Monday, 17 April 2017 10:30

The best theatregoers at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

The best theatregoers at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

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The international day of the theatre was celebrated at the university for the second time. There was held a universitywide festival of pop sketches and theatre performances “Youth Association of Student Theaters of the State University of Grodno” (“M.O.S.T. Grsu”).

All participants presented different styles of theatrical performances and tried to surprise the jury, on committee were representatives of the public association "Belaya Rus", Grodno Regional Drama Theater and Grodno State College of Arts. The commission of experts was headed by Elena Stelmakh, the head of the department of cultural-mass and leisure activities of the ESWD.

The best were students of the Faculty of Economics and Managements. The second place was taken by the participants of universitywide conversation studio “Conferense”. And the third place was shared by theater lovers of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics and the Faculty of Innovative Engineering Technologies.

The winners were named in seven categories.

The leading lady was the participant of the studio "Conferense", the student of the Faculty of history, communication and tourism –  Margarita Ruksha, and the best male role - the student of the Faculty of Innovative Technology of Mechanical Engineering – Evgeny Sakovich.

The supporting female role was played by Julia Vasechko, the student of mathematics and computer science Faculty, and the best supporting male role of – the student of the Faculty of innovative technologies of engineering – Evgeny Bozik.

The best script and scenography, according to jury’s opinion, turned out to be the students of the Faculty of Economics and Management, and the best direction – participants of the studio "Conferense".


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