Pedagogical innovations in the context of interdisciplinary education and digital university are mastered by teachers of the Yanka Kupala State University

Another organizational activity seminar of heads of departments was held at Kupala University.

According to the organizers, the topic of pedagogical innovations was not chosen by chance: modern society needs specialists who can think creatively, find alternative solutions to problem situations, capable of innovative thinking, self-development and constant change. Time challenges push teachers to use active forms of learning, to move from the transfer of ready-made knowledge to learning through discovery, search, and interaction.
Within the framework of the seminar, the participants, using the technology of solving the open task, searched for answers to the questions “"What should be taught to students today?”, “How to teach them?”, “Why to teach?”.
Participants of the seminar were asked to evaluate five innovative educational technologies — interactive, mixed, inverted, heuristic learning and case technologies. For this purpose, interdisciplinary working groups were formed, moderated by participants of the project “Changes in the educational environment: promoting innovative teaching and learning to improve the educational activities of students in the Eastern partnership countries PRINTeL”. They were the head of the Department of Foreign Languages Svetlana Gonchar, the dean of the Faculty of Pre-university Training Irina Korlyukova, the head of the Educational and Methodological Department for Managing the Quality of Education at EMM Daria Shpak, the deputy dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Tatyana Vankova, and the head of the Department of International Business and Marketing Lee Cheong-gu.
The participants of the seminar were invited to conduct a SWOT analysis of one of the innovative educational technologies and, based on the results of the analysis, to reflect its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of application during theoretical and practical classes, during the preparation of course and diploma projects, at the stage of final certification. At the final stage, the heads of departments were compiling an algorithm of actions for the successful implementation of innovative educational technology in the educational process and presenting the results of the work for joint assessment and discussion.
For example, the participants of the group that analyzed inverted learning suggested to organize training of teachers to use the new technology, assess the level of readiness of students to learn it, select the appropriate educational material, organize diagnostics of students' knowledge, get their reflexive response to the technology used in the educational process.
The full results of the seminar will be published in the electronic scientific and methodological journal “University of Educational Innovations.”

The second phase of the Science and Technology Park is being actively built at Yanka Kupala State University

Reconstruction of the building at Gaspadarchaya street was started in December 2019. The building is planned to be put into operation at the end of 2020.
In July 2017, the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Training and Research and Production Center “Tekhnolab”, the founder of which is the Yanka Kupala State University, received the status of a Science and Technology Park. The purpose of creating a Science and Technology Park is to form an infrastructure for commercializing the results of scientific and technical activities through the creation and support of small innovative enterprises. The Science and Technology Park is intended to become an innovative platform that combines the potential of scientists and the capabilities of enterprises and organizations in the Grodno region, a territory where new highly qualified jobs and high-tech production are created, which will increase the competitiveness of the region's economy.
The first building of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Science and Technology Park was inaugurated on November 6, 2018. Scientific and technological equipment worth more than eight hundred thousand rubles was purchased to support the activities of the Technopark and its residents. During the year, seven successfully working residents have been joined the Technopark, and 17 jobs have been created.
In December 2019, the reconstruction of the building at 23/4 Gaspadarchaya Street began under administrative and production premises — the so-called second phase of the construction of the Science and Technology Park.
The new building will house 16 production premises, 5 open-space premises, 11 office premises, 3 coworking rooms, a conference room, an exhibition center, which are equipped to support small innovative entrepreneurship within the framework of the science and technology park.
It is worth noting that Yanka Kupala Grodno State University is open to cooperation and invites all entrepreneurs with innovative ideas to become residents of the Science and Technology Park. Among the reasons to become a resident of the Technopark are business opportunities such as commercialization of scientific research and creating your own business, lease on preferential terms, tax incentives, access to resources and assistance in implementing innovative projects.

The Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism invites you to the II Student Forum «FIKIT_SCIENCE»

The forum will be held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno on April 22-23 and will bring together more than 200 students and undergraduates of higher education institutions in Belarus.

During the event, participants will discuss topical issues of the history of Belarus and the world history, the most important areas of sociological research, media culture, media education, journalism and PR. The forum's topics include aspects of tourism and hospitality, excursion studies, tour management, as well as linguistics, intercultural communication and literary studies.
There are plans to hold a plenary session and work sections, organize round tables, seminars, master classes, presentations of interdisciplinary projects and student scientific associations.
Applications for participation in the conference must be sent before April 6 to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. As a result of the forum, an electronic collection of materials will be prepared and deposited in BelISA. Materials for publication in the collection are accepted until April 22.
You can find the application form and requirements for registration of materials in the Appendix.

Yanka Kupala State University congratulated women on the holiday of March 8

At the festive occasion dedicated to the International Women's Day, the warmest words and wishes were addressed to teachers, employees and students of Kupala University.
On the eve of the spring holiday, teachers and labor veterans, active representatives of public associations and leaders of academic activities, winners and participants of sports competitions and creative projects were invited to the concert.
Irina Kiturko, Rector of Grodno State University of Yanka Kupala, welcomed everyone who gathered at Kupala University on the eve of the spring women's holiday:
– I sincerely wish to congratulate you on this wonderful upcoming holiday. Today I want to compliment you. Thank you for your beauty and concern, for the beautiful, feminine way you treat your work and colleagues, students. It is such happiness that we can see the world through a woman's eyes, feel, be mothers and grandmothers! I sincerely congratulate you and wish you good health and all the best!
Irina Kiturko also presented letters of gratitude from the Grodno Regional Council of Deputies to Lyudmila Tiploshevich, a leading HR specialist in the HR Department of the Center for HR and legal work. Anna Shunevich, HR inspector in the HR Department of the Center for HR and legal work and Elena Kulesh, the Deputy Manager of the Center for public relations, Chief of intracorporate communications, was noted with Certificate of the University for conscientious effective work, high achievements in professional activity and in connection with the 80th anniversary of the University.
On this day, loud applause was heard for the women's volleyball team “Kommunalnik GRSU”, which once again became the first in international volleyball competitions for the Rector's Cup.
Igor Kerget, the Chairman of the University's Trade Union Committee, congratulated the women's half of Grodno State University of Yanka Kupala:
– Throughout our lives, we are surrounded by women: mothers, grandmothers, teachers, girls, wives. Even in difficult moments, when you need to make the right decision, a woman uses her feelings. I wish that in your life there was more spring, there were those who are always guided by feelings around you, at work and at home, then it will be warmer, easier and more beautiful for all of us. Happy holidays!
Musical gifts for the participants of the event were heard from students of Kupala University, and at the end of the concert, each woman received flowers and a sweet surprise.

Chinese Culture Festival at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno gathered about 100 participants

The event was attended by students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, local schoolchildren and volunteers from Minsk.


Chinese Culture Festival lasted for two days. During the festival, language students conducted a quiz on Chinese history and culture, prepared a presentation on Chinese painting and traditional crafts, held a phraseology decoding contest and a phonetic battle. The festival featured melodic Chinese songs and recited poems, including the poem “I Loved You” by Alexander Pushkin translated into Chinese.

The holiday program also included numerous master classes on Chinese calligraphy and papercutting. Everyone could take part in the Chinese tea ceremony and tasting dishes of Chinese cuisine, which were prepared by volunteers and students. The most active participants of the event were 1st and 2nd year students of the specialty “Linguistic support for intercultural communications”, who study Chinese as the first foreign language. They were actively helped by volunteers from Minsk to prepare a full and interesting program of the festival. The volunteers presented several concert performances, including Chinese poetry reading, modern Chinese songs and flute music.

Everyone who is interested in Chinese culture could take part in the festival. There were students from different faculties of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, as well as schoolchildren and administration of secondary school No. 38 in Grodno, on the basis of which a branch of the Translation and Intercultural Communication Department of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was created. The purpose of the Chinese Culture Festival, which was held on the initiative of the Curriculum office “Confucius Cabinet” and the Translation and Intercultural Communication Department of the History, Communication and Tourism Faculty, was to help motivate students and schoolchildren to learn Chinese language and culture and develop their communicative, intercultural and professional competence.


An educational workshop brought together students from Germany and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno


For three days they will discuss issues of student self-government.


The German delegation includes students from two higher education institutions: Dresden Technical University and Freiberg Mining Academy. The event is held under the general title “Tandem Partnership Germany-Belarus – Academic Self-Government”.

While welcoming the guests, Yuri Belykh, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at Yanka Kupala State University, expressed confidence that the event will be very useful and interesting for representatives of both parties.

– Both our country and Germany, of course, have their own experience in how the system of student self-government is established, – said Yuri Belykh. – But this is a completely different experience. And this event provides a unique opportunity to exchange experiences, learn new approaches, learn about new ideas that can be implemented in the future at their own educational institutions. I think that for the participants of the educational workshop for these three days will open access to very interesting information, which will be useful for students, including in terms of forming their life position.

Foreign guests also paid attention to the importance of such joint events. By the way, an agreement on holding an educational workshop at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was reached during the previous visit of German universities representatives in Grodno, which took place this summer.

– I would like to thank Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for the invitation, as well as for the great organizational work, thanks to which this event took place, – said the project coordinator, researcher of Dresden Technical University Tatiana Piliptsevich. – We are convinced that if young people meet more often with their foreign colleagues, in the future it will be easier for them to establish contacts and work together on any relevant issues, and thus, to promote mutually beneficial cooperation between their countries. In addition, by working together, students acquire soft skills that will be useful for them in the future.

After the official opening of the event, Matthias Dornfeldt, Professor of International and Comparative Policy at Postdam University, held an interactive lecture entitled “Prospects for student cooperation and exchange – student expectations”. This was followed by two workshops on the topic of open communication and cooperation by Marianna Novosolova, a researcher at Dresden Technical University. For the next two days, the participants are scheduled to work actively in small groups. There are also plans to organize study tours around the city specially for the guests from Germany. The three-day educational workshop will end with a presentation of ideas and joint projects developed by the students of both countries.


Students from German universities and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno presented their projects within the framework of the educational workshop



For three days students worked on the concept of an ideal structure for student self-government.


The event was held under the general title “Tandem Partnership Germany-Belarus – Academic Self-Government”. The workshop was organized in the framework of cooperation between the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and higher educational institutions of Germany: Dresden Technical University, Freiberg Mining Academy and Postdam University.

Students of both countries worked in groups to create a concept of an ideal self-government structure. They presented their ideas during the final meeting of the three-day educational workshop. The projects concerned the solution of educational and social problems that students may have, organization of their leisure activities, as well as the implementation of different formats of students’ participation in the life of their university. At the end of the workshop about 30 students from the two countries received certificates of the international project “Tandem Partnership Germany-Belarus – Academic Self-Government”.

The Chancellor of Dresden Technical University Andreas Handschuch attended the final event of the educational workshop. Guests from Germany expressed their hope to meet again next year as a part of the following educational workshop. In return, Yuri Belykh, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, thanked the representatives of Dresden Technical University for their initiative, and the representatives of our University for the excellent organization of the event. “The fact that the meeting has brought a lot of positive emotions can be seen in the general mood of students, who over the past three days have acquired not only a lot of new knowledge, but also many good friends”, – said Yuri Belykh.


Students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the training session for volunteers «Effective Communication in Business and Personal Relationships»


The event was held at the Grodno State Regional Palace of Children and Youth Creativity on March 3.

The training for Kupala students was conducted by representatives of Heritage 2019 LLC together with Unisef. The purpose of the training was to develop communication competence, the ability to listen well and perceive information accurately.
During the training, the volunteers learned about the rules of communication and the current communication model. The students were able to apply their knowledge in practice by performing various exercises.
As the Kupala students themselves note, the event was an excellent chance for them to learn to find an approach even to uncooperative interlocutors, to correctly convey thoughts to other people, which is important in volunteer activities.

Rector Irina Kiturko meets student activists of university faculties at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Representatives of the Faculty of Arts and Design, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, and the Faculty of Philology were invited to the first meeting.

The meeting was held in the format of an open dialogue. Setting the tone for the upcoming conversation, Irina Kiturko noted that she is ready to support any initiative of students.
“You are a driving force in your faculties, you are the ones that other students follow. Therefore, I expect more activity from you, I expect that in the future we will increasingly hold such meetings on the initiative of students, rather than leadership,” – addressed the audience Irina Kiturko.
One of the most discussed issues was the construction of a new dormitory. In particular, the students were interested in whether there had been developed any criteria by which the Kupala students would be settled in the new dormitory as a matter of priority. Irina Fedorovna replied that she was ready to consider the proposals on this subject by the students themselves. By the way, the survey has already been conducted, and its results will be known in the near future.
Continuing the topic of building a new dormitory, the rector of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Irina Kiturko, noted that the construction of the building is proceeding at a faster-than-expected pace, and she is ready to support the student initiative to participate in properly organized subbotnik works at the construction site. In turn, students proposed to organize the work of a student construction team in the summer and thus contribute to the speedy commissioning of the long-awaited facility.
During the open dialogue, issues related to the functioning of other dormitories of Kupala University were also raised. Many of them concerned student hostel No. 3. As a result, the rector decided to sort out the raised problems on the spot and made an appointment with the students living there the very next day.
Among the topical issues voiced during a frank conversation with the rector, there was also the question of a possible increase in tuition fees. Irina Kiturko confirmed that payment will increase from April 1, the size of the cost increase is currently being discussed.
During the open dialogue, medical care for students, catering, and support for student startups were discussed. Also the topic of the 75th anniversary of the great Victory was touched and events which can be held in a new format to mark the milestone date were discussed.
At the end of the conversation, the rector of the Yanka Kupala State University Irina Kiturko thanked the students for their activity, as well as for the frank conversation. Irina Feodorovna once again reminded that, clearly following the Mission of the University, its management strives to identify, reveal and realize the potential of each student. And if there is a mutual interest in this, then such meetings of students with the University management should be held more often, including at the initiative of the students themselves.


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