24.04.20 - The X Republican scientific and practical conference "From Alpha to Omega" will be held at Yanka Kupala State University;
The results of the contest of methodological developments of educational activities will be summed up in Yanka Kupala State University;
The results of the contest "Mentor - 2020" will be summed up at Yanka Kupala State University
22.04.20 - A single day of information will be held at Yanka Kupala State University;
The final of the competition "Best University group-2020" will be held at Yanka Kupala State University
17.04.20 - The II Republican youth festival-contest "MEDIASPHERE-2020" will be held at Yanka Kupala State University;
Students of Yanka Kupala State University are invited to participate in the contest for the best essay;
The V Grodno tournament of young mathematicians in the Junior League will be held at Yanka Kupala State University
16.04.20 - The II Republican youth festival-contest "MEDIASPHERE-2020" will be held at Yanka Kupala State University;
The fantasy musical "The Last Trial" within the II Republican youth festival-competition "MEDIASPHERE-2020" will be held at Kupala University
14.04.20 - Methodical seminar of mentors of educational groups "School of the mentor" will be held at Yanka Kupala State University
Teachers of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are actively mastering distance learning technologies
A program of professional development of teachers “University of Educational Innovations: Distance Learning Technologies” was launched at Kupala University.
The program of full-time distance courses includes classes during which teachers and faculty specialists will be shown successful and promising methods of distance learning, as well as projects for creating and using distance courses.
According to the head of the Educational and Methodological Department of the Yanka Kupala State University Marina Kolotsei, distance education technologies have become firmly established in the educational practice of preparing students in most of the University's specialties. Elements of the distance learning model have been most successfully tested by University teachers in mixed and heuristic learning. Very often, classes begin in the classroom and continue in a network form, or, conversely, the interaction of teachers and students begins in a virtual space and flows smoothly into live communication at lectures and practical classes. Classical forms of the educational process are flexibly transformed, modified, become more practice-oriented and in demand by students.
In the classroom, students learn and test options for organizing and conducting online lectures, ways to create interactive learning elements in the Moodle system, get acquainted with the author's methodology for organizing distance learning activities of students using Google services, get practical experience in creating interactive video tasks, learn to use the case method in working with students in remote form, master the technology of conducting heuristic Internet classes, develop sets of computer tests.
During the course, students will act as both teachers and students. Teachers will work on two different platforms — the teacher's and the student's. The new methodological technique will help students not only master their own digital space, but also evaluate the possibilities of students' digital space.
The course program is designed for eight classes, which will be held in March-April 2020 in organizational form. The result of the students' work will be electronic interactive educational and methodological complexes for students.
Among the moderators of the courses are Marina Kolotsey, head of the Educational and Methodical Department, Anatoly Bogdevich, head of the Educational Department at EMM, Svetlana Gonchar, head of the Foreign Languages Department, Lee Jeong-gu, head of the International Business and Marketing Department, Oleg Kolyago, head of the Educational Innovations laboratory, and director of the Grodno State Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 1”, Igor Maslov.
The Ministry of Education of Belarus has set the lower threshold of marks for CT-2020
The Ministry of Education has determined marks that are considered unsatisfactory based on the results of centralized testing, which is stipulated by the Ministry’s resolution No. 16 of March 3, 2020, published on the National Legal Internet Portal.
For Belarusian or Russian languages marks from 0 to 9 points (inclusive) will be considered unsatisfactory, for Philology specialties — from 0 to 24.
For the first subject of the profile test – mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology – marks from 0 to 19 points are equated to unsatisfactory (inclusive). The lower threshold value of marks in the history of Belarus, world history (recent times), social studies, geography, foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese) is set at a level from 0 to 24 points (inclusive).
With regard to the second subject of a profile test, in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology marks from 0 to 9 points (inclusive) will be considered unsatisfactory, in the history of Belarus, world history (modern times), geography, foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese) — from 0 to 14 points (inclusive).
At the same time, marks from 0 to 6 points will be considered unsatisfactory when enrolling in security universities subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergencies and the State Border Committee. Also, these thresholds will affect military faculties, specialties “production, storage and processing of crop products”, “livestock, fish farming, beekeeping”, “rural construction and land improvement”, “land reclamation and water management”, “agricultural engineering”. Also, these subjects include Belarusian or Russian languages, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history of Belarus, world history (modern times), social studies, geography, foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese). The lower threshold value of marks was the same for CT-2019.
According to BelTA
The winners of the Olympiad in the field of Logistics were awarded at the Yanka Kupala State University on March 18
The Olympiad was held in a remote format on the basis of the Department of Logistics and Management Methods. Its participants were students and graduates of institutions of secondary specialized and vocational education in Belarus.
Representatives of the Minsk College of Entrepreneurship, the Vitebsk State Industrial and Technological College, the Grodno College of Economics and Management, the Stolin State Agrarian and Economic College, and the Brest College, a branch of the Belarusian State University of Transport, tried their hand at intellectual competition.
The Olympiad was held in a remote format using information and communication technologies. The jury estimated not only theoretical knowledge in the field of logistics, but also the ability to put it into practice. To do this, at the first stage the participants had to pass a test, and at the second they had to solve problems arising in the practical activities of a logistician. The students carried out the tasks that required knowledge of logistics and economic terms and concepts, understanding of the basic laws of material flow and economic development of society, skills in analytical interpretation of information related to the movement of material flow, the ability to explain and justify their own point of view.
According to the number of points scored, the first place was shared by students of the Vitebsk State Industrial and Technological College Diana Bychenok and the Minsk College of Entrepreneurship Marina Demidenko. Ksenia Sadovnichaya from the Grodno College of Economics and Management and Anna Tereshko from the Minsk College of Entrepreneurship took the second place. The third place was taken by Alexandra Dashkevich, Kristina Comedko and Maria Babich from the Stolin State Agrarian and Economic College.
According to the organizers, the participants of the Olympiad showed a high level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad were awarded diplomas and valuable gifts, each student received a certificate of participation.
Our health is in our hands
Dear Kupalovtsy! Pay more attention to your health and the health of others.
Nowadays, a healthy lifestyle is not only a fashionable trend, but also the need to protect yourself and resist the disease during the spread of seasonal colds. To do this, you need to follow simple rules: it is important to engage in physical education and play sports, harden your body, do exercises, get enough sleep, eat enough high-quality food, and to include vitamins, fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. A mandatory recommendation is to follow the rules of personal hygiene: cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief when sneezing and coughing, use detergents and water to treat surfaces and household items that are often touched, regularly wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds, avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth with unwashed hands. For prevention purposes, you should limit close contacts with other people, drink more liquids and constantly ventilate the premises.
Please note that Kupala University has adopted a set of measures aimed to protect and maintain the health of employees and students: unauthorized persons are restricted from visiting the university’s dormitories and educational buildings, dispensers with antiseptic agents are installed in public places, and sports and cultural events have been postponed to a later date.
Temporary changes were made to the schedule of the educational process. Lectures for groups of more than 50 people are conducted using distance learning technologies or are postponed to a later period. The university’s digital services allow remote interaction between teachers and students. When organizing the educational process, controled independent work is used as much as possible.
From Monday, March 23, the start time of classes at the university will be changed: students will start classes at 10:05.
We bring to your attention the video of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, which tells how to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Specialists of the Yanka Kupala State University health center are ready to answer your questions regarding the prevention of viral infections and the provision of medical care. You can call the health center by phone 48-70-06 from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 19:00. Information on the provision of medical care at any time of the day can be obtained from the specialists of the Grodno Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital by phone number 43-52-09.
Yanka Kupala State University has completed the advanced training courses for teachers “University of educational innovations: project method of final certification”
From January to March, course participants studied various aspects of the project method of final certification.
In the format of an open dialogue, the participants and organizers of the courses summed up the results of their work. The final event was attended by Vice-rector for academic affairs Gennady Gachko, head of the educational department of the educational- methodological management Anatoly Bogdevich, as well as course moderators.
It is worth noting that during the training, teachers have mastered five training modules. As part of the event, the moderators presented the most effective examples and suggested effective solutions implemented during the final certification at individual faculties of the university. According to the organizers, this allowed to form a holistic view of the essence and ways of organizing project activities in the educational process and during the final certification of graduates.
According to the audience, each of the modules was useful, interesting, and valuable in its content. In reflection, teachers note: “the courses showed the need to use popular technologies of final certification, convenient and interesting for students”, “the proposed methods and forms really work and everything depends on us, on our initiative and enthusiasm”, “society should always rely on people with advanced thinking to achieve full success and significant results”.
The courses were moderated by Daria Shpak, head of the educational and methodological department for quality management of education, Galina Yukhnevich, head of the department of ecology, Oleg Kolyago, head of the laboratory of educational innovations in educational- methodological management, Elena Razova, Associate Professor of the department of system programming and computer security, Li Chong Ku, head of the department of international business and marketing, Igor Maslov, principal of the Lyceum No. 1 in Grodno.
A total of 15 persons, including 2 heads of departments, have improved their qualifications during the course. Participants of the courses work in 10 faculties and 13 departments of the Yanka Kupala State University.
The courses will continue in March 2020. The teachers of three faculties have already initiated the development of distance learning technologies.