Monday, 13 April 2020 15:02

Pedagogical innovations in the context of interdisciplinary education and digital university are mastered by teachers of the Yanka Kupala State University

Pedagogical innovations in the context of interdisciplinary education and digital university are mastered by teachers of the Yanka Kupala State University

Another organizational activity seminar of heads of departments was held at Kupala University.

According to the organizers, the topic of pedagogical innovations was not chosen by chance: modern society needs specialists who can think creatively, find alternative solutions to problem situations, capable of innovative thinking, self-development and constant change. Time challenges push teachers to use active forms of learning, to move from the transfer of ready-made knowledge to learning through discovery, search, and interaction.
Within the framework of the seminar, the participants, using the technology of solving the open task, searched for answers to the questions “"What should be taught to students today?”, “How to teach them?”, “Why to teach?”.
Participants of the seminar were asked to evaluate five innovative educational technologies — interactive, mixed, inverted, heuristic learning and case technologies. For this purpose, interdisciplinary working groups were formed, moderated by participants of the project “Changes in the educational environment: promoting innovative teaching and learning to improve the educational activities of students in the Eastern partnership countries PRINTeL”. They were the head of the Department of Foreign Languages Svetlana Gonchar, the dean of the Faculty of Pre-university Training Irina Korlyukova, the head of the Educational and Methodological Department for Managing the Quality of Education at EMM Daria Shpak, the deputy dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Tatyana Vankova, and the head of the Department of International Business and Marketing Lee Cheong-gu.
The participants of the seminar were invited to conduct a SWOT analysis of one of the innovative educational technologies and, based on the results of the analysis, to reflect its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of application during theoretical and practical classes, during the preparation of course and diploma projects, at the stage of final certification. At the final stage, the heads of departments were compiling an algorithm of actions for the successful implementation of innovative educational technology in the educational process and presenting the results of the work for joint assessment and discussion.
For example, the participants of the group that analyzed inverted learning suggested to organize training of teachers to use the new technology, assess the level of readiness of students to learn it, select the appropriate educational material, organize diagnostics of students' knowledge, get their reflexive response to the technology used in the educational process.
The full results of the seminar will be published in the electronic scientific and methodological journal “University of Educational Innovations.”

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