Tuesday, 07 June 2016 08:52

Students and staff of YKSUG took part in XI Festival of National Cultures

Students and staff of YKSUG took part in XI Festival of National Cultures

   The representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno prepared concert program for the festival participants and guests and invited all of them to taste the dishes of Tatar-Bashkir cuisine. 


   The staff of YKSUG Catering Centre were the hosts in the Tartar-Bashkir Podvorye. They prepared a lot of national meals for the festival guests, such as cutlet «Kazan», stuffed cabagge «Tudma», shred-pie «Kastybay», triangles with meat, echpochmak, chuck-chuck, fruit pilaf. 

   Our University students demonstrated their talents during the concert «Salut, bonjour, hello!». Among the artists were students from Belarus, Turkmenistan, Sri-Lanka, China and other countries. They performed national songs and fiery dances.

   It should be noted, that with every year the Festival become more scaled. 36 nationalities took part this year (for comparison, it was only 11 in the first festival). The format of the Festival has no analogues in the world.  The wide-scale event unites the ethnic minorities populating the territory of our country, contributes the preservation of national identity each of them and helps to mutual cultural enrichment.  Grodno has obtained new cultural objects to the XI Countywide Festival of National Cultures: the new sculptures were placed, the Museum of the Festival of National Cultures was opened, the album «Multinational Belarus» was republished.

Students and staff of YKSUG took part in XI Festival of National Cultures 

Read 13891 times Last modified on Tuesday, 07 June 2016 11:34
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