Dialogue platform “2021 - Year of National Unity. The role of youth in strengthening trust and solidarity in society, rallying the Belarusian people "was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

The meeting brought together representatives of the authorities and students from three institutions of higher education in Grodno - Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Grodno State Medical University and Grodno State Agrarian University. The event took place on May 6 within the framework of the republican project "Grodno - the youth capital".
The dialogue platform was attended by the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on Education, Science, Culture and Social Development Viktor Liskovich, Head of the Main Department of Ideological Work and Youth Affairs of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee Igor Bulavko, Chairman of the State Control Committee of the Grodno Region Anatoly Dorozhko, as well as rectors of three universities - Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Irina Kiturko, Rector of Grodno State Medical University Elena Krotkova and Rector of Grodno State Agrarian University Vitold Pestis. The event was moderated by a 4th year student of the Faculty of Psychology at Kupala University Veronika Basinskaya.
The main goal of the dialogue was to find answers to the questions, what is the role of youth in the formation of solidarity and trust in modern Belarusian society, what representatives of the student community can do at their level to maintain peace and stability in the country.
In his welcoming speech to the participants in the dialogue, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on Education, Science, Culture and Social Development Viktor Liskovich noted that the future belongs to the youth and it is very important that their decisions are based on traditions, on that good experience. which was laid down and formed by their predecessors:
- Each of us has his own opinion, and this is his right, but we should in no way allow the spontaneous events that took place in August 2020. In the future, we must build such a system so that no one will have a destructive effect on the minds of our beautiful youth.
Within the framework of the discussion, the chairman of the State Control Committee of the Grodno Region Anatoly Dorozhko, who demonstrated in his life example that thanks to the care and support of the state, he received an opportunity for development and formation, noting the importance of maintaining the connection between generations and choosing a positive authority for himself in life:
- In the coming decades, you, young people, will need to take responsibility for the future of the country. It is you who will determine the ways of its development, and we will help to implement your plans.
The leaders of the student community were able to ask the representatives of the authorities the questions of concern to them, express their opinion on the ongoing processes in society. Thus, the students voiced the reasons why young people, in their opinion, are not very actively seeking to engage in research activities. Students also spoke about what, in their opinion, lies at the heart of patriotism and who a patriot is, how you can instill love for your country, for domestic producers and domestic products. We talked about improving the work of state media, their important role in covering current events, including problematic issues and ways to solve them.
The dialogue has become useful for both parties - government officials and student activists. The youth heard the position of experienced leaders, and they, in turn, assessed what was happening from the lips of the student leaders.

Rector of Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Botir Usmonov visited Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

During the visit, which took place on April, 28, the prospects of cooperation in the implementation of joint educational programs were discussed.
The visit of the leadership of Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took place less than two months after the conclusion of the agreement on cooperation between the universities. The document was signed on March 4, 2021 during the visit of the Belarusian delegation to the Republic of Uzbekistan, which included Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno represented by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Yury Bialykh. At that time, preliminary agreements were reached on conducting joint scientific research in areas of mutual interest, on designing and implementing joint educational programs, on organizing and conducting internships for teachers and students of Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
The discussion of the agreements already reached continued during the visit of partners from Uzbekistan to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The small delegation that visited Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno included Rector of Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Botir Usmonov, and Head of the Department of Double Diplomas, Anvar Shernaev. Botir Usmonov drew attention to the fact that in Uzbekistan in recent years, much attention has been paid to the field of education. At the same time, he emphasized his interest in getting a closer look at the achievements of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in the field of education and science.
– We are interested in your experience, - Botir Usmonov said. – Therefore, we strive to build good relations, establish mutually beneficial cooperation with universities of the Republic of Belarus, because the scientific potential of your country is very high. At the same time, we have similar sectors of economy. And our countries cooperate at the highest level in various areas – chemical industry, mechanical engineering, food, humanitarian sphere, culture. I am sure that academic mobility, exchange of teachers, and methodological support will be useful for the two states.
Irina Kiturko, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University, also agreed that cooperation with Uzbekistan is becoming a strategic and priority direction for Belarusian educational institutions.
"We already have some experience of cooperation with universities in Uzbekistan," Irina Kiturko shared. – The first cooperation agreement was signed with Tashkent University of Transport back in 2009. To date, there are already 8 such contracts. I would like to note that 4 of them were concluded last year. As for the vectors of cooperation, they are very broad. First of all, these are academic mobility programs for students and for university staff. This is the "Visiting Professor" program; this is joint training of specialists, joint educational programs.
Irina Kiturko also noted that at the moment, Yanka Kupala State University is implementing joint educational programs for training specialists with higher education of the first stage with Tashkent State Law University in the specialty "International Law", as well as with Karshi State University in the specialty "Applied Mathematics". An agreement is being developed on joint educational programs for training specialists with higher education of the first stage with the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named after Mukimiy in four specialties: "Applied Mathematics", "Bioecology", "Psychology" and "Fine Arts and Computer Graphics".

Promising areas of cooperation with Tashkent State University of Economics were discussed at Yanka Kupala State University

The meeting of representatives of the two universities took place online on April 26.

At the beginning of the event, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Yury Bialykh greeted colleagues from Uzbekistan and told about YKSUG in a presentation format. Then the main directions of international activities of Tashkent State University of Economics were presented by Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Dilshod Rakhmonov. The participants of the videoconference discussed the possibility of exchanging staff and students for undergoing study and internships, as well as for giving lectures as part of the «Visiting Professor» program. The exchange of students for training and participation in specialized summer schools was also discussed. The participants agreed to get acquainted with the curriculum in economic and tourism specialties in the near future to work out mutually beneficial areas of cooperation.

Following the results of further joint work, the representatives of both sides have planned to sign a cooperation agreement between Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Tashkent State University of Economics.

Reference Information: About 10 thousand students study at Tashkent State University of Economics at five faculties - economics, international tourism, corporate governance, accounting and audit, information systems in economics. Among the university employees there are 656 Professors, 10 Doctors of Science. Tashkent State University of Economics has more than 100 international agreements and actively cooperates with higher educational institutions from more than 30 countries of the world. It also conducts a joint double degree program with Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

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    Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno will accept documents from applicants from July, 20 to August, 9 The terms of the entrance campaign are determined in Belarus

    The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus has set the deadline for the entrance campaign to higher education institutions in 2021. From July, 20 to 26, documents for higher education will be accepted at the expense of budget funds and on a paid basis. Applicants entering full-time (full-time) education in higher education institutions of agricultural profile at the expense of budget funds and on a paid basis, must submit documents in the period from July, 20 to 28. For graduates of specialized classes of pedagogical and agricultural orientation, entering pedagogical and agricultural specialties, the deadline for submitting documents is from July, 20 to 22. Acceptance of documents from applicants entering the correspondence form of education in institutions of higher education of agricultural profile at the expense of budget funds and on a paid basis will be carried out from November, 15 to December, 5.

    For applicants who enter for a fee and do not pass the entrance tests, the following deadlines for submitting documents are established: from July, 20 to August, 5-at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Mogilev Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations; from July, 20 to August, 10 – in full – time (full-time) education in agricultural specialties (from November, 15 to December, 5 in correspondence education in this direction); from July, 20 to August 9-at other institutions of higher education.

    Terms of entrance tests at the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus, at military faculties in institutions of higher education - from July, 27 to 29; in other institutions of higher education – from July, 27 to August, 4; in full – time (full – time) form of education in agricultural specialties-from July, 29 to August, 4; in correspondence form of education in institutions of higher education of agricultural profile-from December, 6 to 15.

    The terms of enrollment of applicants for state-funded places are also defined: at the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus, the Institute of the Border Service of the Republic of Belarus, the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, at military faculties in higher education institutions-until July, 31; at the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, the Belarusian State Academy of Music, the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts-until August, 6; in other state institutions of higher education (except for correspondence education in institutions of higher education of agricultural profile) - until August, 5; in correspondence education in institutions of higher education of agricultural profile – until December, 20.

    For places for obtaining higher education on a paid basis in higher education institutions (except for correspondence education in agricultural higher education institutions), the terms for enrollment are set until August, 11, and for correspondence education in agricultural higher education institutions-until December, 20.

    The decree of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, published on the National Legal Portal, also specifies the terms of additional recruitment to state institutions of higher education and the procedure for conducting an entrance campaign for foreigners and stateless persons.

    Representatives of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev visited Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno as a part of the "Visiting Professor" program

    The visit to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took place from April 12 to 17.
    As a part of the visit to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Professor of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev Lyudmila Klimatskaya read lectures for students of the Faculty of Physical Education on the disciplines "Fundamentals of Sports Nutrition" and "Theory and Methodology of Health-improving Physical culture". Associate Professor Yulia Bocharova read lectures for students of the Faculty of Physical Education on the discipline "Pedagogy", and for students of the Faculty of Pedagogy – on the basics of didactic heuristics, on special methods of school education and the basics of practical work of a speech therapist.
    Colleagues from Grodno and Krasnoyarsk also discussed the results of the first year of implementation of the joint Belarusian-Russian scientific project "Phenotypes of psychovegetative response to the factors of gerontological ageism and its counteraction in social service organizations in Krasnoyarsk and Grodno". Professor Lyudmila Klimatskaya and Associate Professor Yulia Bocharova shared their experience of scientific and practical activities carried out between the universities under the cooperation agreement. During the visit, by the way, a scientific publication was published in the journal Family Medicine & Primary Care Review (Web of Science), reflecting the first results of the joint scientific project.

    The results of the IV Regional Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language were summed up at Yanka Kupala State University

    Participants of the Olympiad were 15 students and students of preparatory courses of universities and colleges of the Grodno region.
    Foreign citizens from Brazil, Congo, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Mali, Togo, Cameroon, and Sri Lanka, who are only studying Russian in their first year of study, took part in the intellectual competition.
    The Olympiad consisted of three stages. The participants demonstrated to the jury their understanding of authentic oral speech, performed a lexical and grammatical test, and made an oral statement on one of the proposed topics.
    The representative of Kupala University, Santos Marques da Silva Guilherme, won the IV Regional Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language and will take part in the Republican Olympiad in Russian, which will be held in May in an online form. The second place is also taken by the representative of our University, Zongwe Matilda Kianda. The third place was shared by representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Kanonge Priska Kabambi and Grodno State Medical University Mohamed Aslam Fatima Hasnaa.

    IV Regional Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language is held at Yanka Kupala State University

    15 students and students of preparatory courses of universities and colleges of the Grodno region take part in the Olympiad.
    These are citizens of eight countries - Brazil, Congo, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Mali, Togo, Cameroon, Sri Lanka - who are only studying Russian in their first year of school. Participation in the Olympiad is a great opportunity to check what real success they managed to achieve during the first year of study.
    – The Olympiad in Russian as a foreign language is held by the Department of Language Training of Belarusian and Foreign Citizens of Kupala University for the fourth time. This is a regional Olympiad, which is attended by students and students of all educational institutions of the Grodno region. And the jury that will determine the winners and prize – winners of the Olympiad will include representatives of all three Grodno universities, – said Inna Samoilova, Head of the Department of Language Training of Belarusian and Foreign Citizens of the Faculty of Pre-University Training of Yanka Kupala State University.
    She also noted that such intellectual competitions help motivate foreign students to further study the Russian language and culture. This is important because knowing the language afterwards helps them to adapt more quickly to the student environment.
    – Foreign students and students really strive to learn the Russian language, even if they study at the university in English, - said Inna Samoilova. – After all, they live in our country, are mainly in the Russian-speaking environment. It is important for them to interact with other students, build relationships, and understand each other.
    Participants of the Olympiad will have to pass three stages of tests. They will have to demonstrate an understanding of authentic oral speech, perform a lexico-grammatical test and make an oral statement on one of the proposed topics before the jury. For example, they will be asked to talk about choosing their own path and the importance of knowledge, about love and the value of health, about mistakes, life's victories and defeats. It is important to note that the participants of the Olympiad will learn their topic for oral statements immediately before the speech.
    According to the results of the Olympiad, the winners and prize-winners will be determined. They will be awarded certificates and gifts-souvenirs and books that will help them learn more about Belarus, its traditions, and also contribute to further improving their knowledge of the Russian language.

    Alexey Dudorov, a student of Yanka Kupala State University, won gold at the European Trampoline Championship The European Trampoline Championships were held from April 29 to May 2 in Sochi

    The large-scale competitions in Sochi brought together 300 athletes from 23 countries. Over the course of four days, athletes competed for medals in individual and team disciplines: individual jumps, acrobatic track and synchronized trampoline jumping.
    The Belarusian national trampoline team successfully competed at the European Championships in Sochi. The team consisted of a 4th-year student of Kupala University Alexey Dudorov. Together with his teammates Ivan Litvinovich, Oleg Ryabtsev, Vladislav Goncharov, Alexey rose to the highest step of the podium, winning the "gold" of the championship in the team competition.

    About 1,000 graduates of Yanka Kupala State University will be assigned to the first job this year (VIDEO ADDED)

    On 8th of April in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno started the distribution of university graduates of daily budget students. The first recipients were from the Faculty of Physical Education. The first job was allocated primarily to students who were trained with funds from the national budget. However, as in previous years, job placement was also available for fee-paying students.
    – Every year the Yanka Kupala State University provides 100% of graduates with the first job. In fact, we already at the stage of the reception campaign carry out the recruitment of students according to the needs of the client organizations, therefore we have no problems with the distribution of graduates, - explained Marina Kolotsa— the Head of the educational-methodical administration. Further education at the university is carried out in close cooperation with the clients of personnel. They participate in the preparation of curricula, conduct classes and they are members of State examination commissions. Our students are practicing at their intended place of employment. At the request of the client organizations, students write diploma and carry out interdisciplinary projects. And finally, the first job for many of our graduates is the place they have been preparing for throughout their studies. For example, Oksana Dobrinskaya, a graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education, successfully combined university and work in kindergarten, introducing children to physical culture. She didn’t worry on the eve of the distribution: Oksana has an application from a future employer and a fairly high rating among the students of the faculty.
    – I’m the third-highest in my class, so I’m counting on a good distribution, - told Oksana Dobrinskaya. - I’ve been working at a kindergarten in Grodno as a physical education director for a year now. I hope I’ll stay there, I really like my job. I’ve learned a lot already, and in two years I’ll be a young specialist, I’ll learn more about the profession, I’ll gain experience.
    But Artem Zayac knew that he would return to his native Dyatlovsky district four years ago, when he was just admitted to the Faculty of Physical Culture of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. He has a target orientation and also experience in one of the Grodno schools, which will be useful for him in the workplace, where he will go on distribution already as a young specialist.
    – In my third year as a university student, I started working in school № 22, in Grodno. It was not difficult to combine work and study, as the university provides opportunities for those who work to attend classes on an individual schedule. Now, I’ll return to the Dyatlovsky district, where I have family, relatives. So I’m pleased that this is the way things turn out - shared with Artem Zayac.
    Every year the Yanka Kupala State University provides the first job for all graduates. Applications from institutions and organizations of the city and region are sufficient, and this year there are even more applications than graduates to be distributed.
    – This year at our faculty there are 36 students of the budgetary form of education, including 7 athletes of the national team, who are in a position not to be distributed - noted Andrey Navoichik, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture. - It should be noted that, as of today, we have twice as many applications than graduates who need the distribution. Two fee-paying students have expressed a desire to get assigned to the first job. I think there will be others by the end of the school year.
    Graduates of the Faculty of Physical Education are assigned to pre-school and general secondary schools, as well as to sports schools for children and young people and physical education centers. Some athletes remained in their teams.
    In general, the Yanka Kupala State University in Grodno plans to distribute about 1,000 graduates in 2021. Generally, 90 per cent of them stay in the Grodno region. The most in demand today are graduates of pedagogical specialties. By the way, at Kupalov University about 40% of graduates are young teachers. The graduates of pedagogical specialties are the most needed. By the way, at Yanka Kupala State University about 40% of graduates are young teachers.

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