“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
Modernisation of master programmes for future judges, prosecutors, investigators with respect to European standard on human rights” (CRIMHUM)
Project Duration: 36 months
Project Number: 598471-EPP-1-2018-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Status: active
Project Members & Partners
- The University of Graz (Austria)
- University of Potsdam (Germany)
- Aix-Marseille University (France)
- Vilnius University (Lithuania)
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine)
- National University "Odesa Law Academy" (Ukraine)
- Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Ukraine)
- Belarusian State University (Belarus)
- Yanka Kupala State Uiversity of Grodno (Belarus)
- Public Organization “Belarusian Republican Union of Lawyers” (Belarus)
- Law Faculty of University of Rijeka (Croatia)
- substantial improvement of the traditional syllabi for the main courses of the so-called “criminal law block” on the first level in Belarus, using the best practices of EU universities and taking note of the reform developments in Ukraine;
- structural and conceptual modernisation of the curricula for specialised Master’s degree programmes for future judge, prosecutor, investigator by combining teaching skills training with European scientific methods and introducing of newest teaching aids and the introduction of significantly improved master programmes for future judges, prosecutors and investigators at 5 Universities in partner countries by September 2020;
- improving the professional and didactical qualifications of teachers in partner countries;
- strengthen the resource base of the modernised master programmes.
After restoration of independence legislators of both countries amended criminal and criminal procedural legislation in the direction of its humanisation. But teaching of disciplines of “criminal law cycle” still tends to old traditions. At the same time training of students-to-be-judges/prosecutors/investigators is an essential element of an efficient system of justice, as it helps to ensure the competency of the judiciary. CRIMHUM, taking into account the synergy with the TRADIR project, will aim to modernise the training in the most conservative legal environment to meet the needs of employers and society, addressing the regional priority–Law, by developing and establishing specialised master programmes in criminal justice based on a Guiding Concept. The project is totally in line with the Concept of the development of legal education in the Republic of Belarus for 2018-2025 as well as labour market demands and last developments in the modernisation of higher legal education in Ukraine. The emphasis is on teaching how to conduct investigations, public prosecution and judging (including understanding of a rights-based approach), respecting fundamental principles in particular. Furthermore, to educate students about modern trends in criminal law and procedure in EU countries and how national law and procedure are affected by foreign, supranational and international law. The project will also lay the foundation for interdisciplinary teaching. Totally new for these countries courses reflecting contemporary criminal threats (e.g., crimes in IT, cross-border crime) will be introduced and course books in national languages will be developed. The traditional law school education will be connected with a practical learning approach (also through installing at the law faculties “work places” with special software to help students to draw up procedural documents). Belarusian and Ukrainian teachers will obtain an advanced training to teach criminal justice courses in English
CRIMHUM website - https://crimhum.bsu.by/en/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/crimhum/