived in Grodno at the invitation of the Yanka Kupala State University. As the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Yury Bialykh noted, it was YKSUG that initiated the establishment of mutually beneficial contacts with Urgench and Karakalpak State Universities. Potential partners were offered a study visit to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in order to substantively discuss promising areas for further interaction in the field of education, science and upbringing of students.
The visit of the delegation from Uzbekistan began with an official event with the participation of the rector of the Yanka Kupala State University Irina Kiturko. During the round table meeting, heads of universities presented their educational institutions and told in what directions they see further cooperation.
«At the moment, the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has concluded more than 200 agreements on international cooperation. Yanka Kupala State University interacts with the universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan within the framework of 8 agreements. oint educational program for the training of specialists with a higher education of the I stage with the Tashkent State University of Law in the specialty "International Law" according to the "3 + 1" scheme, a joint educational program for the "2 + 2" scheme for the training of specialists with higher education of the I stage Karshi State University with a degree in Applied Mathematics - are being successfully implemented. » said Irina Kiturko.
Work in this direction continues, said the rector of YKSUG. Recently, an agreement was signed on joint educational programs for training specialists with higher education of the I stage with Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named after Mukimi in four specialties: "Applied Mathematics", "Bioecology", "Psychology" and "Fine Arts and Computer Graphics". At the moment, a joint educational program is being designed with Karshi State University for the training of specialists with higher education of the II stage in the specialty "Computer engineering (programmable complexes, systems and services)".
During an official event at Yanka Kupala State University, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Yanka Kupala State University Yury Bialykh drew the attention of participants of the dialogue to the development of potential related to tourism.
«I want to note that the first student from Uzbekistan who entered our university chose the specialty "Tourism and Hospitality", and here we see great potential. Our regions are attractive for tourists. On the territory of the Grodno region, 80 percent of the entire historical and cultural heritage of the Republic of Belarus is concentrated. » said Yury Bialykh
Vice-Rector for Science at YKSUG Yury Ramanouski, in turn, noted that a strong mathematical school has been created at our university. And here Yanka Kupala State University could also find points of contact with Urgench State University, the rector of which named good preparation of students in mathematical specialties among the advantages of his educational institution. In addition, the participants of the meeting expressed their interest in the implementation of joint projects in research activities.
` Summarizing what was said, the participants of the event agreed that there are many prospects for cooperation between universities, but it is necessary to highlight the main aspects on which the partners will have to focus in the near future. The meeting ended with the signing of agreements on international cooperation between Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Urgench State University, as well as Karakalpak State University.
Discussion of promising areas of mutually beneficial cooperation continued on the basis of Science and Technology Park of Yanka Kupala State University. A tour of the Technopark was organized for representatives of the delegation from the Republic of Uzbekistan, during which residents talked about their activities and innovative projects. There was also a presentation of Studio of Projects and Startups of YKSUG. Then the delegation from the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in the seminar "On the scientific and educational activities of the departments."
Reference information:
Urgench State University has 11 faculties, 36 departments, in which bachelors and masters are trained in 58 educational areas and 27 specialties. More than 16 thousand students study at the university, the teaching staff is 677 people. Urgench State University is actively involved in Erasmus + projects, collaborating with such universities as University of Aquila (Italy), University of Porto (Portugal), University of Keele (England), University of Padua (Italy), University of Cantabria (Spain) and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (Germany).
Karakalpak State University is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Uzbekistan. Training of young personnel is carried out in 49 bachelor's areas and 24 master's specialties. The university has 48 Doctors of sciences and professors, more than 200 PhD and associate professors. Karakalpak State University develops partnerships with more than 100 largest universities, takes part in educational programs TEMPUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS, ERASMUS + within the European Commission.