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Associate Professor Anatol Bahdzevich and Leslie Gibson, a guest teacher from the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Program, present an example of co-teaching methods in the English Philology Chair at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.


Co-teaching is an educational approach that involves two teachers working collaboratively to plan, structure, and implement lessons. The technique of co-teaching in higher education aims to establish an interdisciplinary approach in which both teachers and students have an opportunity to formulate and solve different problems in a new interactive format. This problem-solving is based on knowledge of different specialized fields and will enrich the lessons with practice-oriented content.  A co-taught lesson aims to involve teachers and students as collaborators and the latter have the opportunity to practice and develop different professional and personal skills.

“Co-teaching broadens the scope of interaction between the lecturers and the students within a lesson, especially those who are mastering a foreign language,” commented Anatol Bahdzevich. “Within this kind of lesson the instructors demonstrate the culture of professional communication and involve students in discussions while providing them with opportunities to ask questions, present their points of view, form their own attitude towards the topic, and express their emotional engagement in the educational activities.”

Leslie Gibson considers co-teaching a way to transform traditional lessons into “exciting, productive, and interactive activities. The main goal of co-teaching is to provoke students’ cognitive processes but also to get them to practice their speaking.”  

Co-taught lessons encourage students to form not only professional linguistic skills, but provide a real possibility to master new forms of interpersonal communication. For others, it may be an opportunity to try their hand in public speeches or a chance to practice different ways of critical thinking.

Master’s students who take part in the co-taught lessons believe that they have not only gained the ability to practice communication with a native speaker, but that they also have the chance to be fully immersed in the subject with the expertise of two instructors each providing his or her own concept of the material.

Technology Transfer Center

Technology Transfer Center – is a separate structural unit of the educational institution Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (TTC).

Its mission is providing services to support the transfer of technology and the development of innovation and entrepreneurship.

TTC objectives

·         To develop cooperation between developers, investors, producers and consumers of science-intensive products (products, technologies, services)·         To promote the commercialization of the results of  research, development and innovation activities·         Facilitate the development of entrepreneurship and innovative business


Spheres of Activities

Technology Transfer

The Center promotes the transfer of technology, knowledge, skills, methods to production and service delivery between universities, enterprises and other organizations and ensures the availability of scientific and technological development to a wider range of consumers for their further development and use in new products, processes, applications, materials or services:

  • If you need a specific technology or innovation to develop your business or a business application for your technology, TTC can help.
  • We will help you to find the necessary technology, find the addressee of your technology, advise on the technology transfer,  intellectual property protection and other related issues.

Consulting on the financing of innovation activities

We advise on the search for sources of innovative financing: innovative projects in the framework of state and regional programs, innovation funds, the program of the European Union, etc.

Partner search

We provide assistance to companies and research organizations to find reliable partners in the Republic of Belarus and abroad for:

  • development and implementation of innovations;
  • commercialization and transfer of new technologies;
  • international research, technology and innovation projects.

Maintenance of the regional scientific and technical program of Grodno region "Sustainable innovative development of  Grodno region".

The main goal of the program is the integration of resources and subjects of science, industry and the social sector for scientific and technical support of the social and economic development of the Grodno region for 2016-2020 as well as the effective use of available resources to achieve sustainable social and economic development of  Grodno region through the introduction of new technologies, modernization and technical re-equipment of the operating ones, primarily based on the introduction of knowledge-based, resource, energy-saving and environmentally safe technologies and the achievement of significant progress in the industrial and agricultural spheres.


The development of competences for innovative activity

  • We provide counseling, mentoring and training services to develop skills and improve competencies in the development of innovations.

Promoting innovation We promote innovation through seminars, publications of methodological and analytical materials, organization of exhibitions and innovative projects competitions. We participate in the implementation of the projects on the development of innovative activities, innovative entrepreneurship and increasing investment attractiveness.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Technology Transfer Center

230023, Grodno, Ozheshko str., 22 – 404

Tel.  772477

E-mail: %This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Head: Alena Opekoun







The code of speciality   1-31 80 11

Academic degree 

 Master of science in biology

Period of study 

 Full-education – 2 years

Language of tuition 

 Russian / English

Tuition Fee (per year) 

 2 500 US dollars (Russian) / 3 500 US dollars (English)

The housing opportunity 




22 representatives of 8 university faculties applied for participation in the trainings on innovative methods of teaching and training

22 representatives of 8 university faculties applied for participation in the trainings on innovative methods of teaching and training.

The trainings will take place in five partner institutions: Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), University of Barcelona (Spain), University of Porto (Portugal), Linköping University (Sweden), FH Joanneum University of Applied Science in Graz (Austria).

The criteria for the participation were the age below 50, the English language proficiency corresponding to B2 level and the experience of teaching courses in English with the application of modern teaching technologies. The university officials basing on the recommendations of PRINTeL project team confirmed the participation of the following YKSUG representatives in the trainings:


Iryna Korlyukova, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department for Modern Technologies of Pre-University Training


FH Joanneum University of Applied Science in Graz (Austria)

November 5-9, 2018


Hybrid / Blended Teaching and Learning


Andrei Pranevich, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department for Mathematical and Information Provision of Economic Systems


Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium)

November 12-16, 2018


Active Learning, with special focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning


Sviatlana Hanchar, PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Head of the Department for Foreign Languages


University of Porto (Portugal)

November 12-16, 2018


Video as a Learning Tool for Teachers and Students: Video Lecturing and Promoting Interaction in the Classroom


Kanstantsin Smatrytsky, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics


Linköping University (Sweden)

December 3-7, 2018


Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom


Darya Shpak, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Head of Academic Affairs Department on Educational Quality Management


Linköping University (Sweden)

December 3-7, 2018


Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom


Natalia Valko, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department for General Physics


University of Barcelona (Spain)

December 10-14, 2018


Active Learning and ICT-enhanced Teaching: M-Learning and Gamification

After the trainings in the partner universities each participant will hold workshops at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno on the technology studied.

An Information Seminar «Rights and Obligations of Foreign Citizens in the Territory of the Republic of Belarus»

took place at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Representatives of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Grodno City Executive Committee, the Grodno Border Group met at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno with international students who study educational programs in English.

In the framework of the seminar, specialist of the first category of the Department of Citizenship and Migration of the Department of Internal Affairs Administration of Leninsky district of Grodno Elena Zakharova presented to the participants of the meeting the peculiarities of processing and obtaining visas and possible consequences of illegal actions, as well as noted the peculiarities of registration of foreign citizens.

The security officer of the Drug Control and Anti-Trafficking Department of the Internal Affairs Administration of Leninsky district of Grodno Andrei Sobolevsky, reminded students of the dangers of drug use and the consequences for the body and how the current criminal and administrative legislation is applied to those who transgress the law. He drew attention to the rules of behavior in dangerous situations and the algorithm of actions of a person who witnessed a crime.

The senior operations officer of the Operational Activities Department of the Grodno Border Group Captain Sergey Pashnik told about the rules for crossing the state border of the Republic of Belarus for foreigners, about border zone and border regime, gave examples of violation of the law on state border by foreign citizens.

During the meeting students received answers to their questions related to their stay in Belarus.

The seminar was organized by the International Students and Academic Mobility Office of the Education Internationalization Centre together with law enforcement officials of Grodno.

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    Professor of MGIMO University Andranik Migranyan met with students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

    A meeting with the public figure, historian, Professor of the Department of Political Science of MGIMO University Andranik Migranyan was held on October 31 in the framework of the open dialogue at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

    There was a conversation with lecturers, students and media representatives about the global politics during an open dialogue with Andranik Migranyan. Guest raised questions that have been worrying the world community for many years. Andranik Migranyan emphasized: recently, the meetings of the heads of state in Minsk indicate that the Republic of Belarus is at the center of global politics, and this undoubtedly contributes to enhancing the country's image in the international arena.

    Students and lecturers actively asked Andranik Migranyan questions about the further development of international relations, about the risks of conflict escalation, about the guest’s work experience as Chief Advisor to the Committee on CIS Problems in the Russian Parliament, about the behavior strategy of neighboring states in the context of globalization. Andranik Migranyan in his turn gave detailed and reasoned answers, raising new topics for discussion.

    Andranik Mihranyan visited Grodno for the first time. And, as the guest said himself, he liked the city. It gives hope for a new visit to Belarus and Grodno Oblast.

    Thanks to the close cooperation of the university with the Belarusian Association of Journalists and the International Media Club Format A3 such meetings have become traditional. Students get a unique opportunity to meet with leading foreign media experts and ask them questions.

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      President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko visited Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno on a working visit to Grodno Oblast.

      During his visit to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, which took place on October 19, Alexander Lukashenko got acquainted with the achievements and prospects of the university and spoke with students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Grodno State Medical University and Grodno State Agrarian University.

      The President was informed that in recent years at the university the number of teachers with academic degrees and titles has increased significantly; the university is actively engaged in extrabudgetary activities, attracting funds for its development.

      Alexander Lukashenko was told about the research and development of students, about the work of the student media center, which includes television and radio studios, the office of the periodical press and photography.

      The President was shown the development of the Tehnolab educational digital laboratory and the Practical Electronics student design bureau. The educational digital laboratory includes digital sensors and devices that are already used in physics classes in many Belarusian schools. Domestic devices are more compact and cheaper than foreign counterparts, while being comparable with them in quality. In addition, the equipment has significant export potential and is already being shipped abroad. Automated spectral equipment for scientific research was also presented.

      Alexander Lukashenko got acquainted with the project “Virtual Grodno Oblast”. It includes a website to accompany the visa-free zone. Students create not only virtual sightseeing tours, but also three-dimensional 3D models of lost architectural specimens.

      The University’s educational network, an educational portal, was also presented to the head of state. Students can get access to educational materials, find current information about the activities of the university, and even chat with teachers there.

      The University’s educational network, an educational portal, was also presented to the Head of State.

      While speaking with students of Grodno universities, the President noted: “The education system should encourage initiative, train specialists of a new formation with well-developed entrepreneurial skills. This is a requirement of the modern world. Often we suffer precisely because we are not able to profitably represent the interests and capabilities of our country abroad. ”

      He stated that the Grodno universities are the intellectual center not only of the region, but also in certain areas – of the whole country. “In this regard, it is necessary that the training conditions be as close as possible to the real conditions of future activities,” the head of state emphasized.

      In Belarus, the University 3.0 model is actively used, and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno works on it. “The result of this program is your presentation today. Of course, in the areas that were presented, it is impressive,” said Alexander Lukashenko.

      He also noted that Belarusian universities need to work on the development of educational and laboratory facilities, the construction of new dormitories to attract foreign students and export educational services.

      The president took a photo with teachers and students afterwards.

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        Sports sections:

        1. "Health" - coach Khramova Tatiana Alexandrovna, tel. + 375298680928, category of participants - employees.

        Section schedule: Mon 17:30-18:30 Wed 17:30-18:30

        Location: Ozheshko str., 22


        2. "Evolution" - coach Sazon Ekaterina Nikolaevna, number +375333925761

        Work schedule of the section:

        Mon, Tue., Thu., Fri.:

        13.00-21.00 (1st and 3rd week of the month)

        13.00-20.15 (2nd and 4th week of the month)

        Sat.10.00-13.30 (2nd and 4th week of the month)

        Location: Dovatora str., 27, room 1.


        3. Athletic - coach Kharko Vadim Ivanovich (tr.702789) category of participants - students.

        Schedule of the section: Tue., Thu.:13.30-20.15

        Location: Proletarskaya str., 16.


        4. "Running Lovers Club" - coach Vadim Ivanovich Kharko (tr.702789) category of participants - students.

        Schedule of the section: Sat.:09.30-13.45 (1st and 3rd week of the month)

        Location: Zakharova str., 32


        5. "Badminton" - coach Arkady G. Obelevsky; number +375292680066, category of participants - students.

        Section schedule: Mon. 16:30-17:50 Wed 16:30-17:50;

        Location: Zakharova str., 32


        6. "Karate WKF" - coach Yandiev Rustam Yakubovich +375292664245 category of participants - students.

        Section schedule: Mon 20:30-21:50 Wed 20:30-21:50 Fri 20:30-21:50

        Location: Martial arts hall Vasilka str., 23


        7. Mini-football - coach Khilmanovich Vadim Viktorovich; number +375295468385 category of participants - students.

        Section schedule: Fri 19:00-20:20 Sat 13:30-15:00

        Location: Zakharova str., 32


        8. Chess section - coach Dmitry Kalita, tel. +375292859344, category of participants - students.

        Section schedule: Thu 17:00-19:00 Fri 17:00-19:00 Sun 16:00-18:00

        Location: Chess and Draughts Club, Ozheshko str., 15


        9. Section "Judo, sambo" – coach Sharko Ivan Eduardovich +375 29 580 99 98, category of participants - students.

        Section schedule: Tue 10:05-11:35 Thu 10:05-11:35 Sat 12:00-13:30

        Location: Wrestling Hall, Zakharova str., 32


        10. Mini-football section - coach Sergienko Ivan Gennadievich +375 29 266 51 18, category of participants - employees.


        11. Section "Athletic gymnastics" - coach Yuraga Maxim Viktorovich +375 29 287 80 07, category of participants - employees.


        12. Fitness Section - coach Sedova Natalia Fedorovna +375 29 780 91 33, category of participants - employees.

        Working hours of the section: Tue, Thu 17:15-18:15 18:15-19:15

        Location: Fitness hall, Ozheshko str., 22


        13. Sports section "Titan", coach of Kharko Vadim Ivanovich, Mamedov Andrey Alexandrovich, number +375292662141

        The schedule of the work of the section Mon.,Tue,MS.,Thu.,Fri.: 13.00-20.15.


        14. Fitness aerobics, coach Sazon Ekaterina Nikolaevna, number +375333925761

        Work schedule of the section:

        Wed.:13.00-21.15 (1st and 3rd week of the month)

        13.00-20.15 (2nd and 4th week of the month)


        15. Sports section "Relief", coach Mamedov Andrey Alexandrovich, number +375298833195

        The work schedule of the section is Mon, MS., Fri. 13.15-20.00.


        16. Table tennis Lovers Club, coach Mamedov Andrey Alexandrovich, number +375298833195

        The schedule of the section is Sat.:11.00-13.00.


        17. Orion Fitness aerobics, trainer Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Martyshevich, number +375298175351

        Work schedule of the section:

        Wed.: 13.00-21.15 (1st and 3rd week of the month)

        13.00-20.15 (2nd and 4th week of the month).


        18. Sports section "Hercules", coach Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Martyshevich, number +375298175351

        Work schedule of the section:

        Mon, Tue., Thu., Fri.:13.00-21.00 (1st and 3rd week of the month);

        13.00-20.15 (2nd and 4th week of the month);

        Sat.:10.00-13.30 (2nd and 4th week of the month).


        19. Boxing coach Andrey Alexandrovich Nechai; number 80295877764 category of participants - students.

        Working hours of the section: Tue 17:00-19:00 Wed 17:00-19:00

        Location: GOKTSOR "Neman" Kommunalnaya str., 3


        20. Tennis, coach Natalia Giver, tel. 2680138 (MTS), category of participants - students.

        Training schedule : Section schedule: Tue. 16:30-17:50 Thu 16:30-17:50;

        Location: Zakharova str., 32

        Olympic achievements















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