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Teachers, graduates and students of the Pedagogical Faculty of the Yanka Kupala State University took part online in the round table "Digital tools of the teacher" at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)

Students of Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazan Federal University shared their experience of using digital tools.

During the event, the participants asked questions, were interested in individual moments of the speeches and were able to enrich their knowledge in the field of digital teaching tools.

Students of the Faculty of History and Tourism took part in the V International distance competition of scientific papers "Sustainable Tourism Development" and took third place in the direction of "Video"

3rd year students of the specialty "Tourism and Hospitality" Victoria Bril, Dinara Mazlumyan and Anastasia Gelezha took part in the competition and presented possibilities of developing and applying audio guides in the tourist and excursion practice of the Republic of Belarus. According to the results of the competition, our students won the 3rd place in the direction of "Video".

The organizers of the competition were the Institute of Digital Economy Research and the Department of Marketing of the Karaganda Buketov University (Kazakhstan). 20 teams from Kazakhstan and CIS countries took part in the competition.

To participate in the competition, teams had to prepare an essay for the first round, as well as shoot a video on the proposed directions within the framework of the second round. The participants were particularly interested in the topics "Features of sustainable rural tourism development: the impact of the community", "Sustainable development and preservation of UNESCO World Heritage Sites", "Green solutions for modern accommodation facilities".

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno teachers, students and graduate students, took a part in the work of the international round table "Digital tools of the teacher"

Teachers, undergraduates and students of the Pedagogical Faculty of the Yanka Kupala State University took part online in the round table "Digital tools of the teacher" at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan).

Students of Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazan Federal University shared their experience of using digital tools.

During the event, the participants asked questions, were interested in individual moments of the speeches and were able to enrich their knowledge in the field of digital teaching tools.

Dean of the Faculty of Law visited Tashkent State Law University

During the visit, Svetana Cheburanova held a number of meetings with students and staff of the Tashkent State Law University, with which Yanka Kupala State University has close cooperation relations on the implementation of joint educational programs in the specialty "International Law".

A meeting was held with the Vice–rector for International Cooperation and Continuing Education Dilshodjon Umarov, issues of further development of cooperation between the two universities in various areas - academic mobility of teachers and students, participation in the "Visiting Professor" program, joint scientific events were discussed. An agreement was reached on the academic mobility of students and the internship of the teaching staff in the spring semester of the current academic year.

At the meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of International Law and Comparative Law Dildora Umarkhanova, the issues of organizing the educational process for joint educational programs, coordinating new curricula, and conducting active career guidance were in the focus of attention.

Svetana Cheburanova also met with students of the 1st year of the joint educational program, familiarized students in more detail with the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and the Faculty of Law, the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process, internships, writing term papers.

A meeting with the director of the Managing Committee of the Charitable Foundation for the Support of Education and Development of Talented Students took place at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Director of the Managing Committee of the Charitable Foundation for the Support of Education and Development of Talented Students Tien Di met with the Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka.

This is not the first visit of Mr. Tian Di to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The cooperation agreement with the Charitable Foundation for the Support of Education and Development of Talented Students was signed on February 3, 2020. At the moment, the university cooperates with the foundation in a number of areas – teaching the Russian language, training in educational programs of higher education, humanitarian exchange events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the PRC.

During the meeting, the participants discussed the existing results of cooperation, primarily within the framework of the implementation of master's degree programs, outlined new prospects and areas of joint work. Mr. Tian Di noted the high level of quality of education provided by the university, stressed that he personally was able to see this during his master's degree at the Yanka Kupala Estate State University. The Partner thanked Iryna Kiturka for the active participation of representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in humanitarian exchange events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China.

The Charitable Foundation for the Support of Education and Development of Talented Students is a public organization that was founded and approved by the Beijing Civil Administration Administration, is an organization for the implementation of projects of the Xu Teli Educational Foundation, owned by the Chinese Foundation for the Education of the Future Generation, under the administration of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. The Foundation, in cooperation with the Government, contributes to the scientific development of public education.

Under the leadership of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, the Foundation provides educational training, education support for those in need, exchanges in the field of culture and art.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has successfully passed international accreditation!

By the decision of the Accreditation Council of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating IAAR dated January 27, 2023, Yanka Kupala State University received international institutional accreditation for a period of 5 years and international program accreditation for 16 educational programs!

In December 2022, External expert Commissions of the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency IAAR assessed the quality of the university's educational activities for compliance with international standards and criteria. The agency's experts conducted interviews with the management, teachers and students, employers and graduates, studied the structure of the university and the organization of the educational process. Staff of the university successfully coped and received a positive conclusion on the compliance of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno with the requirements of international quality standards. Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has passed the international institutional accreditation for 5 years.

International program accreditation was obtained by Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for 7 years in the following bachelor's degree programs: "Practical Psychology" ("Socio-pedagogical and psychological education"), "Biology (in areas)" ("Biology"), "Physics (in areas)" ("Physics"), "Jurisprudence", and also according to the master's degree program "Biochemistry".

International program accreditation was obtained by Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno for 5 years in the bachelor's degree programs "Fine Arts and Computer Graphics" ("Art Education"), "Economics and Management at the Enterprise" ("Economics and Management"), "Information Technology Software" ("Software Engineering"), "Transport Logistics(Software directions)" ("Transport logistics"), as well as in the educational programs of the master's degree "Musical Art", "Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing" (by fields and levels of education)("Primary education"), "Economics", "Applied Physics", "Construction of buildings and Structures" ("Construction"), "Transport", "Jurisprudence".

Within the framework of international accreditation, the team conducted a thorough analysis of the university's activities and prepared a self-report in accordance with international standards for the quality of education. The qualification level of the teaching staff, the introduction of international educational practices and the well-coordinated work of the team, the success of graduates and strong business partnerships of the university have become the foundation of success.

Obtaining a certificate of international accreditation confirms the guarantees of high quality of education and services, their compliance with international requirements, increases the academic attractiveness of the university and the level of confidence on the part of the main stakeholders in the effectiveness and efficiency of the educational programs implemented.

The Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno hosted the presentation of certificates to participants of the Summer School of the Russian Language-2022

For two weeks, foreign guests from Germany, Italy, Venezuela and Slovenia studied Russian. On Friday, August 12, a solemn ceremony of awarding certificates took place.

The moderator of the event was Irina Kraskovskaya, senior lecturer of the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Education.

Before handing certificates to the participants, the organizers prepared an interactive program, thanks to which they summed up the results of the Summer School of the Russian Language-2022.

After summing up the results, the participants were awarded personal certificates of the Summer School of the Russian Language.

The Summer School of the Russian Language at the Yanka Kupala State University was organized for the eighth time. In the period from August 1 to 12, 2022, foreigners studied Russian, which was taught to them by Natalia Muzychenko, associate professor of the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Education and Inna Samoilova, head of the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Education.

In addition, they were offered a rich cultural program, which helped them to fully immerse themselves in the language environment.

The organizer of the courses was the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-university Education of the Faculty of Pre-university Training.

An international evening where each participant of the Summer School was able to present himself, the country and knowledge of the Russian language was held at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno on August 8

Germany, Italy, Venezuela, Slovenia are the countries represented at the thematic event by the Summer School students.

The summer school of the Russian language is essentially unique. The international evening is a kind of culmination of an educational project. The listeners have been preparing for this evening for a week. The lottery helped to determine the country for the presentation. It is very interesting when the participants of the Summer School talk not about their country, but about each other's homeland.

– The international evening really unites the participants of the educational project and its organizers. Respect for national peculiarities and traditions is one of the principles of successful intercultural communication, – said Irina Kraskovskaya, senior lecturer at the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Training.

The international evening, in addition to the presentation of countries, became a real gastronomic journey for the participants. They managed to taste various national dishes and feel the atmosphere of the country to which the dish belongs.

In the last week of training at the Summer School of the Russian Language, participants will have a rich program. They will go on an excursion to the Karat Mineral Museum, attend a master class on making Belarusian souvenirs and get acquainted with Belarusian cinema.

Foreign guests will study Russian at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno until August 13.

Summer holidays and active classes: students of the Summer School of the Russian Language continue their studies with immersion in the language environment

In order to fully immerse themselves in the language environment, a diverse excursion program is conducted for foreign students to the picturesque historical places and enterprises of Grodno.

By increasing internal motivation to learn the Russian language and creating psychological comfort for Summer School students, the organizers in real conditions show and comment on pragmatic socio-cultural situations, introduce Belarusian national traditions, peculiarities of mentality and establish a dialogue of cultures.

Summer School of Russian Language Coordinator Irina Kraskovskaya, senior lecturer of the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Education, said that daily classes for those who came to Kupala University to study Russian are held using modern innovative learning technologies involving interactive, role-playing, business games, discussions on topics of intercultural communication, as well as mandatory in order – study tours. Thus, classes are aimed at the development of mental activity, creative activity, the formation of combinatorial speech skills and abilities.

As part of the educational program, foreign students visited the exhibition halls of the Belarusbank ASB Museum. In addition, in order to immerse themselves in the language environment, a master class was held on cooking Belarusian cuisine, making Belarusian souvenirs.

Summer School of Russian Language at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is a great opportunity not only to learn the Russian language, but also to get involved in the history and culture of Belarus. Excursions, master classes, classes are filled with a warm atmosphere and are very informative," said Francisco Ruiz, a student of the Summer School of the Russian Language.

Russian Russian, business Russian and linguistics studies are in the program of the students of the Summer School. Also, students will have a fascinating historical quest in Grodno, where they will be able to learn interesting facts about the city and an international evening where each participant of the Summer School will be able to present himself, his country and knowledge of the Russian language.

The educational project will last until August 13. Upon completion of the training, students of the Summer School will receive certificates.

The Yanka Kupala State University has launched a Summer School of the Russian Language-2022

In order to fully immerse themselves in the language environment, a diverse excursion program is conducted for foreign students to the picturesque historical places and enterprises of the city of Grodno.

By increasing internal motivation to learn the Russian language and creating psychological comfort for Summer School students, the organizers in real conditions show and comment on pragmatic socio-cultural situations, introduce Belarusian national traditions, peculiarities of mentality and establish a dialogue of cultures.

Summer School of Russian Language Coordinator Irina Kraskovskaya, senior lecturer of the Department of Modern Technologies of Pre-University Education, said that daily classes for those who came to Kupala University to study Russian are held using modern innovative learning technologies involving interactive, role-playing, business games, discussions on topics of intercultural communication, as well as mandatory in order – study tours. Thus, classes are aimed at the development of mental activity, creative activity, the formation of combinatorial speech skills and abilities.

As part of the educational program, foreign students visited the exhibition halls of the Belarusbank ASB Museum. In addition, in order to immerse themselves in the language environment, a master class was held on cooking Belarusian cuisine, making Belarusian souvenirs.

Summer School of Russian Language at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is a great opportunity not only to learn the Russian language, but also to get involved in the history and culture of Belarus. Excursions, master classes, classes are filled with a warm atmosphere and are very informative," said Francisco Ruiz, a student of the Summer School of the Russian Language.

The program of the Summer School students includes classroom study of the Russian language, business Russian and linguistic and regional studies. Also, students will have an exciting historical quest around Grodno, where they will be able to learn interesting facts about the city and an international evening where each participant of the Summer School will be able to introduce himself, his country and knowledge of the Russian language.

The educational project will last until August 13. At the end of the course, students of the Summer School will receive certificates.

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