International summer school as the basis of intercultural cooperation and education

International summer school as the basis of intercultural cooperation and education

Funded by the “Eurasia” Program of the Norwegian Center for International Cooperation in Education

Project Duration: 2018 - 2021

Project Number: CPEA-LT-2017/10087

Status: active

Project Members & Partners

University of Oslo (Norway) – Project coordinator

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus)


The aim of this three-year project is to strengthen the internationalization and development of certified summer courses at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (YKSUG) through partnership with the International Summer School (ISS) at the University of Oslo (UiO). The project will include staff mobility for sharing institutional experience from Norway in the management of a summer school, as well as academic collaboration for content and syllabus development, and piloting courses in specific fields such as intercultural competence, foreign languages and development issues. The project will share experiences on aspects such as teaching methods, study techniques, academic reading and writing, structure of exam formats and other areas of capacity building relevant to the intensive format of summer school courses. Student mobility from Belarus to Norway in order to attend relevant summer school courses which have a potential for being developed at YKSUG will also be an integrated part of the project.


To establish sustainable cooperation between YKSUG and NO-UiO/ISS through development of international summer school. To develop multi-disciplinary summer school courses for potential stakeholders at YKSUG, improve the capacity for teaching and learning in an intercultural environment, and increase student mobility through institutional partnership between YKSUG and ISS.


1) Institutional development of YKSUG through the establishment of an internationally attractive summer school and increased opportunities for student mobility.

2) Institutional development of ISS through partaking in academic development and creative processes in partnership with YKSUG, as well as by strengthening and diversifying their student body with participants from Belarus.

3) A concept for international summer school at YKSUG, with course modules including intercultural competences and communication, foreign languages and development studies.

4) Mobility of YKSUG students to ISS.

Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education

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