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Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno included into top 200 best universities in the region of the countries fellowship and countries of Asia

YKSUG has been included for the first time in the regional rating QS EECA Ranking 2018 and ranked among the top 200 best universities in the developing countries region of Europe and Central Asia, accounting for 7% of the total number of higher education institutions participating in the ranking.

In all, 2938 universities from thirty countries, including the CIS countries, the Baltic States, the Caucasus, as well as Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic were evaluated. The first position in the rating is held by MVLomonosov Moscow State University.

Among the Belarusian higher educational institutions, the top 200 rating includes four universities: the best result at BSU - 21 place. BNTU took 79th place, BSUIR is at 118th position. YKSUG takes a place in the group "191-200". In the same group there are such universities as the Russian State A.I. Herzen Pedagogical University , St. Petersburg State Technological Institute, Kiev National Linguistic University.

The rating takes into account the academic authority of the university, the reputation among employers, the ratio of faculty to the number of students, the share of foreign teachers, the share of foreign students, the proportion of employees with a scientific degree, the popularity of Internet resources, the number of published and quoted articles in the publications of Scopus.

QS World University Rankings is a global study of higher education institutions of world importance on indicators of their achievements in the field of education and science. This rating was developed in 2004 and is calculated by the methodology of the British consulting company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). It is considered one of the most influential global university ratings.

 You can learn more about the place of Yanka Kupala State University in world rankings here.

On October, 6 the volunteers of ESN YKSUG Grodno together with the Internationalization Centre of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno held “Welcome party” for international students of YKSUG



Both Belarusian and international students had been invited to take part in the event. The members of youth society AEGEE-Grodno had been also invited and helped with the organizational work. The warm atmosphere, wonderful music, lots of new awesome people and exciting Belarusian traditional games left bright unforgettable impressions for everybody, who took part in the event. The amazing evening will be not only on the numerous pictures, but also forever in our hearts.

According to Aliaksandr Lapatneu`s (the president of ESN YKSUG Grodno) words, “the event is a great opportunity for international students to get acquainted with Belarusian students and become closer to each other. Besides, it`s a good chance to learn more about Belarusian culture and traditions”. “I`m very happy that everything is worthwhile and the international students really enjoy our events. The guys, who always visited our ESNevents last year, have come to

“Welcome party” this year again and brought their new friends with them”. – shared her impressions after the event Nadezhda Kuryan, the vice-president of ESN YKSUG Grodno.

It must be mentioned, that this year 260 international students came to Yanka Kupala State University to study here. The volunteers of ESN YKSUG promise to do their best to help international students to adjust to life in new country and organize different events for them, as experience has shown, they are very popular among both Belarusian and international students.


ESN YKSUG Grodno is the First Local section of ESN Belarus situated in Grodno. ESN YKSUG Grodno (or just ESN YKSUG) is a club of international student initiatives. A small group of students of the Yanka Kupala State University has joined their ideas and plans within ESN YKSUG in order to motivate other students to be active in international events and university life, to participate in international programs and projects, to get information about participation in different international programs, assistance for incoming and outgoing students.

Representatives of the YKSUG have been solemnly presented with "vouchers" for the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi

More than 300 young people from the age of 18 to 35 will represent Belarus at a major international event, 20 people from Grodno region, including students and employees of YKSUG.

The selected candidates are activists of student and volunteer movements of YKSUG, participants in international and national scientific forums and conferences, actions, projects and competitions, holders of numerous letters of gratitude from public associations, diplomas and awards. Among them are students of the Faculty of Pedagogy Veranika Kazhaneuskaya, Karyna Mlynovskaya, students of the Faculty of Philology Aliaksandar Lapatneu, Anastasia Hostik, Katsiaryna Harhun and a student of the Economics and Management Department Alena Yanko.

The words of parting to the students were sent by the Senior vice-rector of the University Iryna Kiturka.

– Participation in the World Festival of Youth and Students for you is a kind of gift of fate. This is an important event, both for the delegates and for the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno as a whole. We are especially proud of the fact that among the three hundred delegates of our country the right to represent Belarus at the International Student Parade in Moscow is granted to our student – Veranika Kazhaneuskaya, – marked Iryna Kiturka. – Use the upcoming week, during which the festival will be held, to the maximum: Make new acquaintances, find inspiration for new projects and get unforgettable impressions.

Iryna Kiturka presented the delegates with the permit for the festival and wished self-confidence, success, worthily presenting native country, city and university at a large-scale international event, and, most importantly, returning with new ideas and vivid impressions.

Kind words were sounded from the Head of the Department of Educational Work with Young People Aksana Kotava and the secretary of YKSUG BRYU Andrey Esin.

Activists of public associations active in the university gave their delegates a task. Students proposed to learn about the work of public organizations and associations in other countries, about the experience of organizing student groups and the possibility of participation of Belarusian students in their work, to establish contacts with representatives of the student government of the neighboring countries included in the Bologna process, as well as learn about the implementation of international projects for the preservation of historical heritage.

The XIX World Festival of Youth and Students will be held in Sochi from 14 to 22 October. More than 20 thousand students from 150 countries of the world will gather at one site - young leaders from different fields: representatives of youth public organizations, young journalists, creative and sporting youth, young engineers and IT specialists, leaders of youth organizations of political parties, young entrepreneurs, leaders of student self-government, young scientists and teachers of higher education institutions, and foreigners studying Russian.

Within the framework of the festival, the participants will work together to work out the concept of the planet's development until 2030 and try to formulate answers to the most pressing challenges facing the generation.

Participants are expected to have unique and intense discussion, cultural, scientific, educational and sports programs with the participation of world-class professionals, real applied skills at master classes and creative workshops, and communication with like-minded people and colleagues from different countries. The students will visit ballet, ice show, film festival, jazz festival, circus performance, and also show their creative and physical abilities in street dances, sports and many other events.

The festival is aimed at consolidation of the youth world community, strengthening of the international ties and development of interethnic and intercultural interaction.

The delegation of YKSUG to go to the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi

Festival of Youth and Students  will be held from 14 to 22 October and will bring together the most active and energetic representatives of youth from 180 countries.

The start of the large-scale forum will be given by the International Parade of Students on October 14 in Moscow, in which the student of YKSUG Veranika Kazhaneuskaya will take part. The main events will be held in the Olympic Park of Sochi from October 14 to 22. The participants will have a bright opening ceremony with the participation of the festival's producer, composer Igor Krutoy, a rich discussion, cultural, scientific, educational and sports program, involving dozens of interesting events.

The festival will gather the students who take an active part in the social, scientific and cultural life of their countries. Among the participants is a delegation from the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. It consists of the Deputy Head of the International Cooperation Department of the Education Internationalization Centre Yauheny Shydlouski and students of – activists of student and volunteer movements of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, participants in international and republican scientific forums and conferences, actions, projects and competitions, holders of numerous letters of gratitude from public associations, letters of commendation and awards.

Among them – a 4th year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy, specialty “Logopedics”, Veranika Kazhaneuskaya – winner of the university competition and the regional stage of the republican contest "Student of the Year - 2016", a diploma of the 2nd stage of the Republican contest "Student of the Year - 2016".

4th year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy, specialty “Primary Education” Karyna Mlynouskaya – member of the Public Republican Council under the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus, participant of the republican contest "Leader of the Year" and a scholarship student of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

Aliaksandr Lapatneu, 4th year student of the Faculty of Philology, specialty “Modern Foreing Languages” – president of the Club of International Student Initiatives "SUNet", the initiator of the club's entry into the International Exchange Erasmus Student Network, a permanent volunteer of Summer and Winter Russian Language Schools.

Student of the 2nd year of the Faculty of Economics and Management, specialty “Finance and Credit”, Alena Yanko – winner of the title of the first Vice-Miss at the national final of the XXVI International intercollegiateuniversity competition of grace and artistic mastery "Queen Spring-2017", Miss-Internet of the Universitet competition of grace and artistic mastery "Miss University-2017". In the 2017-2018 academic year, it was placed on the Honors Board "Pride of the University" for the high results in the academic, scientific, creative, public and sports activities of the university.

Anastasiya Hostik, 4th year student of the Faculty of Philology, specialty “Modern Foreign Languages” – an active participant in volunteerism at the university and in Belarus: the commander of the volunteer detachment of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, the "Good Heart", a member of the Republican Council of Volunteers at BSYU. A second-degree diploma winner of the university competition "Student of the Year - 2016".

Katsiaryna Harhun, 4th year student of the Faculty of Philology, specialty “Modern Foreign Languages” – active member of student and volunteer movements, member of the club "Goroden" of "Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs", Volunteer of the local section of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, and Belarus ESN-YKSUG of the International Student Exchange Network in the framework of the Erasmus program. Engaged in the theatrical studio of the philological faculty "Theaters" and in the vocal studio of the university "Uni-song".

In 2017 the festival movement celebrates the 70th anniversary of the first ever Festival in Prague in 1947. In 1957, a large-scale forum was held in Moscow, the capital of the USSR under the slogan "For Peace and Friendship" and had a great influence on the further development of culture and art and served as the ancestor of many innovative genres for these times in those areas.

The motto of this festival is "For peace, solidarity and social justice, we are fighting against imperialism - respecting our past, we are building the future!" The organizers of the forum are the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), which has consultative status with UNESCO, and the National Preparatory Committee of Russia.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and American International Campus Private Limited in Sri Lanka will begin joint training of specialists in postgraduate programs

The parties signed the corresponding agreement for a period of five years on October 9.

The agreement provides training for specialists in postgraduate programs at the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University on the basis of the AIC Campus in Colombo. At the end of the graduate school, each specialist will receive a diploma of a researcher of the Republic of Belarus and an opportunity to submit a thesis for defense.

It should be noted that the cooperation of the two institutions of higher education began in 2017. At the end of January, the universities signed an agreement on the training of students for the program of the YKSUG in the territory of Sri Lanka at American International Campus Private Limited. Within the framework of this agreement, in the last academic year, ten students of preparatory courses were trained at the AIC, who were examined in September by the dean of the Faculty of Pre-university Training Yury Ramanousky and Head of the Department of Technologies of Pre-University Education Iryna Karliukova. At the same time, the prospects of training specialists in postgraduate programs at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno were discussed. The result of this was the current agreement.

It is planned that in the near future representatives of two universities will sign an agreement on training specialists at the first stage of higher education in the specialties "Preschool education" and "Psychology".

Representatives of the Chinese province of Gansu will study Russian at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

For the first time the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno organizes the School of Russian language for the citizens of the PRC. The employees of the Government, the Corporation for the Development of Highways, Aviation and Tourism, the Department of Health and the Commerce Department of Gansu Province to learn the language for two weeks - from October 13 to 27.

Grodno oblast and Gansu province have a long history of cooperation, which is established in a wide range of sectors: economy, industry, tourism. Active interaction of the regions over the past few years has led to the need for training cadres for the Russian language for more effective cooperation. In September of this year, during the visit to Grodno of a delegation from Gansu province, an agreement was signed to support the organization of training between the Office of External Relations under the Government of the Gansu Province of China and the Economy Committee of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee.

The program of the School includes daily 6-hour interactive classes in the Russian language, many of them will be conducted in the form of business games, with the use of case studies and modern teaching methods. In their free time the participants of the School will visit enterprises of the Grodno region and get acquainted with the economy and culture of the oblast.

It is worth noting that the Yanka Kupala State University has more than 20 years of experience in teaching foreigners to the Russian language. In addition, since 2015 the University has successfully implemented the projects "Summer and Winter Russian Language School", the number of participants and geography of which is growing every year.


The Gansu Province is located in the north-western part of the People's Republic of China. Its administrative center and the largest city is Lanzhou, whose population is more than 25.5 million people.

For centuries, Gansu was a vital corridor between China and Central Asia: through it passed a nearly 1600-kilometer stretch of the Great Silk Road. The province was considered a "golden segment" of this international tract. Evidence of this are numerous ancient monuments scattered along the entire Silk Road - temples, monasteries, pagodas, towers and ancient castles.

The province is considered a developed economic region of China. Much attention is paid to power engineering, extraction and processing of non-ferrous metals, engineering and petrochemicals.

The first lesson in the Russian language for representatives of the Chinese province of Gansu was held at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Representatives of the Chinese province of Gansu will study Russian at the YKSUG during two weeks.

The program includes daily 6-hour interactive classes in the Russian language, many of which will take the form of business games, with the use of case studies and modern teaching methods. The classes will be conducted by the Associate Professor of the Department of Language Training of Belarusian and Foreign Citizens, PhD (Philology) Natallia Muzychenka.

The training project organized by the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee in conjunction with the Yanka Kupala State University and the Office of External Relations of the Gansu Provincial Government is primarily aimed at developing business relations between the Grodno oblast and the Ganshu province.

– I came to Grodno for the second time, – said the employee of the Department of Commerce of Gansu Province Zhang Yaouha. – At the first visit, unfortunately, we did not manage to get acquainted with the city, but this time we were able to walk along Grodno and see the main sights. The project is a good chance for the province of Ganshu and Grodno oblast to establish trade and economic cooperation, as well as to exchange talented specialists, to find new partners.

The project involves not only teaching the Russian language, but also acquaintance of guests with the economy of the Grodno region, including a visit to the Free Economic Zone "Grodnoinvest", as well as enterprises of the Grodno region.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is admitted to the Compostela Group of Universities

This became known during the XXIII General Assembly of the Compostela Group of Universities, which was held at the University of Pecs in Hungary in September this year.

Recall that in September 2016, the rector of the YKSUG Andrei Korol and the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Yury Bialykh, at the invitation of the rector of the University of Jaume I, took part in the XXII General Assembly of the Compostela Group of Universities, during which they held preliminary negotiations on joining this association.

Recall that in September 2016, the rector of the YKSUG Andrei Korol and the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Yury Bialykh, at the invitation of the rector of the University of Jaume I, took part in the XXII General Assembly of the Compostela Group of Universities, during which they held preliminary negotiations on joining this association.

For its members Compostela Group of Universities is a platform for the implementation of intercontinental educational, research, mobile and project activities. Particular attention is paid to the links between universities and enterprises, representatives of employers and practice in general.

Sviatlana Hanchar, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Yanka Kupala State University, took part in the conference of the XXIII General Assembly of the Compostela Group of Universities

The forum was held at the University of Pécs in Hungary and gathered dozens of participants from Europe and continental America. Belarus and the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno were represented by Sviatlana Hanchar, head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology.

Within the framework of the conference dedicated to traditions and innovations, the role and social responsibility of universities in the modern world, Sviatlana Hanchar spoke in the debate on the reports of the director of the Association for Academic Cooperation Bernard Vechter and the director of the Center for International Relations of the Ministry of Education of Hungary Istvan Tarrosi. Also, the representative of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the round table "Generation Z, the search for new scientific approaches in teaching".

- In the process of informal communication, contacts were exchanged with potential partner universities from Hungary, Belgium, Mexico, Brazil and Peru, - said Sviatlana Hanchar. - This is necessary for the expansion of academic cooperation within the new network, as well as the presentation of the educational and scientific potential of the bathing university with the aim of promoting the interests of the university abroad.

More news of the Faculty of Philology here.

The rector of Bialystok Technical University, Professor Lech Dzenis, visited Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for the first time and met with the university's authorities

During the meeting, which was attended by the Senior VIce-rector of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Yury Bialykh, Vice-rector for Scientific Affairs Uladzimir Barsukou, the parties discussed further prospects of mutually beneficial cooperation.

As emphasized by Irina Kiturko, Grodno University is ready to expand bilateral relations, which will allow the cooperation of the two universities to reach a completely new level. This is facilitated by the introduction of a visa-free regime, which provides new opportunities for expanding and strengthening contacts between employees.

- This year a scientific and technological park was created in YKSUG, cooperation within the framework of which can become another direction for joint activity, - said Iryna Kiturka.

Lech Dzenis, in turn, stressed that the Białystok Technical University is interested in expanding cooperation with the Yanka Kupala State University in a number of areas, both in educational and scientific activities, including the organization and holding of joint conferences, academic mobility, design and implementation of joint educational programs.

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