Saturday, 29 April 2017 15:24

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has achieved significant progress within the framework of «PICASA» project

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has achieved significant progress within the framework of «PICASA» project

«PICASA»  project, within three years - from 2013 to 2016 was implemented out under the TEMPUS program, with financial support from the European Union in Armenia, Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine.

PICASA was created to promote recognition of Eastern Neighboring Area higher education systems through the development and integration of internationalization dimensions into structural and cultural components of higher education institutions management.

The project aimed to integrate international dimension into teaching, learning and research functions of universities through developing and implementing respective policies and procedures. Priority functions of «PICASA» project include: the development of skills and knowledge in students, faculty and staff to promote internationalization and development of ethos and culture hat values and supports intercultural and international perspectives, initiatives and their quality assurance.

The main results of the international project include highly trained personnel and the revised the functions of the International Centers of Partner Universities. All this, according to executors of «PICASA» project, will be a basis for the development of internationalization in the university. Also within the framework of the project, in the creation of curricula and educational programs, scientific cooperation, the development of academic mobility of students and staff, the universities adopted their own policies and strategies for internationalizing, developed new approaches to implementation of the international component.

In addition within the framework of the implementation of PICASA program, a model of quality assurance of the internationalization process was proposed and the guidance on this topic was developed.  By the way, the guidance includes problems of using benchmarking instruments (the process of identifying, understanding and adapting of existing examples of the effective functioning of the company with the aim of improving its own work - note) and  issues related to internationalization of educational and scientific activities.

The PICASA project has enabled Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno to achieve significant successes and to confirm its own status in international educational space. In particular, the main indicators of implementation of the strategy of internationalization and procedures governing the process of sending students to study abroad have been developed in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno within the framework of the University Development Strategy for 2016-2020.

The international project fostered to creation of Education Internationalization Center in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The activities of the new structure are aimed at the development of exports of educational services, generating positive public image of the university in the world educational space, the coordinating the activities of the university in internationalization activities and ensuring the implementation of the strategy.

Seminars for heads of departments and university staff responsible for international activities were held In Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Information and consultative events for international activities development of the university within the context of internationalization were held at faculties.

In accordance with the principles of internationalization, academic programs "Information resource management" and "Information Technology Software" were revised. As noted in the project development sector of the Yanka Kupala State University, the revision process helped to intensify the use of international experience and knowledge in teaching separate courses, helped to develop cooperation with faculties of the same specializations in universities of other countries, to develop collaborative student projects, to increase student exchanges and participation in international conferences.

With funding from "PICASA" project the material and technical basis of classrooms has been upgraded, allowing to develop distance education and to include the university to the world scientific space and, thereby, to deepen the process of internationalization.

It is expected that the project will contribute to integration of principles of internationalization of education and science in the relevant documents not only in higher education institutions, but also in the ministries of education and science of Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine.

Read 16806 times Last modified on Saturday, 29 April 2017 15:35
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